One Mask Among Many.

by Golden Paw

Chapter Fifteen

        Buzz watched Chrysalis and Chrysalis watched Buzz, both robot pony and changeling queen tried to take the measure of one another. They stood in the centre of what had once been the nutrient halls of Lady Ichor’s hive, surrounded by freed prisoners who were all watching the scene with interest.

        Fire blackened walls and husk strewn pools was all the evidence needed to show the intensity of the fighting here and Buzz felt no small measure of pride in bringing down Lady Ichor’s reign of terror.

        Buzz couldn’t block out images from the ‘research’ room she and Spike had found Chrysalis chained up in. The apparatus may have been more organic in nature than say Twilight’s, composed of changeling resins and viscous slimes, but it had been a laboratory none the less.

        Ichor had been dissecting and experimenting on changeling Larva, using magic and chemicals to attempt to breed a new strain of shape shifter. Such 'research' held up a twisted mirror to Twilight’s own studies and Buzz was only too happy to see it destroyed.

        That left them with the now freed Chrysalis and Buzz wanted to feel sorry for the creature, but Chrysalis made it very difficult to like her. Buzz knew that Chrysalis had been forced to produce offspring to feed Ichor’s experiments and should have felt some pity, but even now Chrysalis was being domineering and just plain rude.

        “I don’t see why you had to free the other drones, there is good feeding on my fellow queen’s underlings,” Chrysalis hissed angrily, she had all the drones from her own brood gathered about her while the waifs and strays from other hives were all milling about in confusion.

        Buzz’s heart went out to them. They looked so lost and alone, in some cases they didn’t have even one other drone from their own broods to call friend. They did their best to gather together but none really trusted the others and Buzz honestly didn’t blame them if her own experiences in inter hive feuding was anything to go by.

        The few ponies and other prisoners Buzz had found had not survived revival, either being too far gone to be awakened or so drained of any emotion that they were simply empty bodies that stared unblinkingly at the floor. Mercifully Spike had offered to ‘help’ these unfortunates and Buzz had reluctantly agreed. He still hadn’t returned.

        “Scrund informs me that you managed to infiltrate this hive and drive the workers against each other, an impressive feat Grizz,” Chrysalis said conversationally as she eyed the lost drones hungrily. “I would very much like to know how you did it and what you really are,” She grinned nastily at Buzz who frowned in reply.

        “And why would you want to know that hmm?” Buzz snapped.  She’d made her own body into a ‘neutral’ scent that didn’t match any of the changelings present. She needed a clear head right now and not to be influenced by any pseudo feelings of loyalty to any one hive group. Even then she found her gaze drifting to Scrund and Buzz wrestled with her own feelings regarding him.

        Chrysalis waggled her eyebrows at Buzz, “Well that’s a unique skill you have there Grizz, no changeling has ever been able to alter their own pheromones to fool another hive’s members. We’re simply not built like that. Just think of what we could achieve with my knowhow and your skills.”

        Buzz was sickened by Chrysalis’ suggestion, as if she’d help her overthrow what was left of the other hives. Yet in a tiny part of her soul Buzz was tempted, the fun she’d had here causing such mayhem was delicious..... Buzz blinked and shook herself only for Chrysalis to laugh nastily.

        “Oh I see the hunger on you Grizz, something of my offer appeals to you yes?” Buzz tried to ignore Chrysalis’ eyes which sparkled with amusement. “Just imagine: You in control of your own little army of drones, bringing all the different broods to heel, we could overthrow any kingdom we wished with such a force.”

        “How can you be so sure it will work with any other hive, Ichor was mad and her own grip on this place only tentative at best,” Scrund spoke up and Chrysalis snarled angrily at him.

        “Of course Grizz could work against other hives, they will do what she tells them,” Chrysalis winked at Buzz, “You underlings always listen to a female as is only right and proper.”

        Despite herself Buzz was curious, “Is it really that simple, they follow a female who has the right scent?”

        Chrysalis laughed until she saw Buzz was serious, “Of course it is Grizz, even ponies know to follow the most powerful females in the land.”

        “We follow the princesses because they are good and wise. Not for any other reason!” Buzz snapped her, temper fraying and instantly realised she’d said too much.

        Chrysalis leered at her, “Ah so you’re from Equestria, I should have known that those ponies couldn’t help but meddle.” The queen trotted over to Buzz and looked her up and down, “Very good disguise I’ll give you that. Not perfect, but then again what would you expect from a land of such primitives.”

