The Pony With The Forbidden Magic

by Hekkar

Chapter 4: Royal Punishment

Silence was all that stood there. His heart was almost like that of a cadaver of the situation before him. Here he stood, in his boxers, in his doorway, after done hexing and releasing a noble Prince Blueblood, and now the Princess of the Sun, THE Princess Celestia, is right here to 'talk' about what happened in town. Well, he lived a good life. He nods and moves "P-Please come in" he says in a shaky voice. He knew he did what many wanted.... but now he saw why they never did anything. He sees her enter as he sees her wings fold up as she walks inside as he can't help, but stare at the goddess.

Inside, he can see her clothing hug her hips as if, like any model, she flaunts what she is born with. He shakes his head as he sees Celestia walk around, as if curious about the place. She stops at the books as he closes the door and walks to the cauldron. She still had a smile on her face as she speaks without facing him "Seems you have quite a collection here mister...?" she stops as she turns. Her eyes seem to of... eased up a bit as he bows "Velvet Spectre, your highness" he says. She waves a hand "None of that please. I get enough of that as it is" she says. He rises as he looks at her "Okay?" he says. Honestly, that part he was not expecting. He figure she like the whole title part, but I guess eventually it does wear on one's mind, even if that mind if of a immortal goddess.

He regains himself a bit "So... about the incident" he says to start, but is cut off by one phrase his mind was not ready for "I came to thank you. My nephew needed to learn his actions have consequences." Celestia says. That phrase, that one phrase.... made his mind go blank. She came to thank a voodoo stallion for giving her son lesions for three nights straight?! What the hell is going on. Celestia turns with the annoyed look again "However, I still must punish you for hurting one of my little ponies, but more so for the.... means of it" she says. Her horn lit up with the golden aura that it was known for as she levitated books from his library. He knew these books are full of black magic spells, voodoo, potions, and of course hexs. He gulps a bit as he looks at her as she sets them down "While I do look down at these uses of magic, and for good reason, I can understand why you use them. I know of your father, Shadow Spectre" she says. That wasn't a surprise as Velvet looks at her "Not to be rude, but you know of every pony in Equestria Princess. It's... not surprising you know of him" he says.

She sits down in one of his chairs "I also know of his skills in this forbidden magic, and yet he still uses it. I simply like to ask why" she says. Spectre's mind was still in a bit of a haze as for a princess to be in his home as he sits down across from her "Because... regular magic is well regular. Every pony knows it, every pony knows how to counter it, how to deal with it, how to use it.... voodoo magic though, is not in any book, any scroll, any knowledge except for well your library Princess. He uses it not as a means of payback, but to protect his family and friends of the small hometown." he says. He sighs "We know of the price to pay. For a spell to work, a price must be paid. For a potion of love, impotence is the payment. For a disease of health, a weaker body is the price. For revenge, a few years of life must be paid" he says. He sighs as he shakes his head "Those books are books I took from libraries, normal libraries or ponies, who held something they would not understand. I'm not a good pony, but I'm not a evil one either. Only my kind can understand how to use those spells properly without a large... backlash to the user" he says. It was true to say the least, a amateur using a high powerful spell may take their life.... or the life of others.

Celestia nods "I also have accounts of 'payback' happening in towns such as Stalliongrad and Manehattan?" she asks. He leans back, not showing any more weak knees to her "Think of it as my way of teaching a lesson. Sure it may not make me a lot of funds, but it helps" he says, of course referring to his powers. She nods as she stands and walks around as if thinking as she smirks a bit "Alright, I have it" she says. Spectre raises a eyebrow "Have what?" he simply asks. She turns and smiles, but something was... off about the smile. She takes out a parchment and quill as she writes something down and hands it over "Your punishment" she says as that alone felt like a stone falling down his throat.

He carefully takes it and reads it as he looks at her "Are you for real?" he asks. He looks it back over as it states:

By order of Princess Celestia of Canterlot, the stallion known as Velvet Spectre, as punishment of harming a noble, will serve time as a assistant in the two kingdoms for nine days. The first week will be helping the Kingdom of Friendship. The last two days will be of the Canterlot Kingdom of specifically Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.
Signed, Princess Celestia

No matter how many times he looked over the document it was stated clear as day. No fancy wording, no fancy seals, just simple, straight to the point, wording. He looks at Celestia "How can I help a kingdom if I don't know where the castle is?" he asks. She just giggles "You've been there before" she says. He freezes as he looks at her "Oh no... no way.... no no no no no" he says as that means he be at the mercy of those two as Celestia simply nods "Good luck" was all she said as she leaves and a bright light appears.

