//------------------------------// // Chapter 17: The Hierophant // Story: Persona: Innocent Wish // by Trismegistus //------------------------------// Arata was headed off to the diner to meet up with Blaze, Vox, and Camphor. Blaze had just returned from Canterlot and the team was eager to hear what he found. Arata was the first to arrive and he made sure to get a table just out of earshot of everypony else. “Can I get ya anythin’ darlin’?” The waitress asked after Arata was seated. “A little glass of water please,” Arata smiled. “Sure thing, hun’” The waitress quickly brought Arata some water and left him alone. The recent changes with the lake had been increasingly hard to get out of Arata’s mind. He had found some solace in knowing that he couldn’t make any progress until Blaze had returned, but now the moment was upon him. The thought that the lake could, in some way, be acting on its own, was hard to believe. If it were true then it would mean more danger to everypony in Foaldsale. The story of Penzance’s cutie mark came to Arata’s mind. Just what was he willing to do to protect everypony? What could be done? If this lake was the work of some ancient magic, could the team even have a chance at stopping it? And worst of all, was everything that was happening all part of his wish? Although, despite all of this Arata knew that he wasn’t alone. With each passing day he closer to each one of his friends, and he knew that they would be there for him. Camphor was the next pony to arrive. He had taken the day off to help Tonic and Panacea with the pharmacy. “Heeyy Arata,” He drawled taking a seat. “How was your day at camp?” “Not bad. I’ve been helping Vox with the sensor grid. It looks like we got most of the fine tuning done, so if anypony goes near it, we’ll know.” Arata took a sip form his glass as the waitress came up to take Camphor’s order. “Anything for you Camphor?” The waitress knew most ponies from Foalsdale by name, but she hadn’t seen any of the E.W.E.F. ponies enough to learn theirs. “Tea please,” Camphor quickly turned his attention back to Arata. “That’s good to hear. I’ve beeeen pretty worried about everything that’s going on.” “Hopefully any information Blaze has will help us put this to an end,” Arata sighed. “I hope so man,” Camphor yawned loudly, “This has been pretty gnarly.” Not long after Camphor’s arrival Blaze and Vox arrived. To Arata’s surprise Blaze was empty hooved. He had expected him to be carrying at least some notes from Canterlot. Blaze and Vox joined Arata and Camphor. Blaze wasted no time with pleasantries, diving strait into his finding in Canterlot. “There wasn’t anything remotely helpful in Canterlot,” Blaze hung his head, “I found one book, just one, that mentions a similar legend to the one I already have and that was a picture book for kids. Don’t think I discounted it because it was for kids either, I read it cover to cover at least six times, but it was of no use at all.” “I can’t say I’m surprised,” Vox said patting Blaze on the back, “We are explorers after all. It makes sense that we’re discovering things.” “I just wish our discovery wasn’t a danger to everypony around us,” Arata grumbled. “So what now?” “Well the way I see it we have the same two choices we always have. We can either try and send somepony else into the lake and get more answers, or we can wait and hope that this is the end of it.” Blaze sighed. “I don’t like either of those options. I wish there was some way we could fight this,” Vox added. “Braah you can’t fight water.” Camphor stated. “… I know that, I meant the magic thing that’s inside it.” Vox replied. Arata who had been considering Blazes options broke his silence, “As much as I hate to say it I think waiting is the best option. I don’t want to risk sending anypony else in there. We have no idea what it really is, and if it’s starting to act on its own it could be more dangerous than before.” “Heeey,” Camphor interjected, “Have any of you three been to a doctor since you started going in there? What if it’s like slowly harming you.” “All three of us went to get our ‘timberwolf wounds’ examined. According to the doctor we were all fine. The cuts even seemed to heal faster than expected.” Blaze answered. “I looked into that a bit while I was in Canterlot but I couldn’t find anything on it. Considering that whenever we leave the lake we are normally healed of all our wounds I wouldn’t be surprised if that had something to do with it.” “It’s not like we can test out any theories we have on the lake either,” Vox added, “To do that we would actually need to harm other ponies.” Camphor relaxed back into his seat, “I gotttchaaa. This whole thing just kinda makes