        Buzz glared at Chrysalis; biting back the angry retort that almost yearned to be loosed before Chrysalis probed further, “So what kind of pony are you then Grizz? I would assume it was that meddling Twilight who cast an illusion spell on you?”

        Before Buzz could react Chrysalis kicked her. Buzz stumbled with a hiss, fangs bared in anger and tattered wings shivering before Chrysalis simply laughed at such a display, “No, more than that I see, you react like a changeling should. I doubt even that nosey Twilight could have such a grasp on our behaviour.”

        The other changelings watched this interchange: Chrysalis’ drones chittering along with their queen’s humour, while the stray males simply watched in fascination, “So it’s deeper than that. Not a covering spell, but an actual change in the subject.” She peered into Buzz’s eyes, the green slits of Chrysalis still shining with amusement and.... a tiny amount of respect if Buzz was any judge.

        “It must feel so strong upon you Grizz, to have an actual bodily transformation. The wills and desires of your pretend body pressing heavily on your mind, I am surprised a pony could stand it,” Chrysalis circled Buzz who tensed. The Queen had hit closer to the mark than Buzz would care to admit.

        “But you’re not a pony are you? Even under all that magic you don’t even hint of an Equestrian,” Chrysalis looked genuinely interested now. “Yet you hold some loyalty for that land, fascinating.”

        “And loyalty is something you’d know anything about?” Buzz, tired of such questions snapped with venom.

        Chrysalis looked honestly shocked, “Loyalty? You think that I lack Loyalty? I’ll have you know, little faker, that I have more Loyalty in my tail than the whole of Equestria put together!”

        Chrysalis looked deranged for a moment, her eyes bulging with anger, “I have looked out for the best interests of my children from the very day I was born you miserable little grub. Do you know how much I have sacrificed to keep them alive?”

        “You mean how many innocent creatures you’ve drained to sustain yourself and your brood?” Buzz countered as she felt her hackles rise.

        The madness in Chrysalis’ eyes only grew, “Innocent?” She laughed with fervour, a long cackling laugh that went on for just longer than was comfortable. “There is no such thing in this world as innocence. I’ve seen the feelings in the hearts of newborn pony foals; all hungry and selfish. I’ve locked horns with your precious Celestia and tasted her pride, thinking she’s better than all those around her. Don’t talk to me about innocence you writhing maggot.”

        Buzz wasn’t cowed though, “Innocents, those whose only crime is to try to live in peace and harmony. You and your kind are parasites, leeching off others while giving nothing in return. Don’t talk to me about sacrifice!”

        There was a quiet moment before Chrysalis grinned again. The fury retreating behind a mask of condescension, “You have the temper and mind of queen Grizz, such a shame you don’t have the experience and knowledge to match it.”

        Chrysalis seemed to deflate, “Yes we’re parasites I don’t deny it, but that doesn’t make us monsters.” Buzz sneered but Chrysalis simply ignored her, “Ponies live off plants, timber wolves off meat, we live off the essence of other creatures Grizz: We all have to eat to survive.”

        Buzz was shocked to see Chrysalis even shed a tear, “You say that your ‘innocents’ are simply trying to live in peace? Well that’s all we’re trying to do. We didn’t choose to be what we are, that our survival is dependent on others suffering is not our choice but our curse.”

        Buzz could almost believe Chrysalis at that moment: That she was simply a mother doing what was needed for her young, then Buzz recalled how Chrysalis treated her children and the act seemed hollow. She looked past the trembling lip, the tear stained cheeks and into Chrysalis’ eyes.

        As Buzz did so she allowed her borrowed senses to come to the fore and tried to read the Queen’s emotions. It was blank, a bottomless void in the world that sucked in all the lights around it. Even the drones Buzz had met gave off some idea of what they were feeling, but Chrysalis may as well have been a rock for all the feeling she showed.

        “Did you ask for our help Chrysalis?” Buzz asked and the inquiry seemed to puzzle the Queen no end. Buzz continued to study Chrysalis for any sign of emotion, yet still there was nothing but blackness.

        Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, “There you go with that odd question again Grizz. I asked for your help when that dragon was coming, what more do you want?”

        Buzz sighed, “If you don’t know the answer then we’re done here Chrysalis, you can starve with the rest of your kind.” Buzz couldn’t help but glance at Scrund with disappointed eyes, with her empathic vision she could see he was utterly confused.

