Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return

by Wildcard25

Return of an Old Friend

As Celestia's sun rose over Ponyville, Dustin, Alistair, and Zyphon were getting ready for the new day. After the boys showered and changed, Zyphon cooked them breakfast, and they were all set, "The guys should be arriving any moment now." Dustin said, as a portal opened and their friends came out.

"Morning, boys." Burai greeted them.

"Morning." the two greeted them.

"You two look all ready." Aria noticed.

"Got that right." Dustin nodded.

"So where are we meeting up with the others?" Dean asked.

"In Ponyville park." Dustin answered.

"Then let's go." Zimmer said.

"Right." the two agreed, as they all headed out. As they left, watching from behind a bush was a figure with his hood up. He quickly sunk back into the bush not wanting to be seen.

As they walked through Ponyville greeting the folks, they saw their eight pony friends, their pets, Spike, and Nightfall up ahead by a tree, "Over there." Alistair motioned to them.

"And they brought animals too." Aria noted.

"Yes. A perfect opportunity." Domino cawed to Fievel, who nodded.

"Well, let's get over." Thatch said, as the group headed over.

As they approached, the group saw Muse's white tiger Saba, and froze, "They have a tiger with them?" Jethro asked in shock.

"Relax, Saba is tamed." Dustin assured him.

"Somehow I don't feel so assured." Salem spoke.

"Relax, Salem," Fievel began, "I met him before and thought I was tiger chow, but he's actually really sweet."

"Come on." Dustin said, as they continued on.

"Hey, girls!" Alistair called.

They looked over and saw their humans friends approaching, "Morning, guys." Twilight greeted them.

"Looks like you all and your pets are having a good time." Zyphon noted.

"Oh, we are." Fluttershy nodded.

Domino and Fievel scurried to the animals, "Hey, what's happen, fellas?" Fievel asked.

"The prodigal animals have made their comeback." Domino cawed, as the girls and Wild's pets went over.

"Hey, Angel, how's it going?" Fievel asked, as he and Angel bunny high pawed.

Domino flew to Winona, "Hey, Winona, nice to see you again," Winona gave a playful bark and began licking the birds face. Domino chuckled, "Ok-ok, before you soak my feathers."

Owlowiscious flew down to them, "Owlowiscious, you remember us right?" Fievel asked.


"Us, Domino and Fievel." Domino cawed.


"Us!" Fievel shouted in frustration, before letting it go. Suddenly he felt his back nuzzled, and spun to see Opal, "Ah, there's my favorite kitty! How're you ,Opal?" he hugged her face as she purred and nuzzled him.

Tank lowered down on his helicopter top before reaching the ground, "Hey, Tank, good to see ya." Domino cawed, as he bumped heads with him.

Fievel scurried up to Gummy, "Hi, Gummy, did ya miss us?" Gummy just stood there with his face all blank, before blinking his eyes twice, "Yeah, we did to you too." Fievel said, as he went along with it.

Domino flew to Baton, "Hey, Baton, good to see you."

"Awk, good to see you. Good to see you, awk!" Baton squawked.

The two animals looked to the biggest out of all the animals, "And Saba, you're looking great." Fievel said, as the mouse patted the tiger's paw, while Domino perched on his head.

"We got a good news for all of you," Domino began, "We brought some animal friends from our world to meet you all."

"Come on over, fellas." Fievel instructed.

And so the animals of the other warriors came over and presented themselves, "Guys, let us introduce you to the girls pets. That's Angel, Gummy, Tank, Winona, Baton, Owlowiscious, Opal, and Saba." Domino introduced them.

Fievel turned to the ponies animals, "And now let me introduce to you our friends, Tricera, Salem, McTwisp, and Calem."

Winona started sniffing Tricera, who in turn was sniffing her back. When they got a good enough whiff of each other, the collie nuzzled the wolf dog, "Well, it's nice to meet you to." Tricera said, as he nuzzled back.

McTwisp and Angel met, as McTwisp shook the other rabbit's paw, "A pleasure to meet you, Angel old chap. Domino and Fievel told me they knew of another rabbit here. Fancy a carrot?" the rabbit familiar offered. Angel accepted the carrot as the two rabbits took a bite out of their treats.

