//------------------------------// // Friendship is Magic // Story: Surge // by Zvn //------------------------------// Chapter Ten Friendship is Magic There was a gentle rain on my way back to Ponyville. Water droplets would occasionally collide with me, and the wind blew past me in chilling bursts. I couldn’t care less. My eyes remained forward, searching for the distant silhouette of a barn peeking just above the horizon. My destination appeared just as the sun began to rest behind it. Now that it was safe to do so, I ceased my flying, and projected myself onto the farm with teleportation. The exit was rough, forcing me to recover from a stumble among the mud and rocks. I wasted no time catching my breath, however, and instead broke into a sprint towards the house, with poisonous thoughts plaguing my mind. You’re a failure. They were depending on you, and you failed them. I ran to the front door and knocked with urgency. After only a few seconds, Applejack pulled the door open, and stared at me with a confused look on her face. “...Twilight?” My muzzle twitched as I tried to form words, but none escaped my lips. It didn’t matter. She had seen it, and beckoned for me to come inside her home. Once there, I found Rainbow Dash sitting at the end of the dining room table. She had a concerned look on her face, and stood at my presence, as if to help me walk across the room. “What happened?” I looked between the two faces staring at me, back and forth. “I… I can’t go back.” The unfamiliar touch of another’s hoof sent shivers down my spine. “Take a seat, Twilight. I’ll heat up some tea, and get us all together.” * * * The quiet room of before had transformed into one bustling with activity, as all of my closest friends filed in. I embraced every single one of them before we all sat down and began to talk. They deserved an explanation. “Night after night in that tower; I felt as if it was changing me. And the things I’ve done...” I noticed Rainbow Dash momentarily look away from the table. “I never meant to abandon you guys…” Rarity leaned forward to intervene. “Nonsense, Twilight. You’ve had to deal with a national crisis; no one blames you for anything.” “We’ll always be here for ya Twi’. No matter how tall the castle between us.” Fluttershy placed her cup gently down onto the table before chiming in. “I’m just glad you’re here.” I watched the subtle movements of the tea in my cup. “Thank you guys.” Rainbow, who had been mostly a listener until now, broke the silence that started to form. “What are you gonna do now?” I took a short sip of my drink before responding. “I have to tell Celestia. Then, I’ll inform the Council of my intentions of stepping down from my position, reducing my status to the Element of Magic once more.” A fading memory of a peculiar dream I once had began to creep up on me. “For tonight, though, I think I’ll remain here.” Applejack placed the hat that had been resting on the table atop her head. “Couldn’t think of a better plan myself.” That night we didn’t speak of the future or even the present, but exclusively of days past. Days when our troubles weren’t delivered to us on a desk, but from a scroll delivered from the Princess. Manticores, Hydras, Changeling hordes; every conquest strengthened our bond, brought us closer together. We spoke of these times until the sun faded behind the mountains, and our beds beckoned us to embrace them. I hugged my friends tightly once more, and wished them all a goodnight, before stepping out onto the farm alone. It was time for me to return home; my real home. * * * The wind rustled the many leaves of the oak tree softly, as I stood in front of its thick trunk. No light emitted through any of the windows, as I had expected. After taking in the scene, and tightening the strap on my satchel, I began my steady approach to the door. Again, my expectations were met when I discovered it was locked. I tilted my head back to see the vegetation on the arch that had been growing uncontrollably over the last few years. After digging through it with my telekinesis, I was able to locate a small metal compartment that held a silver key. The interior of the library was even darker than the outside. A part of me expected the lights to flick on at any moment, revealing a friend and her surprise party. Instead, I was forced to blindly make my way to the second story. At the top of the stairs stood the door to my old bedroom; his as well. I opened the door slowly, noticing the silhouette of the room’s general layout. I found my place in the center of the room, and gently placed the satchel on the floor, opening the pouch as I did so. Green light poured over my face, and a subtle wave of heat washed over me. Once removed completely, the glowing jar lit the room ablaze. Every plant, book, drawer and crevice in the carved walls suddenly came to life. I turned away from the flame for the first time, basking in all of the memories the sight brought back to me now. I made nearly a full rotation, before stopping at the sight of my old bed. I climbed the stairs leading up to it, and fell into its warmth. With the blankets pulled to my chin, and my eyelids slowly closing, I watched the sun pattern on the ceiling fade into blackness, a smile lingering on my muzzle. A knock on the door flung my eyes back wide open, the design on the ceiling holding my stare. I sat up in the bed, wondering if what I heard was a dream or reality; a second knock confirmed the latter. Confused, I walked to the bedroom door, taking one last look at the flame. Once downstairs, I approached the door with caution, and opened it slowly. The first thing I saw was a stunning, enchanted mane. “May I come in?” Without a word, I stepped out of the way of Princess Celestia, and she entered the home. Even with everything I had planned on telling