//------------------------------// // 4. Working En Hallo (Cheerilee) // Story: Are You Afraid of the Dark? // by trixiesshow //------------------------------// Everything had died down from the excitement of Lyra’s song and everypony was conversing between themselves. Lyra and Carrot Top were discussing the idea of timberwolves and the precautions Carrot Top had taken. Cheerilee and Twilight were very deeply engaged in a conversation about some book writer. Who cares? While Trixie just seemed to be listening between taking sips from her bourbon bottle and occasionally wearing a look of content that would suggest she’s had too much to drink. “Wow Cheerilee, I had no idea you’d read Ponies and Prejudice. “Yeah, I loved it, and I've read all of Jane Austin's works. Why do you sound so shocked though? I’m a teacher, we have to teach something.” Cheerilee said with her typical infectious laugh. Twilight chuckled but innocently responded in a way any normal pony would have none was inappropriate. “Yeah, but you teach foals..” “So?” Cheerilee’s voice had taken a much sharper tone now though she tried not to let her feelings show. “Typically, the smart, hardworking ponies get their doctorates and teach at the universities.. while the ponies that slacked off teach the foals..” Twilight seemed to say this all reluctantly but with same attitude as though it was a simple fact that everypony shouldn’t have any confusion concerning. “So since you’ve just admitted I’m smarter than you thought, you must have thought I’m not be very hardworking either?” “No, that’s not what I’m saying. Just maybe if you took your education more seriously you could have gotten a higher position.” She was again took the same tone as though she were offering helpful advice even though nopony would have made that same mistake. Cheerilee certainly didn’t think it was helpful anyway, she raised her tone enough that everypony else suddenly became aware of the feud that was developing before them. “I’ll have you know I had the highest marks in all my classes, Sparkle. And while Luna herself didn’t hoof me my diploma, I did graduate at the top of my class. I could have done anything, I chose to work with children because that’s what makes me happy. Maybe if you found something worthwhile that makes you happy, you wouldn’t be an antisocial bookworm.” She had struck a chord with Twilight on that last note. “I’m not an antisocial bookworm! I’m a scholar, who has sought to push the boundries on what we think we know and expand upon the works of those who came before me!” “Yeah, well at least I didn’t waste my knowledge by selfishly chasing trivia facts in forbidden libraries. Cheerilee said with the most arrogant tone she could muster. Carrot Top had finally decided maybe it was time to stop this atomic reaction before it went critical. “Girls.” Twilight leaned forward, her eyes throwing daggers. “At least I didn’t waste my knowledge by teaching pointless concepts to foals!” “Girls!” Carrot Top tried again, though she was drowned out by the other two. “Come over here and say that!” Cheerilee had hopped to her hooves and clearly looked ready to fight over the insult to her students. “GIRLS!” Carrot Top had finally caught the attention of the two bickering ponies. “Listen, you both chose to go about using your knowledge in different ways that mean something to you. Can’t you respect the other’s intelligence and wisedom enough to admit that, though you may not understand why, you made your decisions with the best intent.” While Carrot Top dispensed some much needed wisdom, Lyra leaned over and whispered to Trixie. “Sparkle’s got guts, I’ll give her that.” Trixie rolled her eyes and quietly responded, “Try fighting a universe destroying monster with her.” Lyra looked less confused and more put out with Trixie’s point. “That doesn’t really refute my observation.” “No, I mean she’s annoying.” Trixie said plainly. Meanwhile Carrot Top’s points seemed to have hit home “… so say it.” Cheerilee had taken on a much sweeter looking face than moments ago. Weather it was cause or effect concerning her foals, she was very good at having an unparalleled kindness to her voice at times. “I’m sorry Sparkle.” “I’m sorry too, Cheerilee.” Twilight said sheepishly. It was hard to make any assumptions about this, but it seemed as though she hadn’t shared too many moments like this and almost didn’t know how to act. The moment didn’t linger very long though before Trixie hopped to her hooves and with a look of continuing her night, “So on that note of forgiveness for all, Cheerilee, it’s your turn to tell a story.” “On what grounds?” Cheerilee tilted her head. Trixie plopped back down on her flanks and reached for her bourbon bottle. “I want you mentally occupied for our safety.” She said while taking a long draft off the bottle. Cheerilee resumed her seat and thought for a moment. Suddenly it came to her and she knew exactly what she should tell at Trixie’s campfire. So she leaned forward and began to speak. “It was a dark