//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 Wake Up Call // Story: The Duchess' Son // by Dark Moon //------------------------------// Wake Up Call Mark Inkline walked through the hospital looking for the room that the guard Firelight was staying. This was his only scoop that he had received. No pony knew where Lightning Moon went and the reporter was told that the guards pony was the alicorns best friend. He was in need of a story and this was a great one if he could get some good Intel. The mass amounts of ponies that read the Manehatten Times would just eat this up if only he could get some dirt. Walking closer to the assigned room he saw a pony dressed in guards attire looking suspiciously around. Well this is a good sign. Mark inkline thought as he quickly moved out of range of the searching ponies gaze. Peeking from his hiding place he saw the pony turn and reenter the room. The reporter sprung into action moving quickly and silently and just as the door was about to close a hoof was placed to stop it. The interloper peered in to snoop on the conversation. “Okay believe it or not I’m not here to give you a hello and get better card from the guards… well I am but that’s not the point. I’m here to tell you your duties for the Duchess.” “oh.” The pony Firelight looked down a little saddened. The guard-garbed pony smirked at Firelight “you’ve been transferred to Canterlot to guard the Princesses guest.” Well at least this is some kind of news. Mark Inkline thought. “And who is it that I’m to be guarding?” Firelight rose an inquisitive brow. Sand looked around again and leaned in to Firelights ear to whisper. Damn this is good! If only I cou- “LIGHTNING’S IN CANTERLOT!?” Jackpot! “shhhhh you dumbflank this is top secret noponys supposed to know. You are supposed to go straight there after you are well enough to go. All your expenses will be paid for including the large bill.” “Wow that’s a relief.” Fire punctuated the sentence with a sigh “but why, I’m nopony special?” “well apparently the duchess thinks so. The orders come straight from her.” “Oh… ok I guess.” Then he thought of Lightning in Canterlot and the implications. “Wow things have gotten that bad?” “Apparently so…” the guards pony looked around again and whispered in Firelignt’s ear again. Oh pony feathers the whispering again hopefully he…wait did I here Luna’s name in there? Firelight gave a confused look as the gurds pony backed away from his ear “umm… no. Are you sure? Where did you learn that?” “Well I over heard the Duchess speaking with Lightning about the whole thing.” So something to do with Luna and Lightning hmm. I could still use that. “Did you tell any pony other than me?” Whatever it is its gotta’ be good if its supposed to remain secret. “No I figured that this was personal and I thought you should know, you know, being so close with him and all.” “Good, don’t tell any pony else. It’s probably really important that it doesn’t escape to the public.” “Right. Don’t worry I won't tell any pony.” Well that seems good for now… now to write the article for the news tomorrow and then a trip to Canterlot. Inkline thought as he silently closed the door and headed for the hospital exit. * * * * I started waking from my slumber my eyes heavy from the drowsiness that I felt. Morning was never a good time for me. In other words I am in no way a morning pony. I noticed that something felt wrong but couldn’t put my finger on it. Maybe it was the way I was laying. I was on the edge of the bed after all. I rolled over in bed to try and get more comfortable and see if I could just lazily lay in bed for a half hour or so which I felt like doing on a morning like this. When I hoof grazed something that it shouldn’t. Was that some kind of pillow? No it was too warm and I felt the distinct feeling of… fur. Then it all came back to me in a rush of memories like a train at full speed: where I had fallen asleep last and the events of the previous day. I hoped beyond all hope that what my wild imagination had come up with had not come true. My eyes slowly opened afraid of what I might find next to me. As my eyes came open fully it seemed that it was just my nerves getting the best of me for I saw no midnight blue fur next to me, just a lump of sheets. I never got that sigh of relief though because I noticed movements under the same lump I had mistaken for pillows. Shuffling the sheets that made a mockery of my current condition. My heart jumped out of its chest as I realized the implications as to what was happening. Luna goddess of the moon was in bed with me. My face immediately grew red hot and my confusion grew with it. Why was she in bed with me when all I did is take a nap! And even more important WHY DID SHE CRAWL IN BED WITH ME IN THE FIRST PLACE?! WHY AM I THINKING THIS NOW? I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! My frantic thoughts finally grew silent as I squirmed away from the mistress of midnight and toward the other side of the bed. I rolled over to try to easily escape the confines of the bed, which happened halfway through my role when I came across an unexpected lack of bedding which caused a yelp, and thump at the bedside. This of course woke the sleeping beauty rising from bed rubbing her eyes. “What is all the noise?” she said grumbling from sleepiness. Something we have in common I guess. She turned to see me lying on my back on the side of the bed. “Ah I see you’re awake. We where wondering why you hadn’t wo-“ her voice stopped mid sentence as her eyes drifted south and a blush started to grow. “What?” I asked, no answer. I followed her gaze to find my morning erection starting to pop its head. Literally. I spun over belly side to hide it completely embarrassed at the morning experience. She snapped out of her daze after a couple seconds to glare at me “thou wouldst’ think unwholesome thoughts whiles’ in our presence?!” “Princess its morning!” I replied in a pleading tone “And what dose that have anything to do about it?” That confused me. Did she really