//------------------------------// // The Revelry // Story: Discord's Imprisonment // by Dawn_Gem_CPHP //------------------------------// Hello again. I apologize for never telling you how I look. I am a greenish aqua unicorn. I have a green and blue striped mane, that I normally have in a ponytail. My tail is the same but is normally braided. My cutie mark is a pencil crossed with a paint brush that has kelly green paint on it. So anyway, now you know what I look like I wanted to tell you about the orphans (two of them were freshly made orphans). They looked as if they were all friends. One of them was orange with a purple mane and tail. The second one was white with a curly purple and pink mane and tail (I assumed this was Rarity’s sister). The last filly was yellow and had a dark pink mane and tail. Her mane had a big pink bow (I assumed this was Apple Jack’s sister). They had come to the castle a day before. They came wanting there sisters back. I guess the orange one, Scootaloo, I think just tagged along. As I said before uninvited guests are not welcome. Sweetie Belle, the white one, was first to go, drowned in lemon juice after she was cut multiple times. The second one to go was Apple Bloom, the yellow one. She was made into a statue of an apple after being blown up. And lastly Scootaloo, I killed her. I turned her into a chicken, deep fried her and then Discord ate her. After the three fillies were gone Discord officially announced the wedding. The wedding was between Discord and Pinkie Pie, who now wants to be called Pinkamina. Pinkie opps sorry, Pinkamena, surprisingly, was willing to be his bride, however her mane and tail are not puffy anymore, they are now straight and grayish pink. At the wedding one pony, a lilac unicorn with a dark blue mane and tail each with a pink and purple stripe. She fired a blast of magenta magic at Discord. It hit it’s mark. A second later Discord turned toward the unicorn. “STOP THIS MADNESS!!!!!” The unicorn shouted. “Your tyranny is up Discord. I have watched my friends die in front of me. I even watched as my brother was killed, ON STAGE!!!!” The unicorn roared in anger. “This is the last straw! I refuse to let you hurt more ponies, more of my friends!” She had tears streaming down her face now. “I won’t let you take Pinkie too… I won’t!!!! My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I will be your end Discord!” Discord laughed. This made Twilight Sparkle even angrier. “Well Twilight, because I don’t have a better present for my lovely wife, I agreed to let her kill you! And I will have my lovely scribe record it for me.” Discord said. “NO!” yelled a new voice. “No. Spike this isn't your battle.” Twilight had said dryly. “It became my battle when they killed Rarity Twi!” As the voice said this I saw the small purple and green dragon who was speaking. “Oh goodie, I get two!” Said Pinkamina. Discord just smiled and clapped his hands and chaining Twilight and spike together, teleporting them away to what I assumed was the dungeon. After that the marriage resumed and shortly after finished. At the reception Pinkamena served her famous “cupcakes” they were apple flavored. Knowing what or rather who was in them, I respectfully declined.