He got to sleep with the help of hitting himself with a pan to get to sleep, but he got some sleep. As the sun was clear in the sky, he now stands before the large castle he teleported out of, about five days ago before the Blueblood incident. He breathes as he goes to knock, but sees a shadow under him. He hears out a familiar voice yell "SPECTRE!!!" as he gets pinned under a pink mare who smiles "Yay! You returned! Now I have a name for a party!" she says. He silently screams in anguish of this being one of the mares he need to help..... Pinkie Pie, since she is part of the kingdom. Before long the doors open to show another woman walk out. She was as tall as Spectre as she sighs "Now Pinkie Pie, that ain't how we say hello to ponies remember?" she asks. She gets Pinkie off of him as she helps him up with one hand.

This mare was a Earth pony, and a real strong one at that. She had on what looked like a plaid shirt tied just under her chest, green eyes, blue jeans, a pair of roughed up boots, some leather gloves, a Stetson hat all adorned on a lightly tan body. Her other features were of freckles under the eyes and a long blonde ponytail that went down to her lower back all accompanied by a Southern accent. She smirks and nods "Howdy! Name's Applejack. I hear you be the new stallion to help out around here for the week" she says. He simply nods as he does a small bow "Velvet Spectre" he says. Before he could say anything else, he gets dragged by Pinkie as she is literally bouncing off the walls with joy "C'mon! C'mon! It's time for a party!" she says.

Before he could get his hooves planted, two large doors open to show a large party as he lands on his back on the ground. He groans as he hears a voice say "Pinkie! Don't try to hurt him! He's out guest" the voice says. All Spectre could see is the ceiling as his mind was still trying to get back together from the hyperactive mare as he blinks his eyes and sees the party is.... different. All around it looked like a Halloween party with words in glowing green pain 'WELCOME!' as the place had eerie fog in it as well. He slowly gets up as he falls back, just for someone to catch him. He hears her chuckle "Easy pal, we need you to stay up and keep yourself together" she says as it was RD. He looks around as he was in the party. He looks to find the mare who spoke earlier, the one speaking to Pinkie.

The mare was a alicorn, but not tall and mighty as Celestia. She was about the height of the one called Applejack as she had a attire that could only be described as a 'naughty librarian' like attire. It must of been her casual wear. She had on a pair of glasses that adorned her purple face, her three tone hair of two shades of purple and pink. She of course had the wings and horn, but not her crown. Again, casual attire. He looks her over as she walks over "I am so sorry for my friend Pinkie Pie's energetic behavior, she just loves parties" she says. She offers a hand "My name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship" she says. He nods and does a bow "A honor to meet a princess" he says as he smiles. He stands as Twilight spins him to meet the others "Well you already met Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow. Here are my other friends" she says.

She walks to a pegasi who was about average height of Pinkie and RD, but with creamy yellow fur, long silky pink hair and light blue eyes. She had on a sweater that she held to try and hide her rather big bust and went with a green skirt that went to her knees. She hides behind Twilight as she was timid and scared of this stallion as she says "H-Hi" she says. Twilight smiles "Fluttershy, you don't have to be afraid" she says. Spectre simply shakes his head "No no, it's fine. In fact, reminds me of when I was but a young colt and met new ponies. I always hid behind my parents when I met new ponies, but I soon grew up and found a way to introduce myself while being relax about it." he says. She seems to smile a bit as he smiles in return "It just takes time is all" he says.

The alicorn went to introduce the final pony, but this one decided to introduce herself "A pleasure to meet you darling" she says. Spectre already felt no like for her as she sounded almost like a noble, She had well kempt blue hair.... or maybe it was blue-purple? Either way that was her hair and matched her white skin body. She had on a attire of a white button up shirt and blue skinny jeans, that held her curves for all to view. She also had on a choker with a red heart shaped gem in it, a pair of red frame glasses. As she walked over to her, her shoes click with the floor as she looked around his attire "Hmm... could fix it to seem not so.. .drag" she says. He growls "I like my attire miss fancy pants. I like what I wear, it's me, it's who I am, it's what I wear and what I like" he says. She nods "Still, I can make it better" she says.

