Of Dragons and Ponies

by Roaring Hope

Chapter 2

“Gooooooood Morning Twilight!”

A platter of apples, hay and sugar cubes were arranged in an obscure smiley formation with an equally crooked smiling dragon on the other side of said breakfast plate.

A groggy-eyed Twilight looked up from her light slumber and let out a short yawn. “Thank you Spike… but what’s the occasion?”

Spike lowered the plate and rose up one clawed finger. “Can’t a loyal dragon do something nice for his royal Princess every once and a while without their needing to be a specific reason?”

“Well…” Twilight blinked and slowly shook her head, a smile returning to her face. “I guess not.” She paused before noting a curious odor coming from somewhere further off. “Is something burning?”

Spike nearly dropped the platter all over the poor Alicorn in his rising panic. “Oh no! My oaty puffs!!”

With that the purple reptile jumped off the bed and rushed out of the room, leaving a partially concerned Twilight in his wake.

“Whew. All safe and OH-so delicious.” Spike licked his chomps as he brought a tray of steaming brown orbs to rest on the counter top.

Eyes closed in contentment, the baby dragon with his pink and white apron stood basking in his good deeds until suddenly a loud knocking came from the main entrance area.

Perhaps out of habit, the young dragon didn’t think to change out of his ridiculous attire, still having it in his mind that he was opening the door of Twilight Sparkle’s house and not a Princess’ Castle.


Jogging lightly to the large oaken doors, Spike pulled (with some effort) until he had it cracked enough to look outside. What he saw made his jaw sag.

About seven tall and well-trimmed armored ponies stood at attention along with one blue-eyed orange standing outside the line in-front with his head bowed. “Greetings your highness, it is my pleasure to introduce to you the noble and courageous Royal Guard, ready to serve and protect y-“ He stopped as his gaze lifted, only to see the opposite of what he had been expecting.

“Uhhhhhhh” Spike fumbled for something to say, but the only thing he ended up professing was this. “Could I interest you guys in some Oaky Puffs?”

The armored pony, with his eye-brows raised, looked from the cheeky dragon to his comrades who in turn looked as if they had just walked in on a young filly’s birthday bash than a royal Princess’ humble abode.

“Flash Sentry?”

The voice broke the awkward silence, a voice belonging to none other than the royal heiress herself.

“Princess!” The gentle-pony exclaimed, his smile returning before he had a chance to compose himself. “Uhhh- I mean, Attention!” He ordered back to the others, who quickly reformed their positions in haste. “Princess Twilight Sparkle. It is my honor to present to you the Royal Guard. We come on orders of the Princesss’ Celestia and Luna’s decrees to offer up our services to aid you in your establishment of your kingdom of Ponyville.” Head bowing, Flash waited in earnest for the stumped Twilight’s response.

Spike backed slowly toward the purple mare and hesitantly nudged her. “Twilight. They’re all waiting… Say something!” He whispered urgently, tail coiling as he looked, somewhat fearfully, back at the crowd of able-bodied ponies.

“Spike I know they’re waiting.” She clenched her teeth and smiled, trying to seem composed when she really wasn’t. “Why are they waiting?” Her voice rose an octave as she looked quickly to Spike, who gave her a look. “You’re the Princess! Shouldn’t you know? Isn’t this your area of expertise?” He winced away when he saw the Alicorn giving him a death glare before chuckling nervously.

“Princess?” Flash Sentry’s voice stirred the two back to the situation as the older pony came to stand infront of them both. “Does our presence here displease you?” His eyes looked weary and his stance became less royal and more like an awkward pony getting ready to ask out his special-somepony.

“No! I mean…” Twilight straightened herself and put on a face of calm. Spike’s eyebrows rose. That was impressive. “I am honored that you’re here. I apologize for my lack of… um, preparedness. It’s just that I….we… weren’t expecting you?”

The gentle-pony seemed at a loss for words as he stared back at his party. “I… I am confused. Didn’t Princess Celestia send you word of our arriving?” He looked back at the mare, taking off his armored helmet before whispering something back at one of the front ponies. When he looked back Twilight and Spike were having another heated conversation.

“What do you mean you didn’t get any message!” Twilight chided, rounding on Spike as his arms extended up high over his shoulders. “Wouldn’t I have given you one if I had!” He rebuked, scratching his head. “Especially a letter as important as this! I… I don’t know how I didn’t get it…” Spike frowned deeply before awkwardly turning to look at Flash Sentry, who was composed once again.

“No matter. The message could have just been lost in the air. It isn’t uncommon for dragon magic to whig out every once and a while…” Flash gave a knowing and apologetic look to the purple dragon, whose face was not so purple anymore.

“My magic doesn’t ‘whig o-‘!” Spike started to growl but was quickly silenced by Twilight who stepped infront of the baby dragon. She chuckled quickly and waved her hoof. “Accidents happen!” She looked back at Spike. “Right Spike?” She hoped he got the message, but he only huffed quietly and nodded.

“Alright then. Well, like I said Princess. We are at your service. Just tell me where you want me and my ponies and we will be out of your hay.” He smiled, bowing his head once more. All the while Twilight looked as if she were fighting panic and amusement all at the same time.

