//------------------------------// // 3 - The missing Angel // Story: Just a day in Equestria // by dave89898989 //------------------------------// *Sidenote: This chapter contains shipping, so be advised if you don't like it or something like that. Oh and I originally had this chapter planned as something more focused on the special rock, but I made this when I was tired, and my mind had a really good idea, so I just poured it all into my writing. Enjoy. "Do not speak…darkness…" I awoke from another heavy sleep and another strange dream, containing the same voice, quiet, but seemingly important. I just can't remember what was said, no matter how hard I try. I had my morning ritual coffee. I heard a knock at the door immediately after, so I went to open it, as any polite pony would do. Standing in front of me was a grey, googly-eyed pegasus, with a mailbag hanging from her back. She smiled contently while shoving a single letter into my hooves, and prepared to fly to her next destination. "Wait, I didn't catch your name! And it's only polite for me to ask…" I cried. "Oh, ha ha, my name's Ditzy, Ditzy doo, nice to meet you, Electric blue!" She must have known my name either from just being the mail-mare, or seeing me at the party. "Why, what a… cute name! But, may I ask, what is--" "Yes, I know my…condition, and I don't mind what people say about it, they understand fully anyway" "Oh I see, well, it was nice to meet you, and you must be busy, so I'll let you go now." Ditzy was set free to fly low across the road. I backtracked a little inside my house, and carefully opened the letter. It showed slightly small, slightly curly handwriting. "Dear Electric blue, Would it be alright if you could help me out with something? I mean, it's ok if you don't want to, I'll understand, but it's just that Angel, my pet bunny has gone missing, and I can't find him anywhere. I know you're new here, and I wouldn't want to bother you at a bad time, but I think that you're a very nice pony that could help me out with this, so would you? Kind regards, Fluttershy" A small smile grew on my face as I put the letter on the kitchen surface, and quickly trotted out, cautiously shutting the door behind me. I casually walked up to the door of Fluttershy's cottage, and gave a knocking hard enough for her sensitive ears to cope with. She poked her head out of the slowly opening door, saw it was me, and then opened it fully and gave me a hug, which was sort of unlike her. "Um… sorry about that, I hope I didn't startle you, but I just knew you'd come and help, I'm really grateful for it." "You don't have to say sorry to me, I like hugs, and of course I'd help, you're a friend aren't you?" She gestured an invitation inside, and got me to sit down on a very comfortable sofa. She had prepared a tray of tea for me and her; it looked like green tea, her favourite. I don't mind tea, but it's not what I regularly drink, but I did so anyway, as it's the polite thing to do. "So Fluttershy, where was Angel last seen? Do you remember?" "Um…I knew he was just next to this sofa from the last time I saw him, and as I was tired from last night's party, I, um… took a small nap for a while, and when I awoke, he was… gone..." Fluttershy's lip had a tiny trembling flowing. "Don't worry about this; we'll get to the bottom of his disappearance. Would he usually go anywhere outside?" "Um... sometimes he goes to the... Everfree forest, but he's usually where I can see him." "I might have an idea of where he'd be, I have this strange feeling that I'm anticipating his location." My mind was acting funny on me, and showing a still image of Angel's whereabouts. I cantered back outside, with Fluttershy in pursuit, to the Everfree forest. There was a narrow path leading up to a small clearing, with an almost perfectly square boulder in the middle. "What could this be?" Fluttershy noticed, drifting over to the rock. "So many different patterns and symbols written all over it…" I took a closer look at the rock, examined the top, and saw Angel sleeping on it. "There he is Fluttershy! Safe and sound." "Oh thank you, Electric blue, you're such a great help to me, I really thank you!" She dropped her wings and softly landed almost on top of me, and gave me another out-of-character hugs. "Wait a second, before we go, well before I go, I want to look at this rock a little bit more. Are you able to fetch me some paper so I can write some notes?" I asked Fluttershy, hoping she would accept my question. "Oh, well I um… carry a notepad with me to write down some items in this forest and places, I wouldn't mind letting you um… borrow it for a while…" "Thank you so much Fluttershy, I