Discord's Imprisonment

by Dawn_Gem_CPHP

For Once, Not Our Kill

So, that’s what happened in the Crystal Empire-Kingdom, whatever it was called. However I just got word of a rebel preaching in the streets. She got away before we could catch her. Her name was Trixie. From what I heard she is a blue unicorn with a blue and pale-white-blue striped mane and tail. I have gotten word on what happened, and with that word our hopes of capturing her alive and killing her as an example is diminished. What the mailmare brought to me, well I don’t want to be the one to tell Discord…

Trixie has escaped here is the conversation I overheard.


C-Trixie, tell me, why in the world would you go out into the streets and preach to everypony what we are, what we are doing?!
T- I thought it would be a good idea…
C- Well obviously it wasn't speaking your scheduled for public death tomorrow.
T-What?! Well you know it would have been nice to know!
C- Don’t worry I wouldn't let you suffer. You won’t wake tomorrow.
T- What are you talking about?
C- Your food I- I poisoned it.
T- What why?!
C- Well would you rather have a pulled out, most likely to more than an hour death?!

C- Then you see my reason for doing it. Now if you go to bed you probably won’t feel any pain.
T- Bu-
C- Go to bed. This is hard for me and the rest of the camp. Now, go.

I could not see either ponies. Although one did not sound completely pony.

I don’t know who the pony writing this is but I know one thing…
We don’t have spies. Only assassins…

I have read up a tad on the “Trixy” incident, turns out it was an assassin. He was sent to kill off Trixy, for once it wasn't our kill. At least we know the location of this camp…

Hello sorry if this is rushed but we are being attacked I have to go before they get into this wing of the palace.