//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The Grand Equestrian Chess Championship // Story: Agent Con Mane in Mission to the Griffon Kingdom (to be rewritten) // by Fairytail //------------------------------// The Grand Equestrian Chess Championship finals were nearing its end as few pieces remained on the board with still no clear advantage from one side or the other. The nouveau riche watched from the gallery with bated anticipation, pretending to know that for the past few hours that they were connoisseurs of chess that had the authority to ooh and awe at every move. Bishop Rook’s time clock ticked away as he measured the board with petty disinterest. His opponent was sweating. Rook’s knight took his opponent’s rook and the large holomagic display changed to reflect the new positioning. The gallery awed and whispered over the rather standard move as part of their charade of interest. Rook saw the spark of advantage in his opponent’s fat eye. He snickered a wicked ‘I got you’ at Rook’s gaunt, blue face. Queen to rook two. Another whisper from the crowd. The ponies who actually knew something about chess were beginning to see it. The pony on the other side of the chess board sweated with regret. Bishop Rook kept his beady black eyes locked onto the sweating pig. He didn't need to glance at the board. Queen to king four. This time the crowd’s response was genuine. Rook’s opponent desperately scanned the board for any sliver of hope. His fat, pig face boiled and swelled with sweat. He poured over every remaining piece and every square but the inevitable soon took hold. The ivory king toppled over and the crowd fell silent.. after a moment, the gallery stamped their hooves in applause. Bishop Rook, now crowned as Equestria’s newest chess champion and in record time, politely shook the hoof of his opponent who humbly congratulated the victor on a brilliant game. The ponies of the gallery crowded onto the main floor hoping to get a word in with Canterlot’s latest celebrity and invite him to some charity auction or art opening or whatever. But Bishop Rook had a more pressing engagement to worry about. He coldly vacated the chess hall and ventured into the dark alleyways of Canterlot. The Griffon woman stood in silence as the stallion sitting behind the desk in front of her played with the small creature in his hooves. The creature’s tiny, yellow, spherical body looked squishy and light. It’s large blue eyes sparkled like diamonds and when they looked into the Griffon’s eye’s, she was overcome with the urge to steal it and keep it forever. She fastened her eagle claws into the carpeting to discipline herself. The tiny creature danced across the stallion’s hoof and cooed playfully. “Parasprites.” The stallion mused. “Such fascinating creatures.” His voice was smooth and melodic. “They worm their way into the hearts of others with their adorable looks. There they sit unexpectedly. Slowly building up their energy within until they have stored enough to multiply.” The yellow Parasprite heaved a few times and then regurgitated a dripping mass of purple hair and sick. The sickening blob coalesced into a more solid form. A new Parasprite then nuzzled affectionately against its ‘parent’. “But their host doesn't care. What’s just one more? But then it continues. It continues until the host can do nothing but watch as his world is drowned in misery and chaos.” Both of the Parasprites fluttered onto the desk. Now they were both heaving. Within seconds two more Parasprites would be born. A pair of large hooves slammed down on the adorable critters. Their delicate bodies were squished into yellow and purple jelly that splattered across the polished wood. “That is how DISCORD operates. We fill the hearts of others with chaos and disharmony. And it all grows from just the smallest fragment.” The Griffon watched the uncomfortable display with a patient stillness. “I find the parallel… Amusing.” She said, trying to sound respectful. A handkerchief pulled out of the stallion’s breast pocket wiped away the mess. “Our organization did not arrange for you to come over from the Griffon Kingdom just for amusement, my dear ‘Element of Kindness’. The Griffon, ‘Kindness’, smiled apologetically. She couldn't tell if her new boss was angry with her. She could never tell. Always so deadly calm and calculatingly pleasant. An impossible pony to read. Still, ‘Kindness’ was comfortable with her boundaries. DISCORD was not at all too dissimilar from her homeland, she quickly realized. And far more rewarding. DISCORD. Degenerates Interested in Spreading Chaos, Oppression, Ruin and Disharmony. When the organization’s representatives came to her with the offer of defection, she took it without second thought. It offered her far more than her old kingdom ever could. Unimaginable wealth and power. The freedom to do as she pleased. And all she had to do was to obey the wishes of an intimidating commander. Yes, not too dissimilar at all. The door opened and another pony walked in. There were far too many ponies within the organization for ‘Kindness’s’ taste. Still the rewards of her work far outweighed the humiliation of having to work and take orders from them. This pony, a Pegasus, had the color of a spoiled blueberry. He was proper skinny and his face was so just as thin. A pointed jaw and sunken cheekbones gave him a very triangular muzzle. His purple mane was both graying and receding despite his youth. An ebony rook chess piece