//------------------------------// // Always Watching! // Story: Meet Bill Cipher // by linksbro1 //------------------------------// Discord sighed. It had been too long since his last random bout of chaos, and it had been taking its toll. Whenever he went into these states where he doesn't disrupt the natural order of things, he got an itching at the back of his mind, which soon turned into a chainsaw of pure agony, tearing into his very soul. Looking down at the town beneath him, he reclined back into his cotton candy cloud/sky couch. He took a moment to glance through the back of his head to look at Fluttershy's cottage. If maybe he just explained, she'd let him have a bit of fun. Some small pranks here and there, breaking the laws of the universe a bit, raising all Tartarus- Stopping himself, Discord let out another sigh. "I am sure that would go wonderfully" he mutters sarcastically, "I can picture it now, 'Hello Fluttershy! Would you mind if I let loose a bit and let the chaos flow, potentially endangering everypony and everything you know and love?'" He rolled over, taking a small bite out of his couch. There wasn't one pony who was even physically or mentally capable of sharing his love of chaos. At least, not at the same level. Sure, Pinkie Pie was a rather promising candidate, but she was only inherently chaotic, and had no love for it. Sighing for the third time in the past minutes, Discord shifts on his cloud, deciding to take a nap. Those sometimes helped. Loud snoring reigned over Ponyville as the draconequus slept, occasionally a small chuckle escaping his throat. Dreams meant he could do whatever he wanted, and not even Celestia, Luna, and the Elements of Harmony could rob him of this small pleasure. Everything was a complete mess, and it was glorious. Discord was just putting the finishing touches on his reverse maze (a maze where the purpose was to never escape) when he stopped. Something was... not right. Everything was in complete disarray, but it wasn't his surroundings that was bothering him. There was a force, comprised of... energy? What type of energy? Magical? Electric? Chaotic? Discord pushed the dream world away, entering a black void, it would be easier to concentrate here. He focused on the strange energy, but no matter how hard he tried, Discord just couldn't find out what it was. There was something about it though... It seemed... Pure. Then it slid into place, it was pure energy, comprised of every element that ever existed, could have existed, and had yet to exist. The silence was broken, as was his concentration, by a loud and sudden laugh. The laugh of a broken, insane mind. Discord whirled around, searching for the source of the laughter. "Ya know, for a creature who claims to be the god of chaos, your resume is rather disappointingly childish!" There was a bright flash, and Discord was brought face to face- or rather, face to triangle, to the owner of the manic voice "I mean, chocolate rain? Cotton candy clouds?! Turning six best friends against each other to fight among themselves so you don't have to? Total snooze fest! Where's the twist? The scare? The ultimate fright? Something that will give children and adults alike nightmares for weeks!" Discord could only gape at what was floating in front of him. A large yellow triangle was looking back at him with one large unblinking eye. It seemed to have arms and legs as well- and was that a bow tie and a top hat? It took a lot to drive Discord into a stunned silence, but this odd creature was quite capable of such a feet. "So Discord, are ya gonna just keep staring at me? Or are ya gonna say something?" The triangle's voice shook Discord out of his stunned state. "Well, who might you be? You obviously know who I am, but I'm afraid I don't know who or what you are." Discord's voice was filled to the brim with contempt mixed with amusement. "Aw, I'm hurt! The only other creature within a hundred parallel or alternate universes to share your flare for mayhem, and you don't even know his name." The triangle sobbed mockingly, his tears immediately turning into tiny flaming sharks the moment they left his... face? After a second, he stopped crying fake tears, and held out a hand. "Bill Cipher; dream demon extraordinaire, part time mind controller and full time madman!" Discord took his small hand in his paw, and shook it. "So... Bill, is there any reason you are inside my mind?" At this, Bill smirked. Or at least, it felt like he was smirking, being a triangle with no actual mouth, nose or ears made it difficult to tell. "Straight to business, I like it! Fun fact! I happen to know lots of thing. Most things actually! Like... The fact that you secretly have a crush on a pony named Fluttershy?" Bill laughed "Oh! Scandalous! You gotta tell me all the details later!" This caused Discord to splutter slightly, before Bill continued. "The thing is, I happen to know that you have the power to give me a physical form for me to occupy, I also know that you've been unable to cause too much chaos lest you risk getting turned to stone again, making that itch in your head go bonkers!" Bill clapped his hands together. "So I propose a... mutually beneficial deal." Discord was intrigued, but also distrusting. He knew what demons did when they made deals; welsh and exploit their client. But something about this odd shape made him think. What kind of demon would go to a god for a deal? Wouldn't it be easier to go to a gullible young pony who knows nothing of what he is capable of? Discord huffed as he considered, finally deciding to hear the triangle's terms. "Alright. what are your terms?" "Simple! You make a body for me, preferably identical to the one I use within the mind, and I'll clean up any chaos that you cause!" Bill paused "Although, I should put a limit on how much of my time you take each day, so you don't abuse it so I don't have a second for what I want to do... Oh! And maybe-" Bill droned on for a few minutes, Discord listening intently for any loopholes that could be used to exploit him. But after Bill stopped ranting, Discord realized that Bill left nothing unexplained, not one little thing left to the chance that Bill could pull a detail from a part of the deal he didn't explain to Discord, and pull a 'You didn't know cuz you didn't ask'. Discord was slightly taken aback. An honorable demon was unheard of. "One more question..." Discord was staring at Bill, to see if he would react in any negative way to his question. "Why do you want a body?" At this, Bill laughed. "Cuz I'm bored! Pine Tree's taking way to long with his progress, and I got bored waiting for him to get to the point where I come back in, so I thought I'd pass the time by visiting a different reality!" Suddenly, Bill stopped. "Aw dang... I forgot that visiting other universes freezes time for your conscience. NO TIME WILL PASS!" Bill shouted angrily, then sighed "Ah well, might as well visit while I'm in the neighborhood! GET IT? NEIGHBORHOOD! BECAUSE HORSES!" Bill laughed madly at his pun, Discord rolling his eyes. "So what d'ya say? Do we have a deal?" Bill outstretched his hand, which suddenly glowed with a bright blue fire. Discord considered the details Bill had given him. It was impossible for Bill to exploit any loopholes, as that was one of the details he had explained. There was no real downside to this, and besides... Discord smiled as he outstretched his paw. Bill was a riot! They shook. Hand in paw, the blue flamed engulfed them both, and less than a split second later, Discord woke up.