//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Class Trial - Part 2 // Story: Super Dangan RonPonya: Set Sail for Despair Isles // by Serenade-Stereo //------------------------------// Trial Resume! Monomi Theatre "Hi, I'm Monomi, and my heart is throbbing like crazy right now! The joy-filled comedian of the group, Smile was killed, and one of the students killed him? No! I refuse to believe it! I have hope in my students that they will trust each other until the very end! Love, love!" The trial room went quiet at Memory's words. A trap laid by the killer. A trap laid by one of them, but... "That...can't be true, right?" Laser asked. "None of us would..." "Don't be thinking like that." Aqua told her. "We wouldn't get anywhere if we didn't doubt each other..." "B-but...what kind of trap would it even be...?" Laser asked. "Yes...we should clear that up...first, let's go from the start." Memory says. "So, the culprit had attacked Smile, we know that they had to have made contact due to the bruises on Smile's wrist. A problem we face with that though is that the cottage is to clean, it's not been messed up in the slightest, aside from the TV that was purposely placed on top of Smile so we'd think that he had been crushed with it after his death." "I understand all that...but what does the killer gain...?" Swift asked. "There would be no point unless the killer had gotten something out of making a trap, right?" "Yes, what did the killer get out of it...? Anybody have any ideas...?" There was a small silence before Bud spoke up. "What about an alibi...?" She suggested. "An alibi?" Clip repeated. "How so...?" "Well, what if the murder took place somewhere else and they moved the body to give them an alibi...?" "The murder took place...somewhere else, eh...?" Boom rubbed his chin. "Maybe it's time we re-used 'Operation: Destroy the Weakest Alibi'..." Memory suggested. "That could help us slightly..." Re-using old tricks...but we're close...we're close to finding the killer's real identity! Non-Stop Debate Evidence Bullets -Boom's Account -Paint's Account -Clover's Account -Aqua's Account Pure- Okay, let's hear all the alibis once more! Swift- Well, you and I were with each other the whole day... Paint- I stated this before, but...Boom and I were in the kitchen from 9:55 to 10:10 Boom- I was there first as well... Paint- Yes, you were...I also saw Laser by the poolside... Laser- Hooray for alibi! Aqua- I was on central island at the time...Monomi can attest to that Memory- Rip, Clover and I were with each other at around the time of death... Bright- Sadly, I lack an alibi...but Techno does as well... Bud- I was with Quick, Clip and Toxic the whole day as well... Quick- This would just be a lot easier if someone just saw Smile...but nobody did... I've heard all of these before...but there was one thing that was added this time around... No, that's wrong! Techno slammed his palms on the stand. "Hold on, Quick. Didn't Aqua see Smile when she was leaving the hotel?" "Oh yeah, I guess I did...and...that was around the time of the murder..." Aqua folded her arms. "So, are you saying that wherever Smile was heading at that point, is where the real murder took place?!" Laser exclaimed. "That must be the answer!" Techno smirked. "But even so..." Clover started. "We still have no idea where he was going..." "I have a small suspicion on where..." This is it, if I can figure this out...I can find the true culprit...not that I want to, but...it has to be done! Hangman's Gambit Q. Where was Smile heading? Where is the real crime scene? Available Letters- N H K I C T E I've connected the dots! "That's it! The crime scene must be the kitchen in the hotel!" "Huh? The kitchen?" Toxic raised an eyebrow. "Think about it, the plate that was used to kill him came from the kitchen and he was seen just before the murder heading to the hotel...there's no other way around it!" "So, who's the killer...?" Rip asked. The killer...looks like they're relying on me to point it out...to call out the real killer...so they can face their crimes head-on... You're the true culprit! "Boom Box...it's you, isn't it...?" The DJ stood there in silence for a second before letting out a small chuckle. "Yo, that's funny...next joke, T-Star..." He shrugged it off. "It's not a joke...it's a serious accusation...Boom, are you the culprit...?" The DJ went quiet. "Hey! Are you gonna answer or what?!" Swift yelled. "Murder is a serious accusation, try to at least come up with a rebuttal!" "I'm thinkin'..." Boom replied. "Well, let me see...what about the black shard ya found under TD cottage, eh? I had to had access to somethin' like that, right?" "What an irrelevant matter..." Bright muttered. "It isn't irrelevant if I don't have access to it..." Boom smirked. "Maybe that coloured area near the centre is the clue we need..." Bright suggested. "The coloured area...?" Laser repeated "There's a section of a picture on the black shard. That could