//------------------------------// // 7 - Hearth's warming eve // Story: Just a day in Equestria // by dave89898989 //------------------------------// I woke up slowly, and contemplated the thought of not being haunted by my dreams, as I slept normally for the first time being here. After having a last glass of the leftover apple juice, I went to check the mail. There was one letter, so I took it and opened it. It read: "Dear Electric Blue, It would be great for you to make an appearance in the audience for our Hearth's warming eve play. This performance describes the events which made Equestria a united land, and how friendship came to be in our land. We all really hope that you show, and you will enjoy it. The location is in Canterlot castle, in the memorial hall. Yours sincerely, Mayor Mare" I probably should go there, it seems like something I'd want to know about. And it's also from the Mayor, personally written to me, so It's probably of utmost importance that I go. It must have snowed over night, as there is suddenly a raging blizzard outside. I took out a long, slightly tattered wartime-style coat from my wardrobe and wrapped myself up in it. It must have been a coat I wore when I was human. All of these clothes I have with me are definitely my human clothes, just magically shrunk and shaped to match the body I have now. I picked up my diary and placed it into one of the many pockets of the coat, and set off outside. I was almost frozen solid because I wasn't prepared for drastic weather like this. I could barely walk through the cold suffering, when I remembered a certain spell. "Recalfacio". I strained while saying that, as my jaw was almost locked, but suddenly I felt much warmer. Even though I was walking on the main path, I felt a chilling feeling of loneliness as no-one was to be seen. The feeling was gripping my heart, as my only thoughts were of Glais, my apparent lover-turned-arch rival. I frowned on the thought, as my love was with someone else, someone much less... malevolent. But why did he want my love so badly? How did we even know each other? I want to take a look at the diary, but not yet, as the pages will fly away with the violent winds. I think the girls are performing, as they didn't visit me this morning. I wonder what it's all about? I think it will be how all the ponies managed to become friends with each other, as maybe the earth ponies, the unicorns and the pegasi all had a mutual dislike for each species. It never occurred to me that I had a cutie mark of such difference to all the other ponies. I never noticed it until now. And I have no clue of what it is. But it looks futuristic in a way. Hopefully my long lost friend has the answers, if any. I want to remember who she is, but nothing comes to mind. It only happens on its own, at random points in time, where I have no control over. Strange. Most flashbacks when I was doing an activity related to the same sort of thing I did when I was a human. It's just that there wasn't much of an order to make sense out of them. Strangely, the things I've seen in this world are like the connections to my past life. It confused me that Twilight had owned my diary. Maybe Anne knew that I would forget everything, so she placed items of memory around Equestria, so that I can continue her life. But my life is now split off from hers, and it might take some time to become Anne again. But, I am happy with my life now, it's much safer, more friendly, and I'm with a group of six wonderful ponies that all love me as friends, apart from Fluttershy, who has much more love for me than the others. I just wonder what Anne's mission was, and why she transformed herself into this form, and got herself onto another planet. After at least an hour long trudge through the snow and harsh conditions, I arrived at the mighty Canterlot. Luckily that warmth spell lasted me the way here, so I only felt footsore, and that was it. I felt honoured as I walked through the gates, into an enormous, highly decorated garden, with a frozen fountain straight in the middle of the stone path. Princess Celestia herself was there to greet me, me of all ponies. "Good afternoon, my student." She calmly said. "Please, come this way." "Of course, your highness." "By the style of writing from your letters, I can tell that you are disturbed by something." A cold sweat broke out as I realised that she had amazing powers of observation. "Why, yes I am, and this might come as a shock to you, so I don't know whether to say it or not." "You can tell me anything, Electric Blue, I will try to keep myself composed." "Well, once before this life, I used to be a human. I had a lot of danger on the last world I was on, so I transported myself here, to seek refuge, and I found this place to be much better than the last." "I see, that is something I've never heard from anypony before; being a human. I've studied humans before, and they seem to be separated into three groups. One good, one bad, and one neutral." So the humans must have led themselves to destroying their equality and dividing themselves up. The Princess continued, "The same kind of theme is used is today's play, as we have the history of equestria to perform, with the divided groups, the earth ponies, the pegasi, and the unicorns. I do hope you enjoy it, and it could relate to you, in a way." "Maybe so." As I was being escorted through the large corridors, I noticed the stained glass windows, depicting events of the past, and important ponies. The winter sun shone the rays of coloured light at me. We finally arrived at a pair of doors, leading into a great hall, filled with the local ponies. "Quickly, the girls saved you a front row space, now go in there before it starts." "Thank you for taking me here, Princess." "My pleasure. Now quickly, go." I walked quietly down to my place, and looked up at the stage, waiting patiently for the performance. I took out my diary to find a page relating to this play. I