Infinity: An account of The Last Horseman

by Brony Tron

Recorder account: 006


I have made a breakthrough in my research on the Smithanium mixed in with magic. about a week ago was when Sweetie was fitted with the claw I designed for her, and she absolutely loves it. From what I can tell, her full body strength has increased ten fold, and she has gained reflexes that are twice her old speed. Their have even been some unexpected results from the test. It appears that her magic becomes more concentrated and more potent when it runs through her claw. This new result means that not only is my metal much better with magic, but magic is better with my metal. I've already started work on her arm up to her shoulder.

Thanks to this discovery, Scootaloo wants to meet with me. She wants to see what applications I can make to improve her Kettle design with my metal. She also wants my expertise on the subject of aviation, considering that my company is one of the leading competitors in it, both for commercial and militaristic advancements.

The thought of my company fills me with worry. As to avoid any attempt at my position, I never created a board. So the company must fall on my COO's shoulders.

'I hope that he won't go mad with power and ruin my company,' I say to myself.

As I think this, I'm making my way to the club treehouse, or rather, the shed at the base of the gigantic tree holding the tree house. Inside the shed, which looks more like an airport hangar than a shed, is a huge workshop for Scootaloo to work on her various projects.

I walk inside without knocking, because she is expecting me and because even of I did, she wouldn't hear me. I go to the back corner, where she has her office.

I walk inside and see blueprints and scale models scattered throughout the room and covering the floor. There is no sign of the young Pegasus.

"Scootaloo!" I call out, hoping for her to be here. "Scootaloo! Scootaloo!!"

Suddenly, a pile of blueprints erupted and out popped the filly. She looked around all dazed and confused until her eyes found me.

"Wha.. Wh...oh...uh...hey, Remy. What's up?" She asked as she yawned loudly.

"You asked me to meet you here," I said, then looked at my watch, "and now."

"Oh, uh, right. Sorry, I'm just tired," she said as she crawled out from under the blueprints.

"Uh huh. Why don't you get enough sleep?" I asked.

"Well, I..ah..I don't have anywhere to go," she said, a little embarrassed.

"What? What about the clubhouse?"

"Their's no room up there for me,"

" How about Lightning Rider?"

"His parents dread the idea of a girlfriend being that close at night,"

"Your parents?"

"I hate them,"

"What? Scootaloo, what did they do?" I asked.

"My dad banned me from seeing Lightning, but I disobeyed, and so my father beat me, disowned me, and left me out to die. If it weren't for Lightning, I'd be dead," she said sadly.

"Oh, I...I'm so sorry. I didn't know," I said.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore. Can we just move on?" She asked.

"Yeah. Hey, listen, I've got room. I mean, I live in a huge manor, and it's just me, so your welcome to stay with me," I said.

"I don't know. I tend to spend a lot of time with Lightning, and I don't think you'd want that in your house," she said skeptically.

"Oh don't be silly. I'm not there like ninety-eight percent of the time, and I know you'd love to have first hoof access to Alpha. So come on," I said, hoping she would say yes. I mean, she looks terrible, between the bloodshot eyes, tattered wings, and eye bags, she needs some real sleep, in a real bed.

"Okay, sure. Thank you," she said finally.

" Good, it's decided. Now, to work" I said. As I went through the blueprints, I noticed that Scootaloo was still really tired.

"Hey, look, you should probably..." I started, but just then a blue and red blur flew past me and crashed into Scootaloo.

"Scoots!" Screamed Lightning Rider, as he picked up Scootaloo and gave her a great big hug. "I've been looking all over for you Scoots. I haven't seen you for, like, ever. Where have you..." He said as he noticed me for the first time. "Oh. Hey Remy," he said, setting Scootaloo down.

"Hey Lightning. How's it going?" I asked.

"I'm good. So, what's going on here?" He asked skeptically.

"Not much. Scootaloo just wanted my help to see where I can use my metal to improve her Tea Kettles, but we've kinda hit a snag," I said.

"What kind of snag? Maybe I can help," he said, suddenly interested.

"Well I'd hope you can. Its about your girlfriend over their," I say, gesturing toward Scootaloo. "She hasn't been getting enough sleep, and its starting to affect her a lot. I offered her a room at my manor, and your always welcome their, but right now, I need you to make sure she gets their and gets some rest. Stay with her and keep an eye on her, please. do you think you can do that?" I asked, unsure.

