//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: Trapped // Story: Quill's Journal (a.k.a. The journey to the center of Equestria) // by Waterwitch222 //------------------------------// Ash listened as the queen left his cell, then he allowed himself to breathe. He was awfully lucky he couldn't see what happened, and even more lucky that his love for his brother and friends was endless, it would take years to consume even half of it. Encouraged by this, he cautiously got to his hooves and walked around his cell, feeling walls and exploring his prisoner's home. He hated it. ''The hotel is better than this." he told himself. Ash's heart began to ache as the memories returned. Of food hunts, small picnics, robberies, and long winter nights sleeping close to Firecracker, who was always warm. Tears began to form as he thought of his brother. How he was so smart, so silly, a bit geeky, but so kindhearted and loving. Next to his parents who had worked often to make ends meet , Time Turner was his best friend as well as his brother. A B.B.B.F.F, he thought it was called. Thinking these things made him sob himself to sleep, wondering if Firecracker was looking for him. --------------------------------------------- He opened his eyes and stifled a cry of shock. He could see! He was in a meadow of stars and rainbows! He could see all the colors, the shapes, and... unicorn? He stood still as a lavender unicorn approached him. Ash thought to run away, but he could see the mare's kind smile, which comforted him enough to stay put. "Who are you?" he asked hesitantly. "Do not be nervous Ash Brush, I am Wisteria the Wise. I bring information and guidance, not trouble." she answered, her voice so smooth and sweet, like a lullaby with no singing heard. "Did you give me my eyes back? Did you set me free?" he asked in hope. Wisteria frowned and shook her head sadly. "No. This is simply me visiting your dreams to give you a message, you are sadly still blind in reality." she revealed, causing Ash to sit down in sadness. Touched by the young colt, Wisteria lifted his chin and gave a small smile. "I do bring news of your loved ones though. The two ponies who love you most, as well as a future friend, are coming to save you as well as Equestria." She said in excitement. Ash's eyes widened. "Firecracker and who?" he asked in astonishment. "A mare named Quill and your... brother." Wisteria replied. Ash's heart stopped. He couldn't find any words to say. "They are coming Ash Brush, so listen closely. Never give up, as long as you think of the ponies you love that are coming for you, you will always be protected." she promised. Ash nodded slowly and felt his vision fade as his dream, and the nice unicorn, disappeared. --------------------------------------------- Ash awoke quickly, blind once more but happy just the same. His brother. His dear big brother Time Turner... was alive! ---------------------------------------------