
by SuperFandomBrony

The Ritual

He looked up into the moon's beauty, letting myself get lost in it's glow for a few minutes. He knew it was getting close to when he should start the ritual. He looked around the area he thought was satisfactory for what he was doing. He was a clearing in the city's park, he had his back pack for all the supplies. He was wearing a T with a hood on it (isn't that awesome), a pair of blue shorts and his goggles and gloves, because why not.
It was time to start. He knew what to do, but he still was nervous, but who wouldn't be. he started placing the stones in the rune symbol, being as careful as he could. Soon he had make the rune, placing his great moon stone, in the center. He took a break, seeming that he was more out of energy than he should be, maybe this is my soul, he thought, I was felling my soul as it got ready to be torn in two pieces, he kept most of my soul, just a shred of it would get taken away. Wait, Why was I doing this. I look up into the moon, it invited me, it asked, why, and he knew, he knew why, did that mean he liked the answer, no but he knew why he was doing this. He started to cry, he didn't notice it, but he cried. Tears dripping onto the moon stone, it glowed, but only slightly. Next came the pain, he looked down on the ground next to his pack, the knife scared him, it really scared him, but he had to do this.
He picked it up and sliced his arm, almost crying out from the sharp pain he was feeling. buzz, stopped what he was doing as his phone got a text, truth be told, he was relived. He didn't want to go through with this, this had been fun, but lets hey in trouble and get grounded, good Idea. He looked at his phone to find that it was his best friend, hey, how have u been, good. Great, me 2, so I'm in the park and I see some random guy that's out in the middle of the night, wanna check him out. I look to see, surprise my best friend. "What are you doing, what is all this, WHY ARE YOU CUTTING YOURSELF." Man, this is awkward.
She ran up, right outside his magic circle. "Wait, wait, wait. Just calm down," he said, trying to calm his friend down, but she wasn't having it, she just found her best friend cutting himself.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN CALM DOWN, WHAT WERE YOU DOING!" She was crying, the tears falling on the grass. "Don't hurt yourself! Just don't hurt yourself," her voice got softer as she went on.
He put his hand under her chin and looked her in the eye."Watch this," was all he said, and clenched his arm, making it bleed. Blood, falling on the moonstone. There was a scream, it was his best friend's scream, one so powerful that he didn't know he was falling until he hit the ground. He looked up slowly, and cried. He didn't know why he cried, but he cried. When he looked up, he saw a beam of light, falling on the circle. It was floating. And so was his friend. He was so sad, not because his friend was going to get any power, not because he was jealous or anything, just because he had messed up. Now her soul was going to be taken, ripped apart, she wasn't even prepared. At that moment, he knew his soul had just been ripped apart, because he failed. Then, like his friend, he screamed. He didn't hear it, his friend didn't hear it, and if anyone else was there, they wouldn't have herd it. It wasn't silent, but it made no sound. Soon he was looking down, at someone who was looking up. He had no idea what had happened, but now he was floating, a rune of stones under him, in a beam of light. As he was lifted away, there was a word on his tongue. It was his friends name, he opened his mouth to say it ". . ." but no sound escaped.