Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return

by Wildcard25

King Ebon Resurfaces

In the human world one night, Dustin Bowers was sitting on top of the Mikael Hotel, until Alistair landed beside him, "Spending your night up here brooding, what're you Batman?"

"Very funny, Alistair." Dustin replied dryly, as he rested his back against a wall.

"What's up, man?" Alistair asked, as he took a seat next to his pal.

"It's just so much has happened in the last month." Dustin answered, as Alistair recalled the ordeal they went through with their friends from Equestria.

"I know, but hey we defeated Ebon. We should be living it up for the rest of this summer." Alistair replied.

"Yeah, I know that, but remember what Blaze told us after he woke up form his healing?" Dustin asked, as they flashback to that one night when Ebon was defeated.

At the Bowers residents awhile after Blaze woke up from his restoration, he spoke to the group, "Guys, listen. There's something I want to tell you all because it involves why I really came here to New York."

"Why you really came here?" Dustin asked.

"What do you mean?" Alistair inquired curiously.

"Well there's more about my past than I led on." Blaze explained.

"More?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes. Remember I told you how my grandfather was testing me to see if I had what it takes to survive. There was more to it than that," Blaze continued, "He also told me of a prophecy that's been with my family for generations."

"A prophecy?" Celestia asked, as she and her sister were intrigued.

"Correct. It told the story of a dark warrior able to utilize both spirit and shadow energies. When he would reach the age of sixteen he would meet one of his greatest challenges in the form of a being from another dimension," he explained, as the pony/humans were surprised feeling this was Ebon he was referring to, "He would band together with other warriors and a group of other beings from another dimension to defeat this evil and restore harmony. My grandfather believed it was me."

"You?" Rainbow and Applejack gasped.

"Yes. I traveled to New York to train so that if what my gramps said was true I would one day meet these others. Of course I was only nine at the time so I had to also wait a few years to see if it really was true. But I became more convinced it was me when I saw Dustin and Alistair vanish."

"What?" The boys gasped as Dustin spoke, "Wait a minute did you say you saw us vanish?"

"Yes. One minute the two of you, Domino, Fievel, and Zyphon were standing around, until you vanished into thin air," Dustin, Alistair, Zyphon, and the two animals were shocked seeing that someone did witness them vanish, "I was so confused as to what happened to you guys, even after a split second you suddenly returned."

"Yeah, thanks to Celestia and Luna we got back at the same time." Domino cawed.

Blaze continued, "Anyway, I was curious as to what happened so I used a spirit technique I developed known as Spirit Sight which allowed me to see your pasts. And that's when I learned everything. I saw all of you," he motioned to the pony/humans, "At first I felt like falling to the ground laughing my ass off, until I saw the guys fighting along side you, the serpentine, everything. I saw you girls utilize the powers of your elements of harmony and I knew you were the ones the prophecy foretold."

"Wow, we're part of a prophecy!" Pinkie cheered, only for Twilight and Muse to hush her up.

"When I saw Dustin and Alistair head off I did feel a strange presence in the air that didn't seem like normal darkness." Blaze explained.

"Ebon!" Twilight gasped.

Blaze nodded, "He took off so fast I couldn't trail him, but it was for the best as I couldn't do anything about it anyway. The most I could do was just train myself as hard as I could until I reached the age of sixteen, and hope somehow the six of you would cross paths again with the boys I've monitored."

"So you knew about us this whole time?" Rainbow squinted at Blaze suspiciously.

"This was a prophecy, Rainbow. I didn't know what else to do but go along with it until the time to act was right. I didn't know anything about the elements of harmony needing to power up or the missing two elements." Blaze assured her.

"And you didn't come to us and tell us this before, why?" Dean asked.

"I didn't want to worry anyone here. I mean you all had enough on your plate what with dealing with this world, Felix, and Ebon." Blaze explained.

"Well you got a point," Spike spoke up, "If you told Twilight this she would've had her mind wrapped around it too much she would've lost sight of everything." Twilight responded with a annoyed glare.

"So you sacrificing yourself to protect us all..." Twilight trailed off.

"Was the only way to see if the prophecy was true," Blaze continued, "You guys were needed to defeat Ebon more than I was needed. I gave my life so that you would be around to finish him."

"That's why you said you did your part and the rest was up to us." Wild noted, as Blaze nodded and spoke.

