Shadows that never stop

by RavenFire2908

Chapter 1

The mane 6 were having a relaxing day at the park. Each of them found their own way to have fun. Pinkie and Dash were toying with Twilight as she attempted to create a textbook sandwich. Rarity spent her time doing blueprints for some designer top. Fluttershy found the park to have a plethora of critters and she attempted to catch baby rabbits.
Everyone was having fun; except Applejack. She just sat there looking at the sky, as the warm sun rose over them. It was peaceful. Normally, the blonde mare would find no worry in the tranquility. But she knew all too well that if things were perfect, it was too good to be true. Applejack knew that at any time, something awful could happen. She feared not for her safety, but for her friends'. But...just what was so wrong here? They were having fun. Just at a park, enjoying themselves.
That's just it. Any enemy of AJ's long list would jump at the chance to break that fun down into tiny little bits. What hurt the most was, as long as she was around, they were in danger.
''Applejack? Something wrong?'' Twilight asked as she walked over to her trustworthy friend.
Applejack didn't hear her. She just watched her friends. Pinkie, wearing a blue skirt and a yellow T, tackled her rainbow-maned friend. The tackle caused Dash's green top to nearly come too loose.
Fluttershy sat cross-legged with a bunny in her lap, petting it and stroking its soft golden fur. She didn't seem to mind its fur might have been ruining her long white dress.
Rarity did notice this and sighed. Clearly, if an animal were to sit in her lap, it probably wouldn't get the same love. More like a swat, followed by a, "Ewww!!"
"Applejack?" Twilight beckoned worriedly.
It took a moment for the blond mare to realize this purple figure in blue jeans talking to her was a friend. She was never this spaced out...what was going on?
Applejack sat up and straightened her brown Stetson. Such an old thing, it is. It didn't always have those red holes in it. Used to be all clean and pristine. Ever since...recent incidents, it's seen a lot more action. Her brown jacket and dusty blue jeans didn't fair much better.
"Applejack...I can tell there's something bothering you. Please tell me?" Twilight put a hand on her worried shoulder.
Applejack sighed. "Twi, there's nothing wrong. I just feel a little..." She didn't know why she was scared. Ever since she became who she was today, nowhere felt safe. "...I'ma liar, I'm so sorry..." She squeaked out, curling up with her knees to her chin.
"What are you talking about...?" Twilight asked. "You never lie, what's..." Twilight paused. She bent down, and sat next to her friend. "What's wrong?"
Applejack buried her face further into her knees as Twilight attempted to get a glimpse. "Y-...You're all in danger, and it's all my fault! Every moment I'm with you, something can happen. and I won't be able to help you."
She then began to walk away, but before her journey even started, it was ended by a firm grip. "AJ- what are you talking about? How could we be in danger?"
Despite Applejack's childish wailing, Twilight managed to drag the tough Southern girl to the ground. "I ju-" She yanked her hand from Twilight's. "I don't want to hurt you."
And before Twilight's eyes, Applejack took off. Not even an onslaught of Royal Decrees could stop her now.
"Applejack..." Twilight whispered as her friend left the park.
"Hey- where's AJ going? I wanna race!" Rainbow Dash yelled.
Twilight rose from the ground, scratching the back of her head. Of all her friends to hear of this news, it just had to be Rainbow Dash. "I...think something's going on. She was going on about danger a-"
"WHAT!?" Dash's wings immediately sprung from their confinements. Without a moments notice or any more Twilight babbling, the rainbow wonder was gone.
Twilight sighed. "Man...I hope Applejack doesn't kill me for telling."
Rarity, not one to focus on the darkest moments at hand, smiled as she gazed at Rainbow's last known location. "Oh dear, I hope Rainbow will be brave. That poor ruffian is annoyed enough by the teasing."
"Oh! Maybe they'll kiss!" Pinkie chimed with her index to the air.
Fluttershy smiled meekly. "Oh, I hope they figure things out..."
Twilight was more worried about what Applejack said than what she did. "I hope so too..."
Applejack was alone. Her hands were dug in her pockets so far, she might find gold. She stared at the moving ground as she walked aimlessly.
What am I doing...? What if they found out? Knowing...they'd only get in more trouble. They might even d- She shook her head like a bad case of fleas just invaded.
Then something grabbed her waist. Nearly jumping out of her fur, she turned around with a fist prepped for a good clocking.
She didn't get a chance as she was sent to the ground with a peculiar rainbow maned female on her.
"Why did you leave?" As she pinned her rival, Rainbow stroked the girl's cheek.
"Because I wanted to be alone!?" Applejack snapped. Using her upper body strength, she pushed the cyan girl off and gave a stare that would freeze lakes.
"aww, come on babe. I just wanna know what's going on, cause've been working against me a lot. Something is up, AJ, I know you." Rainbow grabbed her friend's waist tight, folding her fingers over her shapely hips.
"Please..." Applejack began as she put her hands on Rainbow's. "I-I...Don't call me that. I just want to clear my head." She spoke absentmindedly because, while she was in a trance earlier, she walked right up to the Everfree forest. Immediately, without hesitation, Applejack broke into a sprint.
"Oh no you don't! Not this time..." Rainbow Dash said as she began following her friend from overhead. "One day, you will be mine."
Applejack ran towards a howl. It was a clear one- not an illusive changling or that of a copy cat. She knew better than that now. Ever since her parents suffered from a Timberwolf attack, she'd never forget the sound they made as they began a hunt. She knew by the smell. It was retched, like...the cow house. Or worse, Rainbow's laundry.
She ran into a clearing, finding the wolf. At least with was a wolf, and not a Timberpony. "This'll be nothing," Applejack boasted as she cracked her knuckles.
Then she went to work.
An hour into the fight, it eventually became a game. Applejack rode the wolf like a bull. She sighed, seeing that even it was getting tired. It must have been a young pup.
She stomped into the back plate- a weak point- and it broke instantly. The Timberwolf shattered into splinters and dust.
Among the crowded area of sharp wood, Applejack saw a green heart. Without those, a Timberwolf could not properly operate. Without, they wouldn't be harming anyone, so long as they watch for splinters.
Applejack held the heart in her hand, staring at its gorgeous, horrific magic. "I will kill you all, one day."
Not too far from Applejack sat her not-so-secret admirer, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash had a wicked smile upon her face. Did Applejack, the love of my life, just kill a Timerwolf? She is now a 10.
Rainbow took a quick glance before she stepped from her camouflaged bush. And immediately tripped over a rock.
Her stomach nearly made an indentation into the ground. "Ooohff!"She huffed, sucking in dry air. "Ow. That sucked." She muttered as she began to rise. Then she stopped.
"H-hi babe."