Shadows that never stop

by RavenFire2908

Chapter 3 (can have bad spelling)

Applejack knew what Carmalo wanted, it sceard her.
Carmalo walked around in the room, his shadow body going back and forth in front of her.

''Carmalo, plis can you leave. I have Things do do!'' Applejack said angry, pointing at the door.

''oh... you are always busy, why? I want to get to know my little girl-''

''I not Your fucking girl!'' She raged at him, something that he loved. ''get the fuck out of here! NOW!''

slowly getting closer to her, he used his shadowie hand and stroke her cheek. he slowly moved it Down her body. moving it Down to her waist. he pulled her closer. he put his hand on her butt greedy. ''you know you want it, and I am the only that can give it to you.'' With that said, he crepet out of the hut.

letting out a deep breath, she did't know she was holding. she got to the bedroom door and unlocked it. the five Girls fell over each other and growning.

''all of you need to leave NOW'' Applejack was not happy that they had found out.

''but AJ, I-I love you.'' she quickly said kissing her again. but Applejack quickly pushed away as their lips meet.

''Im sorry Rainbow. I love you too, but I cant, I will put you in danger.'' she alost strated to cry. she could feet the tears flooding her eyes. ''I cant let enything happend to you, I love you to much.''

Rainbow was starting to cry too. they loved each other, but what did she mean by danger? ''but... what do you mean by danger?'' she dared to ask.

''TimberPony, VampirePony, Werewolf, ShadowPony and more... my job is to protect Equestria. I Guess I can tell you, but dont tell enypony else, there should be as less as possible to know about this.'' all of them nodded, Applejack took a longer glare at Rarity. she knew that she was into gossip at the spa. ''well... it started when I got my cutie mark, for appels are not only me. my real cutie mark is... this.'' she said picking up the book and shoving them. it was her normal appels With a knife in the middle. ''I lied about how I got my cutie mark to Apple Bloom. I cant put her in danger, I will tell one day. but not enytime soon. Mac and Granny know, well they was there soo.'' a little pause was made as Applejack took some emty Cages out for them to sit on. ''this might take a wile, sitt Down.''

(backstory. Applejack is a kid here)

Applejack stood at the egde of the elderfree forest, she could heare a timberwolf howl in the dark night. she had this feeling that something in there belonged to her. but what?

''Applejack!?'' the familier sound broke her out of her transe. turning around she saw big Mac runnigng and shouting at her. ''AJ, where... have... you been, everyone has been worry sick.'' he said slowly getting his breath back.

''I heard something Call my name... it came from the fores-'' she was cut off by a voice calling her name again. ''did you ear that?'' she asked looking over her sholder and into the dark forest.

''nope, we need to get home. Granny is gonna me happy to see you.''

''Am I in trouble?'' Applejack asked looking up at her older sibling.

Smiling he sayes ''nope, I will make sure of that. you heard something you say?'' then they took off home. Mac sat Applejack on his back.

''thats when I started to hear and feel them. it was creepy. thee feeling that someone is watching you all the time, the feeling that their is someone there or the ice Cold feeling that Wake you up at night.'' Applejack took a pause to see if eny of them had a question. none of them did. ''I did't know that the monsters or supernatual was after me. I was in danger the hole time. but they could't do enything before I got my cutie mark, but I did't get before I found out about a Family seacret.''

Applejack was walking to School when she heard someone calling her name. ''Hallo? is enyone there?'' she looked around. there was no one there. gettng back to the task, e had to get to School before she wsa to late.

at School Applejack had this need, she wanted to og in the forest. before the last class Applejack could't hold it enymore. she walked into the forest without thinking. the teacher had notice that Applejack did't how in last class. he went outside to look for her, but she just saw Applejac walk into the forest. she screamed after her, ''Applejack Apple come back here NOW!'' but Applejack did't heare her. she cept walking. the teacher went inside and told every student that they could walk home, she had to get Applejack before something happend to her.

she took off ter were she sa Applejack had gone. 'why did't I get her Family?' she tought. it might have been to late when ty got to her. she stepped into a clearing were she spoted a tiny little Orange girl. ''Applejack Im so glad Your safe, come lets get back before smething happend.'' she got closer to her as she saw Applejack staring into a river, but in the water. it wasn't her refletion. it was a black creature, With big horns and white eyes. the teacher tryed to pull Applejack away from the river. she got her away from the river. bu Applejack passed out when she lost sight of the creature. The teacher got her home and told Family wat she saw. Granny was the only one that did't looked too suprised.

