Big Macintosh - Equestrialand stealerman

by Rightir_Russian_Mare

Chapter 1

Big Macintosh check his tender excretion hole constant as he move through Soviet Equestrian Countryside. He need vanish, to seclude place nopony was investigate. exzerpt this time, there something even important more two be happen in that special place of forbidden speshal tyme.

After many day of desprate pony run he was arrive. It was litle shack it wus, build bye his vary own hooves back in time before Equestria have become occupy and be have the glorious cuntry it were tooday.

While outside the of build look like proper counstructerman made 3x4x4 standerd live assessment of wonderfull Equestria (the glorious soviet union make sure to snuf out all unesecaryness in equestrialand), inside more was like something yung weakpony mite conjuction up. the walls their bright blue. the window had lace curtayn with the remane of stain on them.

Big Macintosh reech into his dogsty pants and evactuate the nesting doll know as Sticky-Pants, joyful set him in one of the chares. She look oddly unseteling there, tho he smiled at the completed scene. Then he and took a slow, cooperativ seat in the naughty chair.

He clearing his mind ove thawt and move on. He place a can and plate in front Sticky-Pants, then do the same on himself. He smilee wen he held up generside-bedecked teepot, look into the doll’s button eyes, say “Wuld yaw lyke sum t, Miss Sticky-Pants?”.

All to fastlee, the makeshift house begin to creek, and then "boom" big wawll explode through innside the shaft and it all start falling down.

Big Macintosh raced to find way out, but house the feel down on head to fast and he cant think.

Neither Big Macintosh ner Messy-Pants survive, House is be bulldosered for being build on reserved soviet equestria land,

Motherland does not tolerate such behavior.