Swooty Bell Adventures Part 4: A Swoot Hope

by Protopony350


Mr.McMeany walked over to his brand new workbench because dang it he has been working hard and he deserved a new workbench.

"Ah yes, it is completed!" He said to no one.

Mr.McMeany looked at his new invention and what do you think he did? Smile? If you said smile you would be right.

McMeany hot glued the device to Twix Bar.

"With this I can use the power of my dear old master to control the despicablecons!" he said OUT LOUD oh man is he crazy?

One Robot heard him but was being screwed over on overtime so decided to pretend like he didn't hear it.

McMeany was what going to have an army of millions of robuts!


"Man this is the most boring trip ever" Said Fast Spectrum.

The Pony Hair Six had traveled 200 miles and had yet to even fight a dinosaur or anything.

"If we don't find something to do soon I may just kill you all or something I don't know" Said Pinker Play for fan service

They walked a little more and came across a huge destroyed space ship.

"Meeeooooooooow, help us we can help you fight the bad guys but right now we are dying" said a foreshadowing voice from the ship.

"I don't know dudes it's time for some gnarly picnic time" Said Bashful Bernard.

They left he ship and went and ate sandwiches


Twilight Purple and Spine waited patiently as the doctors gave swooty the "Neckholebegone" tonic that the voice magic'd to the room

"Boy I wonder what happened to spee-" Said Spine as Speed Buggy sped into the room.

"What were YOU doing" Asked Twilight Purple but she was only asking because she was bored she really didn't care.

"I was uh taking a walk in the forest" He replied.

"You can't walk you are a Speed Buggy" Said a nurse who was taking a nap on the floor.

"Well uh I gotta go to the bathroom" He sped off to the bathroom.


Aboard the huge battleship Jetscream was getting angry because he wanted to blow stuff up

"McMeany get in here NOW" He demanded

"Yes Great One?" McMeany asked with a big ol fake smile

"We have been sitting here for like a chapter and a half, when do yo plan on finishing that thing you are working on that I can't see?" He was getting angrier

"Well my master, I just completed one of the final steps in the plan. Soon the robots will invade the horses and all will be well" He said while purposely avoiding the fact that he planned to betray Jetscream

"Do not test me McMeany! I will invade pretty soon oh boy you better be ready" Jetscream still really likes to talk.

McMeany returned to work.

The "Control the Robots" device needed time to charge, so McMeany decided to do what he did best!

He sat down at a table and pulled out the deck of cards. He played them out in front of him. First he sat the king on the table, and after that he sat the queen, and after that the joker.

McMeany pulled a bold move and sat the "How to play" card onto the 8 of spades. He moved the Queen over to the side of the table and put down 3 aces. The aces gave him a score boost so he drew 3 cards.

After that McMeany stood up, stretched his Spider Legs, and set back down.

McMeany played the 10 of Hearts onto the Queen and flipped her and upgraded to the jack.

After that it should be apparent to any reading this that I have no idea how to play solitaire, but that is what McMeany was doing and he was a boss at it.


Apple Dapple ate an apple for lunch


The room was dark. She could see nothing. The sound was faint.

Swooty Bell was waking up.

She immediately grabbed her own neck. The last thing she remembered was being stabbed by McMeany on the space ship.

"What am I doing here and why no neck hole?" She asked but the room was empty.

Swooty Bell ran out of the room and was greeted by Twilight Purple who secretly wished that Swooty had a big neck scar but oh well, by Speed Buggy who began to be all shifty eyed, and Spine who she was no longer dating but was still friends with and Spine is totally ok with that and doesn't cry himself to sleep every night thinking about all of the great times they had and oh man he sure doesn't dream all night about telling her how he really feels and he sure didn't hate himself for letting her go.


"What are y'all waiting for? We have a McMeany to kill!" Swooty was ready to go!