//------------------------------// // A little Pinkie promise pt.1 // Story: The Hidden Element of Courage // by posponer //------------------------------// "Okay… nothing seems out of the ordinary yet…" Ash was scouting out the village to see if anyone have learned of the previous 'Mishap' that happened to him "I guess I'm in luck. I'd had about enough from Lucario, I don't think I can last with every pony calling me with that accursed name." He grimaced at the thought remembering how each and every time his friend would call him 'Ashlyn'. But while he was scouting the premises he failed to have took notice of the pony lurking behind him and surprised him when she spoke up and said "Hey Ash! What'cha doin?" "Woah!" He jumped up and faced whoever spoke up and found "Oh hey Pinkie. Please don't do that." He told her which made her giggle and nod. "What were you doing here anyway?" She asked him. "Nothing much, just enjoying the view." but he then noticed Pinkie was suddenly twitching and had a scared look in her face "Uhh Pinkie? Are you okay?" He asked her albeit worried for her well-being but she just answered. "I need to go get some safety supplies in a jiffy… I'll see you later!" And she swooshed off leaving a pink cloud of smoke in her place and Ash laughed and thought 'Pinkie will be Pinkie' he decided to just relax for the day since nothing out of the ordinary seemed to happen but while he was walking he encountered some ponies he knew and one of them called out to him. "Hey Ash, nice to see you again." This one was Vinyl Scratch A.K.A. DJ-Pon3. One of the greatest DJ In all Equestria (Self-Proclaimed), the first time they met she was acting all stiff and somewhat shy around him but she started to get used to being around him while the other pony never spoke she just seemed to glare at him for a reason he didn't know that one is Octavia Melody. "We were just going for some lunch, want to come with?" Vinyl asked him with a voice that was hoping he'd accept and he nodded and said "Sure" Vinyl was happy, Octavia was not. He never knew why Octavia hates him but he thought she'd get use to him soon and warm up so he didn't really care. Once they got to a quaint little eatery they decided to order their food and chatted about things. "So Ash, what types of music do you often listened to?" "Many kinds actually, I like listening to all kinds of music, there are many different ponies as there are music so in truth there is no ugly music, is what I think anyways." "See Octavia? Some pony see my point" Octavia face hoofed at this remark and sighed as she said "Really Scratch? Are we going to have this conversation again?" Ash laughed at the sight as he said. "You two are really good friends huh. You both need to cherish that." He smiled at them and Vinyl hugged her friend and said "Of course!" and the food then got served as they ate. After the lunch Vinyl spoke out "Hey Ash you have anything to do today? If not we should jam and hang out." Ash only shook his head and said "Sorry Vinyl. I have magic practice with Twilight today, she's been teaching me cool spells. How about some other time?" Though Vinyl was sad that she was turned down, it instantly made her happy to know that there will be a 'next time' as she nodded and went on their own separate ways. On the way to the library however Ash can't help but notice the silly looking pony with an umbrella hat on her head as he called out "Hey Pinkie what's up?" "Up? No! Don't look up! Twitchy tail you see?" She showed him her twitching tail and continued "Something's going to drop down you should be careful too! Here I have a spare." She then put an umbrella hat on his head and went on her way. "Oookay… that was weird?" He said out loud and decided to go on his way he saw the both of them on the hill and walked to them he saw them both concentrating on changing leaves, rocks and sticks into clothes but was unsuccessful due to spike's wavering attention. "Spike I told you this Magic needs our full undivided attention to make it happen! There's no other way!" she reprimanded the poor dragon. "I can't help it okay? I mean seriously look at Ash!" he pointed at him and Twilight stared. "Uh… What're you wearing?" She pointed at the hat. Ash rolled his eyes and said. "Something better than a dress." She giggled at this and told him "Aww.. but it suited you so well too… A—" she was going to call him the nickname the three from before gave him but she stopped as soon as she saw the glare he was giving her. "I'm warning you Twilight… You better stop right there or else." "Or else what? Ashlyn?" She didn't heed his warning and called him the name as she giggled at his reaction. "Or this!" He lunged straight at her and held her in place as he tickled her without stopping. "Alright! Alright! I give up! Stop!" She couldn't stop laughing due to his tickling but he didn't stop. "I warned you of the consequences to come. So there's no stopping me!" he wanted her to suffer a little as he continued. He saw her try to escape using teleportation but her