Dear Cuz'

by theNDinspector

Pen Pals

Dear Scootaloo,

You need to calm down a bit there. I really don’t know you that well besides what Babs has told me. From what she says, you’re pretty awesome too. I’d certainly like to know you better.

I’d also like to see how you ride that scooter around, that’s not very common in the parks here. Mainly it’s just blades, boards and the occasional bike. I also get what you mean about balancing on a skateboard. I can do it for a bit, but I’m much more comfortable with my blades.

I love going to the skate park. I especially love the drop-in. You have to deal with a lot of other ponies in there, but that just makes it more fun and challenging. I’m not all that good at the half-pipe, and that’s probably what got me in the end of that competition. Still, I had a great time there, got my cutie mark and got to meet my idol.

It was a dream come true to meet Pony Hawk. I didn’t get to spend too much time with him since he’s a celebrity and all. Plus, I didn’t win the competition, so most of the attention was focused on the other pony that won. He was really cool though and I like how he thought that I was the best and that I could beat him one day. I’m not so sure about that with all that he’s done, but I’ll certainly try.

I’d like to keep writing you, but honestly don’t think our friends would like us hijacking their letter system. I’ll include my address, but there might be another problem with that. You probably don’t know this, but we’ve had a social worker come to our house a lot lately after I cried talked to the Twins’ dad about my Mom. She’s trying to pull her act together, but it’s also possible that my brother and I might be taken away and live in somepony else’s home. I’d really hate it, but it could still happen. Don’t worry about me though.

If you could send me your address, that’d be great too. I hope to hear from you soon Scootaloo.

A friend,