        She wanted so much to explain to him what this was all about, to help him if not Chrysalis but if the plea for help hadn’t come from his mother then it must have come from Ichor and there was no way Twilight would have supported Ichor’s evil methods either.

        It seemed Buzz had failed in her task, the changelings hadn’t asked for help. They were just as determined to remain as they always had been and that meant that Buzz’s mission was at an end. It was a depressing conclusion to her journey, but she had known it was always a possibility that this whole thing was probably a trap or fake. Such a shame that so many died and more will follow.

        Chrysalis hadn’t moved and simply stared at her in anger, “Oh we won’t starve, you have my word on that Grizz. You sure you won’t join us? There is far more scope for a being of your talents with us and I can see you’re more than a little taken with my head guard. He could be yours if you reconsider.”

        Buzz actually blushed at that comment and to her miserable joy so did Scrund. Chrysalis laughed again and Buzz felt the anger returning, “That was a low trick even for you.”

        Chrysalis simply winked, “As I said, I only do what’s best for my brood. If I need to lose one of my most faithful children to ensure our survival then I wouldn’t hesitate to do so.”

Buzz glared at her, “Sacrifices huh?”

Chrysalis’ face became totally serious, “Anything for my brood.”

        Buzz felt a flicker of hope. Maybe there was a chance here? She straightened up and decided to go for it anyway, “I have been sent by the council of harmony to see if the changelings were ready, truly ready, to give up their despicable ways and live in peace.”

        She grinned nastily at Chrysalis before turning her attention to the homeless drones, “It seems that Chrysalis and her brood have decided to reject any such offer so I extend it to you all. We are willing to offer asylum to any changeling who would be willing to live under Equestrian law and work with us to find a way to live in peace.”

        The assembled drones glanced at each other in bewilderment but Buzz wasn’t finished, “I doubt you will get such a kind offer from the likes of Chrysalis and her ilk.”

        There was a tense moment where Buzz hoped that at least some of the drones would see reason, before to her horror they bowed their heads and shuffled over to Chrysalis. Buzz glared at the changeling queen who simply shook her head nastily, “As I told you Grizz they will follow the strongest female, you my dear are not it.”

        “No!” Everyone paused at the sudden shout and the whole room looked around to see Scrund was shaking with effort, “We’re not just some mindless army of slaves. With respect my Queen I know you say you want what’s best for us and I believe you, but I think in this instance you are wrong.”

        Buzz’s heart leaped even as Chrysalis’ face darkened, “We’re starving your majesty. We have nowhere to go and if something new isn’t attempted then we will die.”

        Chrysalis hissed in fury and Buzz smelt the pheromones of control permeate into the air, “Scrund you have been my most able child in this spawning so far, I have a great deal of leeway for my gifted son, but I will not be spoken to in such a manner.”

        Buzz saw Scrund screw up his face as the overpowering control his mother exerted began to affect him and without even realising she was doing it, her own body changed to counter it. She wanted more than anything for Scrund to be free, to be able to decide for himself and before Buzz could stop herself she was surrounded by green flames.

        There was a collective hiss from all the drones present but Buzz gave them no heed, she felt her own freshly created glands vent and the sickly a sweet smell filled the air. As it reached Scrund he visibly relaxed and the light returned to his single eye.

        A screech of rage erupted from Chrysalis and she spun around to glare at Buzz, but that look of fury faltered as her eyes went wide with astonishment. Buzz saw through the chink in her opposite’s barrier of emptiness and relished the brief sensation of utter terror that she displayed.

        “What are you?” Was all Chrysalis could say before Buzz looked down at herself. She was taller, taller than she’d ever been even when disguised. She felt different and not just that, she felt almost whole.

        Buzz blinked at Chrysalis and saw her with new eyes. Where before she’d been an unreadable void in the room Chrysalis’s feelings were slowly coming into focus, like a painting seen through a murky glass that was washed clear by a running tap. She was staring at Buzz with a look of utter terror.

        Looking around Buzz saw the drones, all slightly smaller than she remembered and felt them. Where before she’d seen their emotions, their hunger and loss Buzz could now feel what they felt and it rushed upon her like a torrent of sound.

        Swaying slightly Buzz closed her eyes to block out the new intense inputs flooding her system and found that with an effort she could stem the flood. Buzz opened her eyes and saw the whole chamber staring at her in wonder.

        “I...” Buzz paused, her voice sounded different too, deeper and richer. “I...” She tried again before Scrund called out.