Salem was leaning into Opal, with a grin, "So you're the Opal Fievel told me about. I gotta say you're cuter than he told me. A couple of cats like us could make quite a pair, eh?" Opal hissed and tried swatting her paw at him, only for Salem to duck, "Feisty." he purred. Alicia and Rarity rolled their eyes.

Calem was on top of Saba's head, while looking down at Tank and Gummy, "Nice to meet you, guys, and for record I am not now nor have I ever been a snack."

The ponies and the humans watched seeing how well the animals were all hitting it off with each other. Nightfall trotted over and began playing with them, "Seems they really like the kid." Burai told the girls.

"Well, he knows how to be gentle with them." Muse explained.

"Obviously more gentle than his other half," Valmont said, but realized it wasn't the best thing to say, "Sorry about that."

"So he knows now?" Mitsukai inquired.

"He does." Wild nodded.

"And how's he taking it?" Belmont asked.

"Well, he was shocked that we didn't tell him about it sooner," Muse began, while looking down in guilt, "And he was very upset with me the most." Wild comforted her, as he continued.

"But he came around and told us not to keep secrets like this from him again."

"So what's happening with him now?" Xever asked.

"Well, I'm training him how to control his high magic reserves," Twilight explained, "He's afraid of using it because he fears with him unable to truly control it he'll hurt somepony close to him."

"Fear does bring down ones concentration." Burai nodded.

"But if anypony can help him harness his magic it's you, Twi." Dustin said with a smile.

"Thanks, guys." the alicorn smiled.

Meanwhile in the Everfree Forest, Ebon was still going through the books of Celestia's and Luna's former castle's library. He threw a book down in frustration, "I've scoured this library all night and have found nothing to help me!" he walked out of the library in need of a break.

As he walked down the dark and dusty hall way he stopped before a mirror on the wall that looked half broken. He looked at his reflection and smirked, "Oh, Felix, if only you could actually be a part of this whole revenge scheme of mine. But due to your betrayal you're in the backseat of things. Still I must admit your potential and strength as both a dark warrior and a yoko have benefited me thus far. When I've destroyed your former friends you will look like a pathetic loser." he chuckled before walking down the hall.

When he reached the main chamber where the serpentine resided, Mezmo ran up to him, "King Ebon!"

"Yes, Mezmo?"

"The ponies and their human friends have been spotted in Ponyville park, but there are some older humans in the town as well."

"Hm, Felix's former companions," Ebon pondered, until an idea came to mind, "Mezmo, instruct Chunk, Spitz, the Constrictai and the Venomari to go after them and bring me the colt Nightfall."

"Yes, master, but what about you?" Mezmo inquired.

"I'll be taking Fang and the Fangpyres to where those older humans are. They are more skilled and smarter than their younger friends. Take out the more experienced, and their forces are split."

"I'll be sure to send the Hypnobrai to meet up with you as well." Mezmo answered, as he went to follow his order.

Back in the park, the group were still relaxing under the sun with the animals off to the side playing, while Burai, Xever, Mitsukai, and the Balitons went off to explore more of Ponyville, "Are you sure it was all right to let your brothers and their friends go through Ponyville without us?" Twilight asked Alistair and Aria.

"I wouldn't be too worried." Alistair began.

"Yeah, we introduced the residents here to them." Aria added.

"So they should be just fine." Dustin agreed.

Suddenly the ground started shaking, "Tell me that's an earthquake." Dean said, and suddenly the Constrictai jumped out of the ground followed by the Venomari tribe.

"Nope, not an earthquake." Pinkie said, while holding up a wrong answer card.

"Give us the colt." Chunk ordered them, while motioning to Nightfall.

"Nightfall, get behind us." Muse ordered, as she and Wild covered him.

"Another match with these guys? Sounds like a treat." Dean smirked.

"By why only these two tribes?" Dustin wondered.

"No time to ponder." Alicia said, as the two tribes moved in for the attack.

Meanwhile, the five older warriors were walking through Ponyville square, before relaxing outside the town hall, "This place sure is relaxing, am I right guys?" Xever asked the group.

"It certainly is peaceful." Mitsukai admitted.

"Yeah, but peace doesn't always last." Burai reminded them.

"Dude, don't say it you'll kill the mood." Valmont said, and suddenly burrowing up from the ground were the Hypnobrai and the Fangpyre tribes.

"Oh, boy." Belmont sighed.

