Toby's Wish

by darkmage1997

Chapter 3: What wish woud you make, arrival at the wishing star, and capture (edited)

The children of harmony were now making their way through a forest, with the Baron in hot pursuit, "Hurry it up Guman, we're gaining on them!" Baron Nixel ordered.

Later on, Doctor Whooves and Derpy got caught up in a pothole and were trying to push their cart out, "Girls! Come out and help your mother and I!" the Doctor called to his daughters.

"Coming dad!" Sparkler called as she and Dinky jumped out of the cart.

"Ok, so while you girls push the cart, I'll try and pull the cart," Doctor Whooves instructed, which his wife and daughter nodded in understanding, trying to push the cart while the Doctor tried to push the cart.

Meanwhile, the children of Harmony came to an old wooden bridge. Silver, and the other titans got out and looked over the edge, "Whoa, just don't look down!" Silver exclaimed.

"Do you get vertigo?" Stealth asked.

"Nah," Silver replied.

"Me neither," Raiden said.

"Yeah, I've seen that movie three times and I still don't get it," Brain commented, as he and the other titans began to pull the sled themselves. They continued to pull the sled until Icezer fell through a broken piece of the wood on the bridge. The others looked down and started to pull him back up. Once Icezer was back on the bridge, he, along with the others continued to pull the sled towards the other side.

Back on the opposite side, the Mixels saw what happened to Icezer, and they all began to cautiously make their way across, with Flurr and Mesmo flying above them, not noticing a young Eevee baby looking at them in interest, "Lots of colors!" Eevee said, skipping towards the Mixels, with her friends from the ranch following her. They soon say that a plank of wood was about to give way, and Luxray rushed to save Eevee, who would've fallen to her death if not for Luxrays quick reflexes. Luxray tossed Eevee back on to the bridge, to which, she walked across Luxrays back, "Silly Luxray!" Eevee said, petting Luxrays head, before continuing towards the Mixels.

"Don't worry Luxray, we'll get her," Cindy said, as she and the others carefully stepped over Luxray, who then felt heavy footsteps on the bridge. Looking back, Luxray saw in horror that several ponies with clogs on their hooves were walking the bridge.

Meanwhile, in the skies, Snips and Snails continued to make their way to the star by the skies. What they didn't notice was that Rumble and his brother and their friends, Cloud Kicker and Flitter, were flying dangerously towards them. As soon as the Pegasus quartet got close enough, they got tangled up in the unicorn colts ship, and they soon started to drop like rocks, while all six of them were screaming in terror.

Back to the children of harmony, they saw the ship was dropping, and gasped in horror, but none as scared as Clover when she saw Rumble was tangled up as well. She gasped in horror, and leaned forward, making the sled go faster, in hopes of catching up to her falling coltfriend. Seeing the ship also drop, Derpy then took the Doctors place in pulling the cart, and rather quickly raced to save her friends lives. She barreled through the ponies with clogs, and Luxray, who were all sent onto, or in Luxrays case, into, the cart.

Back with the children of harmony, they took notice of the deadly alliances cart, and how Constable Guman pulled some levers, which activated some rocket launchers. He then fired a rocket at the children, which thankfully missed them by a long shot, mush to the Barons dismay. Next the constable activated some side rocket shooters, which fired more rockets, which missed the kids as well. Having enough, they activated the cannon, which was able to put a hole in their sail. The next shot got their mast, as they began making their way into the mountains, where the next shot reduced their sleds into toboggans, and then after, into snowboards, as the made their way down a lower road, while the alliance was racing on the same ledge with the Doctors cart working its way around their cart.

"FIRE!" Baron Nixel ordered, which fired the cannon at the Doctors cart, which thankfully missed Luxray, but it also made a vial of the Doctors elixir fall of a bench, and exploded, which gave the two ponies and Luxray an idea. Opening the back of the cart, Sparkler tossed the crate of elixir at the alliances cart, which in turn, exploded said cart. Back to the falling airship, they still continued to fall, which the children of harmony looking on in worry, Clover especially. Just then, they saw Derpy racing to save the airship, running over the Diamond Dogs in the process. Then, they saw the Mixels, who went to help with the rescue.

After awhile of falling, they all soon felt that they were sliding on some sort of slide, and looked to see Flurr, smiling happily down at them, as they slipped their way back to solid ground. Clover then rushed over to her coltfriend, and hugged him really tight. Looking around, the small group could see everyone recovering from that instant sprint that occurred, the diamond dogs rubbing their heads, Eevee hugging Dee-Gee by her leg, which prompted the Electoon to give the little Pokemon back to her respective group, which Eevee and the adults and Cindy all smiled in relief.