provide as a clue..." Non-Stop Debate Evidence Bullets -Monokuma File 1 Bright- The picture on the shard...we haven't determined what it is yet... Swift- Does it really matter...? Toxic- If it could show us the true culprit...then I think it's worth figuring out Boom- Nah...dude, you'll never be able to tell what the picture on the disk was... Clover- But if that's true... how will we ever uncover the culprit?! I don't have evidence that could prove what that art is...but did somebody say something suspicious...? No, that's wrong! "Wait, Boom, what did you just say? The picture on the 'disk'? Nobody said anything about it being a disk...I haven't even shown anybody the shard yet!" "Urp!" Boom bit his lip. "I j-just assumed...that's all..." "A disk, eh...?" Bright thought. "Hmm...what if it's a little more than a simple disk...? Something that could prove that Boom is the true culprit...?" "Hehe..." Boom laughed nervously. "L-like somethin' like that exists..." "Oh really...? As the 'Super Middle School Level DJ', I must say you did pick quite the appropriate lock-pick..." Bright smirked. "Oh really...?" Boom's faced darkened. "Then enlighten us...please, why don't you tell us exactly what FUCKING means?!" Boom yelled, leaning over the stand and glaring at Bright. "Cause I'll tell you now, you have got nothing on me!" "Really...? Techno, let me ask you something...for a 'Super Middle School Level DJ', what kind of lock-pick could a black shard be from...?" Huh...? Why is she passing me the baton...? Oh well, I guess it's a simple question... I understand now! "Are you talking about something like...a broken vinyl record...?" "V-vinyl...?" Swift raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying Boom broke a vinyl record and used a shard as a lock-pick...?" Clover asked. "It's something a DJ would usually have, right? It's not hard to believe he could do that..." Toxic agrees. "Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu..." Boom stuttered along. "Buuuuuuut!!! Youz still gotta like prove dat the kitchen is da crime scene!" He yelled. "W-whoa! His speech pattern totally changed!" Pure said, taken aback. "Show me da proof! Where is da proof dat the kitchen is da murder scene, eh?! I can't see no proof!" Non-Stop Debate Evidence Bullets -Missing Black Box -Cutlery Drawer -Kitchen Plates -Paint's Account -Boom's Account Boom- There ain't no proof of the de kitchen being de murder scene! You crazy if you think that imam let you get with dat! Paint- He seems like he won't give in just yet... Memory- Maybe if somebody actually found the weapon? Or maybe something else that could prove the kitchen is the murder scene? Pure- But we have no idea if anything like that even exists! Laser- It's hopeless, I guess! Clip- Don't sound so cheery, hun! Boom- You ain't got nothing on me! Toxic- This is pitiful... Boom's really stressed out about this...so, does that mean that I made the right decision? Well, whatever...I guess people are right when they say that 'anger makes you stupid'.... I'm in agreement with you! "Well, Boom...the problem is, you did make a fatal mistake...you left something at the restaurant. Didn't you?" "W-what ch'you talkin' 'bout? I didn't leave anythin' at the restaurant..." "Oh really? I remember you telling me that you were going to stay at the restaurant whilst Bright and I investigated because you lost something...that item wouldn't happen to be...Smile's black box, would it?!" "H-huh...?" "Smile's black box?" Clover tilted her head. "Right, you see, during the investigation, it was pointed out that the black box with the microphone hooked up to it had disappeared from Smile's side...I wonder where it disappeared to...?" Techno smirked. "Ah....ah...ah....AVRIL LAV-" "We're not stealing that freak out!" Toxic shut him up. "Might I say something quickly?" "What is it, Paint?" Quick asked. "I wonder...where did Boom hide the body...?" "Huh? Where did he hide it...?" Pure tapped her chin. "That's a good question..." "Plus, how did he transport the body without anyone seeing it? All they would have to do is look outside the window and his plan would be ruined..." "Y-yeah, you got an explanation or somethin'?!" Boom smirked, getting his composure back. D-dammit, Paint, why are you helping him?! Okay...focus, there was a rather large space for him to hide the body in the kitchen, right...? Here! "Those cupboards seem pretty large, right...? I'm pretty sure if he folded Smile's body over he could fit it inside..." Techno explained, slightly disturbed by the thought. "As for the transportation...a simple invisibility spell could have been used..." Bright suggests. "Hmm...that explains his behaviour then..." Paint says. "You see, when I arrived for cleaning duty at the kitchen...Boom said he'd take the left side of the kitchen, which is the side with all of the spacious cupboards..." "Nrk..." Boom bit his lip. "No...no, it ain't yet!" "Just give up already, this is getting