"Do you think these are the serpentine?" Mitsukai asked the boys.

"Well they're serpent like." Xever noted.

"Based off their scales and colors they're the Hypnobrai and Fangpyre tribes." Burai deduced.

"Correct." Mezmo hissed.

"We've got orders to bring you down." Fang added.

"Not if we bring you down first." Valmont retorted, as they summoned their weapons.

"So then you'll fight all of us?" a voice spoke up, as Ebon appeared and startled the older warriors.

"It's him." Belmont gasped.

"Ebon." Xever stated.

"In Felix's body just as they said." Mitsukai added.

"I'd wish to go after the younger warriors, but then I wouldn't have the opportunity to take out the ones who made them into the warriors they are today." Ebon began.

Burai stepped closer to Ebon, who wasn't moving and spoke, "Felix, if you're in there somewhere I am so very sorry this happened to you."

"Felix cannot hear you right now, boy." Ebon replied.

"Well, then you be sure to give him my message."

"Why should his well-being matter to you?" Ebon inquired, "He is your enemy, or have you forgotten what I had hired him to do?"

"We haven't," Mitsukai answered, "But he was still one of us."

"And that's a part of history we can't change." Valmont added and Belmont nodded in agreement.

"Oh yes, history indeed," Ebon said, with a chortle, "I've seen all of Felix's memories with all of you. He was really fond of all of you, even vying for your attention, child," he motioned to Mitsukai who frowned, "But alas his issues of inferiority due to so much competition drove him away from all of you. He indeed had a problem, and you all didn't do anything to help him."

"You're wrong!" Xever shouted, "We did try to help him, but I guess our efforts weren't enough." he sighed.

"No, they were not." Ebon justified his claim.

"But we're gonna get you out of him one way or another." Burai said, as he gripped his spirit dagger.

"I'd like to see you try," he challenged them, before motioning to the serpentine, "Attack!"

The two tribes went at it with the older warriors, while Burai and Xever went past them to take Ebon head on. Ebon blocked and attacked the two who were throwing all they had against him, "I must admit this is not a way we'd ever picture fighting Felix. With you at the wheel." Xever told Ebon, as he delivered a spin kick to the dark king.

Ebon caught the leg, and swung Xever aside, "Believe me, I had not originally planned to take his body as my own, nor was he really at the top of my list for a new vessel," Ebon answered, "But beggars can't be choosers. Besides I've already grown used to his abilities, so in the end I made a wise choice."

Burai grunted, as he used his spirit dagger to strike at Ebon, who was dodging before throwing a punch. He missed and Burai fired a shotgun attack at him knocking him into a building's wall. Ebon peeled himself off and looked seeing the other older warriors fighting off the serpentine while avoiding the eyes and the fangs, "I wonder how the others are doing?"

Back with the younger warriors and the ponies, the Constrictai and Venomari tribes continued to jump and attack them, while they were determined to protect Nightfall, "Shadow gun!" Thatch and Topher called, before blasting two members of both tribes.

Applejack and Muse were bucking some incoming Venomari soldiers who were trying to spit at them, "We can't afford to have them use their abilities on us." Muse stated.

"Got that right." Applejack agreed.

Ralph using his strength enhanced with spirit energy was pounding the Constrictai, "Hey, you think those other tribes went after Burai and the others?"

The group gasped, "They probably did." Aria gasped.

"I'm sure they'll be fine, unless Ebon's with them..." Dustin began, until he realized what he said and looked at Mezmo and asked sourly, "He is isn't he?" Mezmo only chuckled.

"We got to find them and help them." Dean stated.

"But who's going to help us?" Jethro asked, as he dodged the venom of one of the Venomari soldiers.

Suddenly lightning started striking all around the area and nailing the serpentine, "Good one, Eu!" Alistair cheered, until the girl spoke.

"Alistair, that's not me."

"What?" they asked in confusion.

Chunk suddenly saw Muse and Wild were too preoccupied with watching the serpentine flee, he took a chance and burrowed up form behind them and grabbed Nightfall, "Mom!" he cried.

"Nightfall!" Muse screamed, as Chunk dragged the colt into the hole.

"He's got him!" Wild cried.

"If I know where he's going, he's going to find Ebon." Dustin deduced.

"But where could he and the others be?" Alice asked, until they heard an explosion coming by from the town square.