Walking back into his cart, the Doctor could see some fluids being mixed into a small bottle, "Why, what's this now?" he asked, taking a swig of the drink, and smiling at ho good it was, and gave it to Derpy to drink, who also smiled at the delicious flavor.

The others, save for Baron Nixel, who was unconscious after his cart exploded, looked into the cart to see the two ponies bringing some crates of the elixir out, and giving a bottle to everyone, including the deadly alliance. Brian then put a bottle to Baron Nixels mouth, who smiled at the tasty drink, and they all drank the new and tastier elixir. Finishing his elixir, Echo-Echo then let out a very loud burp, which echoed through the mountains, also weakening the snow on a cliff, thus causing an avalanche. Everyone was looking over the horizon when they heard the avalanche. They all looked back, and gasped in horror at the avalanche that was making its way towards them.

They all tried to escape, but they were eventually caught up in the avalanche, one by one, the Mixels, the Pegasus quartet, Snips and Snails, the deadly alliance, and the doctors cart were all swallowed up by the avalanche. The children of harmony were trying to ride the avalanche on their snowboards, but they too were swallowed up by the avalanches wrath, as it made its way out of the mountains, and into a tundra. Poking their heads out of the ground, the children of harmony were amazed that they were even closer to the wishing star then ever.

"Well, we're taking a stand, we're making a vow, this is the place, the moment is now, this is our golden opportunity! The wishing star belongs to a family!" they sang with smiles on their faces.

"Me, my wife, kids!" King Zanzibar sang, as he, his wife, and his children, along with some guards surrounded them, totally killing the mood.

"Uh, this wasn't the wish I had in mind," Silver said blandly. And, just like the children, the others were also surrounded by the guards.

"Secure the area!" Princess Cleo ordered. Cleo was a sky blue alicorn mare, with the same goldenrod mane and tail as her parents and brother, and she had emerald green eyes.

One by one, everyone was taken to a prison camp, where they were all just standing around, either filing their hooves or hands, reading magazines, or just hanging around, when they heard hoofsteps coming towards them, "All hail the mighty King Zanzibar's family!" Flash Sentry called to them.

"SALAD BAR? All right I'm hungry!" Heaven said, as she and the others in her group went to greet the royal family, "You got any bacon bits?" Heaven asked, much to the royal family's confusion.

"Hi there Salad bar, I'm Silver, and these are my brothers, Raiden, Brian, Stealth, Heiru, Francisco, Icezer, and Echo-Echo," Silver said, introducing himself and his brothers.

"I'm Toby, and this is Serenity," Toby said with a smile.

"I'm Capri-core, or as my friends all call me Cory, and these are my little brothers and sisters, Josh, Spike, Crystal, Kelly, Nyx, and Trinity," Cory said, introducing his family.

"I'm Conner, and this is my sister Crystal Charity," Conner said with a smile.

"Names Echo Dash, and my sister Vibrant sky," Echo said.

"I'm Mike, and these are my brother and sister, Season Harvest and Bolt," Mike said.

"I'm Melody Smith! And these are my sisters Clover and Lucky Joy, and our cousin, Blueberry Muffin!" Melody said.

"I'm Chris, and these two are my little cousins, Drake and Timmy," Chris said.

"Ah'm Nathan, and these are mah little sisters, Skyla and Mavis, and our brother Guard Armor," Nathan said.

"And I'm Heaven, the impossibly cute one, with a cough," Heaven said, letting out a small cough, "But you got to admit, even the cough is cute," Heaven said, letting out a gross hacking cough, which Zanzibar threw her away in disgust.

"WE'RE THE HARMONY BROTHERS!" the boys rang.

"AND THE HARMONY SISTERS!" the girls sang.

"We know who you are! Get back in line!" Jewely ordered, which the children did with their heads hung in disappointment.

"Uh, you got any garbanzo beans?" Heaven asked Zanzibar.

"Its 'Zanzibar' not 'salad bar', Nixel!" the king yelled.

"Yes sire?" Baron Nixel asked.

"I thought we told you to get rid of those little monsters!" Zanzibar snapped, glaring at the children, who were all making goofy faces, "Why are they still alive?!" Zanzibar demanded.

"I tried my best sire!" Baron Nixel insisted.

"You failed the crown Baron, lock him up with the rest of the prisoners!" Cleo demanded, which the guards did without hesitation.