He shakes his head "You have your attire and I have mine miss" he says. Twilight gets between them as she looks at the mare "Rarity, be nice... we don't want him to feel unwelcome" she says. She nods "I am terribly sorry mister Spectre, but fashion is my life and well.... the color scheme just feels off" she says. Before Spectre could even get a word in, a loud bang is heard as he gets knocked off his hooves by confetti as he quickly gets up. He looks and sees he got hit by... confetti and sees Pinkie with a cannon. He raises a eyebrow "Where did she?" he stops as Twilight simply says "It's Pinkie, we... gave up on trying to figure her out" she says. Before long, music started to play as the party started. Every pony was enjoying the party, but Spectre was in a corner of the room as he wasn't a party kind of pony. He felt something tug at his pants as he looks down.

Next to him was a dragon, but not a full grown one. He was about a foot shorter then Spectre, but still quite young for a dragon. He was purple and green, much like Spectre's color scheme of clothing to body color. The dragon smiles "So your the new assistant huh?" he asks. The stallion nods "Just for the week as punishment for hurting a noble... he bloody had it coming though" he says.

The dragon chuckles "Maybe, but sometimes you got to turn away and let it be. Name's Spike by the way, I'm Twilight's assistant" he says as he extends his claw.

Spectre takes it and shakes it "Velvet Spectre. Good to know I'm not the only guy here" he says. The party continues as Spectre feels a tail go around him and pull him in as he gets spun into the arms of Pinkie as she takes the lead in a dance "C'mon Spectre! Live a little and dance" she says. Before he knew it he was dancing with Pinkie, before getting spun to dance with other partners. Probably the easiest one was Fluttershy who liked the slow dance. He spins into a chair to relax as the party dies down a bit. He rubs his head as he groans from the spinning, dancing and music as Twilight offers a hand. He takes it to help him stand up as she smiles "Everyone. I'm going to show Spectre around, we'll be back soon" she says.

The others simply nod and relax as Twilight escorts Spectre around the castle as it was not intricate or complex as he was shown the basic areas. The other ponies rooms, kitchen, facilities and so forth, but the one room that made him really go bug eye was the library. This large room was filled to brim with books as he had inadvertently tuned Twilight out as he looks through the books. His mind seems to go as his magic glows and brings out a shelf of books as he skims through them with ease, as if looking for something specific. As he got to the last book, he snaps out of it as he looks at Twilight "Oh! My apologies, it's just that I collect books on specific magic and every time their is a library I just feel like browsing for these specific books" he says. That seemed to make her eyes sparkle "What kind of books?" she asks as she is a inch from him. He looks around "Oh... books on.... black magic, voodoo... spells like that" he says.

She seems to giggle a bit "Sorry, but I've been through this entire library and no such book exists" she says as if from exact memory. He sighs "Oh well... it's for the better if none are here. This place is too peaceful for such books" he says. She smiles and puts a hand on his shoulder as he puts the book up and escorted back to the party. The others had been talking as they see the two return as RD smirks "So. You got to help us for a week huh? Well we came up with something. Tomorrow, you are going to help us for a whole day with whatever we need" she says. It was a unanimous vote as Twilight sighs "Fine. Tomorrow you can help me around the castle" she says. Spectre could only nod as this was his punishment... honestly he thought he got off easy, not to mention lucky for all that has happened.

As the day came to a end, Spectre returned to his hut to find a small gift there.... well two small gifts. The first one was a vial with a simple tag of it being called 'Youth'. The other gift was a box wraped in colorful paper as he brings both inside. He looks the card over as he knows the handwriting as that of Zecora's handwriting, but the box was a mystery. As he opened it up, he found some supplies inside of black candles, random ingredients he had. He looked at the card as it was from Pinkie Pie with three words written in glitter.

'Welcome to Ponyville!'

This... was going to be a long punishment.