''Yeah,she told me once she had heard one calling name.'' Mac said as he held a sleeping Applejak on his lap.

''it only mean, getting closer.'' Grany looked at the techer. ''would you keep Applejack inside the School, and not let her be alone?'' the teacher only nodded. then ranny turned Mac. ''could you walk her to School, and home?'' Mac nodded to. ''Good, Appeljack's life is in danger.''

''I woke up a day after. but I wasen't allowed to at School.'' Applejack looked at th others. ''if Your wondering. that creature I saw in the river was a Genuvial. its a god thing. but enyway.''

Applejack sat inside, the other kids were outside playing. ''miss Letter (teacher) why cant I be outside?'' the teacher froze when Applejack asked. ''well, sweetie yur Family told me to keep yo inside for a while. I dont know how long but, Im sorry. I wish I could let Yu outside.'' Applejack layed her headon the desk. she *sigh*

After School, Applejack went outside. she saw her Brother waveing at her and smiling. she started to walk toward him but was stoped, when she heard the voice again. ''Applejack'' it whisperd. she began to panic and ran right into her Brothers leg. ''you okey AJ?'' he asked looking at how frighten she was.

''No! its after me, I heard it.'' she cried into his leg. quickly Mac took his sister in his armes and ran home. of she had heard it again, it might mean something. they come home, mac took Applejack into the living room and sat her Down on the couch. ''Granny?!'' mac yeld. Granny smith came into the room, Apple Bloom in her armes. ''for goodnes sake Mac. you woke up...'' Granny trailed off as she saw Applejack crying on the couch. ''oh dear, what happend?'' she asked sitting next to Applejack. ''she heard it again.'' Mac said sitting Down on the other side of AJ.

''I remember the weeks after. I wasn't allowed to be at School, I could't be outside. I was just in my room. alone. but it was that one day, when I got a vistit from an old friend. or shall I say enime.''

Applejack was standing infront of her bedroom Mirror, her refletion told her Things. 'you are going insane, get out of here before you lose it.' the voice was so angry, it sceard her. but it was right. she was going mad. Applejack walked out of her room,it was almost midnight. she went downstairs, and headdet toward the door. trying to be as quiet as possible she got to the door. slowly opening it she tok her head outside. the feeling of Cold fresh air was amiazing. wanting more she took a leg outside. her hoof touched the Cold soft dirt. it was something she had't been feeling in weeks, she had missed it.

''Applejack...'' a voice in the dark. Applejack spun around loking everywere. ''Applejack...'' it whisperd again. t time it was dragging her. she felt herself beeing dragged to the forest. she began to panic. ''Granny!'' she screamed as a shadow surrounded her. as it coverd her. Granny smith come running Down the stairs. she saw her just before she vanished. NOOO!!'' she screamed.

Mac, Apple Bloom and Granny smith sat in the dinning room, waiting at the guard. a white unicorn came into the room. the hole Sweet Apple acers was bing searched. ''well, from what you are telling. a shadow took her? are you sure?'' the guard Asked sitting downon a Chair. ''is the sky blue?'' granny asked. ''yes'' he answerd confused. ''well there you have my answer. I saw it With my own eyes.'' Granny as getting angry. se could feel rage inside her. ''I promised to their parentthat I would rotect them, but right now I need help.'' Mac was just sitting there ookingat ageing Granny, Apple Bloom was sleeping i his lap. right there he promised. 'when Applejack get home, will protect my Family with my life.

as the smoke vanished, Applejack found herself at the river. ''oh no... who are you, what do you want?'' she cried out, the fear of that river was a nightmare she never will Wake up from. she slowly get over to the river and look Down in it. the monster With those soulless eyes, and smoky body. was looking right at her. ''who are you?'' she asked looking at it.