adorned his flank. ‘Kindness’ glared at the ugly pony with disdain. “Come on in, Bishop Rook.” The stallion in charge ordered politely, “Sit down, ‘Kindness’, while we listen to what plan our ‘Element of Honesty’ has for us.” Rook bowed in gratitude as ‘Kindness’ pulled out one of the two simple but comfortable chairs to sit in. “I hope Bishop’s efforts as director of planning continues to be just as successful as his chess.” ‘Kindness’s’ cynicism was not lost on Rook. Her Griffyk accent did not hide her disdain. He noticed her claws playfully tap the edge of her chair as she sat. Rook sat in his chair hopefully out of the range of her claws. “They will be.” Rook answered back, “According to your instructions I have planned for DISCORD to steal from the Griffons their most sacred artifact: The legendary Griffon’s Grimoire. For this we need the services of one of the ponies currently living within the Griffon Nests and the help from Equestria’s secret services. Of course neither Equestria nor the Griffons will be aware that they are now working for DISCORD.” Rook pulled out a small wooden pipe and puffed it loudly. ‘Kindness’ felt the urge to preen her wings. “‘Kindness’,” said the stallion in charge, “are you prepared to carry out Bishop’s directives?” ‘Kindness’ sat straight and poised. She puffed out her feathery chest and stared straight ahead-- a Griffon display of pride. “Yes, ‘Magic’! The operation will be carried out according to Bishop’s plan. I have already selected a suitable mare who works within the Griffon Archives in the Griffon Nests where the Grimoire is located. She is capable, cooperative and her loyalty to her Griffon masters is without question.” Rook rolled his beady eyes at the droll officialism of her speech. He found her accent particularly jarring. The pony known as ‘Magic’ silently studied his Griffon subordinate. Even after leaving the Griffon Kingdom she continued to act like one. Her beak was smooth, polished and razor sharp. She kept every single one of her feathers expertly preened. Her crest feathers were kept short and her tail fur was worn short as well. “And are you absolutely sure she still believes you’re the commander of the Griffon Kingdom’s military operations?” “It is most unlikely that she knows I am now working for DISCORD. The King has kept my defection secret to all but a few members of the aerie.” “For your sake, I hope so.” ‘Magic’ turned towards Rook. His skull like face was turn to the side and he puffed as his pipe without concern. He hung a foreleg over the back of his chair and was studying the blank wall like a piece of art. “Bishop!” ‘Magic’ called out. He didn't raise his voice but spoke sharply. Rook turned back to face ‘Magic’ with sudden interest. “You’re sure sure this plan is foolproof.” Rook smiled with a disgusting cockiness. He twirled his pipe with his tongue and his sunken cheeks stretched like rubber. “Yes,” he remarked like an annoyed child being pestered by his parent, “Because I have anticipated every possible variation of counter move.” His condescending smile made the salmon in ‘Kindness’s’ stomach lurch. Rook caught her glaring eye and tutted. He ignored her icy stares and focused his attention on the stone expression of ‘Magic’. ‘Magic’ continued his questioning. “And what makes you think that MARE, the head of Equestrian Intelligence, will so easily fall into your plan?” Rook leaned back and laughed at the audacity of the question. “For the simple reason that this is so obviously a trap.” He looked around and realized his comrades didn't share his amusement. He would have to spell it out to them in simpler terms. “My reading of the Equestrian mentality is that they always see a trap as a challenge. In any chance there is no possible way they would pass up a chance on getting their hooves on the Griffon’s Grimoire! They have wanted it for centuries.” ‘Magic’ tapped his hooves together and tightened his eyebrows. Rook could see the gears of realization turning in his boss’ brain. “While that could be true…” ‘Magic’ pondered aloud. “...What else?” “There is a chance that DISCORD could get a chance for revenge for the killing of our ‘Element of Generosity’, Doctor Ironhoof, because the pony that Equestria will most likely send on this mission would be their agent, Con Mane.” Bishop Rook smiled in anticipation. This was the checkmate he was looking for. He could already imagine ‘Magic’s’ face lighting up at the utter brilliance of it all. But ‘Magic’s’ face darkened into a sour scowl. His veins bulged with a red hot rage. Rook leaned back in his chair. Never before had he seen ‘Magic’ so twisted in rage. Even ‘Kindness’ was disturbed by the sudden transformation. She wilted and hung her head low. “Let his death be a particularly unpleasant and humiliating one!” He growled. His teeth clenched tightly and pressed his hooves hard against the desk. Both ‘Kindness’ and her partner understood their cue and stood up. “Good.” Rook said as naturally as he could, “I will put my plan into operation straight away. And there will be no failure.” And with that, the meeting between three of DISCORD’s top executives came to an end. ‘Kindness’ slipped into her now defunct military uniform and took to the skies towards the Griffon Kingdom while Bishop ‘Honesty’ Rook went home to enjoy a pleasant evening after a long day. ‘Magic’ sat alone in his office, lost in his own bitter thoughts. Thoughts that centered around a tan Unicorn with a jelly donut Cutie Mark.