just seem to have this strange feeling about the boulder." I noticed a list of ingredients on the first page, so I flipped through until there was a free page. I noticed some intricate drawings and highly artistic sketches in between the notes. "Wow, I never knew you were such a good artist, Shy" "You used my nickname! Um… not many people call me that, but you're one of the first ones to, and, um… I'm not that good a drawer, really…" "I think you are, these are some amazing sketches of animals you have in this notepad, it's a true talent of yours." "Why… um, thank you…" By telling by her tiny whispers, and her huge blush, she wasn't used to being complimented, or she was extremely modest. I studied the rock's patterns. All of them had a meaning that somehow seemed familiar, even though I've never been here before. There were repeating words saying 'Destiny is life, you make life.' It seemed cryptic. The other strange writings on the rock had been worn away from time, but some still could be seen, some saying 'friendship' 'love' 'life' 'good and evil', and others. There were some sorts of crudely drawn patterns, of ponies, and ancient artwork style images, and……something looing like a strange being standing upright. My heart felt like it was being gripped, while my brain felt heavy, and as I kept looking at that strange figure, the pain got worse until it was too hard to bear. I don't know what that was, but it must have a very high importance if it caused me this strange, tight feeling. I glanced up and saw a strange square-looking object partially hanging from a tree in the distance, but as it was suddenly getting dark, we had to go back home. "Um... I think it's too dark out for you to find your house, Electric blue, so as a gift from me for your help today, would you mind... um... staying at mine for... tonight?" Fluttershy hesitantly asked. "I... accept that offer Shy, thank you for the invitation." I really thought that Fluttershy was acting so out of character today; it was strange to see her... so confident for her nature. Is it because of me? Does she feel safe around me? Secure? Surely not, she's only just met me… but it was nice for her to offer me a stay at her place for the night. As we got to her house, she politely let me go through first, then Angel followed behind me, and Fluttershy very slowly closed the door behind us all. "Um…I hope you feel comfortable here, Electric blue, I try to make it as comfortable as I can for myself and my animals, as well as my visitors…" "You don't have to keep calling me by my full name; no one's stopping you Shy" "Oh… ok, Blue… would you like…something to eat? I'm sure I have something…" "Uh… ok then, most places have vegetables, so could we have some vegetable burgers?" "Oh… of course, anything for you, blue..." "Stop being so hesitant to say things around me Shy, I'm your friend, and I know your shy and all, but I know you feel more confident around me." Fluttershy's face seemed to turn redder from all the blushing she'd been doing. "Well, I suppose I do feel safer around you… but I think I'm too used to talking like this…" "That's fine by me, but I'm just saying that you should speak more… flowingly." After eating such a delicious, refreshing meal, we decided to get to know each other more by telling each other about our pasts, not that I could say much about it… "Well, I used to live up in Cloudsdale, but I wasn't a strong flyer, so I didn't last long up there… although, Rainbow dash did stick up for me a few times when I needed help, and she even challenged the local bullies to a race, but something amazing happened there. As the racers rushed past me, I was knocked, and I fell down from the air to here, where I met so many animals who were the most amazing sights I've ever seen. After that, Rainbow dash caused a massive rainbow explosion in the air, called a sonic rainboom, and it was so…awesome…to see, except it scared all the animals away. Luckily I managed to reassure all of them, and that's how I got my cutie mark. How did you get yours?" "I…honestly don't remember, or know what it is anymore, but I feel like my brain is trying to remember something that isn't available to see. I don't remember anything of my past either; the first memory I have right now was waking up in a carriage taking me to Ponyville. Sorry to disappoint you, but I just don't have anything to say." "Well, I know what to say about you, I can see you have such a radiant personality, you look like you're shining all the time with your kindness and happiness and sympathy, it's nice to see such a positive pony that sticks to it all the time. I think you inspire all of us to be