Pride of the Pantheon

by PurplePolymath

IV: Remembered in Rhyme, Ruined in Ruins

The girls had finally passed into Saddle-Rabia, they couldn’t make out much without a telescope, which Twilight had thoughtfully brought along, and she happily handed the device over to Daring Do. It had been carried along in case Luna intended to leave a message among the stars.

Stargazing, it always calmed her nerves despite any crisis, but the telescope was of no use to the librarian in her current state. She and Rainbow Dash had been gazing toward a single star all morning, noon, and into the approaching eve. The sun was setting over the sandy horizon, the desert stretched for miles and miles, mocking the ocean itself.

The balloon was lowered slowly as they approached a town coming into view, this was the second town they’d come across. Unlike the first town, this one held a glorious palace, with its giant golden towers, lush, exotic plant life lining the corridors and beautiful oval fountains flowing from the elegant equine statues; immortalized, posed in the Ardha sword and dance positions. Unlike the palace and its glory, the town and its ponies were a bit more difficult to see in the swaying sand.

Though they seemed friendly enough, the ones they could make out. Some were waving and smiling, others simply in awe at the sight above them. They made a bit of a spectacle as they went by, it couldn’t be helped, everypony above returned the same gestures of waving a hoof, not expecting such a warm welcome.

And as Rarity pointed out, it seemed that most every local dressed in robes and vests just as some housed turbans as well; one would assume for the heat. And some others, as she referred to as “gaudy” jewelry. Still, she sighed as she looked at their clothing’s material, she knew she wouldn’t have time to acquire any considering their reason for venturing thus far.

During her fashion inspection, a shimmer in the sunlight caught her eye, she zipped to Daring’s side; lightly taping her shoulder with a hoof to get her attention. “May I borrow that for a quick second, pretty please” she said, batting her pleading lashes.

The excavator only furrowed a brow, a bit taken by the sudden advance, but she complied and gave Rarity the device hoping she would be as quick as she claimed. The unicorn rushed back to other side and caught sight of the precious ruby that caught her eye, it was, ‘Divine, dazzling, I MUST HAVE IT!’ she thought to herself. She was actually contemplating how long the drop it would be.

But her previous display in the palace brought her back to her senses, she was here for Twilight and so she would remain. With a sigh, she returned the telescope, receiving stares and concern as she’d just with through so many motions and expressions in a matter of minutes. She sat down, and began sulking, almost pouting at the loss, she knew previous promises and priorities came first.

“You alright sugarcube?” asked the farmer, the question her friends wondered as all eyes fell on her. There was a slight pause in her sentence as she stood. “No need to worry darling… I’m perfectly fine.” She smiled and set her eyes toward the setting sun. There would be plenty of gems and emeralds alike, but only one pair of companions like these, they outweighed any silly stones.

Pinkie wrapped her hooves around Rarity and embraced her with a smile of her very own; she was always her happiest when her friends were. Fluttershy, still refusing to move from her spot, crouched within the basket, flashed a smile herself. Unfortunately she was missing the cool breeze that had been blowing ever since they came into town, the same wind that raced through their fastest flyer‘s ajar wings, and she loved every second of it.

Daring returned the pleasant gestures the ponies have given them as they were finally flying away from the town, her mind had been a bit preoccupied, having her sights set on further matters. Their objective was to reach the ruins before night fell. They’d all had their rest and refreshments earlier…well… most of them. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and she never did shut their eyes.

The two kept asking so many questions, and she was just as excited and nervous as they were, for a different reason, but still excited nonetheless. The adventurer kept her spirits high, it’s what she lived for after all and the other two were just pleased to have her about, which in turn gave her even more vigor. Daring had never personally been praised for her exploits before.

She looked over the horizon once more, the town itself almost completely out of view. Daring suggested the two finally get some rest and refreshments of their own before they reached their destination.

Fatigue finally registered as the pegasi reminded them they’d been up since morning, noon, and after without rest. The two friends exchanged yawns and slowly fell against the other, soon enough succumbing to sleep, and avoiding the breeze of sand as Fluttershy had done the entire trip. The shy mare only managed to glance down twice, curiosity had gotten the better of her from time to time.

Unfortunately the two mares didn’t have much time to rest as the ruins came into view, along with the aged stone pillars and platforms that decorated the exterior of the ruin itself. The sun was at its final hour as they land, the two recently who’d enjoyed their catnap still a bit groggy as they were the last two to exit the basket.

