//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: The wish and never give up hope reprise // Story: Toby's Wish // by darkmage1997 //------------------------------// In a cave below the palace, the children of harmony were all tied up to large stalactites, "Sorry to do this kids, but its my job, so lets get it over with, any last requests?" Flash asked, as he tied a blindfold around Chris' eyes. "Yeah, set us free," Heaven asked. "No way pretty missy, I have my orders," Flash said, looking at the little girl. "Please let us go?" Heaven asked, putting on her cute charm. "No way man, forget it," Flash said. "Pweety pwease with whipped cweam and chewwy on top?" Heaven asked, really starting to put on her cuteness. "Whoa man! You're working your cuteness on me man, your cute, weirdness! Stop it, wrong, wrong!" Flash said, covering his eyes. "Pweasy squeezey cheesey weezie wease?" Heaven asked, which really got to Flash. "NOOO! FIRE!" Flash ordered, which drew the sounds of magic blasts which reached the ears of the royal family. "Ah, music to my ears," Zanzibar said with an evil smile. Back in the cave, it was revealed that the children weren't killed, but set free, "Oops, missed!" Flash said, trying to sound surprised. "How can we ever thanky wanky you?" Heaven asked, still working her cuteness. "Don't, you're all free, just no more of the thing of cute, we can't take it!" Flash said. "YOU'RE TOO CUTE!" the guards said, covering their eyes. "Now go!" Flash said, pointing to the entrance. "Its a gift," Heaven said, which made her brothers roll their eyes, as they raced out of the cave, and towards their goal; the wishing star. Back inside the castle, the family were discussing what they should wish for, "We could wish for everything in the world," Jewely suggested. "Yes, but then, where would we store it all?" Zanzibar asked. "Or maybe, we could wish for a hundred wishes," Taxer suggested. "That may not be allowed," Cleo explained. Just then, they heard Flash Sentry coming in the room. "Your majesties!" he said, trying to catch his breath. "Yes?" they all asked. "I'm afraid the children of harmony have escaped," Flash said. "WHAT?! But we told you to execute them!" Zanzibar said, glaring at the captain. "I tried man! I really did, but the cuteness was too much! They're too clever!" Flash explained. "Just like their parents," Jewely snarled. "Huh, what?" Flash said, looking at the royal family as they left the room. "We should've gotten rid of those kids when we banished their parents to Tartarus," Taxer said. "At least we now know what we should wish for," Cleo said, which her family nodded in understanding. "We're going to wish those horrible children would leave us alone, FOREVER!" Zanzibar said, just as he and his family heard Heavens cough, and turned to see the children of harmony racing towards the wishing star. "NOOO!" the royals all cried in distress. As they were running, Heaven stopped to rest, while coughing, "I can't make it," she said in a soft voice. "C'mon Heaven, we're almost there," Silver said, as he and Stealth took her hands, and helped her to the wishing star. "Stop them! Fire! Fire! FIRE!" Zanzibar commanded. The guards reluctantly lit the fuse on a cannon, which fired a cannonball at the children as they were running, blasting away all but one of the children, "YES!" Zanzibar exclaimed as he and his family smiled evilly. As they were shaking off the blast, the titans, as well as the other children, looked back at where the cannonball impacted, "NO!" the titans cried in distress, as they, along with the other children and the royal family and the guards all surrounded an injured Heaven. The guards and the other children gasped in horror at the sight. "Heaven?" Silver asked, supporting his sisters head. Opening her eyes, Heaven smiled softly at her brother, "Tell me the story," she said. "Huh?" Brian asked. "The story, about Mommy and Daddy, I want to hear it *cough* one last time," Heaven requested weakly. "You should rest," Stealth said. "*Cough* Once upon a time a brave knight married a beautiful princess and they had eight sons, but they wanted a daughter, so they planted a garden," Heaven began. "And out of the prettiest flower came," Heiru continued. "Me, *cough*" Heaven said with another cough. The other children and the guards looked on at her in worry, but it wasn't just them, everyone in the prison camp, ponies, Mixels, even Nixels, Gumans, and Ragelings all looked on in worry, some teary