"Absolutely. You can count on me to get her in bed as fast as possible," he said, as he picked up Scootaloo, laid her over his back, and took off in the direction of my manor.

'Hmm, if only he knew what he really just said,' I thought to myself.
A few hours later, I'd managed to go through all the blue prints, and I found six different machines that could be improved greatly by my metal. Theses machines all belonged to a group that Scootaloo had apparently named Aero-Tech. This group included the Tea Kettles, Airships, and Aeroplanes developed by Scootaloo for the queen, both for commercial and militaristic use.

I took the plans home to have them analyzed, and prep a prototype of one with my metal improving it.

"Hey Alpha, I'm home," I say as I open the door and set down my blueprints. "Where's Scootaloo and Lightning?"

"Hello sir, it's nice to know your still alive. Scootaloo and Lightning Rider are on the third floor in the second bedroom to the left. They are both fast asleep," Alpha said in his regular monotone voice.

"Good, she needed it. Now, I need your help, Alpha. I need you to analyze these blueprints, make the the changes I marked on them, print out new ones, and print up a prototype of each one, with my metal," I said.

"Yes sir, and what will you be doing," he said.

"I really need a nap," I said.

"Okay, but sir, you need to see this," he said, a hint of urgency in his voice.

"Do I need to righ.."

"YES," he said, putting as much emotion in his voice as he can muster.

"Alright, alright, jeez. Bring it up," I said. The holographic projector powered up and on came what looked like a collection of dots. As it focused, I realized that the spot where the dots were was along the path, just about a quarter mile out of the manors gate. I then remembered what the dust was. I'd seen a projection of this before, when I first showed up here. Just then, Alpha confirmed my hunch.

"Their the same particles that I noticed before we came here, but they aren't building," he said.

"Which means we aren't going anywhere by chance," I said.

"However, it does mean one thing, sir," he said.

"Yes. It means we can go somewhere, or more accurately, we can go home," I said.
Far away in the city, at a random back street diner, there sat a gruff looking pony, in a trench coat and hat, drinking his coffee. Just then, the bell taped to the door rings as a younger stallion walks in, a nervous look on his face. he walks over to the older stallions booth, and sat down without a word. The older pony took another sip of his drink, and then he spoke.

"So, did you do it?" he said, his voice rough but firm.

"Y..Yes. I did exactly what you told me to do. I....I turned on the machine around his house, and left it their for ex....exactly twenty four hours. I then came back, t..turned it off, and brought it back," he said, very nervous.

"Hmm, good. Then its only just a matter of time," the first pony said. "Now I have one last job for you, then you'll be done,"

"Wha..what do you mean done?" he said, turning pale.

"Oh don't worry. You'll be fine, as long as you do this job right," the man said, his voice striking nothing but more fear into the younger ponies heart.

"Well, wha..wh..whats the job?" he asked, gulping loudly.

"Take my car, and drop it off here," he said, pulling a map out of his pocket and sliding it across the table.

"That's it?" the scared stallion said.

"Yup, thats it. Now, get it done!" he seethed.

"Yes, s..sir," the pony said as he rushed out of the diner as fast as possible, tripping more than once.

Just then, the waitress came by and picked up the tab. "Hey sugar, how was the coffee?" she asked in a faint southern accent.

"Why yes, it was probably the best I've ever had," the gruff stallion said, his voice suddenly clean and crisp, with the smallest wisp of an accent on it, the kind of voice that comes from money. The kind of voice that you find unique, but will never pick out of a crowd. "Please give my compliments to whoever made it,"

"Why sure sweetie, and who may I say is giving this kind compliment," she asked.

"I have been called many names. Ted, Garry, Jack, and others, but I suppose the best would be my first name," he said, causing the waitress to falter. "My name is..."

Before he could finish, a car out in the parking lot exploded. Everyone screamed and looked out the window at the burning shell of the the car, a single burning skeleton just barely visible in the front seat. The waitress looked down to see if the costumer she was just talking with had a phone to contact the police, but he wasn't their. sitting on the table was the check with some writing on it. The waitress picked it up and read it slowly, with shaking hooves.

'The coffee really was good, but you best call the police before you compliment anyone. When the police come to see how the car blew up, tell them it was me. Sincerely, Viktor Gabril'

It was later discovered that the only object inside the car that didn't burn was the keychain in the ignition. the keychain only had two words on it, 'Deaths' Bane'