Sins of the Mother

by Chelis

Bourbon of Destiny

Anthea and Starburst: PSG style!

The cover of night was the preference for the lone rider's path through the Everfree forest. The road was winding, and it seemed like danger crept at every turn. Usually, riders would have a lantern to light the way. This rider used the light of the dim crescent moon and memorization of the road to guide the way.

The rider quickly found themselves outside of the forest, through the outskirts of Ponyville, and then finally in front of Sugar Cube Corner. The figure roped their horse on a light pole and made their way to front of the establishment, and gave the door a few light knocks.

It took Cotton Candy a few seconds to get the door. When she did she looked down to the smaller figure.

"Oh hey, Starburst!" Candy said as she allowed Starburst into the place. The Princess was escorted by Cotton Candy to her room. Starburst had been visiting Cotton Candy every other night since their parents had left for the Griffon Kingdom. Days went by without a word from the Elements of Harmony. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months, and those months were unbearable for the Children of Harmony. Every day was another dagger to their hearts, and a daily reminder that their parents might not ever come back was why the rest of the Children of the Elements were in the room when Cotton Candy opened the door to her colorful bedroom.

"I'm sorry Starburst, they all miss their parents as well, and I kinda told them about this..."

"It's fine." Starburst said with a smile, taking a seat on Candy's bed.

Her friends had the same feeling of fear for their parents safety, and they all were there... Except the son of Rainbow Dash.

"Where's Prism Bolt?" Candy wondered out loud.

"Right Herrrrs!" Prism said as he slumped his way into to room with a bottle in his hand. The bottle and his actions peaked everyone's interest.

"Prism, where did you get that?" Claire asked. She was sitting on the floor next to Starburst.

"I founds it in Cotton's mom's stash." He answered. Prism got close to Cotton and tried (and failed) to whisper to Candy. "I wouldn't go into your mom's stash by the way... You can probably guess why... unless you're THAT kind of girl."

Before anyone could say a word, Prism's drunkenness finally caught up with him and he fell in the middle of the room.

Some alcohol found its way on Golden Delicious's snakeskin boots. Golden tasted the liquid and his face immediately went sour. "Ma's special bourbon. Surprised he was still standing after taking half the bottle."

"Really?" Anthea asked. She was sitting on Turquoise Blitz's lap before she reached over in a attempt to grab the bottle for herself. A full view of her petite bottom in jeans was in full view of T, and he looked away in embarrassment. He happened to turn to his sister, who noticed the situation and jokingly motioned her eyes at Turquoise to look at Anthea's backside.

"Almost... there..." Anthea said as she was close to taking the bourbon from Prism's hands. He reaffirmed his grip on the bottle and sat up.

"Say guys," Prism said as he took another swig from the bottle. "I have a crazy Idea. What if's we go find our parents."

The room went silent.

"Celestia is not give news, we find them."

Everyone looked at each other. They all were thinking the same thing: "The dumb ass is drunk, but the idea is enticing...."

"If you's all with me, take some of dis shit."

Again, everyone looked to each other.

Anthea was the first to grab the bottle. She turned to Turquoise with puppy eyes. "I don't want my future children to grow up with out a grand mother." She took a swig and handed it to T. "Don't you feel the same way?"

Turquoise took the bottle and took a swig as well before he received a tap on the shoulder from Golden Delicious. Golden motioned his hand in a way that basically asked for the bottle, which he received.

" I miss ma' and pa'. Uncle Mac is sufferin'. Red June and I are try'n ah' best. But, we can't replace them," Golden Delicious said as he took a large gulp of the drink. He held up the bottle in the direction of Cotton Candy, who was standing by the door. "Candy?"

Candy took the bottle, and looked at the contents of the bottle in thought. "My mother was the anchor of Sugar Cube Corner... My father I love dearly... What's the point of being here without them". She took a sip and handed it to Starburst.

"My mother and I never see eye to eye on much. But, Night Light misses her everyday and I love them and Daddy. Not only that, I'll get to finally see some action". Starburst took a small sip and passed it to Claire.

"If I take the bourbon, it means I have to go with you guys, right?"

"Yes!" Prism screamed.

"It's gonna be a hard decision. I know Mom and Dad. They know how to take care of themselves. T and I know about their adventures from when they were younger. They've faced it all together. I don't think they are in real danger, but..." Tears fell down Crystal Clarity's face as she took a few giant gulps from the bottle. "I miss them so much."

Cotton, Star, Anthea, and T consoled Claire as she sobbed. They started tearing up, while Golden Delicious had to collect himself. Prism was drunk and was still face up on the ground, oblivious to what was going on.

After everyone cleared from her, Claire suggested an idea as the alcohol set in. For Crystal Clarity, was a only a matter of seconds before she became drunk off the Bourbon, solidifying her reputation as a massive lightweight. "Let's do the thing next week."

"Wouldn't that give enough time for someone to try to talk us out of this?" Anthea asked.

"That's what I'm hoping for," Claire said as she took another large gulp of the bourbon.