The Problem with Being a Foal

by AlliePastel

Milk and Brownies

“Mmm, Coco…” Rarity hummed, hugging unto her friend from behind. The subtle warmness forming between the two made her melt like butter on hot bread, she felt so relaxed.

Coco likewise smiled under the embrace of her friend. The thick diaper between her legs impeded her ability to use her back hooves much. She enjoyed the company anyway. It was really relaxing just cuddling like they were.

Eventually she started feeling a little bit uncomfortable; it was difficult for her to hold still for too long without moving a little. Rarity must have felt the same way as she eventually climbed off and laid on her tummy.

She’d noticed that Rarity was occupied with something, like something was catching her off guard; it was her crayons and coloring books. She tried never to draw much really, some of foalish doodles turned into sketches and when that happened, things got really ‘complicated’.

Pacing over to her friend, she snatched the journal right out of her friend’s hands and held it tight to her chest. A coy smirk on her face, Coco blushed, “I uh- I don’t wanna talk about what’s in the journal right now. It’s a bit ‘personal’.”

She leaned over to the cabinet space and shoved the journal into one of the cubbies. Looking back at Rarity, she tapped her hoof, “You still wanna draw? I got paper if you want.”

Still giving her friend an empathetic smile, Rarity stood up and hobbled over to her friend. Reaching over to grab the paper, she looked her friend in the eye as if to stray away from the role play for just a few seconds. “We’re going to talk about the journal…” she said, sitting her behind on the floor. Returning to facial expression to a carefree grin, she gestured a hoof back to the area they were playing in.

Slowly, Coco walked over to the slightly messy pile of crowns she’d made prior to the journal being taken away. It was around this time that she was starting to feel more concerned about the journal. There were just so many bad vibes from the drawings, so much deeper context. What if Rarity didn’t understand?

Like a valve, the crème colored pony shut off the questions for a moment, building the pressure within her mind; none of it mattered now, she really just wanted to play.

As she picked up a small half-used black crown with her mouth, she scribbled an array of random shapes with her mouth. She was actually quite skilled with crayons, but she didn’t want to think too into it. She was supposed to be having fun and that’s what she intended on doing.

“Good?” Rarity questioned, raising a quaint little drawing in the air. It was a picture of Her and Coco together in a park. A prideful grin on her face, she set the paper down and drew a big heart on it. She looked at her earth pony friend; she couldn’t help but smile too.
Without saying a word, the earth pony leaned over and hugged her friend around the neck. Her head fell heavy on Rarity’s white shoulder as she sighed affirmed her praise with a simple “Mmmhmm!”

Her embrace was short lived as something else caught her attention. A subtle rumble in her stomach reminded her that’d she’d forgotten to do something; she forgot to eat. The wasn’t the first time she’d forgotten to eaten either. Heavy nights of plentiful deliveries always meant she was busy, it’s hard to eat when you already a full meal of priorities already.

Her lack of preparation time came in handy, in the corner of the nursery sat a small white polyurethane fridge. She hadn’t always had a use for the fridge, but as her obsession with baby stuff became a bigger part of her relaxation, she found more infantile ways of couping with the simple things in life.

Coco stood up and hobbled out of the mesh playpen and over to the fridge. Griping the handle, the mare pulled back to reveal the one staple food of her new life style, foal formula.

It was a bizarre taste, a little bit like a regular powdery version of milk. It was definitely an acquired taste, but it packed a lot of nutrition. She picked one of the bottles up and looked at her friend, “Want baba?” she asked, stopping for a second to evaluate her speech. It felt like she was syncing into the ‘foal talk’ easier than usual today.

The white unicorn’s face lit up with a joyed expression as she nodded her head in confirmation. It’d actually been several months since she’d last had a real milk based product; no doubt a result of her friend Pinkie Pie’s unwillingness to touch milk. She didn’t know why Pinkie denied touching the dairy product, but it was supposedly something to do with an accident involving a bad combination of Mrs.Cake’s breast milk and baking.

The thought sent shivers down Rarity’s spine. The idea of being dressed and acting like a foal sounded like an alright idea, truly it showed a lot of self-respect at the least. It definitely wasn’t an easy task getting used to a diaper around her waist, but she would do anything to help a friend. It was actually a bit hard to imagine Coco might enjoy something that she never considered so taboo, this much.

As her friend walked in front of her and handed her a bottle, Rarity was quick to give her friend a devious smile. A blush on her face, Rarity felt full of daring ideas today. Even one as shifty as the one she’d just thought of. “Coco, how’d you feel about real milk?” she asked a little bit unconfident even in herself.

Coco grimaced at the thought. She knew what Rarity was thinking about, she was being asked to be breast fed. Sitting down, she looked Rarity in the eye as she made her pleasant descent unto her fours. Blushing a bit, she shrugged the question off with a light hearted giggled, “Hehe, ohh… no thanks. I-I’m already getting butterfly’s in my tummy.” She took a sip of the milk and looked back at her friend, “Thanky though!”