Daring took the thick rope she received from Applejack and secured the balloon as it were. The girls seemed to be having quite a bit of good luck that day, so it seemed as the pathway leading to the depths of the ruin were already available. It was as if somepony had already been here, perhaps even inside still.
“Well that’s a bit strange,” Daring said aloud, as she brushed the ruin’s steps with a hoof. “This is a little too easy, usually there’s a password, some sort of pattern to reveal the path.” Daring pondered this for a bit, keeping her hoof stretched at the entrance to let the girls know it wasn’t entirely safe to enter yet.

However she didn’t have too much time to ponder as a sudden storm approached, it was quick and fierce. And in all honesty, it appeared rather too suddenly. But there was no time to think, she signaled everypony inside, having them at least venture onward till they were safe from the storm.

Daring was the last to enter, and also the one to see the balloon fly off withouts them. A rope of that caliber snapping made her question just how strong the storm was, that or if someone had simply cut the rope long before.

How could they, so quickly? She thought to herself.

“We have a problem, we just lost our ride. The storm blew the balloon away.” There were collective gasp all around. “But we just saw ya tie it down tighter than two ponies during a three-legged race!” Applejack proclaimed, as she held on to her dear hat as the sands twist and pollute the raging wings outside. The storm seemed to be trying to wage its way down with them, sending manes and sand swaying within the ruin. Twilight quickly stepped in front of the entrance and cast a translucent shield in front of the entrance to prevent the storm from progressing any further, and suddenly… the sandstorm ceased.

It was clear that someone didn’t want them to enter unharmed, and since they had, their only option left was to make sure they never escape. “That sandstorm seemed quite… selective for a coincidence, some sort of spell no doubt.” Rarity accused aloud, growing in concern that such a powerful spell was cast by a creature after their hides. Daring Do motioned a hoof to silence the group. She began eying their surroundings, waiting for any unnatural sound or vibration.

Nothing came to her ears, other than the sound of Fluttershy shielding herself behind Rainbow Dash, who already had wings in upstart position and ready to oppose any threat that dare try to strike them. Pinkie had frozen completely still as Daring signaled their silence. She even kept her sandstorm face, with mane and tail blown backward, it really was a wonder no one questioned such things. Twilight would have, but she’d finally learned her lesson the last dozen times when it came to questioning the queer mare she called her friend.

The silence was finally broken as the explorer answered the previous question. “I doubt it was a spell, desert storms are like that. However, that rope was cut, someone doesn’t want us here.”

Daring dust herself off, removing a bit of the sand the storm had left upon her clothing, and patting the remainder from her hat the same as Applejack did.

“Who would in their right mind would do such a thing!?” shouted Twilight. She stamped a hoof in her frustration, anxiety growing and showing on her face, she couldn’t think of any good reason for anypony to wish her mentor remain in such a state.

The farmer put a sympathetic hoof over her friend’s shoulder. “Now don’t you fret Twilight, we’ll worry about that when the time comes. The quicker we fetch this cure, the better,” the farmer smiled as she gently pulled her toward the path ahead.

“She's right, let’s get what we came here for,” said Daring as she took the lead and ventured along the narrow path. The others followed behind, keeping cautious as they made their way down the unknown halls. The architecture itself was mostly composed of stone, there were nothing but markings all about the walls. Marking that only looked familiar to Twilight and Daring, the librarian had done a bit of studying on archaic languages and hieroglyphics, and the other herself was simply a natural at deciphering such things after so many explorations, it was part of her character after all.

The floors held a hexagon pattern, each pony stepping lively as they didn’t want to trigger any traps and have the walls close in, or a cliché of spikes to skew them. They’d only just started after all, and time was of the essence.

The ponies passed rusty clay pots and fastened spears, all part of the décor, the chipped corners and loose equines statues displayed in all their glory complemented the authenticity all too well.

The walls were lined with cob webs, luckily none were their size. But there was an abundance of dust, Celestia, how Rarity loathed all the dust and dirt. She’d spent a short spell already trying to brush off what the storm had left on her pearly white coat and conditioned mane.

Despite knowledge, Pinkie had been the one to point out the paintings along the walls. Poking and prodding them with her hooves and eyes, she giggled with her bit of curiosity. “Wow, I wonder who left these crazy paintings all over the wall?” said the party pony, still pestering the illustrations.

“Umm… Pinkie, I don’t think you should mess with those. I’m sure they were left here for a reason,” Fluttershy reasoned with her friend. She was honestly more afraid Pinkie would trigger something she shouldn’t, and she’d read her far share of Daring Do. She had skimmed enough to know there was danger at every turn before she slammed the book shut.

Pinkie ceased her prodding, she didn’t have any notions of a curious cat or consequences, and she could just see she was making her friend uncomfortable. And if there was anything she felt she understood it was her friends and their tendencies. The two soon caught up with the others, they’d manage to trail a bit behind, not as far as Rainbow Dash of course.