concentration would waver due to the constant tickling and after a few short minutes he stopped and said "lesson learned?" she only nodded and stayed on the ground but she still wondered and asked him. "Anyways, why are you wearing that ridiculous hat?" "Pinkie gave it to me. Something about Twitching tails and falling objects or something." "Huh?" Twilight seemed to have gotten confused at what he said. "Pinkie Pie." Ash only muttered to her and Twilight nodded her head and said. "You're right. It's Pinkie after all." She nodded as she understood what he meant and she asked another question "Why not just remove it?" he shook his head saying no and said. "Nah. I'll humor her for a while." he smiled as he said that. "you're being too lenient on her." "Guess I am." He shrugged "so what magic will you teach me next?" "You're good at this… actually you're way too good at this. You're way too adaptable to this to be exact. You're almost at the same level as me, Mind you I am still a student but still!" Ash shrugged again and said. "I love learning." Twilight laughed and said. "If only the others did as well." they all laughed at this until they soon notice Pinkie. "Uhh Pinkie… what are you doing?" "Twitcha twitcha twitcha twitch!" was her only answer. "Uhh.. What?" Twilight looked at Ash for support or at least a clue but all she got was a shrug as he said. "Mind explaining to us what 'Twitching' Means?" Pinkie face hoofed herself upon remembering that these two were new here and she said. "Oh right. You guys are new here. well let me explain... see whenever my tail twitches it usually means something is going to come falling down from the sky!" "Oh... so that's why you gave me this weird hat." "Duh what else would it be for other than that and parties?" "Uh huh... Pinkie there's no way that would happen... I mean there's no scientific evidence that something will fall... there's not even a cloud in the -" Twilight stated but never finished as a frog suddenly landed on her face. "Twilight..." "I Know Ash... I know..." she said but the frog suddenly croaked. "Frog says 'Nice Catch'." Ash said as he snickered at her while looking at the frog on her face. "HA. HA. very funny Ash." Twilight sarcastically reprimanded him but all he did was grin. "I'm sorry Twilight, I felt so sorry for the little ones that I went and gathered some to put them in froggy bottom bog." Fluttershy told them and left for her task. "You speak frog Ash?" Twilight and Ash both looked at Pinkie bewildered to see she was serious when she asked him. "You can understand frog?" "Of course silly. I know other languages too! but be careful my tail is still twitching. I really need to go somewhere right now so see ya~!" She skipped away leaving all three gaping at the scene that just happened. "A coincidence like that will rarely happen especially not in a rooooooooo-" "See That Twilight?! She predicted it!" Adding Insult to Injury Spike told the pony in the ditch. "Puh-Lease Spike. As hard to believe as it may, that was all just a coincidence nothing more nothing less." "Uh Twilight? Why are you hangin' out in a ditch?" Applejack asked as she got there. "Pinkie Pie Said She has twitchy tail!" Applejack gasped and ran under a table with hooves across her head. "Don't worry. It's safe now her prediction came true" Spike told her in a matter of fact voice. "AJ don't tell me you believe this too?" "It doesn't make much sense, but those of us who have been in Ponyville for a while, have learned over time that, if Pinkie's a twitchin' then ya better listen." She shrugged. "It's just a coincidence I'm sure." "But she predicted something would fall and it did!" "Okay that's it! I'll prove to you that it's all just a coincidence!" *Scene Break* Many incidents from this point on has happened such as Pinkie's ear twitching which ended up as twilight having to take a bath and how Pinkie told Twilight and Ash how the 'Predictions' Work and how sometimes there are something which she called a 'Combo' acts up, Sad to say that Twilight still didn't believe and so many other events happened most combos often foretell of doors swinging open (and Twilight bearing the full brunt of the pain). "okay that's it… time for an Experiment!" "Uhh… Twilight? What're you planning?" For the sake of curiosity Ash asked out but she didn't answer and led the others down to her lab (who knew she had a lab right?) Many things were stuck on her to test out the reasons behind her so called power and all they needed to do now was wait… and wait… and wait… and... "Aaaargh this isn't working! I knew it was all just a coincidence…" "No it's not Twilight! Sometimes you just have to believe in things even when you can't figure them out!" Pinkie said in her defense. "I will not believe in anything I cannot explain!" "Alright. Chill down Twilight let's not get too heated up…" but then Pinkie yelled out saying she's feeling it. "what… What is it?!" both of them looked at her direction with anxiety and worry in their eyes when *Grumble* A loud Sound came from her