and spooky night. Three colts were sitting around a campfire. Bill turned to Jed and asked him to tell a scary story, so he leaned forward and began to speak. “It was a dark and spooky night. Three colts were sitting around a campfire. Bill turned to Jed and asked him to tell a scary story, so he leaned forward and began to speak. “It was a dark and spooky night. Three colts were sitting around a campfire. Bill turned to Jed and asked him to tell a scary story, so he leaned forward and began to speak. “It was a dark and spooky night. Three colts were sitting around a campfire. Bill turned to Jed and asked him to tell a scary story, so he leaned forward and began to speak.”””” “Cheerilee!!” Trixie screeched much to the enjoyment of everypony there. Cheerilee took her amusement in Trixie’s annoyance. “Sorry, Trixie. My class always loves that one though.” After taking a second longer to appreciate the look on Trixie’s face, she started her story. “There once was a mare who had a troubled past she could never stop thinking about. While she had managed to put it behind her and make a new life for herself, she knew it was only a matter of time before it caught up with her. It so happens that her fears came back one night when she started her normal shift waiting tables at the bar. Lingering in the back corner table was a slender colt that stood head taller than her, with a charcoal colored coat and hollow look in his gaze that met hers immediately. Intimidating though he was, she didn’t let that stifle her courage as she pretended nothing was the matter and went about her job. “Greetings, and welcome to En Hallo. He didn’t respond, he just stared at her, unblinking. There he sat, watching, and he returned night after night, acting the same. “She watched him out of the corner of her eye over the next few nights. Ponies sometimes joined him at his table, but he never responded to them nor broke his stare at her. After this had gone on about a month, she decided she was going to confront him. Respectfully as she could muster, she inquired as to why he’s here. Knocking her back, he charged her and emitted a scream that shook her to her core. Legs buckling and hooves to her ears, she withstood it for what seemed to be an eternity till, for whatever his reason, he stopped. Examining her for just a second with a look of anger in his eyes, he vanished. “That had to just all be in her head, otherwise how did nopony else respond to that just now? Allowing herself a moment to compose herself, she strolled back to the bar. Keeping her cool, she removed her apron and called to her boss as she headed for the door. ‘Excuse me sir, but I’m not feeling well.’ “As she was exiting, a sharply dressed colt passing by the front of the bar called out to her. “’Hey miss, why were you in that building?’ ‘I’m a waitress here at En Hallo.’ “Kindly as he could, he put his hoof around her. “‘En Hallo burned down a month ago.’” Silence permeated the group in a way that almost weighed down on them. Trixie seemed genuinely pleased while Lyra’s eyes were as big as saucers. Carrot Top was visibly trembling but.. Twilight looked occupied with something she was thinking about. Finally Carrot Top broke the silence with much adulation. “Cheerilee that was amazing! That was like something from one of those old thriller novels!” Cheerilee seemed extraordinarily pleased with herself and thanked Carrot Top before turning to Trixie, “Is that good enough for your little campfire?” “I suppose it was decent..” Trixie quietly half conceeded. She had no intention of letting Cheerilee know she approved too much. Otherwise she might have this thrown in her face during a future debate. Everypony then looked to Twilight who still seemed to be trying to line something up in her head before a smug look covered her face. “Yeah, I thought it was really good. But I especially liked the sentence structure..” Everypony had a look of total confusion on their face except Cheerilee, who had just taken on the guiltiest smile anypony had ever seen her wear. “I couldn’t resist, Sparkle.” A few more seconds of silence passed while everypony tried to read Twilight until she broke into a laugh as warm as that normal of Cheerilee. “That was pretty clever actually.” The two shared a laugh for a moment and clearly had some mutual admiration for each other that had formed subtlety over the past few minutes. “I really am sorry for what I said earlier Twilight.” An odd moment for Cheerilee to call her by her first name, though it didn’t seem worth considering. “Me too, I respect you Cheerilee, I didn’t mean to imply I didn’t earlier. We may have made different choices but those differences are what make us stronger.” Twilight said joyfully. The two shared a hug, while everypony else stared on in bewilderment. Lyra joined in their laugh. “Well I have no idea what just happened, but I’m glad they’re getting along now.” “I love a happy ending.” Carrot Top said while wiping away a tear. “UGH!! You’re all ruining my night!!” Trixie whined.