//------------------------------// // The city of Equestria // Story: Memories of Equestria // by OrganizedChaos //------------------------------// The mountain at the centre of the kingdom stood tall in the darkness of the clouds that masked the land. Lightning struck the earth with a mighty clash and as the light shone from it the top of the mountain could be seen in all it's glory. On top of which stood a mighty beast of great size. A monstrous looking beast made up of jumbled up bits of fearsome creatures, almost like some kind of demonic puzzle that curled around the mountain. The creature had a serpent like body of brown fur with one leg of a reptilian nature that grasped into the mountain with claws like spears, a great lion leg with a paw the size of a small castle and a claw resembling that of an eagle or such bird, a hoof could also be seen protruding from under it's great scaled tail. With wings folded by it's sides. Both different shades of blue. It's grey head held unnaturally red eyes like glowing beacons scanning the ground that were held under the great horns in which pierced the sky. One that grew out like a tree. while the other pointed out blue, twisting as it went on. The creature also grew a beard and large brows of pure white. It looked over the barren waste land. capturing the scene, it demanded from all onlookers it's full attention. After seeing this monstrous spectacle one would look at the side of the mountain in which the ruined remains of a castle stood slowly crumbling away. This now only stood as a memorial of the Harmony that was once shown throughout all of the land of Equestria. Or what was Equestria. No. This isn't Equestria any more. We are now in the land of Bedlam. A place of anarchy, Pandemonium and most of all complete and utter chaos. It's been exactly 15 years since "The day of chaos" and the world has become on of Mobocracy and lawlessness, there is but one last safe haven. For those with pure of hearts and brave souls gather under the flag of the once mighty nation and attempt to rebuild their happiness hidden away from the sight of the one that still strikes fear into the hearts of all. Discord. The lord of chaos and disharmony ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So Principle Pie did you lie when you said that it was too dangerous to go up there? you were talking about 15 years ago. Can't we just leave then and see what's happened up there." A dark pink pony with straight pink hair looked over the classroom when her eyes fell onto a smirking red colt with yellow hair his fellow students staring at him and gasping. "What was that?" the mare said, her eye twitching. the large colt gulped down, sinking back into his chair. he started looking around the room at nothing in particular "Well I mean if nopony has been up there for 15 years how do we know it hasn't all calmed down or something." The red colt looked back to the front of the class but the teacher seemed to have disappeared. "No one goes out of the gates without permission." a voice whispered from behind him. He jumped from his desk and looked behind to see the pink mare recompose herself from a creepy wide smiled scene and take 3 deep breaths. "No one is to go outside, no one is to even go out the gate without permission from the elemental council and trust me as long as I'm on that council you will not be aloud. Only the elite guard ever venture out the gate and that's only to go as far as the Tunnels as to clear them from what breeds there... But that is a story for another lesson, in the meantime..." "... CLASS DISMISSED." The class moved quickly as they saw the stern look of there teacher "YES MISS." they all said in unison before exiting the room. All except one, the colt from earlier. He stared at the picture of the mountain on the board, scanning it curiously he looked around his shoulder at the now empty classroom and then at the teacher. "Sorry miss." "It's quite fine, school has finished. You may call me Pinkamena if you like. So what seems to be the matter Jonathan" the teacher asked neatly stacking a pile of papers "Oh it's nothing, I was just wondering. If nopony is aloud up there... then how was this taken." He gestured to the picture of the great mountain. The dark pink mare stood next to the boy staring at the picture "Jonathan" "yes Miss" The teacher continued gazed onward looking at the picture with a solemn almost sad expression. "this is the last picture ever took of the land above before we escaped. You where born after the evacuation, so you don't know of what happened up there and you should never have to. Although there is one thing you should know" "What's that Miss Pie" "Chaos is not what destroyed us, it was what saved us from ourselves." The colt looked over to his teacher confused but found that the dark pink pony had vanished from sight. Fearing she was once again behind him he jumped around but saw nothing. He then slowly walked to the doorway, stopping only to take one last look at the picture before walking out and shutting the door behind him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The city streets grew a cheerful atmosphere as fillies a colts of every age started to fill them full with chatter. The school being situated in the front of a large courtyard that spans across some distance. Filled by benches and small stalls in rows left and right. Occupied with ponies selling anything and anything you can think of. From grain to dresses, animals to furniture, books to instruments. It had anything a pony would need. It seemed to be a quite busy scene but it was over shadowed by a powerful presence. The courtyard was hidden slightly by a giant royal tower that towered over the city. It stretched upwards into a great point, on which stood a great ball of fire. Blaring like a sun it shined it's light to all edges of the Gigantic city and shared warmth to all. The tower held but one Name engraved in gigantic letters that could be seen from the edges of the city. One that most did not realise held as much meaning as it did. It simply read. "The Number One Assistant" The ball of fire shines a small glint of green as a giant pare of doors open up. automatically the courtyard silences and looks towards the left of the tower. where a large squad of ponies in armour walk into the doors. followed by a group of ponies all wearing necklaces holding dazzling gems apart from one that wore a tiara upon her head. The doors closed gently with a slow pull and as it closed an outline of green flame formed around the edges of the door for but a few seconds before disappearing. The courtyard then grew back it's noise of chatter and the mood resumed it's pleasant state as if nothing had happened.