"Over there!" they said simultaneously.

Dustin turned to Domino, "Domino, you and the other animals wait here!" they took off.

"Good luck!" Domino cawed.

Back at the other fight, Ebon stood before both Burai and Xever who were both looking worn down from fighting him, while the others continued holding off the snakes, but didn't look like they could keep it up, "What now, fearless leader?" Xever asked Burai sarcastically.

"I'm opened for suggestions." Burai answered.

Ebon smirked, until the Constrictai and Venomari soldiers popped out of the ground, "King Ebon!" Spitz called.

"We got him!" Chunk called, as he dragged the struggling colt over.

"Ah, yes. My former body," Ebon chuckled, "Chalk full of my magic."

Nightfall looked on in terror, as Ebon grabbed him by the back of his neck and lifted him up to his eye level, "Now to take back what is mine." his eyes started glowing.

"Ebon, let him go!" Dustin screamed as the others were charging over.

Ebon frowned, and snapped his fingers with his free hand, summoning shadow soldiers to block the warriors and the ponies paths. Burai and Xever taking advantage ran at him, but were jumped by Constrictai soldiers. Ebon turned back to Nightfall, "Where were we?" his eyes glowed again, as Nightfall's eyes did the same as magic started pooling out of his horn and was assimilated into Ebon's forehead.

"Nightfall!" the ponies screamed, as they tried getting past the shadow soldiers.

"WIND!" a voice shouted, as a blast of air blew around.

Ebon was knocked out of his concentration and off balance, causing him to drop Nightfall who ran for cover, "What?" Ebon gasped, as he looked around for the source.

They all looked and saw walking down the street was a figure with his hood up. When the hood fell down it revealed Blaze Shadow, who now had elemental symbols on his clothes, "Hey, guys, what's up?"

"Blaze!" the group cheered.

"Who?" the serpentine asked in confusion.

"A friend, and don't forget it." Blaze told the snakes.

"What're you doing here?" Alistair asked.

"Come o,n Alistair, I'll always be there to watch my friends backs." Blaze answered.

Ebon looked on in shock and confusion, "You, but how? I disposed of you myself!"

"Ebon, Ebon, Ebon," Blaze began, while shaking his head, "See that's the problem with you. You may have written a perfectly good script about what happened back in our world, and with this sequel of yours in the process to boot. But a sequel always has surprises such as this. So now let's see what happens."

"I destroyed you once, I'll do it again!" Ebon bellowed, as he flew at Blaze who started blocking some punches, but received a spin kick that knocked him to the ground.

Blaze got back up, "Good move, but I still have a lot to repay you for putting that hole in my stomach!" he concentrated as the symbols on his clothes glowed and he launched a blast of fire combined with wind to created smoke around Ebon and the snakes.

"Blaze knows elemental magic now?" Eu gasped.

"Where did he learn that?" Dean asked.

"You can ask him after the fight!" Twilight called, as she started blasting the shadow soldiers with her magic.

"Mom!" Nightfall cried, as she ran to Muse.

"Oh, Nightfall!" Muse hugged him.

Dustin and Alistair flew over and landed by Blaze, while the others went to fight the snakes with the older warriors, "Nice to see you Blaze, but I thought you said you were sitting this one out?" Dustin reminded him.

"Hey, old habits die hard." Blaze chuckled, as they stood ready against Ebon.

"I'll crush all three of you!" Ebon declared, as the four lunged at each other and battled it out hand to hand.

Dustin and Alistair summoned their weapons and started striking at Ebon, who ducked or leaned back, only for Blaze to stomp the ground with the earth symbols on his shoes glowing, "Earth!"

A earth fist rose up from behind Ebon and punched him, sending him flying at both Dustin and Alistair who powered their fists up, "Spirit/Shadow Shotgun!" they combined their attacks that sent Ebon crashing onto a flower cart. He rose up with the flowers that were on his body to burn up from the fire he was emitting.

"I'll be back!" he vanished in flames.

"Retreat!" Mezmo ordered, as he and the rest of the snakes burrowed away.

The shadow soldiers vanished, and the groups started catching their breath. When they finished, the ran over to Blaze, "Blaze, it's really you!" Twilight cheered.

"You arrived just in time." Wild added.

"But what're you doing here?" Ralph asked.

"And how did you learn to use magic?" Eu asked curiously.

