When I Cry

by Brony Hectic

Broken Frame

Edited by 'NightShader'. Proof-read by 'TexPony' and 'multiple bronies'

The Crusaders were walking back to their destroyed clubhouse to continue the repairs from it’s demolishment earlier that day. Sweetie Belle remained silent as she was a little scared to talk, not knowing if her friend were still mad at her for threatening them. Or maybe they weren’t mad because after all, Sweetie was correct that Dim Shadow did need their help.

“So, uh, do you girls think half of our time is gonna be with Dim Shadow on dangerous adventures? Hehe…” Sweetie sheepishly giggled, trying to loosen the unknown amount of tension that was present.

“Hopefully not,” Apple Bloom said, her tone didn’t have a hit of anger. Sweetie was relieved when she heard her friend’s neutral tone. “I don’t want the clubhouse breakin’ every day and I don’t wanna have to fight ponies either. Remember that one colt at Silver Spoon’s?” Apple Bloom asked as the three fillies shuttered in the recalling of the poor colt who had been taken down by them.

“Think he’s okay?” Sweetie Belle asked, her voice was filled with worry.

“Probably,” Apple Bloom answered. “Yeah, he’ll be fine.” she paused for a moment. “But in all honesty, Sweetie Belle, I don’t wanna do that kinda stuff. Dim’s a nice pony and all but I don’t
wanna get mixed up in his personal business.”

“Oh come on Apple Bloom! You can’t say you haven’t had fun in the last few days. We even got a little payback to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.” Sweetie giggled.

“Speaking of those two… have you noticed those two are acting really odd?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yeah I have, they’ve gotten a lot craftier and a lot meaner than usual.” Sweetie Belle glanced at Apple Bloom, who nodded in agreement. Sweetie was about to continue until she noticed Scootaloo had not spoken up since them and Dim went their separate ways at the hospital.

“Hey Scootaloo, you alright?” she asked

Scootaloo paused where she stood. “Yeah, if being alright means being threatened by your oldest friend to do something she wants or else I’ll be embarrassed for life, then yes I’m perfect, Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo stomped the ground with one hoof.

“I’m sorry, but if I didn’t Dim would have been beaten up!”

“Yeah, but you didn’t know for sure if he even was in trouble! You had a lucky guess.” Scootaloo spat. “Sweetie Belle, ever since that colt got you you’ve been different, and not the good type of different, and honestly I’m starting to wonder about him!”

“Excuse me?!” Sweetie Belle narrowed her eyebrows and stared back at her friend.

“Girls!” Apple Bloom yelled to stop her two friends from escalating the situation. “Fighting won’t solve anything.

“I bet he probably isn’t back at his place, I bet he just went off to get into more trouble like always!” Scootaloo yelled, ignoring her friend.

“Oh, and we don’t get in trouble?!” Sweetie Belle shouted back in anger, getting more mad by the second.

“I never said that! But at least our trouble doesn't involve wanting to find trouble.” Scootaloo huffed.

“And what is the suppose to mean?” Sweetie Belle narrowed her eyes and stepped forward.

“Don’t try and deny it, Sweetie. You know just as well as I do that your little colt friend clearly tries to continue this big fight between Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara and those other two colts. Like when we got shipwrecked in Silver Spoon’s backyard, when we left and Dim got all up in Silver Spoon’s face. Don’t you remember what he said? He kept making fun of her and taunting her. I bet if he didn’t keep messing with them this would have all been over by now and nopony would have ended up in the hospital!” Scootaloo face became red with anger as she continued to yell about her oldest friend’s colt friend.

Sweetie just stood in an angry silence trying to think of a response to her fellow crusader. But she couldn't seem to think of a response to Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle was lost in trying to come up with anything. Her look of anger began to fade and a different look began to slowly emerge from her face. A look troubled agreement.

“Oh my gosh.” Scootaloo put a hoof up to her mouth. “You think I’m right too don’t you?”

“N-no.” Sweetie stutterd.

“Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom began. “She is kinda right.” a look of worry slowly creeped it’s way on to Apple Bloom’s face, not knowing how Sweetie Belle would react to having both of her friend’s going against her.

Sweetie took a deep breath. “Okay,” she exhaled, “you girls are a little right. Next time I’m with Dimmy, I’ll talk to him.”

Scootaloo laughed, “Ha! Did you just call him Dimmy?” she continued to chuckle. Apple Bloom soon joined in on the laughter.

Sweetie pursed her lips and her face became red with blush. “Hey!” she squeaked in a playful mad tone. She was relieved the tension had went down

“What? You don’t like when we talk about your little ‘Dimmy Wimmy puddin’ pie?’” Apple Bloom fell on the ground laughing.

Sweetie Belle let out an annoyed growl. As the three ponies continued to walk back to their broken tree house, two of them continued to make fun of the pet name Sweetie Belle had given to her colt friend. “Next time you see your little Dimmy Wimmy huggy bear are you two gonna play kissy face?” Scootaloo teased.

“I hate you girls sometimes.”

Rider stood in the old, abandoned, and recently trashed building. His once dear pictures that held so many memories were now torn into pieces by some new colt who continued to belittle him time and time again in front of the one he colt his filly friend. The bits and pieces of the pictures that once spelled out the vandal’s name, Dim Shadow, no longer spelled anything as the pieces were blown all around the room by Equestria’s wind.

“Please, please let me find the whole thing.” What Rider was looking for was what many would guess, his favorite picture that he held nearest and dearest to his heart.

I frickin’ loved that picture. Nothing was better than that. Me and Diamond on that ferris wheel at the Ponyville Festival last year was the best. And I thought it was great idea to leave it in a broken old dresser in a broken old building, gods I’m so dumb.

The picture in question was last year at the annual Ponyville Festival, Rider and Diamond Tiara were at the top of the ferris wheel, red and white fireworks were going off in the distance and were captured in the photo right after they exploded. The clean water of the lake was shining under the moon’s glow, giving it a nice starry look to it. Both of the ponies were smiling and having the times of their lives.

Unfortunately, Rider never made copies of the photo because he never felt that he would lose it, but lo and behold something did indeed happen.

Forget it, what’s the use? Half the picture scraps already went out the window anyway.

Whenever Rider was having hard times he would always look at that picture. Once in the middle of winter, Rider was feeling awful beyond his own belief and he marched from his house to the old run down building just to take a glance at it. Whenever he did miserably in sports he would always come take a look at that picture.

And Dim Shadow took that away from him.