“Oh you’re not in my hay at all.” She giggled before abruptly clearing her throat. “If you all could just wait half an hour I will certainly do just that. I must speak with my….” She trailed off just as a blur of assorted colors passed by not too far over-head. “Rainbow Dash!”

Everypony looked startled at the sudden out-burst and even more so when a crashing rainbow mare entered the scene.

“Ow….” A frazzled Rainbow Dash floated awkwardly out of the neighboring tree she had zig-zagged into and looked about ready to murder whoever distracted her precise flying skills.

Galloping quickly to the cyan pony Twilight lifted a hoof off the ground and lowered her ears. “Sorry!” She mouthed before swinging back around to look at the rest of the company. Spike looked on with a look of half-amusement, though he was still feeling sour about the ‘whig’ comment..

“What’s the big ide-! Oh…” Rainbow started to yell but then stopped when she saw the plated ponies all standing there. “Oh man! Are we under attack? What are they all doing here?” She flew up quickly as if checking for signs of danger before looking back at the now confused soldiers.

“Rainbow Dash. Of course we’re not under attack!” She laughed awkwardly before glaring quietly up at her. “Just get down here. Please.” She tried to be as polite as possible but she was running off three hours of sleep, so it wasn’t easy.

“Then what are they-“ The aggressive pony started to argue but her mouth was shushed by a hoof as she landed beside her friend. “Ommhmmhmmffhh!!!” Rainbow spat, her patience thinning as Twilight removed the barrier from her pursed lips. “Twilight. What in blazes is going on here? And…” She paused, sniffing the air with a look of confusion. “Is something burning?”

“They’re supposed to be lightly toasted!” The yell came from within the house, followed by an audible huff of annoyance.

“Wha?” Rainbow looked more confused than annoyed now, but let Twilight speak. Finally.

“I need you to gather up the rest of the crew. We have a bit of a problem…” She whispered, glancing back at Flash Sentry who gave a goofy wave before turning back to his group. “Do you think either of the others knows how to command a mini-army?”

“Now everypony just calm yerselves… I’m sure Princess Celestia had a good reason sending these here guard here….” The orange mare with the southern accent began to say but was pointedly interrupted by a high pitched squeal.

“OHHHH I KNOW! CELESTIA WANTED TO THROW A SLUMBER PARTY SO SHE INVITED HER GUARDS OVER AS A SURPRISE!!!! OHH I JUST LOVE SURPRISE SLUMBER PARTIES EEEEE HEHEHE!” Hopping around the round table in the large throne room one Pinkie Pie lit up the room with even more agitation than it already had.

“PAH-LEASE!! A slumber-party? These are ROYAL GUARD SOLIDERS we’re talking about here! They don’t have time to sleep!!!” Rainbow Dash snorted, gaining a glare from AppleJack.

“That is the most reediculous thang I’ve ever heard! How do ya expect em to do their job without some shut-eye?”

“Well I for one think them being here is absolutely DIVINE!” The white beauty known as Rarity started to say, tossing her mane back before looking toward the doors. “They must have been sent here to spice up the royal palace. I mean, what good is a castle and a princess without someponies to guard it? Some handsome ponies at that..”

“Well I think…” Fluttershy, the quietest of all the arguing ponies, started to say but was interrupted.

“Do you think any of them will let me wear their shiny armor? OHHHHH I WANNA WEAR THE SHINEST ARMOUR AND GO AROUND ALL OF PONYVILLE LIKE-“ She jumped up on the table and struck a pose much like what you might see a faithful knight look like before going into battle. “FEAR NOT CITIZENS OF PONYVILLE YOUR LIVES ARE IN GOOD HOOVES! EVIL-DOERS BEWARE I HAVE THIS REALLY POINTY STICK-SPEAR WITH YOUR NAME ON IT AND I KNOW HOW TO USE ITT!!!!!” Swinging out a random spear nopony there knew where she had gotten it from; Pinkie looked about ready to stab poor Fluttershy before one pony crashed her hooves down on the table and said…


Five pairs of pony eyes looked to the head of the table to see Twilight Sparkle with her head raised high and her magical horn glowing a faint violet. She let out a short, calming breath before settling back down again.

“Listen. I know this is all new and exciting, but we must maintain order. That is actually why I called you all here… “ The purple mare explained, letting her gaze fall on everypony there. She turned to Spike who was sitting a foot too short in his concrete chair. Twilight gave him an endearing look before magicking up a set of three thick-bound books to serve as a booster seat for him.

“Well gee Twi, what do’ya expect us ponies to do? We hardly know anythang about royalty cept what we hear from yous.” Apple started, her freckled face glowing in concern as she looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, I would have to agree with AJ on this one. I for one don’t know jack about running the royal guard.” Dash sent a look to AppleJack that said ‘no offence’ before cocking her head toward the door. “Don’t they have a ‘superior officer’ they report to that tells them all what they need to do?”