"The same goes for the constables, their minions, and the overgrown rats!" Taxer ordered, which the guards did, leading the alliance away with spears, and locking the Diamond Dogs up in a cage.

"Never try to double cross the crown!" Zanzibar snarled at the dogs, "Take them away!" he ordered, "And as for the children of harmony," Zanzibar said, glaring back at the children, "Execute them," he simply said, which made the other prisoners, including the deadly alliance, gasp in horror.

"Oh, you don't have to treat us special," Silver said, as he and the others were taken away.

"We insist," Zanzibar simply said, watching the children be taken away, "As soon as those children are disposed of, me and my family will proceed with making our wish," Zanzibar said to the captain.

"Very good sir!" Flash replied.

"Ok Salad Bar have it your way, but we know secrets about the wishing star that you don't!" Silver sang in a teasing manner.

"What, no you don't," Taxer said, denying what Silver was saying.

"Oh, yes we do!" Nyx sang.

"We do?" Icezer asked, which was met with an elbow from Brian, "Oh, do we ever!" Icezer said, now getting the idea.

"Like what? Tell us," Jewely demanded.

"Uh, perhaps we can get to some sort of 'arrangement'?" Silver asked, with the other looking at him with looks that said 'Silver, you sly dog'.

Later in the castles dining room, each of the children was eating a bountiful feast, "Our new special friends, the royal family," Silver said.

"Who knew?" Kelly asked.

"Now tell us the secrets of the wishing star," Zanzibar demanded.

"Oh, right, yeah the secrets of the wishing star, right. Well, the key to the whole thing is uh, you guys got a little something in your noses," Silver said.

"Really? Where?" Cleo asked.

"Right there," Silver said, pointing nowhere in general, which the family all rubbed their noses.

"Did we get it?" Taxer asked.

"Yeah, no, no its still there," Silver said, which had the royal family rubbing their noses.

"How about now?" Zanzibar asked.

"No its over there now, eww," Silver said, shielding his face as the royals kept rubbing their noses.

"How about now?" Jewely asked.

"Nope, eww," Silver said once again.

The other children caught onto what Silver was doing, "EWW! GET IT! GET IT! GET IT!" they all cried in unison.

"Please, can you go to the bathroom and take care of it? I mean whoops!" Silver said, making gagging noises.

"Oh, alright!" Zanzibar said, as he and his family walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind them, which Conner locked with a smug smirk on his face as he ran back to his friends.

"WE'RE IN CHARGE! WE'RE IN CHARGE!" they all sang.

Just then, Zanzibar broke down the door, also revealing his family, who were also angry, "You horrible children, who taught you how to behave?!" Cleo asked with a glare.

This made the smiles on the children's faces go down to frowns, "No one ma'am," Josh solemnly replied.

"You see, *cough* we're all orphans," Heaven said, as she and the others gave the royal family puppy eyes.

"Yeah, boo-hoo, everyone has problems," Taxer said, as he and his family walked away.

"You know, we'd all like to be adopted," Nyx said, as she and the others suddenly appeared in front of a bamboozled family, who then tried walking back the other way.

"Will you be our new daddy Zanzibar?" Conner asked.

"Certainly not!" Zanzibar snarled.

"Buy me a toy daddy! Buy me a toy, buy me a toy!" Heaven pleaded.

"Oh, please dad do!" Brian said.

"I am NOT your father!" Zanzibar yelled, throwing all the children away.

"That's not what mommy said," Silver said.

"When will this insanity end?!" Jewely asked. Just then, the family turned to see Mike, Nyx, and Francisco all standing behind game show podiums, all asking to be called on, "Uh, yes, you!" Jewely asked Nyx.

"Duh, what was the question?" Nyx asked, pretending to not know the question.

"GOOD ANSWER!" her friends rang.

This put bemused looks on the royals faces, "Are you going to tell any of us the star secrets or not?!" Taxer asked.

They all turned away, "NEVER!"

"Well, we have ways of making you talk in my castle, how about a trip through the cave of your worst nightmares!" Cleo asked, pulling a lever, which made all but Nathan, Vibrant, and Silver fall.

"Uh, have you forgotten that some of us can fly?" Vibrant asked.

"Oh, we haven't forgotten," Cleo said, as she pulled a second lever, which released a cage that fell on the three, sending them through the floor, and onto a flatbed behind a cart their friends and family were in, which soon turned into a cart as well.

"Please remain seated while the tram is in motion," an automated voice said, just as the tram took of like a roller coaster.

"You know, for a cave of your worst nightmares, this isn't so bad," Trinity commented.