the Princess, I found it difficult to utter a single word. “Princess; I know I have a lot to say—” The room grew much colder. My mouth hung open, frozen from the last word it delivered. My hoof instinctually felt out the metal before my eyes dropped slowly to see it. I had a brief glimpse of the crudely fashioned blade protruding from my neck, as Celestia’s magic gently closed the door behind me, snuffing out the miniscule light it leaked in. There was a strong taste of copper in my mouth, and my legs gave out from under me. The Princess grabbed me with her forehooves, cradling my head. Screaming light and energies from her horn began to swirl above me, and the library faded into all but an echo. The room that took its place was painfully bright. * * * “Am I… dead?” Celestia approached the opposite end of the table from me, her coat blending nearly seamlessly with the rest of the room. “You will be shortly.” I brought my hoof up to my neck, searching for the weapon. I found none. “I don’t understand…” “The White Room is much more than it seems, Twilight. I brought you here because it will give us time.” I shook my head. “But why?” I could barely look at Celestia, due to the intensity of the light above her. “You presented a threat to Equestria, and when I failed to properly correct you, I was left with only one option.” I shut my eyes tightly as Celestia went on. “It’s that simple. It’s always been about Equestria.” I wasn’t sure why I even asked. “You’ll be the last Equestrian on Earth, Celestia. Even then I suspect you’d kill for the corpses surrounding you.” The Princess turned so only her profile was visible. With newfound evidence, I began to backtrack. “Pinkie Pie… was that you too?” Celestia turned to again face me, seemingly hesitant to answer. “My plans up to this point were overly complex, and hearing them now would only cause further harm, Twilight.” “Start from the beginning.” I deserved as much. The Princess was silent for a moment, but eventually submit. “Twilight; I’ve groomed you from the moment we met.” I did nothing but stare as she continued. “I released the parasites. I told Rarity of a diamond field, nestled directly above the Diamond Dog’s lair. I sabotaged the Gala, led Trixie to the Alicorn Amulet, conjured the Windigos, tipped off the Changeling Horde... “ I shook my head in denial, on the verge of tears. “...and I didn’t stop when you came to Canterlot. I enchanted your crown, to track your every move…” This is impossible. “Tapped into your own consciousness to create The White Room, magic not unlike my sister’s dream-walking; I hired Honeysuckle to eliminate Pinkie Pie...” She can’t— “...and I framed an insane mare responsible for the death of a young dragon years ago, released from prison under the flimsy laws you emplaced, for the murder of Twilight Sparkle.” I grabbed the back of my head with my hooves, and dropped my muzzle. It was all so disgustingly clean. “...and where would we be if I hadn’t done these things. Squabbling about in the dark ages, refusing to coexist?” Opening my eyes, I found my vision to be obscured by tears. “...You really feel like your actions were justified, don’t you?”  Celestia tilted her head. “I’m far from perfect, I realize that—” “I had nothing but faith in you, Princess!” “You know I didn’t want it to come to this.” I raised my voice as sudden energy began to course through me. “Why would I assume that about someone who’s betrayed me since the day we met?” I mistakenly saw a tear escape from Celestia’s eye; it must have been the lights. “I’m—I’m sorry.” Hearing those words made more of an impact than her entire confession. I fell back onto my haunches, and dried my eyes. “You’re sorry…” Celestia looked down at the table between us, just as the lights began to dim. “You don’t have long now…” I rested my head on the table, refusing to respond. I wouldn’t waste my last breath arguing with Princess Celestia. Darkness continued to surround the room as I heard Celestia’s wings unfurl, and her slow steps away from the table; and just then, I made an interesting realization. “Celestia—” She turned towards me, looking down at my sad, defeated form. “I never told you about my vision.” “You dreamt of a farmland, with a human and several horses standing together.” I slid my head back and forth against the table. “I didn’t understand until now. The horses were sick… and the truck was there to transport them to a slaughter house...” A Farewell to Mankind; Canterlot Closing the Vault The High Council has decided against leaving the Vault open, in wake of Twilight Sparkle’s recent assassination. No word on how long the doors will be closed yet, but if the Vault’s history is any indication, most will never again lay eyes on any human technologies. It had been nearly a decade, and yet the words on the paper were as much of a relief now, as they were when it was printed. It had ended. And even after its conclusion, after everything had returned to normal, I saw no pride in the tired eyes of the princess looking at me from the glass of the casing. There was no joy. I was determined, that much seemed clear. And I would remain determined until the last Equestrian fell to the earth and the elements tore away the castle walls; or until Time would finally have me. The latter never seemed more distant. “Ah, sister! They’re ready now.” I pushed the drawer close, the musings buried with the news article. “Thank you, Luna. I’ll be out in just a moment.” Luna smiled gently, then made her way down the hall. I was well acquainted with the Summer Sun Celebration, and needed little time to prepare. I walked slowly to the door arch, nearly forgetting my crown as I crossed the room. As I placed it in front of my horn, the metal rested awkwardly. In fact, the crown hadn’t sat comfortably for almost ten years now.