''I am Genuvial, for what I want: I do not want to harm you, but secure you.'' its voice echoed out of nothing, it was deep and dark. but it sounded like someone was talking almost at the same time.

''secure me? what do you mean?'' just as closed her mouth, more shadow came up to her. it hold her Down by her legs. she began to cry. she was sceard. ''leave me be!'' she begged. ''what have I even done to you?'' her voice was full of fear. the Genuvial liked it.

''its not what you have done, but what you will do.'' Applejack was helpless, would she die now? she was just 10, as she saw it she was to Young to die, she wasn't even done With School.

''plis, I will do enything, just plis let me live.'' she begged, she cried. but she was dead sceard. the shadow that was holding her let her loose. she could move.

''I can't kill you, not yet. take this as a warning,when you become 16 you journy start.'' just as it said that. the shadow formed its body. moving closer it placed one of the claws under her head, lifting it. ''but be aware, one day you will face me. and then only on will survive.'' it removed its claw from her head. when it was some meaters away. Applejack took a rock. she threw it at the monster. when it hit, it fell to the ground. ''you will pay for that dear.'' then it vanished. after the creature was gone. something felt strange. she looked at her flank. her cutie mark. Three Appels With a knife in the middle.

''after that day, I have always followed my cutie mark. but if Your wondering. no, I was not trouble when I got home. the gueards talked to me, asked me Things. and reported it to Celestia. I dont know what she could have done but still.'' As Applejack finished the story all the Girls looked at her in shock. why did AJ have a so seacret life?

''AJ, why have you been hideing it?'' Twilight asked.

''I had plans on telling you, but I got sceard, and well... I did't want it to hurt are friendship. but now that you know. I am going to be more carefull, around.'' Applejack said getting off the Chair and walking over to the book self. ''Twi, if you ever want to know about these varmits, I can borrow you a book, and Fluttershy. I have a feeling that you want to ask me about the Cages and some of the animals in them. Fluttershy only nodded, Applejack was right she wanted to know why she had them like this.

''well, many of thise Creatures are evil, bad or Deadly. I cant let them walk around in Equestria freely, when they feed on or kind's flesh.'' just as she said that she threw Twilight a book. the title of the book was 'supernatual, danger or harmless'. ''I say you start With that one, and plis dont freak out and try to help me away from it.''

Without knowing Rainbow had creeped up behind AJ. she was just behind her. ready to attack her lovely pray. when ''dont even think about it Dash. I know You are behind me'' Rainbow did't move. she hoped that if no one answerd she would lower her guard. but giving up. she just jumped at her. she burrid her face in her mane, sniffing in the good smell of.... Apples. Rainbow moved up placeing her head on AJ's head. getting an idea she gently bite Down on AJ's ear.

With suprise, she did't see that comeing. she moan loud. she began to breath heavly, half closing her eyes. ''heh... looks like I found a weak spot.'' Rainbow say With her theeth still holding her ears. Applejack can't stop moaning. it felt so good.

''R-Rain...bow... plis... sto--ahh...!'' she could bearly speak normal.

''I think we will leave now.'' Twilight say as she look at Rainbow giving her 'plis leave, I want her now' eyes.

''ohhh... why the good stuff is happening'' Pinkie said, she had always wanted to see Rainbow makeing moves on AJ.

''no, pinkie. I think its time we leave enyways. th clock is-'' she look around the room, no clock. ''AJ, how much is the clock?''

AJ take something out of her pockit. she looks at. ''its 7 pmmm...'' a louder moan cut her off.

''thanks... lets give them some privecy.'' Twilight had to use Magic to get Pinkie out of the hut. even when they had left. pinkie asked if she could watch. but No.

Once the door locked, Rainbow moved. she did't stop biteing AJ's ear, but she moved her hands Down around her body. Rainbow hug her tight. her arms surrounded AJ's waist. feeling that AJ had a lot of stuff in her jacked. tries to get it off, giving up to try without hands. she quickly take it off her. is she useing that thing all time, its freaking heavy she think and gets back to work.