//------------------------------// // Entry #43 // Story: Human in Pony's clothing // by TheDawsonator1 //------------------------------// Well, My magic is about to go, no flying, no cutie mark, I am not a pony anymore when that happens. I am literally so screwed! Worst of all, There isn’t anything I can do and Twilight and friends are somewhere else and I can’t escape them because Discord is on Tirek’s side. But first, I need answers! “Uh…hello” I said awkwardly “Good to see you are still alive Gavin, “How does he know about me?” You are probably thinking, right?” Tirek says “Okay, just spill the damn beans already and explain, I’d much rather get this done and over with before somepony gets bored here” I said impatiently “As much as I would love to, I’d rather wait a while it'll be better trust me, I was just checking on my lab rat, I’ll be back I assure you….now I shall engage in your generation’s form of evilness, sitting on wheelie chairs and stroking cats” Tirek says as he goes away Tirek just disappears with no Questions asked…okay maybe questions asked because why the hell am I still with magic? And what does he mean lab rat? And i came out of that unharmed? Okay what is going on? I better go check on Twilight and the others, something may be wrong and I am not waiting around to find out later. It may be night but if I don’t act than perhaps Tirek may of already won his scheme and the more time I waste the more power he gets. Note to self: I don’t care if the world is about to burn into the sun, I am never going into the Everfree at night again! Almost got eaten by a Cragadile for the love of Twilight! (Er…the pony not the book, why would it be the book? Stupid Humans)! “Twilight?” I called No answer, maybe she’s up in the throne room. Seriously, why does Twilight attempt to sleep in a abandoned castle surrounded by the one forest you don’t go into? I’ll never understand these ponies… Anyway I went up to said throne room and I found Twilight, panicking and pacing with her five friends watching her do so. “Hello Lightning” Pinkie said happily That got Twilight to stop pacing around (Again the pony, not the book) “Lightning? What are you doing here?” Twilight asked “To check on you, Tirek came by Ponyville to gloat and he seems to know the show somehow, so I am here to check if anything went wrong here and to warn you that Tirek is prepared for you!” I said “WHAT?” Everypony screamed “Why didn’t you stop him?” Dash asked angrily “Because my flank would have be gone in less than TEN SECONDS FLAT!” I said “That’s enough, Rainbow” AJ said to Dash “Girls, our problem as ascended even further beyond. I know you don’t want to reveal the future, Lightning, but this is a matter that needs knowledge so we may plan our next move against Tirek who knows our initial moves and will counter it.” Twilight said She did have a point, this is a situation where information is crucial and if Tirek really does know the show, he’ll counter act every trick that comes up any of our sleeves in the initial show. “Okay, fine! The way you beat Tirek in the show was six keys from the Tree of Harmony, when you got an item most representing your element, it turns that item into the key, so yeah, five of you have those keys and the last one gets it this episode, but if Tirek knows then he will counter it” I said “When I got Boneless, I felt super-duper-ly in my element” Pinkie piped up “And with my trip in Manehattan” Rarity said “and with Flim and Flam” AJ said “I felt a moment where I was truly kind” Fluttershy added “And I would never of abandoned Ponyville for even the Wonderbolts…as much as it pains me to admit it” Dash put her say in finally “Which leaves Twilight” I said “I haven’t really had any…spark or anything” Twilight muttered “It’ll come soon, but you still got your friends and you still got my friendship” I said Man is this feeling really corny right now, soon I will be sprouting Friendship speeches, calling it right now! “But it can’t be the only way” Twilight muttered She’s right…there is always more than one way to reach the goal, and that’s what I love! When there is more than one path…maybe…I have an idea… The Next morning saw both myself and Twilight at the castle, I didn’t see any sign of Tirek anywhere, he was clearly draining the outer circle of Equestria first before moving onto Ponyville and Canterlot, I just hope my friends are okay…at least they still have each other. I know it’s inevitable that Tirek will change the course of his plans, I’m surprised he didn’t drain Twilight in her sleep, that’s what I would of done. Maybe he’s trying to make us change our plans…no he wouldn’t do that, he only has Discord around for the energy, he’ll chuck him away so the medallion can’t form to be a key. But what Tirek doesn’t know is that I have a plan of my own that may turn into a trump card…I just hope it works out… Anyway, back to the castle, I ended up in front of the Princesses in no time. Discord has betrayed us…well most predictable thing of the year right there. Celestia made her suggestion of fusing all the Alicorn Magic into Twilight because Tirek doesn’t know Twilight is a Princess…or well not this time around. “Princess, it’s a good plan, but Tirek already knows about Twilight and by the way, the glass one of her made it obvious anyway.” I said “But-“ Luna started “However, Twilight should still receive the upgrade as battle is inevitable. He can’t be beat with the power of one but he can be matched at four, however. If we do find him around Canterlot or nearby, we can get a slight power advantage” I said “True, but if we fail, he will not only drain Equestria but the entire planet, Griffonia, Zebrica, the Dragon land and any other land will not be able to stand up against Tirek’s magic” Cadence said “Which is why we must not fail and Twilight is the one to do it” I said “Why not make Gavin an Alicorn so there is the power of five instead of four?” Luna suggested “Luna, an Alicorn’s proper power comes from the Ritual spell, that takes time, which we do not have if we poured magic into him, it would make him an Half-Alicorn, he would be a tad stronger than a normal Unicorn when the powers are returned and there is a chance that an Alicorn magic overload would happen and kill him” Celestia explained Damn, Alicorn magic be complicated! But still an Half-Alicorn would still do 4 ½ wouldn’t it? But that chance of dying to an overload doesn’t look appealing, but I have faith in Twilight. “What other options do we have?” Twilight asked “The Elements?” Cadence suggested “Nay, if they were to be removed, the Tree’s life would drain if left out for long and if it were to die than far worse things can happen than Discord’s vines, even if it didn’t, Tirek knows full well about them will be on the lookout if they were to be used as a trump card, we cannot risk the Elements” Luna denied the suggestion “I say Twilight takes the Alicorn energy like in the show but challenges Tirek instead of trying to hide” I put my say in “We agree with Gavin but there is but one flaw, we have no idea where Tirek is” Luna pointed out “We may have to get lucky but if we don’t he’ll come directly to us if we wants to take over Equestria” I said “How do you mean?” Cadence asked “In the show, Tirek goes to you three for the Alicorn Energy, but discovers after a bit that Twilight has it and goes to Ponyville to confront her and that’s when the battle takes place” I answered I now knew the full episode, I had conducted several plans in my head to counter Tirek’s changes, the future is uncertain for the first time since I’ve been here and it scares me more than a pony after breaking a Pinkie Promise. “Then, it is decided, Twilight Sparkle shall receive our power and face Lord Tirek” Luna said Let me tell you that ball of energy was HUUUUUUUGGEEEEE! And you could feel its radiant power just waiting to be used and that ball was the combined energy of Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadence. The stage has been set for the final battle, and only one side will emerge victorious…taking all bets!