She had assumed her position to watch from the rear, but as her eyes wandered she realized how similar these ruins were to an actual Daring Do, book number twelve to be exact, Quest for the Emerald Eye.

The pegasi had nearly forgotten of the recent sabotage, she was so thrilled to be here with her hero. Twilight would have been the same if it weren’t for her trying to cope with someone intent on seeing her teacher killed. And the rainbow mare soon remembered the situation at hoof and she shook her head, snapping back to her senses. Narrowing her eyes to her narrow surrounds, no one was getting past this pony’s watch. She gently flapped her wings as she made her way down the hall, catching up with the others.

After everypony arrived in the first room, Twilight pulled the map from her saddlebag, she kept the map magically afloat for all to see. But the map only showed one path, oddly enough, they were met with two doors. Meaning the map wouldn’t be of much use, unless they choose correctly. As Daring proceeded further she came across two switches, and along with a warning above them. She read it aloud.

“Pull either lever, both will lead to pain, one for you and the other for us. Each opens a path, they will lead you to the end soon, as one brings about quick death and the other certain doom. There will be five tests following this one, I feel it’s better to tell here than to show. You weren’t clever to come, but you’d be clever to go.”

“Well, that’s encouraging,” said the fashionista, obvious sarcasm secreting from her tone as she furrowed a brow at the mention of death and doom. “Maybe there’s another way?” Twilight questioned, almost in a plea. She didn’t want anypony harmed, and from what she’d just heard, that was the only thing that would happen if any lever or switch in that room were pulled.

And as nopony had an answer, everyone began prodding the floors, walls, and corners for clues of another route. Everypony except Daring Do of course, she knew full well that warnings weren’t written and kept unless they were necessary. She knew one was the way out, despite what she’d just read, that’s how it always was. Sadly, there was little to decipher, one switch a light hue and the other much darker.

After the others had finally given up, they all turned to Daring, noticing she hadn’t moved. “What do you think?” asked Rainbow Dash, as she flew to Daring’s side. She’d been having a staring contest with the two switches, apparently the one of a darker shade had been putting up the best challenge as her eyes locked with it once more.

“My gut tells me it’s this one,” said the navigator, as she pointed a hoof to her opponent.

“Are you certain!?” Rarity asked their guide, as she wasn’t sure of the other’s certainty. As far as she could tell there was nothing to base her guess upon, no clues or helpful captions.

Rainbow Dash flew to Rarity’s side, playfully nudging her side with a hoof. “Don’t worry about it Rarity, Good ol’ Daring here would never get us into danger she couldn’t handle.” Rarity rolled her eyes at the remark, before giving a sigh in defeat. “I honestly hope your faith isn’t misplaced Rainbow Dash,” she said as her worried eyes fell upon their guide.

“Couldn’t we just pull both!?” Twilight asked in as her aura wrapped around both levers in her building fright.

“Now calm down Twi, ya’ll aren’t thinking straight. None of these here levers sound too friendly, so you and I both know pulling one is better than both. It’s best if we just sit back and let Daring do her thing, she’s the expert after all,” Applejack put a hoof over her friend’s shoulder, she had been slightly shaking since the storm lead them in, the same as her confidence.

Twilight took a few deep breaths, she knew Applejack was making sense, it was simple logic. So simple that she almost couldn’t see between her concern and confusion. Her horn’s glow faded as she finally caught her breath. “Thanks Applejack.” The unicorn smiled.

In all the fuss, Fluttershy found her voice, still somewhat quiet of course. Her eyes had finally stopped shifting and she’d finally stopped shivering, she swallowed hard before she spoke.

“I… I definitely believe in Daring Do, I kn-know she won’t let us down.”

She fluttered to Daring’s side, both now sitting between the levers and exits through of the doors.

This was how she gave her support to her who needed it more than ever, she was honestly terrified on the inside, convinced that either lever would be utterly horrible. And still stayed her ground, she gave Daring a nod with a face of confidence, one she wasn’t even sure was just for Twilight’s sake.

Unknown to the two unicorns and the lot, there was a rule to ruins, it was the very reason Daring was so confident.

Everypony prepared as she put her hoof to the left lever. It was nerve racking to watch as the adventurer took her final deep breath and returned Fluttershy’s gesture.

The lever was pulled… and to everypony’s surprise, nothing moved, a thick silence filled the room. It was too quiet, truly unsettling as eyes shift in search for any sign of /doom/ fit to befall them. A was calm, until a violent fit of shaking stirred the room, shattering the silence.