        “Thank you my Queen I didn’t know you would be so merciful, does this mean you will accept Grizz’s offer?” Buzz looked into Scrund’s hopeful face and saw the love he felt for Chrysalis. He’d do anything for his mother, even defy her if that was needed.

        Chrysalis for her part simply continued to stare at Buzz in fear, “You stupid lackey, as if I would listen to such an offer and neither should you.”

        Buzz watched as Scrund’s face screwed up in puzzlement, “But you allowed me to speak my Queen, I thought....” He paused and looked at Buzz in utter bemusement, “Grizz how did....?”

        Buzz could take the uncertainty no longer, she glanced around and her gaze finally settled on one of the nutrient pools. Its contents had been thoroughly drained by the freed drones, leaving a clear green liquid in the place of the normally cloudy suspension.

        Buzz trotted over to it, her legs feeling awkward and she fought to keep her balance with their new length. When she finally looked over the pool Buzzbot's heart missed a beat. There below, looking back at her was a changeling. Not a mere drone but a fully fledged queen.

        Her long mane was a messy pale yellow. Her horn sprouted proudly from her forehead; bent, twisted and lined with holes just like Chrysalis’ while her eyes were no longer the multifaceted blue of a drone. They were golden yellow and slitted like a dragon’s. Her wings were large and whole, the low light in the room glinting off their perfect sheen: She was a changeling queen.

        Buzz glanced back to the others in the chamber who all stared at her in shock, “Oh shorting circuits, This is going to get ever so complicated.”

        Chrysalis shied back in fear, the ‘whatever’ it was had grown in the few moments she'd been focusing on Scrund. No changeling or anything else she’d ever seen could do that with such natural grace. Altering ones shape that was one thing, but she saw how the creature before her almost completely rewritten its own make up.

        In the flash of fire Chrysalis caught brief glimpses of a vaguely pony shaped skeleton before a new rival stood bold and tall. The odd smelling drone that had been a curiosity, some strange trick from Equestria to confuse her was impressive, but this was something else entirely: Nothing natural should be able to do that.

        For a moment Chrysalis feared the ponies had sent one of their accused demigods; Celestia or Luna to torment her. But then she saw the awkward way the new queen walked and that thought fled from her mind. It looks just as surprised at the change it underwent as we are.

        Putting these musings aside Chrysalis snarled, whatever Grizz was she was now a blatant challenge to her own authority and that would never do. Ichor had at least been kin; she would show this new upstart no mercy.

        Chrysalis summoned up her magic, a searing beam of power that in the past had humbled even Celestia and hurled it at Grizz with a cry of “Monster!”

        Grizz was still staring at her own reflection in the nutrient pool when the surprise attack caught her in the side and Chrysalis cackled in triumph as the green energy flowed out across the foe, charring and burning. At least that was what should have happened.

        In her haste and fear Chrysalis had forgotten just how starved and weak she was, so the bolt meant to utterly destroy her opponent simply staggered Grizz who snapped her head around and glared at Chrysalis.

        Grizz screeched in reply, “That was another low blow Chrysalis, I won’t make the same mistake of turning my back on you again!”

        Chrysalis felt it before she could see any sign of a spell. She felt a great drawing of energy and not just from the within Grizz: Her foe was also stealing power from the drones crowding around her. It was so masterfully done that the underlings didn’t even realise what was happening until their legs grew weak and they began to stumble.

        Even her own children weren’t immune and soon they were sagging to the ground, the strength leached from them. Only then did Chrysalis understood just how foolish she’d been in rousing the anger of this newcomer. The golden yellow beam of power that struck out from Grizz's horn sliced through the air and battered aside any efforts Chrysalis tried to muster before striking home with a flash.

        Chrysalis expected to writhe in agony, to have her body burned away just as she had planned for her foe. But instead she was filled with understanding, It was the most terrifying experience that she’d ever had and Chrysalis had been through her own share of horrors.

        Instead of the burning of the body she felt the searing of the mind, her very soul was exposed to all the evil things she’d done in her long life. Lives destroyed, loved ones parted and drained from all they held dear. This was small fry for her, but worst of all Chrysalis saw what her own children thought of her.

        They loved her so much that it hurt. They were devoted to Chrysalis beyond reason and would have done anything for her. But she saw her own arrogance and mistreatment of them too. Far too often she’d used them as mere pawns, imposing her own will to smother theirs in mad schemes that more than often than not led to the individual's demise. They loathed her for what she'd done to them and others.