"Guys, easy. I'll answer everything, but maybe we should get out of here, before we get charged for damage of property?" Blaze suggested. They all looked around and saw the place looked wrecked, and quickly bolted.

They returned to the park, where the warriors animals were glad to see them all right, and Blaze was with them. Soon Blaze was seated with them and they began their questions, "How did you learn to use magic?" Eu inquired.

"Well, the world in which I accidentally landed it in is filled with magical users. I joined a guild of them," Blaze answered, "Now like you I use elemental magic with these symbols on my clothes."

"Sweet with that and your spirit energy you'll be a major asset to us once again." Dean said, while patting his shoulder.

"Not so much," Blaze answered, "I've stopped using my spirit energy. In fact I've used some magic to seal it off."

"You what?" they asked in confusion.

"Why would you do that?" Mitsukai asked.

"Well, during my magic training I went through a trial."

"A trial?" Alistair asked.

"Yeah. When Ebon put that hole in me, a portion of his darkness lingered on inside me even after King Dusk and Queen Dawn healed me," he continued, "That portion finally manifested into Ebon deep in my mind. He wanted to control me like a puppet, similar to how he is to Felix now. I fought hard against him, but through my struggling he was also fighting the friends I made with my own power. Eventually I conquered him and extinguished him from my mind. Still my own spirit energy was used to harm my friends. I almost lost them due to it, and swore I would never risk others using my energy against those I cared about. So I eventually embedded a magic seal on my chest to keep my spirit energy dormant should I ever decide to use it again. So I continued to practice in the art of elemental magic instead."

"Interesting." Eu admitted, while feeling impressed.

"So how did you get here?" Alice asked.

"Well, the time I spent in the other world felt like it was longer since time moves different in other worlds," Blaze spoke, "But one day during one of our parties, I felt a surge flowing through me. The Pendulum effect started dragging me back to our world. It was due to the fact I overcame the other shadows of my past involving my family. Before I could be fully transported back, my girlfriend Wendy jumped and returned to New York with me."

"At first I spent a week or two there showing her all around our home. She did get a lot of culture shock, but I walked her through it. We were happy together, but that fun didn't last forever. The same kind of Pendulum affect started dragging her out of our world and back to her's. I planned to go back to the lab and use the portal to return, but she made me promise her not to come back just yet. She wanted me to go and help you guys. Now that I conquered all my shadows I felt truly ready to resume my place fighting along side you. I remained true to my word by using Dustin's portal device to come here. I first went to the Princesses in Canterlot and told them everything. When they informed me of what's been going on here I came right over. I didn't want to reveal myself just yet until I knew what to say to you. Then Ebon and the snakes showed up on both sides."

"Then that was you using lightning magic?" Jethro deduced.


"Well, we're glad you showed up." Dustin said.

Blaze smirked, "You guys would be lost without me."

"Don't push it, man." Dean warned him, and he just kicked back.

Muse checked Nightfall over, "Nightfall, are you ok, sweetie?"

"I think so, but my head feels tingly." Nightfall admitted.

"What was Ebon trying to do anyway?" Blaze asked.

"That was him trying to assimilate his magic from Nightfall back into himself." Twilight explained.

"It didn't look like he got much out of him." Alicia noticed.

"Still, if he could assimilate even a bit he'll eventually try and assimilate it all." Twilight stated.

"No!" Nightfall gasped.

"Don't worry, kid, we're gonna protect you." Wild assured him.

"Ya got that right." Rainbow agreed.

"And I'll be sticking around this time to help." Blaze promised.

"Well then, Blaze, how about you bunk with me and Alistair at our HQ in this world?" Dustin offered.

"Is there indoor plumbing?" he inquired.

"Of course." Alistair answered.

"Then I'm good with that."

"Well, now that this is out of the way, we should give Blaze a welcome to Ponyville party." Pinkie spoke up.

"I agree." Ralph put in, while the ponies and several of the warriors rolled their eyes, but laughed none the less.

Back in the castle ruins in the forest, the snakes were resting from their fight, while Ebon was pumping his arms as magic coursed through him, "Yes. I can feel my magic returning to me. Though I only got a small portion every little bit helps. And soon all that's stored up inside that colt will be mine again, and when that happens this land and all its inhabitants will be mine to command." he chuckled to himself.