like you, blue, even if we have just met you." She edged closer to me a little. "Well, I thank you for the compliments, I really do." "Oh, and you also have eyes like a hawk, you see things that others don't, and you seem so knowledgeable, and smart, and you know so many words, like rarity. You do look serious most of the time, but when we're with you, we're always having fun, and you always smile when you're with us." Fluttershy was very close to me now. She suddenly nuzzled my neck in appreciation for my appearance to the group; it made me blush, while she was blushing much more than me, yet she still carried on, like she wasn't worried about what I'd do, and I wouldn't do anything either, because it felt so comforting and relaxing. "I… don't know what came over me; I just love your company, that's all… really…" "Do you… want to tell me something, Fluttershy? You can tell me anything you want, you know…" I talked slower than usual because I was in a state of relaxation that I haven't felt before. "Um… not really… I mean… well… it's just… oh don't worry…" "But, I do worry Fluttershy, quite a lot in fact, even if you may not notice it. What is it?" "Well... to tell the truth... I... have... a certain liking... for you…" I could tell what Fluttershy was implying, I don't know why she would though, for me, when we've only recently become friends, and I've helped her out once and that's it. But, I did notice she was very, very quietly giggling to herself at last night's party, and looking at me, a lot, and glancing upwards every once in a while, but I didn't know her, of all ponies... would be like that for me… "Really, Fluttershy? You… are like that for me? I would have never known…" There was a long pause, and she finally came out with, "...Yes..." I was very awestruck by this, and blushing a lot. I had a lot of mixed emotions; I didn't know what to feel. "Wow, but we've only just met, how did you find me to be a match so quickly?" "I…don't know…I just thought you were the right one for me, I guess…" "Well, I just don't know how to feel at the moment, Shy, I'm very taken back by all this…" "Well, maybe this will help…" She gave me a small peck on the cheek. So very small. But I could feel the waves of heat radiating off of her, as her face was covered in the red paint of blushing. My hooves were trembling. Her whole body was violently shaking. I didn't know this would happen to me, but it's been so fast that it's unbelievable. I felt that the nice thing to do was to peck her back, as she seemed to like it. "I……love you…blue…" "I…know…Shy…I…guess...I...love…you too…" She looked like she was going to explode from all the shaking and blushing, but suddenly, it happened. Her lips trailed to mine. My lips closed on hers. We stayed in this position in what seemed like forever, and she didn't want to let go, even though she's the shy one. The heat from both of our faces melted the room, and the images we created were of passion, and love, and everything else. The swirls all around us turned into stars in the night sky, we felt like we were floating in space, together, forever. I opened one eye to see Fluttershy's eyes fully closed tightly. Her lips were so warm and tender; this was from her personality, it made her so soft and nice to feel. I raised a hoof to her face, and held on tight, while she did the same, in the throes of passion. I've never felt this way before, and I didn't think my supposed first kiss would be shared with a mare, and Fluttershy knew this was right for her, as she just didn't want to let go. Neither did I. Her aura shined a brilliant Orange, the exact same colour as my body. I noticed mine shined pastel yellow, the colour of her body. This aura only seemed to show up when we're in deep passion for each other. After at least years of such amazing, passionate, tender kissing between us, Fluttershy offered for me to sleep in her bed with her for tonight. "I hope you're comfortable with me, blue..." "I sure am, if I had the best experience ever just now." "I hope you sleep well, blue." "I hope you sleep well too, Shy, good night." It took us a while to fall asleep as we were both still panting violently from the best event ever to happen to us. The bed was equal of comfort to mine. I gave Fluttershy a small kiss on the cheek for the last time tonight before dropping off to sleep. I kept repeating the moment in my head so much that it still excited me each time it looped. I just couldn't get it out of my head. Well, it was my first kiss after all. And with Fluttershy. The most unsuspecting pony of finding love for me. I just couldn't believe it. I just couldn't believe it. I just couldn't believe…