Human in Pony's clothing

by TheDawsonator1

Entry #41

So, I am still annoyed about the whole sex succeeding thing being all a dream but yeah, it’s like episode after Maud Pie, that one episode I couldn’t watch back on Earth cause I was sick and then all the bloody commentaries went over it. Do you know how hard it is to find an episode now? There are too many reactions or moronic Commentaries over them.

Oh yeah, and I’m bored! CK is in Canterlot and Firefly went to Fillydelphia to visit her parents so it’s just little old me! I’m so looooonnneellllyyy! Lonely! I am so Looooooooonneeellleeeeyy! Like in that song by Akon. And bored, so bored, the type of boredom that would inspire adventure by ridiculous nonsensical means.

Nah, that won’t happen…

So here I am, wondering the streets, it’s like a day till Kicker comes back, Twilight and friends and being friendshippy…cause that’s what they do….duh!

Well it’s afternoon now…I spent all day in my room and not one video game was played…well we don’t have video games, we have arcade games but no actual consoles…

Huh? Isn’t that Spike over there? What’s he doing alone? I thought he’d be with Twilight or something…whatever, SOCIAL ACTIVITY!!!!

“Hey Spike” I greeted
“Hello Lightning” He said back
“How’s it going?” I asked
“Twilight left me behind again” Spike looked down at that
“That sucks” I said
“You said it, they’re always at some adventure and here I am left behind as always” Spike grumbled
“Eh, I’d rather not go on adventures myself, too much pressure and you unlike video games you can’t respawn if you screw up” I said
“Why not?” Spike asked me
“Well, honestly, I think it’s chaotic enough here without the adventures. I like spending time with my friends in peace and honestly, I am scared of death” I confessed
“You always looked so fearless when do go on adventures” Spike pointed out
“Hey, when somepony threatens your friends or your way of life, you gotta do what you gotta do. Chrysalis kidnaps my friends? I ain’t taking that from her, so I go rescue my friends. Believe me, Twilight would do it for you” I said

I know it in my heart that the Mane cast would look out for each other, it’s what best friends do!

“But, I always screw up if I try to help them” Spike went negative again
“Spike, you don’t always screw up, like you actually saved a Empire from King Sombra by getting the heart to Cadence” I pointed out
“I fell and Shining Armor threw Cadence at the heart” Spike said
“But you got it down enough so at least they could get it, you may not of actually done the saving move but you contributed and that’s the most important part. You got your flank down there with that Crystal heart and that’s what’s important, without that happening, we would all be enslaved or killed or trapped under the ice for 1000 years again” I said
“But, why is it I never feel any success?” Spike asked
“because you never make your triumphs so, you think Negatively about what could happen or you might of screwed up when in reality, you were what saved the day, Spike” I answered
“So, I saved the day indirectly?” Spike asked
“Exactly, all these other ponies got you as well as the Elements to thank just for one simple action, to me, you’re a hero as much as them. Sure, you’ve hit the short end of the stick a fair few times but you got your flank back up and did your duty. That’s something I would say Princess Celestia would be proud of, but what she wouldn’t be proud of is you sitting here and being so down on yourself” I said

I meant those words, I really did!

“You’re right…” Spike accepted
“Hey, you may not have Rarity yet and you may be just the sidekick, but honestly, everypony loves the sidekicks” I said
“I suppose so, do you know what I should do for Rarity?” Spike asked hopefully
“That’s something I can’t tell you Spike, not because I don’t want to, it’s one of those things you got to find and do yourself, Spike” I said
“Do myself? I dunno, I try but it seems like Rarity doesn’t even notice me, she even went after Trenderhoof than me” Spike said
“Love ain’t easy Spike, sometimes it just takes a while and others get it on their first try, they are the lucky ones! It may take her some time, but just be prepared, she may not return such feelings. But if it doesn’t work out, they are plenty of mares around here, so many that it’s hard to find Stallion friends around here” I finished with a chuckle
“So she may not like me?” Spike asked
“She may, she may not, that I don’t really know, I like to stay out of their lives because I sort of don’t want to screw things up. But who knows? Maybe she’s confused with herself, I know girls tend to do that. But whoever the mare that ends up with you, she be one lucky mare” I replied

Spike thought about it for a while, I don’t know what went on in his head but I hope it’s good things

“Spike! Gavin!” I heard Twilight’s voice approaching us
“Twilight, my name is Lightning Bolt!” I said irritably
“Okay then, we’re back!” Twilight said

Thank you, Princess Obvious! Spike did not need say a word to go with Twilight back to the Library. Personally, I felt like I cheered him up and that made my day and I gotta have these days made before the next adventure comes along, trust me, there will always be a next one!