stomach and she said. "It's my Tummy! That usually means I'm hungry." the reaction she received was faces that were both crestfallen and dejected… mostly Twilight. "You know what? Just forget it… Let's stop here… I… I don't care anymore." She gave up trying to find a reason and was walking away from the room when they neared the door and she sensed another "Combo…" Ash read the signs she showed and stopped at the last minute when the door Slammed open and straight into the unsuspecting Twilight. "Uh… Twi you okay?" Groaning was the only answer he received when Pinkie went on her way. "This is ridiculous! This can't be happening! It makes no sense! I have to figure this out!" *Scene Break* Pinkie was strolling… Hopping? Non-Chantilly just minding her own business having fun even at the most boring part of the day while a bush suddenly moved and in it shows Twilight Sparkle herself and she seemed too indulge in her 'studies' to notice our Prince sneaking up and said. "Boo!" He got what he wanted and that was a yelp of surprise. "Honestly Ash! Don't you know any better than to sneak up on Ponies?" "Says the one following Pinkie around wherever she goes." Twilight didn't have anything to rebut what he said and blushed in embarrassment "A-Anyway I'm not following her around… I'm doing research." she looked away. "uh-huh… of course you are." "There's something fishy going on with the whole 'Prediction' thing… Come on She's on the move." They followed her to where she went when they saw her. "Rolling In the Deeeee— Mmph." Ash suddenly sang out and was immediately silence by Twilight's hooves and she said "Shhh!" "Sorry couldn't help it…" he stuck out his tongue and said it with an apologetic smile on his face. "Whatever." She looked away and looked at Pinkie who was scratching her nose when suddenly "Aha! That makes no sense see? She's hiding like something's about to fall from the sky but a Twitchy Tail is the one that says something will fall from the sky NOT an Itchy Nose!" When all were said and done Ash who was paying attention to Pinkie looked at what she was looking at and saw what made her afraid. "Uhh Twilight…" "This proves that conclusively… and that maybe… or it could be…" She just kept mumbling and as soon as Ash saw that he just sighed and pushed her out of the way. "Hey! I was doing something… there…" she was going to berate him for pushing her so suddenly like that but she stopped mid-sentence when she saw the poor pony getting stung like crazy by all those bees. *Scene Break* "You… Ouch… owe me… Ouch… One for this… Ow…" "I said I'm sorry…" She held an apologetic smile in his way and the only thing he did was sigh. "Alright whatever… just tell me what she's doing now… Ow…" "She's smelling a flower." "That must be one good smelling flower then." "wait… I'm getting something… Ear Flop… Eye Flutter… Knee Twitch…" "If I remember correctly this means an opening door… Oh no… This time you take the damage… while I watch." He stuck out his tongue at her "Oh come on Ash… You honestly believe this stuff huh? Watch. I'll show you there's nothing to be afraid of!" She stood at the lower half of the barn door for a while and walked away triumphantly saying. "You see? I promise you there's nothing to fear from that waaaaa—" She couldn't finish her sentence when she fell under a hole on the ground opened by a door. A voice was then heard from below belonging to none other than Apple Jack herself telling Twilight how it was nice of her to visit her new Cellar. *Scene Break* "You see…? I Promise you there's nothing to fear…" Ash was repeating Twilight's words to annoy her and was enjoying her reaction. "Yeah yeah Put a sock in it… So I didn't see that cellar door opening… big deal…" Ash was snickering beside her feeling a little guilty for not stopping her but she had that one coming. "A little help here?" Ash just did what he needed to and helped her and he also said "At least you know how having a cast feels like." Twilight just rolled her eyes at his remark and continued on her observation. "Okay take this down… Twitchy tail…" "Something falling huh?" Ash Scoured the area above them searching for any soon-to-be falling objects. "You don't have to believe all this mumbo jumbo you know." "I'd rather be safe than sorry." And soon enough a vehicle was zooming near and he noticed the door behind the vehicle was slightly ajar and soon things kept falling but Ash was there to save Twilight… Yet again from any other painful mishaps… he Activated his Aura to stop the falling objects that ranged from a flower pot. "Hey that's not so bad." then an Anvil "Okay that was a little unexpected." then a wooden wheel barrow full of hay "At the very least it was mostly Hay…" And finally A grand Piano "Are you Kidding me?!" his aura barrier cracked due to his own injuries and added exhaustion and fell on him. "Uhh… Are you alright down there?!" A voice yelled out from above and it was a voice Ash seem to remember "Hey Derpy… I think you dropped something…" As soon as she heard the voice she rushed to help