“That would have been Shining Armour, but it’s not like we can call him down here every time something like this needs to be settled.” Twilight sighed. “No. We need to figure out what to do with them without Shining’s help. But I know that I can’t do this alone.” She said with determination, brushing her wings together nervously before continuing. “Celestia meant for us to rule this new kingdom together- with the friendship we share. Besides, I don’t care if none of you are officially considered royal to the throne, you all might as well be because we’ve all grown as close together as a family over these past years. I wouldn’t pick any other ponies in all of equestria to take your place. And that’s a promise girls.”

The whole room seemed to glow a little brighter in the morning light seeping in through the tall stained windows. Each pony stood a little taller as they all looked around at another, just basking in the strength of their friendship.

“Alright. So here’s what I thought we could do…” Twilight began, the first official royal business of Ponyville being discussed by the ponies that made up the elements of harmony.

“I wanted to say congratulations before I left.” The deep voice of Flash Sentry spoke in the emptying throne room, minutes after the royal decrees concerning the guard and it’s positions throughout Ponyville stood accepted by all present. “If it hadn’t been for you, all would have been lost… You really are worthy of your royal title.”

Twilight Sparkle bowed her head, a small smile forming as she watched her friends talking amongst themselves a few feet off. “I couldn’t have done it without the help of my friends. But, thank you Flash.” She turned her head, held high in her appreciation. “And are you planning to stay with the others or are you needed back in Canterlot?” She hoped he couldn’t hear the edge of disappointment in her voice.

“My orders were to escort these seven ponies here and make sure they keep in accordance with your laws…” He trailed off but quickly noticed Twilight’s change in demeanor. “Which will take a week or so…. I wouldn’t want to come back with a hasty report now would I?” He chuckled, drawing his hoof over the marble floor before smiling gently at the young mare.

“No. We wouldn’t want that.” Twilight agreed, a solemn smile gracing her features before turning to see her royal advisors coming her way.

“Mighty fine men ya got there Flash Sentry sir.” AppleJack flashed a toothy grin, Rainbow Dash following toot sweet with a mini loop-dee-loop. “yeah! Nopony’s going to be messing with our town now!”

“I feel so protected already. I could just faint from all this…” Rarity began, twirling in place before promptly falling ‘accidentally’ in Flash Sentry’s chest. “Gallantry!”

“So Ponyville’s got a bunch of trained watch dogs. Big deal. It’s not like we’ve survived without them over the past, oh, three years?” Spike chipped, keeping his voice low so only the few ponies around him could hear. Pinkie Pie was one of them. “THREE YEARS AND TWO-HUNDRED-TWENTY-FIVE DAYS TO BE EXACT!!” Smiling broadly, the pink mare jumped up and down while Fluttershy stared sympathetically at the baby dragon.

“Oh Spike. It won’t be so bad. We all know Ponyville wouldn’t be near as protected without you and your dragon prowess.” She closed her eyes when Spike gave her a shy grin. “Gee Fluttershy. Thank you!”

“Spike!” Twilight called gently, causing the purple dragon to start. “Oh! Sorry! I gotta go!” Scampering to a stop next to the alicorn, Spike was in high spirits now that he was being shown some appreciation. The next words Twilight said however made his gills droop. “Would you mind showing Flash to the barracks?” She smiled toward Flash, who was half-busy trying to keep Rarity from toppling him over from her fainting spells.

“Aw, come on Twilight! He’s a big pony! Don’t you think he can find his own way? This really isn’t that big of a castle..”


“Plus there are signs pointing exactly where to-“


“Oh alright! But if he calls my magic out again I am not responsible for whatever happens after that!” Spike hissed, throwing his nose up in the air before stalking over to wait at the door. “Mr. Know-it-All might be the spokes-pony of Canterlot but he definitely isn’t when it comes to the dragons and their magic!”

An hour or so later passed and Princess Twilight and her friends were out in the square getting some late lunch at Oat’s Diner. The air was peaceful and content for the most part until a distant commotion could be heard coming from the west-ward side of town.

“What in Equestria?” Applejack was the first to speak up as all pony heads present turned to see a herd of bodies descending fast into the square.


The six ponies were all up and on alert as the chaos raced past them on every side. Pegasi flew over-head, one so panicked she ran into the side of an over-hanging sign!

“Cherry! What’s everypony running from??” Rainbow Dash yelled, rushing toward her fallen Cloudsdale friend to help her up.

“Dark…..Darkness!” The mare whimpered before burying her head in her hooves.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders at her friends before flying up to get a better view.

“I don’t see anything….- wait! No! There’s a…..a…..” Eyes widening, Rainbow Dash spun back around and swooped infront of the other five ponies. “I think we might need to ask Celestia for a few more soldiers…ones that can fly specifically…”

“Princess Twilight! Princess Twilight!” A voice called from the way Rainbow had scoped, the blue tuffs upon his helmet scorched and his white mane blackened. “We’ve lost three ponies to some…some beast! I think… I think it’s a dragon!” The soldier gasped for breath as he collapsed infront of the six mares.

“Three?? Come on girls!” Twilight immediately fell into action as she looked determinedly toward the place the distant yelling was coming from.

“No! Wait!” The stallion coughed, there was pleading in his eyes. “Don’t go. It’s too dangerous… “ He shook his mane before saying these last words. “Flash Sentry….. he’s dead.”