//------------------------------// // Broken // Story: Discord's Imprisonment // by Dawn_Gem_CPHP //------------------------------// After the reception me and Pinkamena headed down to the dungeon. In the dungeon we found a softly sobbing Twilight and an angry Spike trying to comfort her. “I thought my magic would be enough” Sobbed the lilac unicorn. “It’s ok Twi they are just hard to get. Don’t worry we’ll get out. It can't be that hard.” “When I tried it was actually quite hard” Pinkamena said. “PINKIE stop thi-this isn’t you!” Twilight said. Pinkamena grimace. “I prefer Pinkamena you...” Pinkamena trailed off. “Anyhow I need some ingredients. I thought magic cupcakes would be good don't you think Dawn?” I looked up not expecting to be talked to, “uhh... um yes of course that sounds nice.” I said in a stuttering fashion. “Look see! She doesn't think this is right either!” Twilight said. “Well I kinda sorta…” I trailed off remembering that the queen was right next to me. Pinkamena shot me a glare, I flinched at her stare feeling as if it was a blade, I knew I would also be punished. After that incident, Pinkamena dragged Twilight over to a large metal table and strapped Twilight down. After that Pinkamena ordered me to use my magic to rip Twilight’s horn out. After a deep breath I used my magic to roughly crack the skull around the horn bone and ripped it out tearing her flesh. If you didn't already know The horn is very sensitive so Twilight almost blacked out from pain. Lucky Pinkamena had an adrenaline shot. After I tore her horn out Pinkamena went straight to work torturing the mare. Pinkamena ordered me to go and sharpen the horn. I did until it was wickedly sharp then handed it to Pinkamena. She took it and set it aside for later. After Pinkamena was done she looked at her handiwork, Twilight’s eyes burned open and had parasprites eating her skin. Pinkamina killed the parasprites and handed me the horn, and said “It’s far time you become a killer.”. With that I shakily raised to horn with my hoof and brought it down onto Twilight’s rapidly beating heart and she shrieked so loud I swear that Saddle Arabia could hear it. I felt tears running down my face as I realized what I had done and how I felt. I felt, happy, joyful even! Pinkamena smiled as a psychotic grin crossed my still crying face. The fact that I still felt remorse comforted me, it meant that I still, no matter how small, had a sliver of sanity left. After I killed Twilight Pinkamena went to go get spike, the dragon. When we strapped him down he was unconscious, Pinkamena gave him an adrenaline shot. His eye flung open and narrowed at me and Pinkamena. “You, yo-you killed her” he said shakily staring at me. My psychotic grin grew wider still as Pinkamena told me I could have him all to myself. I looked at him and asked “how thick are you scales?”. “What?” The baby dragon asked. I rolled my eyes and plucked a scale from Spike and he screamed. “Dammit” I said and threw the scale at his eye. It missed and then I turned to Pinkamena, “Do you have a bunch of spikes?” I asked her. “Of course! Do you want them heated?” She asked sporting a smile. “Actually can you chill them?” I asked. Pinkamena looked slightly confused but nodded. After she left I went to work slowly pulling Spike’s scales off, one by one. I listened to his agonized scream as if they were music. It sounded wonderful. Pinkamena came back she looked at the pink fleshy thing that was once a shiny green and purple. “the spikes are ready all laid out in a bed of spikes!” Pinkamena said, grinning ear to ear. I took my magic and picked up spike to move him toward the spikes. “Pink, can you hand me that lemon juice and adrenalin shot? Please?” I asked in a slightly deeper voice than normal. She handed me both of them and I poured the juice onto Spike, laughing merrily as he screamed and passed out. I shoved the needle into his arm and gave him a shot while simultaneously I tore a piece of meat off his leg. I split it in half giving one piece of it to Pink and popping the other one into my mouth. I chewed savoring the savory, tangy piece of meat. I looked over at Pink seeing she enjoyed it too. “Looks like I found a new cup-cake fla-vor” Pink said in a sing song voice. I smiled as Spike regained conscious and I giggled quietly. I relaxed letting my magic fail and watched as Spike plummeted toward the spikes. I closed my eyes and listened to the dull thump, splash of Spike being impaled. I opened them suddenly, I felt a shift in my head. I felt my mind fracture and I started laughing maniacally. Pink looked at me, startled. It was over I had finally lost it, finally lost my sanity. I was now and would forever be InSaNE.