“Twitcha-twitch, twitcha-twitch.”

Pinkie and her senses had been set off, her tail couldn’t sit still. And neither could the room they all reside in, as it also became to shake. The door on the left slowly began to open as the violent shaking only got worse.

The door slowly rose, accordingly too slow to Twilight as she quickly cast her will upon the lever and pulled it from the across the room. All eyes shift to the librarian as she acted so hastily, however the door to the right didn't seem to be the same as the one on her left. It opened far faster than its counterpart. Twilight also seemed to be the only one who didn’t realized the magnitude of the shaking almost instantly increased after she took action.

“Everyone, toward the door!” shouted Twilight as she ran toward the only door that seemed to being opening on time. The two pegasi were already afloat the moment the earth shook. Unfortunately not everyone knew which door she meant as the other was almost open, it was only until she made a break toward the right exit did anypony move.

Fluttershy flew toward her friend, the rest had yet to act, and in the midst of the crumbling scene Rainbow Dash waited for the others; she had no intention of leaving them behind, even as the dust and stones fell, even as the roof shook.

Pinkie wasn’t able to move at the moment, seeing as she hadn’t stopped twitching, and Rarity could only look on in horror as the situation before her took hold. Applejack held on to her dear hat, as the dust pouring from the ceiling was covering more and more, splashing in her vision.

Fluttershy and Twilight were almost to the door, both in a state of distress.

The farmer was preparing to dart toward the sound of her friend’s voice… that was until another voice shot through her ears.

“Stop, both of you stay away from the entrance!”

Daring shouting as she darted toward the two, luckily the Pegasus had come to a halt, but Twilight had her eyes ajar as she charged toward the exit, shielding herself from the sand pouring from above. And at that moment it seemed her ears were blocked the same.


The unicorn finally opened her eyes as she about to breach the exit. Her eyes seemed to grow three times their normal size as she saw a boulder ten measures the size of her eyes, intent on meeting her at the foot of the door.

Her friends all called her named in unison as they had only just seen the immense, incoming danger. Twilight shut her eyes as all sense had left her, even if her legs stopped now it would be far too late, she’d also lost the time necessary to cast the teleport spell and knew at this point she’d end up smeared against the surface.

The book pony clenched her teeth, as she braced for impact, one she was destined to meet.

Twilight immediately felt her entire body recoil, the sensation of whiplash and the loud crash that came with the collision. A collection of gasps resounded as the boulder met the wall exterior and Twilight felt herself atop something other than the floor, onto what felt like a… feathery cushion?

If she’d kept her eyes open she may have just seen the boulder run by, barely a few inches away. Twilight cautiously opened her eyes, blinking to be sure she was seeing the truth. She saw the trail the trap had left, and measured her distance, knowing full well she didn’t dodge it on her own.

The librarian’s eyes then fell to backside, it was then she understood how she bargained her escape. The cushion underneath her was in fact the explorer herself.

Twilight’s savior smiled to her, even in her current pain, she’d sprained her wing.

The shaking however never ceased, if anything the boulder’s collision with structure only make it worse. And Pinkie’s tail had yet to stop twitching, even so she and the others made their way to aid the two. All except for Applejack, she herself had been uncomfortably close to the being on the receiving end of that rock as well.

What truly bothered her was how close she’d just come to the loss of one of her best friends, she looked at the boulder in horror, the one now impaled within the walls of the room, envisioning the sight that could have been. “S-something’s a-about toOoO fall,” said the twitching mare.

“I’ll bet the sapphire stone, it’s the ceiling.” Daring winced, doing her best to stand after Twilight rolled off and stood to her feet.

“Come on, we’ve got to leave, now!” Their guide gave the order and the girls helped the guide to her hooves.

And just as her senses foretold, something did indeed fall. The bet had been won, and sections of the ceiling feel, a large layer falling upon all who came to help. There were screams as the section gave way so suddenly, wreckage falling and surrounding them, and then a loud crash and an enormous slab of rubble came down.

Everything had gone dark around them, and then after a quarter of the roof had fell, silence did the same once more. It was terrifying this time, the ponies all opening their eyes one by one. To their surprise, they were all very much alive... or so it seemed. All but one questioned why, upon vision returning they saw the light brimming from the unicorn, the one straining herself to keep the massive slab from killing them.

Applejack had managed, or at least done her best to fit underneath the very boulder than almost mowed her down moments ago. Taking refuge there had spared her any broken or sprained limbs. She left her cover once things were calm, and saw the wreckage that took place all in an instant. The pebbles and sand cascading off the mess of stone before her.

