//------------------------------// // The Start // Story: Pony-itis // by Water Drop //------------------------------// "Starlight," the voice repeated. I turned around and gasped, there on top of the tunnel I had just came through, was two thrones, and in them were the two princesses, Celestia and Luna. "Starlight," Celestia repeated again. "Y-y-y-y-es princess?" I struggled to say, "As you know I have chosen you for a specific "quest." Celestia coughed loudly, "You are probally wondering what quest you are going on, is that so?"she added and I nodded slowly. "Well, I assume that your parents are ill beacause of pony-itis. There is ONE cure for pony-itis and it includes a series of ingredieants Twillight told me that there will be 12 ingredients you will need to collect." Celestia said.Twillight walked into the room with a cup of water, Celestia took it and drank, Fluttershy came into the room too, with another cup of water, this time, Luna took it and drank. They both stayed in the room sitting next to the princesses. "For your quest you will need some equipment, so I have asked Twillight and her friends to give you some gifts for your quest." Twillight and Fluttershy got down from the throne ledge and came infront of me, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity entered the room all of them carrying bags of some sort. They all stood in a striaght line infront of me. I started on Fluttershy, she pulled out a anklet, which looked as if it was made out of vines, and in the middle was a small pink stone shaped like a butterfly on it. " Use this to help you communicate with animals, but it won't work so well if you use to frequently," Fluttershy said and I had to lift my hoof up and let her put the anklet on. Next was Apple Jack, She pulled out some small shoes, which were brown and had a feather put on them. "These will make ya feel as light as a feather and will let ya gallop faster than you are right now," Apple Jack said and I slipped the shoes on, in an instant I felt like I was carrying nothing. Next up was Rarity, She pulled out a saddle bag from well, her BAG. The saddle back was white with Blue diamond gem stones on it and in the middle( where the flap was) was a shining purple diamond. " For your belongings and can carry 20 objects," Rarity said and I slipped the saddle bag on. Next up was the bouncing Pinkie Pie. From her bag she pulled out a paper bag, nothing fancy, just a normal, brown paper bag. "A never ending supply of things to eat!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly, STILL, bouncing(-_-).I put the paper bag in my saddle bag and continued. Next up was Rainbow Dash, what she pulled out was a belt and a not-to-long socket for a sword. " This sword is for those cool battles you have," Rainbow Dash said. I put the belt on and pulled out the sword, It was sparkling in the sun and was lovely shade of light blue. Then it was Twillight who made a peice of paper appear. "This a map to guide you through Equestria," Twillight said. I put the map into my saddle bag and next up were the two princesses. Princess Luna stepped up and levitated a necklace, It was a dark blue and had a white moon in the middle and two smaller diamonds on each side of it. "To keep you safe at night," Luna said and I bowed and she levitated the necklace around my neck. Celestia just said "my gift is courage," I was rather confused by that but then,I guess not all gift have to be an object.