eyed. "AND SO MOM AND DAD TOOK YOU HOME, AND EVERYNIGHT AT BEDTIME THEY'D COME IN A SAY 'WHO'S THE CUTEST GIRL?', AND YOU'D SAY," Echo-Echo said, joining in telling Heavens story. "I am, *cough*" Heaven said with another cough. "And then they'd ask 'how'd you ever get so cute?' and you'd say," Francisco said. "I was born that way," Heaven said. If the fact that she was dying wasn't sad enough, the way she was telling her story was really jerking tears. "And then they'd ask 'tell us your name,' and you'd say," Icezer said, brushing Heavens hair. "Princess Angelina Contesa Louisa Francesca *cough* Banana Fanna Bo Besca the fifth, but you can call me *cough* Heaven," Heaven said, which really touched everyone's hearts. "And then they'd ask 'can we call you Heavy' and you'd say," Brian said, as he and his brothers began to cry. "No, just *cough* 'Heaven', call me... 'Heavy'... and ...you'll... die," Heaven said, as she lost consciousness. Her brothers, as well as the other children and the prisoners all began to cry long and hard. "She's... dead," Flash Sentry said before turning back to the royal family with an angry glare, "AND ITS YOUR FAULT, MAN!" he said, jabbing Zanzibar's chest with his hoof. "How dare you?!" Zanzibar snarled. "SHE WAS THE CUTE ONE MAN, THE IMPOSSIBLY CUTE ONE, AND NOW SHE'S GONE! You killed her man! Wrong, wrong!" Flash said, as the other guards glared at the family as well. "STAND DOWN! We had a good reason to kill her. Because she and those others children friends of hers were driving us crazy, these kids and... wait, where's the runt with the glasses?" Cleo asked, not seeing Toby. "LOOK! ITS TOBY!" Vulk yelled, pointing towards the star, where the young lad was running towards the star. "NOOOOO!" the royals cried, holding their heads with their hooves as Toby continued to run to the star. "He's going to make it to the wishing star!" the prisoners sang. "Stop him now, before he gets to far!" Zanzibar ordered. "Help me spirit, wherever you are!" Toby sang. "He's going to get wish from the wishing star!" the prisoners sang. "WISHING!" the Mixels all sang. "Wishing!" the alliance sang. "Wishing!" the ponies all sang. "Wishing!" Cindy and her Pokemon companions sang. "The wishing, the wishing STAR!" they all chorused, as Toby leaped for the star. "I'm feeling better now!" Heaven said, as she woke up from her 'unconscious' state, only to be hugged by her brothers. "THE WISHING STAR!" they chorused once more. "She's alive man! The cute ones alive!" Flash called, which everyone cheered happily for. "Wow, those acting lessons really paid off after all!" Silver commented. "Do you really mean it?" Heaven asked hopefully. "NAH!" her brothers replied. The star began to swirl more and more magical energy, which everyone there watched in awe, "Mrs. McCarthy would love this scene if it wasn't just words," Silver commented, forming his fingers to look like a camera. Toby stood before the star with a very large smile on his face, as he and everyone watched the face of Pip materialize in the star, "Nice job Tobias, you've done well, the power of the wishing star is yours, at the sound of the tone, please make any wish you desire, and it will come true, no matter what it is," Pip explained. "Ok, here goes, I wish for," Toby said, thinking his wish really hard, which everyone gasped in anticipation. Just then, Toby was surrounded by a bright light. When the light vanished, they saw Toby, along with the other children of Harmony, with their parents, "I wished for the return of all family members of every citizen in Equestria who was unfairly taken from them," Toby explained, as he hugged his Momma Fluttershy, with Serenity rushing up to join in the hug. "King Zanzibar, the crime you and your family have committed is beyond forgiveness, so as punishment, you are all banished to Tartarus, where you will spend the rest of your lives without magic," Celestia said, as she and the other alicorns glared at the faux royal family, and cast a spell that sent them to Tartarus. "No! We can't be here!" Zanzibar steamed, "Hey Mac, what're you in for?" the family turned around, and saw Tierek in his cage, and Sombra in shackles. Back up where the wish came true, the townsfolk all rushed to carry the family of Harmony back to Ponyville, as champions, "They've got their families back today! They've got their families back hooray! No more worries, though it sound cliché, its the answer to our prayers," the townsfolk sang. "And no more