An Alicorn's Struggle

by Windlife


“Do you think he’ll be back?” asked Spike, who was sliding around on his ladder, desperately trying to find another book for Twilight.

“I’m not too sure, but if he’s coming back…” She paused and sighed, before saying, “He’s coming back today.”

Spike’s eyes shot open wide. “But it’s been 20000000000 years! It’s can’t be real!”

Twilight stood up from the chair she was sitting in. “I know…” She made her way to the front door.

“Where are you goung?”

“I have to tell the girls that he’s coming back today.” She reached for the door before stopping to add, “Send a letter to Celestia that I’ll need her here in an hour.” Spike could only nod as Twilight opened the door and left.


Twilight wlaked through town for a bit before coming accross Rainbow dash. She was arguing with a store vender. “I told you, it’s for bits, not two!” the vendor said.

“In your dreams!” Rainbow Dash hoped up into the air with a scowle painted on her face. “It’s been two for, like, 5 years, or something.”

“Rainbow!” Twilight said. Rainbow dash turned around to see twilight, and her face curved up with the sight of her friend.

“Hey, Twilight! Can you tell this vendor that the Wonderblot pins are only two bits, not for?”

“Later Rainbow.” Twilight used her magic to pull Rainbow dash closer to herself. “Right now, we have bigfger problems!”

“Like what?”

Twilight looked around herself, making sure that nopony was watching. “He’s coming back,” she whispered.

“He’s what?!” Rainbow Dash hovered about Twilight with a shocked expreesstion on her face. “How do you know?”

“It said in the ancient book of mystery.” Twilight saw the fear in Rainbow’s eyes as she told her. The tales about the Lost Alicorn were the scariest in Equstria. it’s said that he had knives on his wings and a pointed horn for stabbing.

 Twilight could only mimic the fear she saw on Twilight’s face. “I’m going to need you to find the rest of the girls while I get Apple Jack, alrighty?”

“Alright!” Rainbow Dash speed off into the sky on her new mission.

As Rainbow Dash left, Twilight could only sigh to herself again. Remembering the legend of Demon Bash was the hardest thing she could do, as Celestia herself had to banish him to the sun.

Demon Bash also wrote books about the tyranny of Celetia, who he saw as a evil dictator. Some ponies say that’s why Celestia attacked him. And since then, all books written by Demon Bash have been banned.

Twilight wondered what they were like, not only because they were old, but because she was starting to take up the same views. “Maybe he wasn’t so bad,” she said as she walked.


The moment was nearing. He new he was ready to take on the world once more. Soon, her thought. Soon i would have my revenge on Celestia.

He was nothing more than a clear mist over the sun as the gateway to Equstria opened up. But he could still thing… he could still remember the pain he felt when Celestia burst into his room with a handful of guards and proclaimed him a heretic.

“I’ll get my revenge, you dictator.” A single tear ran down his now forming face as the mist began to shape into a new body for him to live in. “You’ll get what’s coming to you!”

The gate was close to being totally open, and he began to push his way over to it. The shackles that held him in place for 10000000000000 (A lot ;] ) were finally being broken.

The gate was now fully open, and you went inside the white light. It surrounded him was we entered, but he wasn’t scared, he’s waited so long for this moment that it was killing him to know it was only a few more steps away.

A few more steps… Only a few more until he reached freedom.


Twilight and the rest of the mian 6 aited at the other end of the gate that opened up in Ponyville. Celestia came down for the sky as Twilight began to see the faint cloud of a hoof slip out from the white light.

“Am I too late?” she asked everyone.

“No princess, you’re right on time.”

Celestia looked over to the gate, and she saw his head begining to pop through it. Her face became angry as she looked at it. “Don’t believe anything he says, you understand,. girls?”

They all nodded as he stepped through. “Celestia!” he yelled.

“Go back where you came from, Demon Bash!” Celestia charged up her banish spell (little did he know it wouldn’t work)

Demon Bash looked over to the ponies. “How can you stand by this monster?” he asked. “She…” A tear ran down his face. “She killed my entier family. And now you stand by her side? You’re all sick in the head…. SICK.”

Twilight looked over to Celestia. “You kill his family?”

“I had to, they were spreading lies about me.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t beleave that her friends went over to the enemies side. But killing his family was way over the top. So, she went over to his side as well.

Demon looked up one more to find three ponies standing by his side. “Now that you know the trust about her, we must take back the kingdom!”

The rust of the three (Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity.) all stepped out of the line to attack Celestia, who could only scream as they held her down with magic and brute force.

“How dare you help him?!”

“You’re a monster!” Twilight screamed as loud as she could.

Celestia managed to free herself and fly away before Demon was able to send her to the sun with his own spell. He didn’t chase her because he was tried, and his wings her sore.

Apple Jack turned to the rest of the gang. “Now, how do we get back your Kingdom?”