"I know I once again lied to you about the prophecy, but trust me I didn't want to keep it from you. I just didn't know how to tell you all." Blaze looked down, until Fluttershy sat next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We're all past that now that Ebon's been defeated. You no longer have a reason to keep secrets. We really know you were just trying to protect us, and we really appreciate that." she smiled.

"Yeah, and it feels good to finally get all that off my chest." Blaze admitted feeling like all the weight was off with nothing left to hide.

It cut back to the present as Dustin and Alistair continued relaxing, as the dark warrior spoke, "Who would've thought Blaze knew more about this than we did?"

"Yeah, but he didn't take in account it would be six ponies from an alternate world." Dustin chuckled with Alistair.

Alistair sighed, "I wonder what our next big adventure is?"

"What do you mean?" Dustin asked.

"Like what's gonna happen now that we defeated Ebon? I mean ever since that fight weeks ago Johan and Omaddon have vanished, and we haven't heard word of Felix either." Alistair explained.

"That is strange," Dustin admitted, "I mean it's not like Felix to suddenly just go into hiding. He would've just brushed this off and pick up where he left off."

"Well wonder what he's up to." Alistair said as the two just gazed up at the night sky and the moon, knowing Luna would see all from it.

Meanwhile in an abandoned fish cannery, Felix was sitting in a lotus position while concentrating, or rather Ebon was concentrating. After his defeat at the hands of the elements of harmony and the warriors, his body was purified, but his spirit lingered on and unknown to them forced himself into Felix to use him as a vessel. Suddenly a magical aura surrounded Ebon as his eyes opened and he rose to his feet.

"Yes. I finally have my new powers under control, and while my magic may be only at half strength, it's all I need to replicate the portal magic in which Celestia and Luna used to send the boys back here and the girls as well. But first, I need to eat." he went to a table that had a cheeseburger and french fries on it. He started eating the burger, while looking partly disgusted and partly overwhelmed with delight as he bit into the cheeseburger. With Felix's body as his vessel he had ended up developing a desire for his favorite foods.

After finishing his fries he spoke to himself, "But if I am to once again embark on my conquest of Equestria and this world as well. I still need help. Unfortunately Clyde's been bottled up and I have yet to find any trace of Johan or Omaddon. The shadow soldiers will not suffice against the elements of harmony alone. So I will need additional support..." he pondered, until it dawned on him, "And I know just who to recruit." he got up and held up his hands and concentrated his magical aura. Suddenly appearing out of thin air was a portal. He jumped into it and it closed.

In Equestria with the location being a forest, it was also nighttime as a portal appeared and Ebon exited it. He took a deep breath and looked around, "Ah, Equestria. Home sweet home. Now onto my next destination, Tartarus." he concentrated, and using his new found dark energy flew off into the forest and past it before reaching a giant pit. He stood before the pit calmly before letting himself fall forward and down into it.

He fell through the pit spinning around a bit, before he flipped and was falling with his feet aiming for the bottom. Suddenly he pulled to a halt and hovered above the rocky ground and landed peacefully. He looked around seeing Tartarus, which was dark and gloomy. He looked around, "Good old Tartarus, where only the most evilest of creatures are imprisoned," he started walking down a path leading to a gate. Suddenly growling was heard, as Cerberus appeared with all three heads snarling at him, "Cerberus, looks like you're not a puppy anymore." Ebon humored the dog.

The dog growled as he lunged at Ebon who held a hand up with magic glowing around it. Cerberus was suddenly restrained by Ebon's magic and dropped to the ground docilely, "If this is the best you can do then Tartarus has really gone to the dogs since my time. No offense." he spoke to the dog who whimpered in response.

Ebon walked past the gate and through a long line of dungeon cells containing one or more prisoners who were reaching out through the openings of the bars wanting to grab Ebon. The dark king eyed the many prisoners with no amount of fear in his eyes knowing he towered over them all. He then approached a single cell and looked in seeing the Hypnobrai tribe of Serpentine laying around feeling bored out of their minds, "Hypnobrai!" he addressed them.

The tribe hearing their type called out, looked at the cell seeing Ebon standing outside the cell, "Who are you?" one of the tribe members inquired.

"I'm the one busting you out of here." Ebon answered, as he used his shadow gun to blast off the lock on the cell allowing the snakes free.