taxes to pay!" Baron Nixel sang, ripping up some tax forms. "Now its back to the town of Ponyville, with the families of Harmony!" they sang as they continued back to town. And, unsurprisingly, Toby made the perfect wish, because with the return of Discord, Heaven got her long overdue operation, "She's going to be fine, boys!" Discord said, as the brothers all rushed back to see their sister. "What was her operation for anyway?" Baron Nixel asked the draconequss. "Plastic Surgery; to implant a beauty mark on her cheek," Discord explained. "I'm going to call it my own cutie mark, Cindy Crawford, eat your heart out," Heaven said to the camera, "So, do look cuter now?" Heaven asked her friends and family, who all nodded. "Your cuteness is like, out of control man! Its perfect!" Flash Sentry said. "Perfect huh? *Yawn* Well, I guess that'll have to do," Heaven said. And with the return of his Tardis, the Doctor also got back all his money, and bought all the ingredients for his new elixir, which was mixed together by his crack team of beverage technologists, "More sugar, Dinky?" Sparkler asked her sister. Taking a swig of the elixir, Dinky nodded, "Yeah, we need a lot more," she said to her sister. At the same time, Ditzy Doo came up with a new bottle design, one with a more attractive shape, "It just came to me, from who knows where?" she said as some stallions gave her a wolf whistle, much to the Doctors dismay. Then they put their new drink to the ultimate taste test, as the titans all drank the new elixir, "Well?" the doctor asked. A few moments passed, and the titans all looked at Echo-Echo, who rubbed his chin in a thinking manner, before letting out a loud burp, which broke all the glass in Ponyville, including Twist, Silver Spoon, and Toby's glasses, much to their dismay. "That's a big thumbs up!" Silver commented, as he and his brother drank some more elixir. And while the doctor and his family went off to market with their new drink, the titans, with their allowance money, went to town, and the bought, "Hay burgers at the grillers," Silver sang. "Blintzes at the bakers," Icezer sang. "Groceries at the grocers," Raiden sang. "Season tickets for the Lakers!" Brian sang. Toby's wish changed hands all throughout Equestria, and everyone prospered, including the farmers, the bakers, and the candlestick makers.... and a mime, "Like Silver said at the beginning, no place is perfect," Rainbow Dash explained. That's true, but Equestria was a close to perfect as possible, and thanks to Toby's wish, other wishes came true as well, with the spring thaw, the florists flowers came back to life. "Ah, sweet bliss," Daisy said, as she and her friends tended to their gardens, as they saw Balk and the other Flexers walking by, singing a merry little tune, which all the wildlife were happily listening to. "See, I told you we would get you some singing lessons, and we did," Kraw said. "Yeah, ain't it the truth?" Balk said with a blush. Meanwhile, Cindy was returned to the ranch by the adult Pokemon who accompanied her to help chase Eevee, "Cindy! You're back! You're safe! Oh thank goodness!" Will said, as he saw the group, save for Eevee collapse from exhaustion. "Hi Will!" Eevee said with a smile. "*Gasp* Eevee, you called me Will! You called me Will! Its a miracle!" Will happily said, as he took Eevee and Cindy back into the ranch house. And Luxray, Houndoom, and Eevees evolutions got their wish, to be rewarded for their loyalty, which was presented to them in the form of a mountain of Pokemon candies, such as Poke'blocks, Poffins, and Poke'puffs, which were all eaten happily. Dinky and Sparklers wish came true as well, "Life is good," Sparkler said, as she and her family were all surrounding a cozy fire place. They finally had an actual home, thanks to their father, whose elixir was renamed 'Whoovian Cola' and was a huge success thanks to the corporations savvy CEO. "HELLO DITZY!" a couple of stallions rang to the grey mare, who was finally taken seriously for her massive brain, and not her wall eyes. Chrysalis got her wish as well, for Mephestio to appreciate friendship, "And lets not forget the others!" Mephestio called to the narrator. Right, the gumans all realized that they were vegetarian, and stopped hunting the humans. Baron Von Nixel and the Mixels all achieved their wish as well, for the perfect peace treaty, "And Pinkie Pie is giving me some baking lessons!" the baron called. Even the Diamond Dogs, who wanted a little