"Never say that, things can always go from good to bad to worse, just like that," Kelly told her sister.

And she was right, they were entering what appeared to be an office building, and they saw a man dressed up in a blue suit jumping on a table, with music playing in the background, "OH LADY! I KNOW A LADY WITH HIGH HEELED SHOES, AND SOCKS AND PANTYHOSE, OH PRETTY LADY!" he sang, very off key. This incited screams of terror from the family, "Hello cute little children with the ponies that look like puppies, HOYL!" the man said in a high pitched voice, which drew more terror filled screams for the family, "FROYNLAVEN!" the man yelled as he hit the upper half of door, with the tram going through the bottom.

"I'm glad that's over *cough*," Heaven said as they continued to what appeared to be a gas station.

"Be careful, I haven't cleaned that restroom in three years," an old man said, as he laughed manically, as the tram went into the bathroom.

"Someone hit the lights," Silver said, and when the lights did come on, the children screamed once again at how nightmarishly disgusting the bathroom was, as the tram moved on.

Next, the tram went into what appeared to be a first grade class room, and they all looked ahead to see a giant orange dinosaur who giggled at see them, "You make me feel all fun-fun doodle dumb!" he said with a great big smile, which the kids all screamed in terror at, once again, "Won't you be my special friend?" Baloney asked, jumping onto the cart.

"NOOOOOOO!" the kids screamed, sending the dinosaur back into a backdrop piece of scenery.

"Duhahahhaha, gosh and golly gee," Baloney said, as an anvil was dropped on him.

The kids exited the cave, and stopped right in front of the royal family, "Well?" Zanzibar asked.

"We'll tell you anything!" Chris said.

"Just please, don't send us back there, please!" Heaven begged.

"We'll see, now tell us the secrets to the wishing star," Jewely demanded.

"Well, its not what you wish for, its uh, how you wish?" Timmy explained, with the others nodding in agreement.

"Really?" Taxer asked.

"Oh yeah, but ya got to be careful, things are taken so literally nowadays," Nathan explained.

"You don't say?" Zanzibar asked.

"Absolutely, now what are you considering?" Silver asked.

"Well, tops on our wish list, we would like to own the world!" Cleo said with a devious smile.

Reaching off screen, Francisco pulled out a globe, "Here you go, the world, and it spins, nice huh?" he asked.

"No, we don't want that, ah here we go, how about fame and fortune?" Zanzibar asked.

"Here's fame with Irene Cera, and a subscription to fortune magazine," Nyx said, giving the king a VHS and a magazine.

"Rats!" Taxer said, "Wait, we could wish for the Midas touch, then everything we touch would turn to gold," he suggested.

"Yeah, including food, try eating solid gold ice cream, adios extra carbs!" Icezer said, holding a bowl of ice cream, which, when Taxer touched it, turned to gold.

"I had no idea this wish business was so complicated," Zanzibar said, as he, his family, and the children were all rubbing their heads in a thinking manner.

"Tell me about it," Silver said.

"Wait, what if we wish for youth and beauty?" Jewely asked.

"Here, take Nyx, she's young, and to humans, black ponies earned the nickname 'Black beauty'," Cory said presenting his sister.

"Why me?" Nyx asked, giving Cory puppy eyes.

"Because the producers couldn't find another black pony, so you're all we have," Cory replied, which Nyx gave a bemused look on her face.

"Ok, let me rephrase that, how about eternal youth? Then we could be sixteen, forever!" Zanzibar suggested.

"Then you'd go back to being sixteen, and you'd have zits and no one would ever date you!" Season Harvest explained.

"Ugh, never!" Zanzibar said, as he and his family all started to pace around, and think, "I've got it! We'll wish for a million bucks! No, make that two million bucks!" Zanzibar suggested, before taking notice of a stampede of deer trampling over him and his family.

"Just be glad its not mating season," Silver said, as a deer came up and moaned seductively at the king.

"Wait, I've got it! What if we wish for all the dough in the world?" Taxer suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Silver said, as millions of pies were thrown at the royal family, "Ha, dough, its like pastry dough, its a joke, get it," Silver asked, taking a dab of cream and tasting it, as the family all grabbed him with their magic.

"Yes, and now its your turn to get it," Zanzibar said, as he and his family threw Silver at his friends, "Captain, take the children of harmony away, and have them all executed!" Zanzibar ordered.

"Yes sir!" Flash said, as he and the guards began taking the children to be executed.

"Our joke was funnier," Silver commented as they all walked.