//------------------------------// // chapter 2 // Story: Shadows that never stop // by RavenFire2908 //------------------------------// Rainbow felt that not only was Applejack staring down at her, but the sky as well. "Rainbow! What in Tartarus are you doing here?" Had she seen the fight...? Applejack's mind was running wild at this point, but she kept her composure. Rainbow's lips curved into a nervous smile. "nothing," She said as she rose to her feet. She moved in, her head lowered and eyes locked into her long-awaited lover. Applejack knew that walk. Her hips swaying, her eyes glaring and that unspeakably adorable smirk on her face- Rainbow was always cute when trying to get some. When they came face to face, nose to nose, and lips t- "Rainbow Dash!!" A voice erupted from beyond the wilderness. Applejack paused, looking in all directions briefly. While her friend was distracted, she fled into the shadows. Rainbow's eyes went from a seductive trance into a hellfire of burning, agonizing rage. "Are you kidding me? seriously!?" She cried out before being pummeled to the ground by an unknown force. It was fast, unpredictable, pudgy and pink. Only one thing could make up such a dangerous concoction: Pinkie Pie. "Oh Rainbow! I thought you got lost!!" The excited pink girl yelled. "You picked....the worst timing, possible. I almost had it. Almost had it, Pinkie!" Rainbow repeated, then continued to groan in frustration. She just got cock-blocked. "Oh....sorry." Pinkie grumbled as she crawled off her friend. "Ugh..." Rainbow was more annoyed that this was the second time she fell to the ground. "It's alright." "Oh, figured Pinkie's senses would find you. So...what happened?" Twilight asked as she entered the clearing. "Man...I don't even know." Rainbow said as she put her face in her palms. ----- Meanwhile, not too far away, Applejack entered her home. Her real home. Though, as a normal anthropomorphic pony, one wouldn't consider it to be suitable for living, but that's an illusion through a powerful enchantment. Using her silver key, she opened the door and entered her home. Inside was a plethora of books, weapons and, oddly enough, cages. Cages with tiny, rabid, dumb creatures. Some might have even passed for being cute, if not for their sharp teeth and insatiable appetite to eat raw flesh. What was truly strange was that wasn't even the strangest section of the home. In the middle of the room sat a wooden table. On it lay nine green hearts, each perfectly identical to the one she pulled from her jacket. She placed the heart among them before she retrieved a book from her collection. The book was made of thick leather, making the cover look more intimidating than what the contents reveal. Applejack stared at the title in shame. "Applejack Apple's Journey- The Monster Hunter" She said in a low husk. She opened the book to a random page and read. -Wendingo A spirit that feeds on hate. When feeding, it freezes its prey making it equally as cold. Weakness: Someone touching it, friendship, or a warm heart. *Cannot be killed. Danger- 6/10 Applejack smirked. Looking over to a nearby cage, she saw one of the tiny little creatures. After all these years and all this documentation of magic, supernatural creatures and the unknown, she filled up several pages. Applejack turned the page. -Ursa Minor/Major Difficult to deal with. Sleep everyday and hunt in the night or dance on the sky. *Cannot be killed Danger- 8/10 Applejack turned the page. -Manticore Lion head, scorpion tail, dragon wings. Can be tamed. Look out for the poisoned tail. *Can be killed Danger- 2/10 - 9/10 When Applejack turned the page, she immediately regretted it. Despite her resentment, she read. -Genuvial Godlike creature. Resembles a deer with a shadow body and white glowing eyes. It tends to walk on two legs with claws that are deadly to the touch. Feeds on fear and nightmares. *Cannot be killed Danger- 10/10 Applejack shivered as she remembered the creature's eyes. Seeing this as the best time to sleep, the blonde maned girl set the book down and wandered to her cozy bed. ----- "Hey! Check this out!" Rainbow called to her friends. There was a light that traveled to a door slightly ajar. Rainbow Dash pushed the door open slightly, and upon seeing no apparent life, pushed it open fully. "Looks like no one lives here." "That's not entirely true," Applejack said as she leaned against a wall, just outside of the doorways view. Rarity was the first to speak among the gasps. "Applejack, darling, you live here?" She asked, staring at the many hazardous dust particles that might stain her coat. "Don't touch that," Applejack snapped at Twilight nearly picking up the journal. Of course the bookworm would immediately take long, long, arduous stares at the collection of reading material. "What is this...? I don't even have some of these..." She asked dumb-founded. Regardless, she read the title, "Applejack Apple's Journy- The Monster Hunter." Right then, Applejack felt more eyes on her than ever. She stayed quiet. "What the hell! You have a secret life!?" Rainbow stormed over to Applejack's face, getting nice and close, then whispered; "That is freakin' hot." Then, finally siezing the moment, Rainbow pushed her face into her friend's and kissed. Immediately Applejack pushed her friend away, elapsing a tender, wet *Smooch* from their lips. Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie all gasped. Pinkie gasped harder though, proving she was the most excited. Until they saw Applejack wiping away tears. "Wh-...what's wrong AJ? You...know you liked it." The rainbow wonder said nervously. "What have you done...?" Applejack mumbled, staring at the ground. Rainbow's face turned to a deep, deep dark, sorrowful pit of abysmal depression. "Sorry..." Applejack knew better than to continue babbling. She pushed each of her friends one by one into her bedroom, cramming them all inside just barely. She turned to face a a shadow. She stared at it, her eyes fearless. It was a dead creature, in a sense. It had the silhouette of a normal anthropomorphic pony, but was merely that- a faded, old, blacked out being. And it stared at Applejack sporting daggers. "What do you want Carmalo?" Applejack asked. "Oh, nothing, dear. I was passing by..." His voice was like a slithering black cape that glided inches above the ground, casting an infinite void of darkness upon the room, before invading nearby ears. "Noticed you have another heart. Good, good." Applejack knew his game. He found her attractive- something that is happening a lot as of late- and wanted to mate with her. If that were to happen, however, Applejack would be unable to defeat this all encompassing dark specter. She knew if she ever had a chance to kill him, it would have to be while he was in his normal form. "What are you doing here?" She might have been a little scared. That only fueled her fear because Carmalo fed off it, and would not hesitate a moment to use it. This time, Applejack was in danger.