him "Hey Ash you okay?" "Never better… except there's this heavy weight on my back… a little help?" She nodded as they tried to push away the remains of the piano and successfully removed it "Hey Ash, Umm… I am really sorry for this." He only smiled at her and said to her. "Nah don't worry about it…" She smiled back in relief for being forgiven "but you should worry about him." He pointed out at the steaming boss of hers "eep…. Got to go… see you some other time." they bid farewells from each other. "You know Ditzy Doo?" "I know lots of ponies… Unlike somepony here… I'm quite social to others." Twilight just rolled her eyes and told him "Whatever." *Scene Break* "Hey Apple Jack What'chu doin?" "Takin' More apples to my new Apple Cellar. How 'bout you Pinkie, What're you doin?" "Oh letting Twilight and Ash secretly follow me all day without me knowing." At this Ash just went out of hiding and burst out laughing while Twilight on the other hand was furious. "You mean you knew all along?!" Ash Laughed even harder "Why didn't you tell me?!" "Silly… That would've spoiled the secret!" Ash laughed even more. "ASH BE QUIET!" but Twilight wasn't really in the mood. "Yes Ma'am." Ash loved annoying people but he knew the when to draw the line when someone is downright pissed. "Don't worry though. There'll be clear skies from here on end." But she suddenly shook uncontrollably for a while. "Pinkie You okay?" She nodded "What does that shaking mean?" "Don't know. But whenever that happens it's a doozy… something you never expect to happen is going to happen and it's going to happen at Froggy bottom bog!" "That's where Fluttershy is headed!" "I'm going on ahead okay?!" Ash boomed away with his wings towards said bog and when he got there he saw Fluttershy releasing the frogs into the bog. "Fluttershy You okay?!" the sudden shout was too much for the shy pony and she squeaked a little in response "oh… Ash it was you… you really shouldn't scare ponies like that." "uhh.. Heh heh… Sorry… Anyways anything wrong here? Anything out of the ordinary?" "Hmmm… No… not a thing.." Ash heaved a sigh of relief "what's the matter?" she asked out in curiosity. "Well you see pinkie said something unexpected will happen here so I just wanted to protect you if anything were to happen…" Fluttershy however didn't expect That and blushed and said "oh… oh.. I see… well I'm very fine here… but thanks so much for the concern. So What will you do now?" "well I'll stay here, the others are about to come here anyways." She nodded in response and continued what she was doing. And soon voices were heard as they both heard some ponies calling their names "Hey Everyone We're right here!" "I'd hate to gloat but… AHA! I told you there was nothing wrong and I was right." She gloated anyways "Pinkie Pie said whatever that was going to happen was a doozy and.." She couldn't continue as she kept coughing from the smoke that seemingly came out of nowhere. "Every pony here run at my signal…" Ash commandeered to the others. "What are you talking about Ash?" Twilight however hasn't caught up yet. "Do not look behind you and run straight ahead on my signal." She didn't heed the warning and still looked behing… "K… Kyaaaaa!" At her scream Ash Yelled out "GO!" and everyone ran at the opposite direction from that thing… "Why is a Hydra here of all places?!" Ash yelled out. The hydra soon removed itself from the boggy water and gave chase to the running ponies. "It's Gaining on us! Go go go!" Uphill away from the hydra Pinkie Kept shuddering signaling that there was more to come. At the end of the hill was a cliff… there was another platform to the other side and there are some platforms albeit unstable to get to the other side. "It'll be up here in no time! Quick one at a time Cross! Fluttershy you have wings get to the other side!" "I-I can't control my wings… I'm scared…" She was starting to tear up. "Then Jump. Don't worry, If you fall I promise I'll catch you. Now go!" Ash reassured the frightened pony to gain a little confidence. "O…Okay… Hop, Skip and Jump… Hop, Skip And JUMP!" she kept repeating these words as if they were a chant and she got to the other side safely. Soon Applejack and Pinkie got to the other side "It's only you and me now Twilight. Go." Ash spoke up "But… But Ash!" "I'm the male here Twilight just let me do my thing." He smiled at her to reassure her everything is going to be fine. "But!" "No buts… Just GO!" she couldn't bear to watch as she jumped over to the other side "Ash it's your turn now!" If only things were that simple because as soon as he tried to get away by flying one of the heads bit into his leg to hold him down. "ASH!" Every pony called out in worry. "You want My leg big guy?" he taunted the hydra " Then come get it!" He flew in a circular form to make the head dizzy and hoping it would let go… but it wouldn't. "Darn… I was hoping this would work… huh?" but the cast on his leg which was being bitten by the Hydra broke into pieces and the hold on him was released and with the centrifugal force he