sad..." Toxic commented. "You can shut da hell up! Why de hell would I wanna hide de black box?! Der would be no point, eh, eh, eh, got an explanation?!" He's running out of stalling tactics...but it seems this might be his final attack, a pretty lousy one as well...I hate doing this to him but...I have to end this...I have to stop Boom's objections and shut him up completely! Panic Attack Battle Boom- You all got nothin' on me! Boom- Nay, nay, nay, Deutschland! Boom- I ain't some killer! Boom- Where's yo' proof at?! Boom- Yo', you serious?! Boom- Totally wrong! Boom- What is da point in it?! This is it! Boom- Why would I hide dat black box?! Recording Feature! "I know exactly why you hid the black box, because of the recording feature it had on it! Smile must have recorded you the moment that he died, you couldn't let anyone find it, so you had to hide it. Didn't you? That's the item you were looking for during the investigation!" "Ho...ho...ho...HOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Boom stepped back. "Hmph...it seems that this is the end..." Bright folded her arms. "Wait." Rip interjected. "Would it be alright if we heard everything from start to finish...? I'm still slightly confused on the details..." "Well...it may be a waste of time...but we should have everyone on the same page, I suppose...Techno, would you do the honors...?" From start to finish...how this case turned out...I guess it's up to me... Here's everything that happened in this case! Act 1 This murder happened before the two sleepovers that were planned began...at around 9:45pm, most were getting ready to head back to the hotel, a few though were already there. One of them being our victim, Smile. At around 9:45, he was heading to the hotel, which we had learned from Aqua, I suspect he had been called out by the killer for something, not knowing what he was going to walk into. Act 2 He arrived at the kitchen, the culprit already waiting for him there. They must have talked a little bit before since the actual time of death was 9:50pm. At one point, the two broke out into a fight, which is how Smile got the bruises on his wrist. The culprit grabbed one of the kitchen plates and smashed it over Smile's head, that's what caused the head injury, but that didn't kill Smile, it most likely didn't even force him to lose consciousness. For that reason, the killer grabbed a shard of the smashed plate and stabbed Smile with it, this only worked because of how thin the plates were, causing us to think that it was a knife that make the fatal wound. Act 3 Next, the killer knew that someone would be arriving soon so they had to act fast. They stuffed Smile's body inside one of the cupboards and then must have noticed the black box had been set to record so they turned it off and hid it somewhere else. Soon after the clean-up was done, the person that was supposed to turn up, Paint Pallet, entered the kitchen without any suspicions. Act 4 After the killer finished cleaning the kitchen with Paint, they took Smile's body out of the cupboard and used an invisibility spell which is only possible for a unicorn, obviously. They carried Smile's body over to his cottage and took out a prepared makeshift lock-pick which was something only the killer would think of. A broken vinyl record. The killer then found out though that the lock had been broken prior to that, making their efforts in vain. The threw the lock-pick into the stream which ended up being under Toxic's cottage. Act 5 Next, the killer sat Smile's body in the corner of the cottage and folded his body downwards, placing the TV on top of him to make it seem like the head injury had been made there and used Smile's own blood to create the splatter effect on the wall...all so they could have an alibi for the time of the murder. I think that about covers it. Wouldn't you agree...Boom Box?! "But...but...but I..." Boom tried to find his words but nothing was working. "I...I'm done...aren't I...?" "Upupupupu!" Monokuma cackled. "Looks like we reached the end, time to cast your votes, in front of you all are sixteen buttons, select a culprit and press their button! Remember, it's a majority vote so who's going to be the culprit...? Will you make the right or the dreadfully wrong one? Who's it gonna be? Who's it gonna be~?" "Uuuu..." Monomi whimpered. "This is horrible..." All the students looked at each other, aside from Boom who kept his head down. They looked at the buttons in front of them and selected the killer. On response to the final one being pressed, a huge slot machine appeared with 'Voting Machine' in red on the top and a Monokuma on top in a hula outfit, coconut bra and all. It had all the students faces, all in colour, aside from Smile who was in black and white. The three dials began to spin quickly for another few seconds before all three stop on Boom's face causing a red 'GUILTY' sign to flash and two bouquets of flowers to pop out the sides. Class Trial End