//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: After Equestria // by Prometheus7 //------------------------------// Firestorm blinked staring at the ceiling trying to find out where he was, then it all came back to him in a flash of memories. What should I do? Go back to sleep or go to the training room? A loud beep! snapped him out of his thought and sent him sprawling on the floor. Firestorm muttered words that would get him a trip to the principal's office at home and raced to the training room wondering, what the hay? I'm too old to go to school or get sent to the principal's office! So why did I think that? It doesn't make any goddamn sense! As Firestorm raced down the hall the door to the training room came into view, they were shouts and yells and crackling flames. Wait, flames? Firestorm gulped and pushed open the doors. Eclipsed blade was fighting against a small dragon, the dragons was flying in the sky shooting fire-balls at the unicorn was he ran, firing beams at the dragon. One of beams zoomed directly toward the dragon and it burst into flames. Okay, quite frankly that didn't really happen at all, but it happened so fast that that's what Firestorm saw. But, soon it became quite clear that it had not happened, when the flames died the dragon was standing there ( well, no, floating actually.) with fire racing around him to make a giant diagonal ring, in which the dragon hovered in the middle. Eclipsed blade looked up at the dragon and called, "nice one Firestar!" the dragon, whose name was Firestar apparently, grinned down at him. "Yeah, I'm pretty awesome ain't I?" Firestar said boastfully, but Firestorm could tell from the tone of his voice that he was joking. "That was some mighty fine work ma friends!" big Mac said calmly strolling toward as if complimenting a work of art rather than their combat techniques. Firestorm turned to face him but in his confusion and drowsiness he replied. "Isn't big Mac a type of burger at burger king?" he asked stupidly, everyone turned to face him with confused and somewhat annoyed expressions annoyed expressions. " What the hay, are you talking about?"Firestar asked frowning at him, big Mac and Eclipsed blade just stared at him. Firestorm shook his head, "I don't know." Eclipsed blade was frowning, his expression was blank and unreadable, "you don't know," he said calmly his eyes searching Firestorm for any sign of dishonesty, Firestorm shrugged confusedly. Suddenly an echoing voiced pierced the silence, "Firestorm, please report to Commander Lyra's office." Firestorm turned to try and find where the voice was coming from but it was echoing from all directions. "See you guys later," He told his friends (they were his friends, right?) and with that he exited the training room and entered the halls. "Firestorm, wait up!" a voice called to him, Firestorm turned to see big Mac running toward him. Big Mac eyed Firestorm quizzically, "do you even know where Lyra's office is?" Firestorm blinked and bit his lip trying not to sound as stupid as he felt, "no, no I do not." Damn I can't believe I didn't think of asking! "Well, it's on the topmost floor ya see?" he told him pointing across the room at a spiraling staircase, "now don't worry partner, I'm sure you're not in any trouble partner," Firestorm nodded at big Mac, "yeah, thanks man." and he galloped toward the stairs with big Mac calling to him from behind, "you're welcome!" Firestorm grinned at that and continued up the stairs.But then a sudden thought struck him, He turned to big Mac,"no offense but, why are you so talkative?" Big mac's cheerful expression died and was replaced by one akin to an investigator during a murder mystery, filled with grim curiosity. "Its not a matter of choice." he told Firestorm, but upon seeing his confused expression he quickly continued. "You see, I have to talk because I'm a trainer, I have to tell ponies what to what not to do ect. For example, I have to tell an earth pony to practice his/her blacksmith, a Pegasus to practice endurance and a unicorn to practice her spells. You got that?" he asked Firestorm. Firestorm nodded, " yeah, thanks." He raced up the stairs with only one thought filling his mind, he's lying. "You're late." Lyra told him calmly, she was sitting at the end of a ten feet long room , her hooves resting on a wooden table. Papers were staked at the end of the desk with a blue pen resting on top off them, the room was almost completely dark except for the lamp on Lyra's desk. "Sorry, I didn't know the way so big Mac showed me." Firestorm replied looking around the dark room, trying to see what occupied the wall and the barely visible tables. "Alight, to the first order of business." Firestorm turned to face Lyra who was frowning at him with an unreadable expression, "where did you come from? How do you know my name? Who are you?" Firestorm closed his eyes and tried to remember, "I don't know." he replied lamely, Lyra raised an eyebrow. "Alright then, how do you know about the Savior Six?" she asked with no change in her expression, "I'm not sure," Firestorm repeated feeling stupider and stupider by the moment, "what I said it ... it just ... sort of ... um, you know popped into my head." Lyra got up, ( or rather got down because she went from sitting on her back legs to all fours which made her height decrease.)She sighed her expression returning to hard and ruthless, "I believe you. Now, get out of my office!" not needing to be told twice Firestorm left albeit, confused. What the hell? She wanted to kill me before because I seemed to be a changeling, now she's letting me go because I told her I did know about the ma-Savior Six? If she didn't believe me before, why is she believing me now? "I getting really tired of this amnesia thing," he murmured out loud as he headed back to the training room. Soon he came across the same scarred door, he pushed it open again and entered, except this time instead of a bunch of pe-ponies training he found Eclipsed blade talking to an-"alicorn."Firestorm had meant to whisper it but it came out louder then excepted and both Eclipsed Star and the alicorn turned to him. Eclipse Star and the alicorn walked towards him from across the room, when they were standing right in front of him Eclipsed Star began, "swear to me that you won't tell any pony!" he hissed at Firestorm, "I won't." Firestorm promised, " But I don't get what's the big deal-" The alicorn cut him off, " the big deal is that a prophecy was written, it said that an alicorn was destined to save equestria or destroy it. And, well, I'm an alicorn, so it kind of might be my job to save the world." The mare told him, looking embarrassed. "My names Radiance by the way." "Let's go to the cafeteria, I'm starving!" Eclipsed Star announced strolling toward the exit with his hoof on Firestorm shoulder in an unnaturally friendly way, with Radiance strolling behind, before Firestorm could object they had already left the training room.