//------------------------------// // Memorys (Prologue) // Story: The legend of the Spyro staff // by SpyroFlame //------------------------------// (Okay so this first chapter will be mostly background on Silver him being the main character and all I promise actual dialogue in the next one.) Silver groan in pain as he used the last of his energy to crawl out of the river onto a dirt road. Silver Flame a sliver Pegasus with a dark purple mane and for a cutie mark had a flaming sword and shield. Silver had beautiful blue eyes he was actually quite handsome well he been told at least, he never had time for dating he always had to much on his mind for that kind of stuff but now Silver laid on a dirt path. He couldn’t help but laugh he been told before his colors were quite beautiful and stood out but now he looked almost black his coat was stained by all the blood he had lost. His wing hurt him the most he didn’t want to look at it looking at it will only make it hurt more not that he had the energy to turn his head to look. Silver was also soaking wet and freezing having just crawled out of a river he felt terrible. Only one thought crossed his mind "I’m going to die aren’t I”. He groaned as he felt an other rush of pain sweep through him. “This isn’t fair but life hadn’t been fair to me lately. Dam how it come to this" Silver Flame was running, running for his life. He was being chased by his kingdoms own royal guards. They were fast and been trained to be brutal killing machines the thought of him being able to out run them even surprised himself. Maybe it was just dumb luck. Luck something Silver hadn’t had in a long time, his life went downhill in a heartbeat. He used to be a prince of the kingdom of Grydom but Silver never liked the fancy life of royalty. It bothered him that while his family ate the best food Grydom had to offer the less fortunate ponies in his kingdom were starving. It hurt him deeply but he never shows it. Silver was also sickened by the violence, murders, and thieves. But what bothered him the most was the discrimination in the kingdom, the kingdom was broken into three major classes Unicorns on top then Pegasi and last Earth ponies. Unicorns had the idea that knowing and having the power to do magic made them better then everpony else as a result most pegasi despised them. But they did have one thing in common both classes hated the earth ponies, while unicorns and pegasi both had something that made them special Unicorns being magic and Pegasi being able to fly. The Earth ponies had nothing therefore the other classes saw them as useless wastes of skin and air. The earth ponies were paid less and the money they did have was usually taken from them by the other classes or by paying taxes. They were usually beaten and mugged on streets but the guards did nothing. Why? Because they were earth ponies therefore they were only dirt. Dam how he hated it but everypony else seemed ok with it maybe he thought too much maybe he cared too much. He had talked to his father about this before. His father Twister Flame was king and a good stallion unicorn he tried his best to keep the ponies of the kingdom happy. He made life easier for the earth ponies allowing there foals to go to the same school as the other two classes. He allowed them to eat at the same restaurants. But the laws can’t change every pony’s personal opinions on the subject. Twister told his son he had the making to be a true king. But Silver knew he never be king. First of all he was the younger brother by inherit his older brother Aron will be crowned king if something happen to his father also Aron was a unicorn there for as far as every pony was concern Aron was better by race. Second he was a Pegasus being born into a family of unicorns was rare but it happens his parents loved him but not the kingdom not too much. Aron thought the classes were perfect how they were and hated earth ponies and pegasi. One fateful day tragedy struck. Silver parents died in a freak accident the carriage they were in went out of control and fell off a cliff. Silver was devastated his parents were dead he felt empty he went into depression. His brother Aron was taking it quite well a few weeks later Aron was crowned king but soon fell ill. A few months later he claimed that Silver rigged the carriage causing the carriage to crash then attempted to poison Aron so he could be the king. Silver was shocked he didn’t kill his parents he wouldn’t try to poison his own brother but it was his word against the kings and the kingdom believed the king. Silver was thrown in the dungeon were he stayed for 238 days. Eventually Aron told him to confess to the crime he will go free Silver declined before taking to the air and escaping. Now here he was running from his kingdom from his home from everything he ever knew. The woods were dark and thick Silver really didn’t really have a plan of where to go and couldn’t really see where he was going he was making it up as he ran along it was working so far but not for long soon Silver reached a dead end. "Great now what I could fly they won’t be able to get to me the only problem is the anchors" Siver thought to himself his only worry was to take a arrow while in the air if it hit his wing he surely fall and then he be screwed. Silver had to think of something quick was running out of time the guards were getting closer and closer. "Come on think they’ll be here any minute." Almost on cue three unicorn guards emerged from the woods they were each holding a weapon. One had mace the other two wielded swords. The one in the center spoke "Seize you’re fleeing and come with us face your punishment like a real stallion." "Your king is a liar I didn’t murder my parents if you’re going to take me your going to drag my dead body back" Silver responded. The guard smirked "So be it we were ordered to bring you back alive but I don’t think the king will mind if we drag back a carcass". The guards moved in to strike Silver saw a opening and shot to the air though the opening between two trees but he underestimated one of the guard`s speed the guard adjusted his sword in a way that when Silver took off it made a huge cut down his chest. Silver felt nothing but after a few seconds of flying he felt stinging from his chest. "One of them must have gotten me when I wasn’t looking" the pain got more intense causing him to slow down. It got more painful the more he flapped his wings everything looked clear but then out of the corner of his eye he saw archers getting ready to shot. Silver got ready to move as all twenty archers shot there arrows at once. If he was in perfect condition he would have been able to doge all the arrows but he wasn’t one arrow hit his rib causing him to lose balance as a result he got pummeled by 3 more arrows. Silver almost fell but he didn’t he managed to keep in the air. But then out of nowhere a Pegasus guard dived down with a sword in mouth catching Silvers by surprise in a move of his head the guard sliced Silvers wing open. Silver felt great pain and plummeted down to earth crashing into trees and bushes. He landed on a cliff with a waterfall with a thud legs first. He felt the cracking as the bone in his front right leg snapped. He struggled to get up and felt intense pain in his leg and fell back down. Silver's leg was broken and with the bleeding gash on his wing he couldn’t fly heard the guards quickly getting close he was trapped he looked back at the waterfall anything was better than going back to the loneliness of the cell. With his last bit of strength Silver rolled and fell down the waterfall. The guards stop at the ledge. One of them spoke "should we follow". The other one shock his head "That Equestrian land let’s not risk conflict he’s probably dead anyways mission accomplished lets go." Now here he is laying on a road "I need to rest." "NO if I rest I sleep and if I sleep I die". He tried to get up but fell back down everything started to go black. Then Silver heard a feminine voice. "Oh my gosh Applejack your faster than me go get help" He looked up to see a purple blob running at him then everything went black.