not know? “Princess where you ever taught about male anatomy?” “Dost thou suggest that this is a natural reaction to waking up for males?” Wow she was really sheltered. “Yes” She lay on the edge of the bed with one forhoof dangling over the end the other to her chin contemplating weather I said is truth or… I didn’t even want to think what punishment would be for what she was thinking. To be completely honest the morning was just half right. Lets just say that I had a hard time sheathing the sward. What! You try waking up to a beautiful mare in your bed and not stand at attention. At least my wings where controllable. “I will talk about this later with my sister. But for now I will accept your reasoning.” YES! Dodged an flaming magic arrow! “Glad to hear it but if I might ask why where you in the bed in the fist place?” It was her turn of accusations and she blushed from it. “Well it is my bed that and all the beds where taken by visiting ambassadors and other politicians so this was my only choice if I wanted to get any sleep last night.” Last night? “Wait what time is it?” “Its morning. You slept all day and through the night to my knowledge you looked so cute as you slept.” She covered her mouth and gasped with purple cheeks at the divulgence of her feelings. You blushed and smiled at the complement that she had slipped out, although a little creepy. “Well I’m glad that I look cute princess.” I said a little mockingly. She replied with a blushing glare. “What about the moon phase? It was supposed to be the crescent moon last night.” “I took care of that for you of coarse.” She said not dropping the glare or the blush, although the latter did lessen. Makes sense. My part is pretty minor and I only take a small portion of the night duties off her shoulders that she was masterful at. Well this awkwardness needs a change of subject “Well I’m off for a little exercise. Want to join me?” Tactful. She gave a frustrated sigh and dropped the glare for a smirk while shaking her head “I would love to but I must take over for my sister when I wake up.” “I’ll come with you then. I need to find a way to get back at her anyway and you can help me.” “Well I must admit hijinks are more Tia’s thing but I guess that it couldn’t hurt and would be fun. But continue with you’re exercise because we need to get ready and you can start after I’m done.” “Okay I’ll fly around for a while a good half hour to forty five minutes and ill be back.” I gave a wave of my hoof as I took off through the balcony. My morning exercise was a little distracted by constant thoughts of Luna and what happened. I might not be opposed to this arranged marriage in the near future. * * * * The princess and I walked down the halls having simple conversation our likes and dislikes and such, the thoughts of getting back at Celestia pushed at the back of my mind at the moment. Then my curiosity came back as I realized another question about yesterday afternoon. “So what did you do after I fell asleep? I can’t imagine that it was very entertaining.” She responded with a smile and said “I am very capable of keeping myself entertained and by the time Tia came back at the evening she learned about what happened and was a little disappointed.” She giggled “Plus you and your cute sleep talking was very entertaining.” “I don’t talk in my sleep!” I said slack jawed “To your knowledge” she said giggling at my expense. I had no retort to that although I did give a small glare, which got her to giggle more. We entered the main hall and Luna took over for Celestia but not before exchanging a few words. When they finished there small conversation the white alicorn walked over with a smug look on her face. “What is that look for?” I asked, still annoyed that she pulled such a prank and the thought of getting even back to the front of my mind making it my next priority. We started to walk in the direction of the gardens as she answered. “You are quite the EXCITable one in the mornings aren’t you?” I gave off an audible groan at the statement “Just please don’t I’ve been given enough problems as it is.” Then it came to me that I still had no room. “I know it’s a little late to ask but where am I staying? I don’t want to be bugging Luna anymore then I have to.” She gave me a puzzling look “did I not make it clear? I told you that my sister would be keeping you company.” “So~ a room down the hall?” that made her laugh “No my little brother in law. You’ll be staying in Luna’s bed chambers.” She said chuckling. “Come on Celestia-“ “TIA!” she interrupted giving me a death glare “Tia” I said as her smile came back “come on be serious here there is no way were staying in the same room, its just not proper.” “Oh but you will I doubt you too will spend much time with each other otherwise and Luna doesn’t seem to mind.” There was and audible pause. Luna was ok with this? I thought about this and then something clicked in my brain. “Can you answer a question for me Tia?” “Yes?” “How many spare rooms are there in the castle?” She put her head down in thought for a moment and came back up to look at me “about fifteen or so why?” That little! She lied to me! I never got to answer her for a guards pony ran up to us rather winded. When he caught up with himself he said, “Princess… there is a mob… of news ponies… at the gate!... There looking for our gust!” he said between gasps. “Hmm… seems the news followed you here. This isn’t good no pony is supposed to know your hear…” “Well I can’t just stay in the dungeon!” I said running to the nearest window to see the gates getting mobbed by ponies with cameras and notepads trying desperately to get in. “where will I go now?” I said desperate for an answer Tia smiled a creepy grin as she looked at me. “What?” “I have a question for you Lighting.” “What is it?” I said fearful for the answer. It was then that I noticed her horn glowing and panicked. “Do you like bananas?” I never got to answer as I was engulfed in a binding white flash of light. A/N: there is no edit... rip me a new one XD