Rarity felt embarrassed. She could have sworn Coco would have been into breast feed, then again, maybe not. It didn’t matter, she might have actually wanted to; she might have really been too woozy to drink anything dairy. Was Coco a light weight? Maybe she was just easily nauseous; no doubt a result of her confidence.

Leaning her own head down, she grabbed the base of the bottle with both hooves and moved her lips over the amber rubber nipple. She closed her eyes and started suckling on the nipple, cold milk splashed against her tongue and the back of her throat with each small sip she took.

It tasted delightful, delicious actually. It was odd, but formula tasted even sweeter than regular cattle milk. There was no telling what was added to the ingredients, there was no telling if it was really just formula. But it tasted good, a bit vanilla like actually.

Curious, Rarity raised her head and grinned at her friend, “Coco, what in it?” she said, pointing at the bottle.

Coughing into her hoof, Coco rolled her eyes in an attempt not to look directly at her friend, “Oh. Just milky and uh… powder.” She muttered.

“Powder?” Rarity questioned.

The crème colored pony gave her friend a nervous grin then nodded her head. Ignoring her playmate, she went back to suckling on her bottle.

Rarity enjoyed her milk. She practically melted into the matt she rested on. The milk felt so rich and thick, yet so light in her mouth. The suckling became rhythmic, like an automatic response. She couldn’t imagine how amazing breast feeding must feel, it must be absolutely divine.

Finishing her bottle, Rarity sipped the last of the liquid and nudged it to the side. Her mind stirring with pleasant thoughts, she folded her arms and rested her head on her hooves. “I’m gonna rest my eyes Coco…” Rarity said, sighing.

“Sure thing…” Coco said, standing up and gathering the two bottles in her hooves. She knew Rarity would be up soon, for better or for worst. Perhaps it was just an adaptation, but she wasn’t nearly as effected by the ‘formula’ as she used to be.

A part of her wanted to say something to Rarity, but a carefree experience is what age play is all about. Rarity was going to be just fine, she knew it. Even if it meant an unfamiliar feeling.

Stepping over to the mini fridge, Coco made quick work of refilling the bottles. She pulled out her ingredients from the fridge and mixed it into the bottles then set them back into the fridge. It was nice to be prepared. Speaking of which, she outta prepare for a diaper change or two.

She trotted over to the changing table and pulled out the needed supplies, diapers, powder, and a lot of wipes. She knew what was coming; she pulled out a pacifier just in case.

She staired concerned over her selection of items for a second, she needed one more thing that might make the upcoming experience a little bit easier for Rarity; a little bit more familiar. She walked over to the open section under the head rest of the changing table and pulled out a pretty pink potty chair.

It was much like the one she had in the bathroom, but this one was a bit bigger. She’d ordered it special from one of her friend’s in Manehatten. On the side it read ‘my little potty’ and vibrant shades of pink, purple and everything in-between. It was perfect.

She really did like the design of the seat. It was just like the foal seat she used to potty train with, not that it mattered. At first the seat was more of a security blanket than anything, now she just used it if she didn’t have time to clean up after an accident.

She polished the seat with a baby wipe and threw it into the plastic container. Satisfied with its condition, she left it to work on some other stuff around the nursery.

Perhaps now wasn’t the best time for her to be working, but it certainly felt like the nursery was getting dirty fast. It was probably best for her not to worry about it. The bear in the playpen really disturbed her though.

Trotting into the playpen, past her friend, and towards the bear, she sat him up straight. She hated disorganization. Even her chaotic array of toys in the living room were at least a little bit organized.

With nothing left in the room that needed to be done yet, Coco moseyed by Rarity and took a seat next to her tired friend. She dropped to her stomach and fours as she leaned her head against her friend’s soft white coat.

She herself closed her eyes; there was no point in staying away. Rarity would no doubt wake her when she was needed. Yawning a bit, she climbed over the white unicorn. Her hooves stretched over her playmate’s back, her head rested upon her white overcoat, and her eyes gently shut closed.

Images of various foalish activities swirled through her mind, but nothing seemed to be able to mimic the reality that was happening right now. Rarity was actually doing this with her. The best part of all was that she could touch Rarity and hold her. Just the idea of being able to be a foal around someone sent warm and fuzzy feelings up and down her body. With those thoughts in mind, she quickly fell asleep.

“Huh? Oh my I-“Rarity moaned, clenching her stomach tight. Her eyes watered as she rolled unto her back, knocking her friend’s hooves off her in the process. She felt dense all over, but there was an acute displeasure centered in her stomach, she really had to use the restroom.

