The Pony With The Forbidden Magic

by Hekkar

Prologue: The Forbidden Magic (Or Meet The Voodoo Stallion)

The Everfree Forest. The place where everything moves on its own, grows on its own, and of course does not rely on ponies to take care of it unlike the rest of Equestria. In this forest, there lives a assortment of creatures and all of which are creatures that many little fillies and foals fear for the stories of the creatures. From Manticores to Cockatrice to even Timber Wolves, all live in these woods, claiming it as their home and hunting anything that enters for a quick meal. Many of the members of Equestria, mainly the residents of a small town called Ponyville, know of one pony who lives in the Everfree named Zecora, a rhyming zebra who had been living in a hut in Everfree for quite sometime.

What many don't know is, deeper inside of Everfree, a new stallion has set up his home in a spot where the water is clearer then any pure diamond, but the land around it was scarier then any dream that Nightmare Moon could create. Near the river was a small hut that simply spoke of spooky as around it were warning signs to keep creatures away. Hanging from the trees were small skulls with weird markings on it of spells not in any book, but did give off a eerie feeling of dread and... fear.

The hut itself looked enough to have five ponies living in it as the huts were littered with masks and stones around it like a barrier of sorts. Inside the place was filled with objects that seem made more for a vault of dangerous artifacts then here in a home. In the middle of the hut was a large cauldron that was empty with a small fire under it. Around the ceiling were bottles that were filled with weird objects from Poison Joke leaves to Phoenix feathers to even a few Manticore teeth. In the far left corner of the room were books all with no title on them, as if they were journals or books that were purposely title less. The corner also held a laptop for chatting with other ponies or for just seeing videos, but mainly chatting with a few ponies the owner knew back in New Foaleans. Only three beds were in the hut, one of which is shown to have the most activity of disheveled covers, stallion shape dent in the pillow and of course some scattered clothing on the bed. On a small pedestal in the room was a purple cover bound book that had the words 'Recipes' written on it.

At a small table was a tall Unicorn stallion of five foot seven as he was making soup. This unicorn is the owner of this hut as he was excellent in magic... but a form of magic that is forbidden for good reason. The stallion had a rather weird color scheme about him. His coat was a toxic green color from his head to his hooves, but around his body he also had red stripes that came in after he matured into a stallion. His mane was a mix of dark purple and black to also match his tail as his eyes were a light violet color. His attire though was of another fact. He had on two boots that were of black base with red laces and two fingerless gloves of the same color, but a red strap. His clothing was of a dark purple shirt that had a shirt tail on it by design and some black pinstripes on it as well.

At his waist was a black belt with silver rings embedded into the belt to carry potions, ingredients, and dolls. At the center of the belt was a weird green gem that glowed when he used magic. His lower body had on black pants with no back pockets, but with copies of his cutie mark stitched on the outside of his pockets. as the final part of his ensemble was a black top hat with a green stripe around it. The rest of his ensemble was of simple accessories like two studs in one ear, a purple and a red color, but also he wore a necklace. It was a black chain necklace with a red skull on it that is designed like a regular Voodoo skull.

The stallion's name was Velvet Spectre, a stallion born to another voodoo stallion named Shadow Spectre in New Foaleans and a nurse earth stallion named Sarah 'Amberheart' Jewel. The small town of New Foaleans is a small town that is not on any map, but it is nestled somewhere near The Forsaken Forest for good reason. The place is full of dark magic, forbidden magic, and is still a nice little community that accepts any pony or creature. He was born to them with a skill for magic and of course making potions, all to help other ponies, but the problem was the way they helped. The father and son used voodoo magic to help others and that alone is a form of magic that has bad consequences if used incorrectly. He had casted his first hex on a stallion who was bullying kids in his elementary school and solely from that he got his cutie mark. The mark was quite simple, a skull and crossbones, all with intricate design of voodoo on them. Despite being born a Unicorn, the stallion was strong like a Earth pony as over the years of him growing he started to make a name for himself as 'The Hexer'. Word didn't take long to spread to Ponyville after he moved and a few stallions came for some help in the form of a potion.

As Spectre wandered around his home, he noticed one of his vials was empty. As he lifted it to examine it closely, the vial cased in a magic aura of green and purple he looks it over as he sighs when it hit him, he needed to get more spices. He was starting to run out of spices faster and faster as he got his stuff together. A large coat, a hood, a large bag, the bits he has from doing business and of course his music player full of songs he listens to on his journey to town. As he left his hut and made his way through the woods he sees the zebra as he simply nods to her, not looking at her enough to see her full form. He keeps walking as he stops at the edge of the forest and seeing the happy town of Ponyville. He felt like it was going to be one of those days as he simply sighs, plugs in his earbuds and starts his way to the town for supplies.