Spyro The Dragon in Equestria

by dbzponyninja

Story 3 Moneybags in Equestria

Spyro The Dragon in Equestria Story Three Moneybags in Equestria by dbzponyninja Written on ‎Wednesday, ‎October ‎1, ‎2014

Last time on Spyro The Dragon in Equestria Spyro met fellow dragon Spike as well as Princess Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Applejack, plus they also met Rainbow Dash who challenged Hunter the cheetah to a race which Rainbow Dash won but just barely what happens next let's find out right now?

Spyro and Spike were helping Rarity collects gems which she planned to use to put on a dress however when all three of them returned to Carousel Boutique were Rarity both lives and works they were surprised to see that Moneybags the bear was blocking the entrance to the building and just like he did in both Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage as well as Spyro Year of The Dragon and Spyro Enter The Dragonfly he asked for a large amount of gems so that they could enter the building as a matter of fact he asked for two hundred gems.

Anyway they gave him the gems and he let them inside however right when Rarity was about to start making her dress she noticed that the sewing machine was broken.

Moneybags told her "Oh that's a shame miss Rarity but for four hundred gems I can give you a brand new sewing machine that is guarnteed to work even better than your old sewing machine."

Rarity then told Moneybags in the trademark high society with a hint of British accent that she talks in "But umm Mr. Moneybags was it, I don't have four hundred gems and I really need to sew this new dress together for a really important client can you please let me, Spike and Spyro go get gems for you?"

Moneybags told her "Ok i'll stay right here until you come back."

So Spike, Spyro and Rarity went out and got the four hundred gems that Moneybags asked for only to find out just as Rarity finished making her dresses and was about to put them on some pony mannequins she was shocked to discover that she couldn't find her mannequins and that was when Moneybags showed up again.

Moneybags told her "Ah miss Rarity I bet you're looking for your mannequins aren't you well I shall show you were I hid them but only if you give me five hundred and fifty five gems."

Rarity told him while trying to hold back both her anger and frustation "Ok i'll be right back darling."

However when Rarity came back she didn't come back with gems but instead came back with the other five members of The Mane Six (Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash) and all of them except for Fluttershy threatened to beat up Moneybags unless he left Rarity alone and stopped asking her to get gems for him.

He reluctantly agreed to leave Rarity alone but not before telling her were he hid her mannequins and then Rarity resumed working again. The End.