Equestria Wars: The Magic Unleashed II

by sonicdash123

Chapter 2: The Return to the Dimension

A few hours later since Trixie's visit, Charming Thunder watched the fleet flying back to Canterlot from their attack of the pirate base. Twilight then came out of the elevator and ran towards him. He turned to see her coming towards him and asked, "What's the rush?"

"Something's going on at Canterlot High," she said. "Our friends need our help. Come with me." Charming Thunder then followed Twilight to the elevator and went down to the castle hallway. The doors opened and they walked out of the elevator and walked to the room where everyone gathered at a round table with a book in the middle. "The way Sunset Shimmer described them, I think these new girls sound an awful lot like... the sirens."

"Not the sirens!" Pinkie shouted. "I don't actually know what that is!"

"The sirens were three beautiful but dangerous creatures who had the power to charm ponies with their music," Twilight explained. "But to maintain this power, they had to feed on the negativity and distrust of others. The more of this negative energy they consumed, the stronger their voices became, and the farther they could spread their dark magic."

"I don't think I like this story very much," Fluttershy said.

"If the sirens had their way, they would have divided and conquered all of Equestria. But a certain Star Swirl the Bearded wasn't having it. Rumor has it he found a way to banish them to another world – one where he believed their magic power would be lost. That world must have been the one where my Canterlot High friends live."

"Impossible," Charming Thunder said.

"But Star Swirl must have sent them there ages ago," Applejack said. "How come they're just surfacin' now?"

"I don't know. But if my hunch is right and it is the sirens who have come to Canterlot High, this spell they've cast is just the beginning. My friends need me. I have to get back to them."

"I hate to burst your bubble, Twilight, but the connection between their world and Equestria will still be totally cut off for a super long time," Rainbow said.

"She has a good point," Charming Thunder said. "Who knows how long we have to be there for."

"Okay, first of all, if there was bubble-blowing going on, why wasn't I told about it?! And secondly, if the connection is totally cut off, how was Sunset Shimmer able to get a message to Twilight?"

"Pinkie," Twilight gasped. "You're a genius!"

"Yeah, I get that a lot."


The group were at the library with the same mirror that was originally from the Crystal Empire. R4 helped Twilight with carrying a couple of things. "...And the interval between the two points is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the separation between the points along three spatial dimensions," Twilight said.

"Say what now?" Spike asked as he scratched his head.

"Duh!" Pinkie answered. "She's gonna take the magic in here and put it in there. That'll make the portal open up so that whenever she wants to, she can go from here to there. There to here. Here to there. Here there! Here there! Here—"

"We get the deal," Applejack said.

"Now to see if it actually works." Twilight levitates the book to the empty space on top of the mirror and it began to make magic noises when placed.

"Don't suppose we could join you this time around?"

"Better not. It could make things pretty confusing if Canterlot High all of a sudden had two of all of you." The group agreed and nodded.

"Guess that means I'm not going this time?" Charming Thunder asked.

"Sunset Shimmer needs you as well. I'm not sure why but I think its important."

"But I still get to go, right?" Spike asked. "There isn't another one of me at Canterlot High. And you never know if you might need your trusty assistant." Twilight nodded as Charming stood next to his droid.

R4 beeped something to him and then said, "R4 said that he wants to come along as well."

"Sure thing, buddy," Twilight said as she patted the astromech on the head. "We won't be long. Take care of Light while we are gone." Twilight then walked next to Spike as Charming Thunder and R4 did the same. "Ready, Spike?"

"Ready!" Spike said as he stretched. Twilight and him were the first to run through the mirror as Charming Thunder and R4 followed.


Sunset held a book as she laid next to the school statue waiting for Twilight and Charming Thunder. Applejack and Pinkie were playing cards as they sat on top of the statue. Rainbow Dash sighed and said, "I'm starting to think she's not coming." The portal opened and Twilight and Spike flew out and landed far from the group.

"Twilight!!" the group shouted as they ran to her.

"I'm back," Twilight said as she got up. Sunset helped her up as the group came and hugged Twilight. "And I've got some bad news about those new girls." The portal opened again and Charming Thunder flew out and impacts on the ground like a meteor crash. He raised his head and became dizzy. He then shook his head and got up to the see the group. The portal opened and R4 flew out as it made a loud beep and impacts on Charming Thunder.

"Ouch!!" Charming Thunder said as the group help get R4 off of him as Sunset helped him up to his feet.

"You okay?" Sunset asked.

"I felt worse."