you feel helpless.” Arata was reminded of his trip to Canterlot and the feeling everypony had as they were stuck in an unending night. “I know what you mean Camphor, it’s the same feeling from when Nightmare Moon returned. Except I doubt the ponies who used the Elements of Harmony were as confused about their mission as we are.” The group sat silently, each pony trying to deal with their own anxiety and frustration about the situation. Blaze seemed to be lost in thought, no doubt trying to logically work his way through the situation. Vox was sullen, feeling the full weight of their situation and her helplessness. Camphor was the most relaxed, sitting with eyes closed breathing deeply through his nose. Arata rested his elbow on the table and his chin against his hoof instead of thinking about what to do next he let his mind drift to the past, remembering the fears that he had first had coming to Foalsdale. Not so long ago being a blankflank was his biggest worry, but now that all seemed so trivial. In a way he almost missed the days when all he had to worry about was what other ponies thought of him; now he had the lives of other ponies on his hooves and a death on his conscious. “Ohhhh, I almost forgot to mention thiiis,” Camphor said breaking the silence, “When I mentioned to my mom that I was meeting up with you guys today she said I should invite you for dinner with us tonight.” “Really?” Asked Vox, “That sounds like a nice change of pace.” “Yeeaaah, you two should come.” Camphor smiled. “What do you think Blaze?” Vox asked. “I don’t see why not, as long as you’ll be able to track the lake from there.” Blaze asked to be safe. “My radio will chime if anypony trips one of the sensors. We should be fine.” Vox responded. “Righteous!” Camphor exclaimed. “I’ve got to go back and help around the pharmacy. Come by around seven.” “Okay. What are you going to be doing until then Arata?” Vox asked. “I have a few errands I need to run. I’ll probably be back around seven too.” He answered. The team finished eating and then went their separate ways. … Arata had decided to visit Summer Breeze after eating lunch. He made his way to the flower shop and entered to find her sitting at the counter. “Hello Arata,” she called as he came into view. “I didn’t expect to see you today.” “I had some time off of work so I thought I would come by,” he smiled. “Thank you, I wish more ponies were as thoughtful as you are,” She responded. “Sorry to jump strait to serious topics, but have you ever wondered where Autumn Tail’s father was?” “Not really, I didn’t think it was my place to question that.” He truthfully answered. “Well he left a while ago, just after Autumn Tail was born actually, he moved out west to Las Pegasus, leaving Autumn Tail and I here.” She hung her head slightly and her voice softened as she spoke. “I sent him a letter about her death, even though he wasn’t there for any of her life I thought he should know. I just got the response back from him.” “What did he say?” Arata asked. “‘That he’s sorry, but we were never his family.’ He’s just as heartless as the day he left.” Summer Breeze began to tear up. “This whole thing was my fault,” she shouted as she started to cry. “Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Arata tried to comfort her although he didn’t really know what to say, his understanding was not high enough. “Everypony told me not to marry that stallion, but I didn’t listen. I just kept thinking that he could change and that I should stay loyal to him. Even after we were married he kept being cold to me, I thought maybe having a child would be enough to finally pull us together and make us a family, but then he just left.” She continued to sob as she recounted her past. Arata was silent, unsure of what he could say to calm her down. “Ever since he left all I wanted to do was give my daughter a good life, but I’ll never even know if I was able to do tha-,” “At least you were there for her. You didn’t give up on your family.” Arata interrupted. “Don’t doubt yourself because of him.” She took a deep breath and slowly wiped some of the tears from her eyes. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I thought I had all of these feelings under control but hearing back from him just let them out again.” “I understand how you feel,” Arata said. “I can’t imagine any of this being easy on you.” “Thank you. You’re pretty good at knowing what to say to a pony,” She smiled through her pained face. “I’ll let you go now. Hopefully we can talk without me breaking down like this some time.” … That evening the E.W.E.F. team had assembled outside the pharmacy and were in high spirits about the coming dinner. “I haven’t eaten a home cooked meal in ages,” Vox said excitedly. Camphor had insisted that the team wait outside until he had set the table. “Camphor told me that Tonic and Panacea were both cooking tonight so I’m sure it’s going to be great!” Arata exclaimed. Camphor opened the front door before Vox had a chance to respond. “Come on in guyyyyssss.” Blaze, Vox, and Arata made their way to the dining room where Marigold and Koromaru were waiting. Marigold was sitting with the dog in the corner, as the team approached his ears perked up and he let out a bark. “Hi Arata and Vox!” Marigold stood up to greet her guests. She paused when she saw Blaze, “I’m sorry, I don’t remember you name mister… But you look fancy!” Blaze, as always, was wearing a buttoned shirt and bow tie. “It’s Blaze, and thank you,” He smiled in return. “Welcome everypony,” Panacea entered the room and set a covered plate down on the table, “Blaze, Vox, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from Camphor and Arata. My name is Panacea. Please make your selves at home.” Blaze and Vox sat down at the table followed by Arata and Camphor. Marigold shortly followed after leading Koromaru to another room. Tonic and Panacea shuttled five more large plates onto the table and joined the group. “Well everypony, dig in!” Panacea lifted the lid off of the first plate to reveal a giant salad, which looked like it contained everything from the farmers market. “Woaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you guys cooked allllooooottttttt,” Camphor gasped. “And it all looks so good,” Vox added. “Thank you so much for inviting us.” “Oh it was no problem at all,” Panacea responded. “I hate to bring it up, but I’m sure the ponies around haven’t been the most hospitable to the E.W.E.F. lately.” “It’s gotten much better since the incident,” Vox and most ponies around Foalsdale were having a much easier time talking about Autumn Tail’s death; Tonic still seemed bitter about the incident although he was wasn’t showing it as much as he used to. “To be honest I don’t think anypony remembers that Arata, Blaze, and I were even involved. They mostly seem upset at Penzance.” “That’s a shame, it must be so hard for him to deal with all of that,” Panacea spoke as if from experience. “Do you know if he has anypony he can talk to about all of this?” “I don’t like to tell everypony this, but I am his adopted daughter,” Vox replied. “I try to help him where I can, but he likes to keep these kinds of issues to himself.” “It’s good he has family here then.” Panacea paused for a moment, “What do you and Blaze do for the E.W.E.F.” “I’m the quartermaster. I basically catalogue and distribute the equipment. Actually I’ve been by the pharmacy a few times with Camphor to pick up medicine for the group. I’m surprised I haven’t seen you there.” Vox smiled. “I’m usually preparing the medicines in the back, that’s really what my talent is.” Panacea turned to Blaze. “And what about you? Arata’s told me that you’re his partner but not much about what you do.” “Officially I’m an anthropologist and researcher. My job is mostly researching anything that we find during our expeditions and I also collect information from the locals about the area.” Blaze took a drink and continued. “Lately, I’ve had to do more exploration than anthropology. Arata can attest to that.” “Yeah ever since day one it’s pretty much been all exploration,” Arata chuckled. “It doesn’t sound like you three have gotten much of a break,” Tonic interjected. “Have you considered taking a vacation? I’m sure it will make things easier for all of you.” “I’d love to,” Vox sighed, “But there’s just so much to do.” “You know Summer Wrap Up is just a few weeks away, and that means the start of Cider Season is almost here!” Marigold shouted. “You guys should go to one of the orchards by Baltimare and get some cider!” “I’ve never had cider before…” Arata said to himself. “Really?” Blaze asked, “Well then, I might just have to convince Penzance to let us go.” “Wow…” Arata gasped, “That’s really high praise coming from Blaze. This cider must be pretty good.” “You have no idea kid.” Blaze smiled. “I don’t know. We have a lot of responsibility around camp,” Vox cautioned the rest of the team. “I’m sure you can afford to miss one day of work for a little fun. Plus what kind of leader would turn down a chance for team bonding?” Tonic joked. “Aaaaalllllllllriiiiggghht!” Camphor exclaimed, “Team bonddddiinnngg triiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.” “You’ll have fun. I promise,” Tonic smiled. The team continued their meal with the Poultices, discussing the Summer Wrap Up festivities that were sure to happen in Foalsdale and what their cider trip would include. After dinner, Blaze and Vox went back to camp with the promise that they would discuss the possibility of a trip the next day. Vox was adamant that being away for even one day could be putting everypony in danger, but she agreed to keep an open mind. … The next morning the team gathered in Vox’s tent do discuss the possibility of leaving camp for a day. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea. What if somepony falls into the lake while were gone?” Vox insisted. “We should talk to Penzance about this,” Blaze followed, “I’m sure that Penzance can stop a pony from falling into a lake, especially if they’re just sleepwalking. I think Tonic has a point. We are on edge constantly, a break wouldn’t hurt.” “You’re just saying that for the cider.” Vox grumbled. “I don’t know how I feel about this either,” Arata added, “half of me really wants to go, but the other half doesn’t want to risk the safety of anypony else.” “I’m wittttthhhh Blaaaazzeeee Maaaaaannnnn,” Camphor, who hadn’t seemed to be paying attention, added. “I think we shouullld let Pennnzannncee decide.” “I guess that’s fine with me,” Arata responded. “Okay, let’s just not be too impulsive.” Vox concluded heading out of the tent. … The team entered Penzance’s tent to find him reading at his desk. Arata recognized the book as his journal from his days in the guard. “Hello everypony,” Penzance greeted the team, “How may I help you?” The team stood silently for a moment not sure which of them would start the conversation. With a nudge from Vox, Blaze stepped forward and started to pitch the idea. “Sir, the four of us would like to take a few days off.” Blaze seemed to rush through the sentence. This was something that he had never done before. “Cider season is coming up and-” “And you would like to take some time to go to the orchards...” Penzance paused. “…But you don’t want to leave the lake unattended. Am I correct?” “Yes, Sir.” Blaze answered. “I think it’s a splendid idea. In fact I have been thinking about sending you on leave for some time now. I’ve come to realize something recently, you are all young. No matter how mature each one of you acts and how much responsibility has been thrust upon you, you still have a lot of time left to grow. It’s easy for me to forget all of that…” Penzance trailed off for a moment staring at his journal. “Please take a break for a few days, you are all young ponies, you have no time to lose. Go and live while you still have the chance.” “But what about the lake?” Vox asked. “I think I will be able to handle a sleep walking pony or two.” Penzance assured her. “Go on now, and don’t feel guilty; everypony has to take care of them self now and then.” The team stood in silence for a moment, each one taking in Penzance’s words. As mature as each member had become since this ordeal had started, they still had a long way to go before they were experienced as Penzance. “Oh, and if it is okay with you I would like Compass Rose and Ivory Shield to come with you. They certainly haven’t had the same stresses that you have, but I think it will be nice for them to spend some time away from the E.W.E.F.” Penzance added. “Of course,” Blaze answered, “And sir. Thank you.” The rest of the team nodded in appreciation with Blaze and they turned to exit the tent. “Oh, Arata, would you mind staying here for a few minutes I have something I’d like to discuss with you.” Penzance called. The team sans Arata left the tent and Penzance began to speak. “I wanted to thank you for listening to me the other day. What I shared with you was one of my darkest memories from the guard, but it was because of that that I went through my old journal. I was reminded of all the good time that I shared with my team; I felt that you, Vox, Blaze, and even Camphor deserved the chance to make memories and forge bonds with each other.” Penzance walked over to his storage chest, pulled out a small gold coin and set it in front of Arata. “I want you to have this. It was the bit I was given when I first joined the EUP guard. Please take it and remember the mistakes I have made, I hope that you will be able to learn from them.” As Arata took the coin Penzance smiled gently. Arata felt a voice calling to him from the distance. ‘Thou art I… And I am thou… Thou hast established a genuine bond… These Genuine bonds… shall light the path that lies before you. We bestow upon thee the ability to create Kohryu, the ultimate form of the Hierophant Arcana…’ “I promise I will sir.” Arata smiled. “Excellent. Now go, your friends are waiting for you.” Penzance patted Arata on the shoulder before he left the tent and returned to his journal.