The levers were in shambles, the warning was all but worn out, and the right exit was blocked by broken rumble and stone. She removed her hat and brushed it with a hoof, blowing on it for good measure. She looked around and hoped to Celestia that her friends were alright. It was around the same time that everypony realized they were missing a key part of harmony.

“Where’s Applejack!?” Rainbow Dash was the first to start poking and prodding for her friend with the little light they had. The others soon followed suit, expect Twilight of course, she was dealing with the weight of more than eight-hundred pounds of stone and rubble as well her regret for causing such anarchy.

“Applejack, where are you!?” shouted the girls one by one in a state of panic, except now there were two who were unable to move, the other being Fluttershy. She was terribly claustrophobic, her breath had already hastened two fold.

As the herd had finally searched every inch of the small space, they continued shouting out to their friend. In the midst of all the shouting Daring spotted the yellow pegasi and her heaving chest, she approached her with caution.

“Are you alright?”

Fluttershy spoke as clearly as she could, the deep breath between her words making her issue obvious. “I’m-fine-we’ve-got to-find Applejack.”

“Please, give her some space,” said Rarity, her tone now sympathetic for obvious reason. And Daring quickly complied, she had seen such a thing only once before herself. “Our poor Fluttershy has claustrophobia, and given her condition this is the worst, possible place she could be.” She sighed with concern in her eyes, as she gently brushed the pegasus’ mane.

Pinkie and Rainbow both knew it was best to give their friend her space during such rare moments, though they refused to sit by and do nothing. And so the cyan pegasi began trying her best to budge the section roof that sat meters of above them, she flapped her wings as hard she could in that space and pushed with all her might, unfortunately she had no such luck. Pinkie began digging, but her hooves only irritated the surface at best.

The two began shouting once again to their friend, this time they received a response.

“Girls, I can hear you. Where are ya?”

“Applejack, we’re trapped underneath a pile of rock. Follow the sound of my voice,” Rainbow Dash clasped her hooves as she did her best to make her voice project through the slab and rubble.

The farmer followed the voice of her friends, tapping a hoof against the floor, and her companions did the same, playing a game of hot and cold with other until she was certain of where they were.

Applejack put her ear to the heap of stone, now able to hear the footsteps of her friends.

“Just sit tight, I’ll have ya’ll outta there lickety split,” she shouted through the stone.

Earth ponies were born with an abundant sense of strength and stamina from birth, with Applejack being the apple herder she was, she had strength quite few could match. She aligned herself to what she assumed a soft spot against the slab, giving her back to the stone and bracing herself to buck.

“Here I go.”

Applejack load her legs, and fired with all the force she could, causing the stone to shake and pulse a bit. In the end she barely manage to crack the stone. And so she continued to fire, left then right until it became routine. She grit her teeth and she fired the final shot, giving the spot her last buck.

When she looked to her handy work, she saw that the crack she’d initially made was considerably bigger, although that wasn’t saying much considering the actual size of the slab itself.

The girls heard and felt every impact, all were a bit disappointed when there was still no light peering through after Applejack had put forth such vallant effort.

“Do hurry Applejack, Fluttershy isn’t doing too well down here,” the designer called out to her friend. Fluttershy was gasping for breath under the pressure of their situation.

“I-I’m really sorry everyone… this is all my fault,” Twilight groaned, straining herself to speak and keep the spell all at once. “I p-promise, nopony is getting crushed b-because of my misapprehension.”

All went silent then, as no one really knew what to say, it honestly had been her fault and they all knew patronizing her wouldn’t ease her guilt.

“You’re darn right nopony is getting crushed because of mis-misappre… whatever you just said,” the cyan mare approached the light illuminating from the unicorn, standing by her side with the usual smirk she wore when she with courage.

She lift her hooves to the ceiling above, and the others followed her example as they formed a circle around her and also became pillars of support as well, in more ways than one. Fluttershy always seemed to forget the situation when the /feelings/ of her friends were at stake, very, /very/ slowly she became a pillar as well, the warmth coming from Twilight’s horn also seemed to calm the pegasus at the present time.

Applejack had already gone off in search to find something that could help her get some leverage. She rubbed a pensive hoof against her chin as she pondered what could be of use, her eyes waltzing every which way about the room. She couldn’t see anything useful, and so she galloped from the room and into the halls they’d come from.

She happened to see the pots and marking, webs, and finally she managed to spot just the tool she needed, a spear. She took the weapon into her hooves, it wasn’t her favorite choice, but it would have to do the trick. She brushed the head of the spear with a hoof, it was rusted of course, but the wood seemed to be strong, perfect and sturdy enough for what she had planned.