        This shouldn’t have bothered Chrysalis (it never had before). It had been a part of life. Keep the hive alive, do what was needed no matter the cost. She’d always lived by that credo and it had served Chrysalis well, until now. The power that Grizz had drawn from the drones hadn't been mere strength: She'd channeled their own feelings and forced them upon Chrysalis.

        Now, now she understood something denied to her since birth: She finally had empathy and that burning cold understanding was more painful than anything physical Chrysalis had ever endured. Her own kind knew she was a monster and yet they still loved her, sometimes by force Chrysalis was ashamed to admit.

        The lance of power finished and Chrysalis collapsed panting with the effort of not throwing up her insides in revulsion. She was hated and loved, loved and hated and there was no clear line as to which it was true.

        In her agonies Chrysalis felt her children, confused and fearful press up to her and try to comfort their queen. Normally she’d have driven them back, never show weakness, even to your children: That leads to dangerous ideas among the rabble. The words and teachings of her own mother echoed hollow now as her drones pressed in to support Chrysalis.

        She glared up at Grizz who stood dumfounded before her, the fellow queen looking more shocked than angry. Taking gasping breaths Chrysalis mustered the effort to snarl, “Curse you monster, of all the things you could have done to me that’s by far the lowest blow I have ever witnessed.”

        Even as she shook the drones in the room began to move, first a single changeling then in groups of twos and threes. Before long the whole chamber’s allegiance began to shift. Chrysalis snarled in defeat as even some of her own children, as with sad glances at her, shuffled away to join the growing throng surrounding Grizz.

        Chrysalis felt another surge of anger as the tides of fate turned against her again, “What did you do to them? What sorcery did you beguile them with?” The world was fast unravelling for Chrysalis now as Grizz (without even thinking it seemed) was filling the whole chamber with a sickly sweet pheromone, one that Chrysalis in all her years had never felt before.

        It was refreshing, but loathsome at the same time and Chrysalis prayed she’d never had to smell anything so horrible again. It was like the control scent she used only, subtly different and it hurt her head to be surrounded by such a strange odour.

        Grizz herself watched the gathering drones and looked thoughtful before answering, “I gave them the one thing you never did Chrysalis. I gave them a choice, I commanded them to decide for themselves what they wanted to do.”

        Now Chrysalis understood the chemicals filling the air and her own stomach heaved at the very idea. It was so alien to her mind that she couldn’t accept it as fact. Drones didn’t choose, they did what they were told. Otherwise there would be utter chaos. Grizz was filling the air with the smell of freedom and it made Chrysalis feel violently sick.

        With eyes full of loathing and hate Chrysalis watched as the last of her drones hugged their mother before making their way to Grizz with guilty expressions on their muzzles. Last of all was Scrund, he paused before Chrysalis and bowed, “Please my Queen, the path you have chosen will only lead to the death of us all. Come with us, I don’t want to lose you again.”

        Chrysalis looked upon her best soldier, the one who’d fought the hardest when her hive fell to Ichor and saw the love he held for his mother. Such a tough little boy, no wonder he survived when so many others died, Chrysalis thought sadly.

        She looked about the ruined chamber and saw the state of her race. Yes she could strike out into the wastes again, try to spawn another brood on the meagre reserves she’d gathered from this place. Maybe even wheedle her way into a new hive, but in the end the cold hard truth of her world hit Chrysalis like a giant horse shoe crushing an ant. We’re beaten, there is no place in this world where we can survive as we once did. All we’re doing is fighting over the scraps left over from better times. Curse ponies and their technology, curse being born this way and most of all curse Grizz for humbling her so badly in front of her own children.

        Scrund nuzzled Chrysalis and for the first time she knew it was out of genuine affection, not because she was his Queen and so deserved such. The thought made her strangely happy in an odd kind of way. He smiled at her before holding out a hoof, “Come on mum, it’s time to step into a new day.”

        Chrysalis looked down at the proffered limb and felt the ingrained certainties of the past crumbling around her. Could I live in such a world, where drones are free to tell me what they think and want? Chrysalis honestly didn’t know, nor could she see how they could possibly live under Equestrian law either. They would be eating ponies for heaven’s sake, most of all she dreaded looking into Celestia’s eyes again and knowing that she needed her help after all Chrysalis had done to her.

        Still Scrund smiled, he hadn’t moved the whole time Chrysalis had been running these thoughts through her mind. She looked up at Grizz who watched her coldly and realised she had only one choice.....