found a bookmark resting on a page titled: "How humans divided" I was intrigued to read on, but the curtains started pulling back. A small, purple dragon started talking. That must be Spike. He talked about the divide between the species', and how they relied on the earth ponies to provide food for everypony. However, the earth ponies didn't like this as they weren't benefiting from it, so all it did was increase their hate for each other. I glanced at the first few paragraphs of the diary entry, and it seemed that this cycle went backwards in the human world. "It used to be a good place on earth, but people didn't like the same views, so they split up. Of course, the good people of earth were savaged by the bad, and the neutral took their share of everyone's resources." I witnessed the almost real arguments made by Pinkie pie, Rainbow dash and Rarity, or should I say, Chancellor Puddinghead, Commander Hurricane, and Princess Platinum. It all seemed so believable. They were all such great actors, even Fluttershy, I mean, Private Pansy. I could never act as well as they could, let alone talk in front of an audience. My anxiety causes my whole body to heat up and shake uncontrollably. So acting is definitely out of the question for me. It's strange how they didn't ask me to do this play with them, but of course, I have no idea of the history of Equestria. I must greet the cast after; it'd probably be nice for me to see them today, even if they have smiled at me a few times while on stage, and in turn, I smile back. I never knew that through so much bitterness towards others could cause a blizzard, and cold to represent the iciness in ponies' hearts could form a creature such as a 'Wendigo', a ghostly horse type figure that spreads aggressive snowstorms to wherever there is mass hatred towards each other. All that happened on Earth, according to the diary, was a more aggressive form of destruction and criminal acts by the most evil of people. Substituting for the snow was death, rivers of blood, and fire. In the end there were only wastelands, destroyed by mankind itself. Equestria was much more of a different environment to Earth, judging by the differences in natures that both beings possessed. There was a small, partially burnt note sticking loosely to the bottom of the page. It said: "If life was a dream world, there would be no more hate, and death, and evil desires. Everything would be much nicer for us all, as reality comes as something too harsh on our fragile minds and bodies. Dreaming is a form of escapism, and expressing emotions through art or writing can prove as a useful outlet. If only the dream could be real. Then I'd have a much better life. I'm someday going to find a way to make that happen, otherwise, I'm doomed." Anne must have found Equestria for a solution, as it's such a happy, friendly place, where nothing as bad as what happens in the human world goes on. Maybe that's why she wanted to be here. She probably wiped my memory as well, so I didn't have to remember the pain that she went through, as she describes. The acting skills coming from the girls still amazed me, as everything looked and sounded so real with them. I wonder how long this took to rehearse all this, as it was choreographed to perfection. I'm enjoying myself while learning about something other than myself for a change. After the play was over, I headed backstage to meet with the girls, who were gladly delighted to see me. "That performance went spectacularly! I couldn't believe how real it felt! Well done all of you!" "Why thank you Blue we couldn't have done it so well if you weren't there as you gave us the motivation that we needed!" Pinkie pie shouted. The group all came to me for a group hug. "Let's just hope those arguments weren't actual ones though!" I said, directing the comment at Rarity, Rainbow and Pinkie. "Oh don't worry, it's all just acting dear, we have nothing against each other. Well, not at this time anyway, ha ha." Rarity said with a chuckle. "From my intuition, I know that you like history, so did you learn about the history of Equestria well enough?" Twilight asked. "I really did, and you all did amazing jobs at showing how everything might have happened back then" I answered. "Thank you!" They all said in chorus. "Sorry we couldn't come see you this morning Blue, as we got transport to Canterlot, unfortunately there was room enough for only six of us..." Fluttershy said, head down in shame. I pushed her head up and said "hey, don't worry about it, I had magic to keep me warm anyway, and I needed some time to think things over." "So, we gotta go see mah cousin Braeburn soon, ya'll excited?" Applejack questioned. "Of course I am, I really want to find out everything, as it'll make life much simpler, since I'll have more of an idea of where I should be going and I've been" I replied. "Oh girls, before you go, I want to give you these" Rarity presented the group and me with matching coats, lined with fur and other warming materials. We each took one, but I put it away as I was already wearing my own coat. "Are you sure you don't want to wear my coat, Electric blue? It's cosy!" "Well yeah, I do, but I'm wearing my own one as well..." "I see, well, let me know if it fits you, when you decide to wear it." "I will wear it next time I go out, and your clothes are made so that they always fit anypony, so why worry?" Rarity blushed a little, and we all laughed with each other. After that, it was inevitably time to go back to Ponyville. A carriage was waiting outside for the group, this time with room for seven. I said farewell to each pony, without forgetting to kiss Fluttershy goodbye, as I didn't want to forget the feeling of her mouth on mine, and how sweet is was; her taste and scent. As I was second to last to get off, I gave my last hug of the day to Applejack, and I went back home. Satisfied with today and its happenings, I drifted off into the most comfortable sleep I've had here.