"We're free!" one of the Hypnobrai soldiers declared.

"Not yet you're not," Ebon continued, "Follow me," he led them to the next cell containing the Fangpyres, who were wearing mouth guards that were protected by magic so they couldn't remove them themselves, "Come on out, Fangpyres." he broke open their cell, allowing them to escape.

As they left the cell, Ebon used his magic to remove the mouth guards, "About time." A Fangpyre said, as he flexed his jaw around.

Ebon looked into the Venomari cell, seeing the snakes wearing mouth guards as well, "Venomari tribe, get a move on." he opened the cell, and they escaped with their mouth guards getting removed by Ebon. Finally he opened the Constrictai cell allowing the final living tribe to escape.

All four tribes stood together looking at Ebon curiously, recognizing his body as that of a human like Dustin's and Alistair's, but were confused by the four blue fox tails and ears on his head, "Who are you?" A Venomari soldier demanded.

"I'm the one who's about to get you out of this dump." Ebon answered, until a voice called out.

"Stop!" they saw two unicorn guards wearing armor charge at them.

The snakes were prepared to fight, until Ebon held a hand out, "Stop yourselves." he blasted them with dark energy, knocking them to the ground. He suddenly created a shadow portal below himself and the serpentine as they suddenly sunk into it and exited the shadow portal that appeared in the forest in which Ebon arrived in since he left New York.

"Fresh air!" a Constrictai soldier cheered.

"It's feels like it's been forever." a Fangpyre added.

A Hypnobrai soldier turned to Ebon, "Ok, talk. Who are you and why did you free us?"

"Of course," Ebon nodded, "Long before Equestria's beginning I once reigned as the dark King; brother of the King of creation. I am King Ebon!" he declared.

"King Ebon?" the serpentine asked, until a Venomari soldier gasped.

"Remember what we learned from Sombra about a dark King who tried to take over Equestria, until he was defeated by the six unicorns?"

A Fangpyre spoke to Ebon, "That was you?"

"Indeed." Ebon nodded.

"But how can this be, you don't look like a pony." A Hypnobrai said, feeling skeptical of Ebon.

"True, but my original form was lost to me, and now I have a new vessel with power that compliments me." Ebon explained.

"So why would the dark king of Equestria break us out of Tartarus?" a Constrictai soldier inquired.

"Because I come bearing a proposition for you all." Ebon answered.

"A proposition?" a Fangpyre asked.

"Yes. You see I have a plan to conquer Equestria, and another world, but I require assistance to help me."

"Don't you have minions of your own?" A Hypnobrai asked, while crossing his arms.

"Yes, but I do not have the power to call forth them, and the minions that come with this vessel aren't up to snuff with my enemies. Plus I've also had nothing but respect for you serpentine," some of the snakes looked moved at his claim, "Join me and I promise you revenge against those who not only locked you in those tombs a thousand years ago, but for those who put you in Tartarus as well."

"How do you know..." a Venomari began.

"Because your enemies are mine as well." Ebon answered.

"Why should we follow you?" A Fangpyre inquired.

"You're not even a serpentine." A Constrictai added.

"Calm yourselves," A Hypnobrai spoke up, grabbing the tribes attention, "I don't think we have much of a choice in the matter."

"What do you mean?" A Venomari soldier asked.

"How much can we possibly do on our own?" he began, "Pythor and our other generals are lost, and our tribe staffs are destroyed. Without them we cannot properly pick a new general to lead each of our tribes. I say we follow along with Ebon's plans. Who knows he may be a better leader to us than Pythor and the others were."

The tribes started debating as Ebon waited patiently, before the four tribes turned to them, "King Ebon, we've decided to follow your orders provided you hold your end of the bargain of promising us revenge and a portion of Equestria for our own."

"I accept the terms," Ebon began, "Now then I require a representative from each tribe to act as my co-council."

Suddenly a soldier from each tribe stepped forward, as the Hypnobrai soldier spoke up, "I Mezmo, shall represent the Hypnobrai tribe."

"I Fang of the Fangpyres shall represent my tribe."

"I Spitz shall represent the Venomari tribe."

"And I Chunk shall represent the Constrictai tribe."

"Excellent," Ebon smirked, while seeing his new army was gathered before looking up at the night sky, "Look out Equestria. Ebon's back in town."