respect, got their wish, "There they are!" a mare called. "Our heroes!" a stallion said. "Those three are the best!" Charity said with a smile. "Finally, everyone's looking up to us," Rover said, not knowing, or caring that he and his cohorts were standing on a statue of the children of harmony. As for Toby, Josh, Kelly, Crystal, Melody, Bolt, Mavis, Mike, the titans, and Heaven, they all wound up with more than they ever dreamed. While having a picnic with their families in the park, along with the Mixels and their new friends, the former deadly alliance, Toby heard a woman that he loved dearly call to him, "TOBY!" Turning slowly, Toby gasped to see his real mother, not as an angel, but as a human, "My sweet baby, Toby," Ashley said, smiling at her son. "M-mommy?!" Toby asked, overjoyed to see that his Mommy was alive again, as he ran to embrace his mother. "That's Toby's mother?" Madin asked. "She's beautiful, just as Toby described her," Serenity commented. "I-is it really you Mommy?" Toby asked, shaking from uncontrolled happiness. "Yes baby, and I'm not alone," Ashley said, as she looked back behind her, and showed Toby more adults that some of his friends recognized, as they all rushed to embrace their respective parents. "But how did this happen?" Flain asked. "It might've been because of the wish Toby made," Trinity theorized, which made everyone look at her in confusion, "Remember when Toby wished for all citizens of Equestria who had their family members unfairly taken from them?" she asked, which everyone nodded, "Well, the wish must've had an effect on Toby's mommy, as well as the other's parents, and brought them back to life as well," Trinity explained. "So, I wished for our real parents to be brought back as well?" Toby asked in shock, which Trinity nodded, "Whoa," was all he could say, as he and his friends and family, and their reunited families continued with their picnic. "Why, Kelly, your eyes, they're," Kelly's mother said, overjoyed to see that her daughter has actual pupils. "Fully operational? Yeah, well, sometime after I came here, my new Mommy, Princess Twilight Sparkle, before becoming an alicorn, used a special stone that helped me get my vision back!" Kelly explained. "Oh, thank you Princess Twilight," Kelly's mother said, bowing respectfully to the lavender alicorn. "Oh, there's no need to bow," Twilight insisted. "But what shall become of us, now that we're back in our children's lives?" Mavis' father asked. "Well, we have plenty of rooms in the Crystal Empire palace, so, you two are welcome to stay with us in the Crystal Empire," Cadence suggested to Mavis' parents. "Please Mommy and Daddy, won't you come and live with us?" Mavis asked her parents, giving them puppy eyes. "Of course we'll come with you," Mavis' mother said, hugging the happy daughter who came a long way from being heartbroken, thanks to her new family. "I can supply shelter for you all at my castle, if you want?" Twilight asked Josh, Crystal, and Kelly's parents, who all nodded in agreement. "You sure we won't be a hassle?" Josh's dad asked. "Oh, don't worry, it won't be any trouble at all!" Twilight said with a smile. "Same goes for Sweet Apple Acres," Applejack said, looking at Bolt and Mikes parents, who nodded in understanding. "And I'm sure I have an extra bed for you Ashley," Fluttershy said, looking at her sons real mother. "That would be much appreciated Fluttershy, thank you," Ashley said, as they all continued their picnic. Meanwhile, Snails was appointed town snail collector, and was busily removing snails from Diamond Tiaras manner, where he struck it big time when he found all sorts of rare snails and slugs, "Ooh! A gold striped slug!" Snails said, as he put the slug in his bag. This position was given to him by the mayor, and Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiaras second most trusted advisor, Snips. "YES! Come Snails, we must prepare for tomorrow," Snips said, leading his friend off of the Rich manner. "Gee Snips, what are we tomorrow?" Snails asked. "Same thing we do everyday of school, plan for the sequel when we'll overthrow Diamond Tiaras popularity reign, and then all of school!" Snips said as the two trotted off on another quest for popularity. In the end, everyone in Equestria got his or her wish, except for the mime that is, as a safe was dropped on him, "I don't know about him, but that sure was my wish!" Discord said, as he joined his friends in Ponyville to sing one last song. The End!