//------------------------------// // Epilouge: Just another day at the shop... // Story: Memiors of a Mane Stylist: The Daffidazey diaries // by Paradise Oasis //------------------------------// Epilouge: Just another day at the shop... *Sigh* Hello again, Diary, just another day at the shop. Nothing special to report today. Minty was hanging around today, knocking over bottles and getting her tail stuck in the twist machine. She even helped Kimono get ready for her date with Yukata, and the two were laughing and giggling as I braided thier manes. As awesome to see Kimono has forgiven our dear Ponyville klutz... Yeah, just another boring old day. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo came in together, and at least they were talking again! Scoots gave Rainbow a ride to my shop in her scooter, and she got really naseous riding on that thing! Turns out some of the stuff I said to each of them while in 'evil mode' got each of them thinking, and the two sat down and had a little talk. Now, we've got Sccotaloo standing in for fittings of Rainbow's most frilliest dresses, even though Scoots never stops complaining about it. *Sigh* Why the heck won't anything exciting happen to me today? Sunny Daze and her little crew came in with thier boyfriends, and ended up doing three mane jobs all at once. Amberlockis and Snippity Snap kept pace with helping me, and we had thier hair done in no time! I loved to see those three happy couples together, and I hope they have a whole lotta fun at thier beach party tomorrow night. I'll be sure to be there for the bonfire, gives me a chance to try out that new blue bikini I bought that shows off my entire flank. I just wish something interesting would have happened... I'm so happy everyone's back at my shop, it's a bight and lively gathering place of gossip once more. Everyone has forgiven me for what I've done while under the influence of that awful poision joke, and everything has returned to a sembalance of normal. After I finish up here today, a certain unicorn stallion from unicornia and I are going out on a double date with Minty and her boyfriend... I just hope Minty doesn't trip and spill the spagetti all over our manes again. Sunrise Song keeps getting angry at her antics, but I keep reminding him it's just Minty being Minty! Pinkie Pie is Always stopping by to make sure I'm all right, and eveyone has apologized to me a million billion times for being so mad. But I could never really stay mad at them at all, diary... they are my friends, after all! Oh! And when Waterfire went digging her way through the pipes under my shop, she happened to find Kimono's old Charm breacelet! She's now wearing it on her hoof again, right beside the new charm bracelet we all gave her for that very charming birthday she had recently. I wish I could have a birthday that was exciting as hers was. All these crazy antics of my friends, and the ponies around me are sooo amazing. *Sigh* I guess nothing exicitng will ever happen to me, not in a boring old place like ponyville. Oh well, I'll just have to be content with my boring old humdrum life!