//------------------------------// // chapter 9: By the shade... // Story: Quill's Journal (a.k.a. The journey to the center of Equestria) // by Waterwitch222 //------------------------------// The trio ran as fast as they could to the train station, with heavy hearts and saddle bags of supplies. The train was to leave at 12:00, and it was 11:59. "Hey Quill? Can ya be a great help and fly to the station and book us tickets real quick? Then we can just hop on." Firecracker huffed. "I...uh..." Quill stammered. "I don't think that would help. As the train just left." Turner shouted over the roar of a moving train. The smell of gas and burning coal hit them in a cloud of smoke. Coughing and sputtering, they made their way to the ticket booth. Firecracker uneasily pulled up the hood of her sweater at the sight of a police pony nearby. "Excuse me miss? When do you think the next train for Filly Delphia will leave?" Quill asked, as Turner studied the map. "Alot of ponies are headin there for da Summer''s End Bonfire in da city. Another train won't be comin for another four days." the ticket pony said from behind a newspaper. Turner lifted his head from the map to see Firecracker staring uneasily at a police pony. "You alright?" he asked in concern. "Uh, sure! Why wouldn't I?" she stammered "Well, it seems like your trying to hide from that police pony over there." he replied, gesturing toward the stallion making his way toward them. "I...um..." "Miss?" the pony said, hovering over Firecracker. She tried as best as she could to hide her face under her raggedy hood. "Miss? Ya look like ya went and swiped the crystal heart for a tub toy? What is causin ya such distress?" he asked politely. Wiping sweat from her forehead, she turned to Turner and Quill and interupted their map study. "Guys. We best be goin. We still need to book a hotel till the train gets back..." "We kinda want to find info on our next destination first." Turner interupted, gesturing for Firecracker to come to the book. She slowly made her way toward them, her eyes dry with fear. The police pony eyed them suspiciously. "That book of your's looks a tad old. Where'd ya gettit?" he asked. "We um...found it." Firecracker stammered. "Found it..." the police answered, eying the red scar on Firecracker's face. "Or stole it?!" he finished, ripping the hood off of her head. "Firecracker, the jig is up. You have some time in the Vanhoover detainment center that's LONG overdo." Firecracker glanced nervously at Turner and Quill's looks of disbelief. She had to do it. Ash Brush...and Equestria depended on them following the map, so she had no other way to help do that. "Turner? What's the next spot on da map?" she asked, making her way toward them. "Um... the Foal Mountain...why?" he answered uncertainly. "Hold on to somethin!" she cried, as her horn glowed bright scarlett. Her eyes shut tight in concentration. She knew she couldn't make it all the way there, but she could bring them closer then they were now. With one last glance at the police pony running toward them, she, the duo, and the book...disappeared. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gasps of surprise filled the air as the group landed on soft pine needles and leaves. Quill turned her head and saw Turner holding the book and glaring at Firecracker, who was gasping and sweating from the power of the spell. "You're a CRIMINAL?!" he voiced in disbelief. "I steal what I ain't able to afford to survive!" she stammered. "I don't have no proper house, no money, no family other than ya bother, I had to find a way to take care of both of us! I stole to keep him alive! Does that mean anythin to...you..." her eyes rolled back as she collapsed on the ground. "She's still exhausted from the spell. Turner, we need to set up camp so she can rest and so we can find out where we are." Quill said, hoisting Firecracker on to her back. Turner's eyes narrowed, but he didn't argue. Together they began to walk toward the trees. All the while, Firecracker's horn got a soft white glow as she fell asleep. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firecracker opened her eyes to find herself in a dusty cave. She looked about and gasped as changelings flew in through the entrance. She tried to use magic to teleport, but her horn didn't even make a spark of magic. It was as if her magic didn't exist. She braced herself for a fight, but the changelings passed her as if she weren't there. Confused, she turned her head and watched Queen Chrysalis enter, carrying Ash Brush with her magic. "Ah, that was WAY easier than expected. You seemed so strong for somepony so small." she purred as Ash got chained to the cave wall. Though his eyes were clouded and sightless, Firecracker could see the fear within them. Chrysalis made her way toward him and lifted his chin with her hoof. "Ah! So many love-filled emoticons here! Your worried about your little city friend aren't you?" she said, moving his face from side to side. "Let me go! I don't have anything you want!" he cried, his soft voice sounding different and terrified to Firecracker's ears. "On the contrary, your love for others go even further. I can see that your not only fearing your friend's safety, you are also still fearing the safety of your big brother. You still don't seem to know if he's alive!" she hissed. "He is! I know where he is!" Firecracker shouted, but nopony seemed to hear her. "You see, you are of use to me! The love you have for your friend and family is the perfect boost I need to unlock the cavern to find the amulet! *evil cackle* hold him down." Chrysalis ordered as two guards pinned Ash against the wall, his hooves struggling to escape. "NO! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Firecracker shouted, running to the queen to attack, but she slipped through the changeling as if she were a ghost. Firecracker watched in horror as Chrysalis shot a stream of green magic at Ash as she fed on his love for her and Time Turner. His eyes were wide in pain and she could hear his cries as good memories were locked and fed upon. Firecracker couldn't bear it. She shut her eyes, urging herself to wake up, but soon all she saw was black, a voice whispering in her ear "Follow your destiny." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------