generated he was flung to the other side…. Straight to a wall… luckily he knows how to balance himself in mid-air. "Aaaaaargh!" Or not? As he couldn't stop on time and was force to land on all his four feet including the healing leg of his but at least it was safe to say that they are free from any more danger. "uhh.. You okay Ash?" Apple Jack wanted to make sure. "Oh I'm fine… Excruciatingly fine." His voice was forced and AJ dropped the subject. "I don't know how it happened; coincidence, dumb luck, or what, but you said there'd be a doozy here at Froggy Bottom Bog, and I'd say we just had ourselves one heck of a doozy. I mean that hydra—" but Pinkie was still shuddering as she said "that wasn't it." "The Hydra wasn't the doozy? How could it not be the DOOZY?! What could be doozier than that?!" "don't know. But it just wasn't it." Twilight was Heating up… and a little while later she exploded or in this case flamed up but her anger suddenly subsided and she said "I give up." "I can't fight it anymore, I don't understand how, why or what but Pinkie sense somehow… makes sense, I don't know how it does… but it just does, just because I don't understand doesn't mean it's not true." At that precise moment Pinkie's shuddering stopped and vanished. "THAT WAS IT!" Ash and Pinkie yelled out at the same time then was followed by Ash's Light chuckles (he couldn't laugh out loud due to his leg pains). "What is what?" Twilight , Fluttershy and Apple Jack asked. "Twilight Believing! I never expected that to happen." After she said her piece she went on her way to Ponyville. *Scene Break* "Well according to the checkup your leg seems a little fine… it should be broken beyond belief but the worse you got is 'A Little Fine'" Ash Shrugged and said "It's what I'm good at." "Getting hurt?" Ash shook his head "Being in dangerous situations?" he said no again "Being stupid?" "NO! you know what I give up… yes all of the above! Happy now doc?" the doctor smiled at him in amusement. "Oh and about what we were talking about before." "Huh?" was the only answer Ash could say. "I mean the Discount, I meant it as a joke but due to the constant happening I'm pretty sure we'd see each other lots more in the future." "No thanks." "Oh well." the doctor shrugged with a grin on his face. "Oh yeah. What was your real name again doc? I can't keep calling you Doc right?" "Oh it's quite fine my boy. But if you really insist. My Name is Whooves. I also have the know-how to fix clocks… and other talents might I add." "I see. Good to know, also glad to finally meet you formally Doctor Whooves, Well I got to go." "Well I guess I'll see you later." The doc chuckled and Ash could only sigh. "Let's hope it's under a different circumstance." On the way to the library he noticed a little floating circular object and went nearer to investigate. "Huh? Aren't you that Para... what was it? Oh right... A Parasprite... Somehow I keep seeing you everywhere, well you need to get back to where you belong little one 'tis is no place for you and be careful on your way back to your home." Ash left the little bug alone and didn't notice the bug suddenly bite off a whole apple in a second. Once he got to the library he saw a very peculiar sight of Twilight wearing an Umbrella Hat. "still think I'm the one looking silly in that hat?" "Well Pinkie's Tail is twitchin' what else can I do? Anyways Continue spike." "I am happy to report that I now realize there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true. It just means you have tochooseto believe in them, and sometimes it takes a friend to show you the way. Always your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle." Then both the girls stepped out of the library and Ash and Spike then followed suit and before Spike could deliver the message to the princess via his flame a sound was soon then heard and with a loud Thud came landing straight to Ash. "Nice to see you again Princess but I never expected it to be like this." He smiled and joked at her which made her laugh. "Do forgive me Ash, but I had the sudden urge to drop down from the sky… I don't even know why?" she was wondering what made her do that but was stopped by Ash's voice when he spoke to her. "Well it's always nice to see that someone as beautiful as you are; has fallen for me." He joked around still with the same smile and Princess Celestia returned a smile of her own. "Ash, I Have fallen ON you, not for you please know the difference." She giggled after she said that. "Ouch. Painful Jab you just did." He feigned hurt to show her that her comment somehow pained him. "Well I had to show you that if you plan to court a Princess, especially me, then you'd have to be ready to crash… And burn." She giggled once more. "Okay, You win, I give up. So I take it you're here for the letter?" She nodded as she took the letter from Spike's hand. "Hey Princess." Ash called out. "there are many a mysteries in this world huh?" she nodded "But if one thing's for sure the beauty of Friendship and Trust will never be a mystery."