Coco’s head hit the padded foam with a subtle ‘thip’ noise. Moaning, she lifted her head and watched as her playmate panicked over the feeling of an impending uncontrollable force. On the inside, she was smiling a bit, it was a bit comical of her to see Rarity panic in a non-detrimental way. On the other hoof, she also felt a little bit bad about not giving Rarity a heads up.

She stood up and placed a hoof on her aching friend’s stomach, “It’s alright baby, you just rest up a little. Your sissy hadda make sure you potty.” She said, giving her playmate an uncertain grin.

“You sissy didn’t wanna potty!” Rarity said, crawling on her stomach towards the gate of the nursery. Her body feeling cold from the inside out, her movements were shaky. She wanted to stand, but her hoofs felt so weak. Whatever movement that was inside her was making her tense up to an extreme.

Her breathing went from subtle to a complete hyperventilation. She just couldn’t handle the pressure inside her. ‘How could this all happen this quickly? Everything was feeling so good up until this point.’ She thought to herself as she slowly paced towards the door.

Coco trotted ahead of her playmate, her hardened hoofs clopping against the hard wood floors with each step she took. She made it to her potty and pointed at it, “Potty! Rarity potty!”

With a bit of venom in her tone, Rarity hissed as she slowly made her way over to the potty step by step. She climbed unto the seat and relaxed a bit. Her diapered behind resting softly inside the ridges of the potty seat, she felt as the inevitable started to approach. Her own diaper pushed softly within the ridges, she couldn’t help but feel her diaper’s sheer ‘pomf’ meld to fit the interior of the seat. She looked down at her diaper, the bulky material was being covered by a large white onesie and it’s buttoned crouch.

Panic quickly took over every fabric of her nerves as she tried fruitlessly to get the onesie undone. All of a sudden, a major push of her insides triggered a movement which she could feel moving inside her. The incoming wave forced a large warm mess from her rump. The mass rushed into her awaiting diaper, the push against the seat of her pants into her private crevices making her diaper bulge with density.

A deep red blush changed the color of her face as she whined in discomfort, “Ew. Ew. Ew. Gross! Never again, it’s so icky! She took a few deep breathes, “Never again. No more formula. That was absolutely disgusting!” she complained, standing up from her seat.

Her diaper sagged between her legs. The large mess inside the white crinkly undergarment made it impossible for it not sag a little. She hated the feeling of the mess. It felt too unfamiliar, too icky, too out of place. It felt like someone shoved a load of warm cake up against her buttocks and there was no physical way she could examine the damage.

“Awe, my big sissy potty’d herself!” Coco giggled, watching as Rarity struggled to waddle elsewhere. “Poor filly…” she watched as her play-mate toddled around. It was obvious Rarity was confused, she just needed to relax a little.

On the verge of sobbing, Rarity choked on her tears as she struggled to find a safe venue to sit. No matter where she chose, the end result was the same; she would end up just further pressing the mess into her coat.

She gave up, with tears rushing down her face she sat on her messy bottom. She felt the mess slide her bottom around in her diaper a little as she felt another pressure building. Lifting her tail, she felt as more of the warm mess was pumped into her diaper against her own will.

“Ugh! Make it stop!” she yelled as she rolled unto her back. She couldn’t stand the muddy feeling surrounding her rump. Frantically, she started kicking her bucking hooves around frantically, trying desperately to alleviate the feeling.

Coco’s eyes opened wide as she ran up and grabbed her friend’s frantically moving hooves. “Calm down Rarity. It’s justa little mess. I’ve hadda worst!” she pleaded, feeling a little more than guilty now. Maybe this was a step too far, maybe.

She trotted over to her changing supplies and picked them up with her hoofs. She dropped them off on the ground and searched desperately for the baby wipes. Frowning, she leaned in to undo her unicorn friend’s white onesie. The buttons came undone easily, but between the sheer odor of her friend’s mess and the constant high pitched whine in the background, things were nearly impossible.

She closed her eyes and cringed as she remembered something, the pacifier. Reaching her hoof to her left, she picked a bright white pacifier and stuck it in her friend’s mouth. Usually she’d think twice about using a dusty pacifier, but Rarity clearly wasn’t paying attention. The pacifier shut the unicorn up, her whines turned into small whimpers as Coco undid her onesie. She cringed at the site, she’d done quite a number on herself.

A part of her wanted to coo and comfort Rarity, but her foalish self made her giggle at the sight. It was a little bit funny now that it happened to someone else. But no, she couldn’t giggle, this was her friend.

Sighing she sat back and turned her head from her friend’s spread legs. She had to remember who Rarity was and who she was supposed to be playing as. She honestly felt bad; she just couldn’t help but giggle a little. Rarity was such a dramatic pony; it was hard not to feel a little loss of empathy.

Still, she was her sissy right now. Even if she was the younger of the two, she was still the more experienced. This is what she did want to happen after all. Smiling, Coco set her hooves on her friend’s diaper tabs and cooed, “Awe, time to change wittle Rawity!”