Friendship is Magic: The Gathering

by St Jimmy


        Jace entered the dark, damp cavern, being careful not to step on anything that might take offense to that. Which he quickly found was more difficult than initially expected.

        One thing he didn’t understand was…well, why? Discord was, quite literally, the god of chaos. He would probably have no trouble finding somewhere far fancier than this.

        “Discord?” He called out into the empty darkness, and received no response. “My name is Jace Beleren! I was told I could find you here!” Again, Jace got no response. He sighed.

        “Perhaps I’m in the wrong cave. I have to go ask Fluttershy-,” Jace was prevented from finishing that sentence by the sudden, and rather flashy appearance of a certain eccentric Draconoquus.

        Discord placed his forelimbs on Jace’s shoulders. “Did you say…Fluttershy?”

        Jace smiled. “Indeed I did,” He carefully removed the two asymmetrical claws from his shoulders, and straightened his cape over them. “I understand that you are the only Draconoquus in this world?”

        Discord puffed out his chest. “Why yes! I am,” He bowed. “Discord, god of chaos, at your service,”

        Jace scoffed. “You and I both know that you are at nobody’s service but your own,”

        Discord’s expression darkened. “I take offense at that, planeswalker,” He stood upright. “Of course, we all have our flaws. Me, my chaotic and independent nature, and you-,” He paused and smirked. “Your aggressive outbursts,”

        Jace chuckled, and pulled down his hood, revealing the blue, runic symbol over his left eye, then he looked up into the eyes of Discord. “You know about planeswalkers, that’s impressive,” The rune began to glow. “But don’t think that gives you the right to criticize my actions on Mirrodin,”

        “You made for quite the protector,”

        “I did what I had to,” Jace turned away from Discord. “If given the choice again, I would’ve done the same, even if I hated myself a bit more for it,” He turned back. “But that’s irrelevant. What’s important is-,”

        “What you’re here for?”

        Jace nodded. “Tell me, have you noticed any large-scale disruptions of magic,”

        Discord thought for a moment. “Come to think of it, there was one a few days ago, just-,”

        “Just north of Ponyville, right? Almost a temporal disturbance?”

        “Yes. I thought it was odd, but there wasn’t anything there,”

        “Did you actually look?” Discord shook his head. “Of course not. You couldn’t detect it because it’s technically not there. Another plane is bleeding over into this one, and it’s bringing with it the single worst threat the multiverse has ever seen,”

        “And what is that?”

        “The Eldrazi,”

        Discord cocked his head. “The what?”

        “Eldrazi, a race of monstrous creatures that made a hobby out of devouring entire planes,” Jace’s expression darkened. “And they’re on their way,”

        “How long do we have?”

        “At least, a day. At most, two,”

        “I see…then I suppose you’ve come to me for help,” Jace nodded. “I suppose I can offer my services, but on one condition,” Discord leaned in close to Jace’s face. “You leave this plane once it is over. I don’t care where you go, but you may not remain on this plane,”

        “If it were that easy, I would’ve left long ago. This form does not allow me to access the power of my spark,”

        “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, for now, there are preparations to be made,”

        Suddenly, the cavern around them dissipated rapidly into a white blur, then reorganized itself into the center of Twilight’s library. A bemused Rainbow Dash nodded her head towards them then resumed staring at the wall. The two took very different approaches to this, as Discord had more important things to deal with, and Jace didn’t believe anything could be. Thusly, Discord took off, but Jace went and sat down next to Dash.

        “What is it?” Asked Jace with an almost empathetic tone.

        “Huh? Oh…nothing,”

        Jace sighed. “You know, I understand that this is something that you don’t normally cope with…,”

        You have no idea. Thought Dash.

        “…but we need you…,” Jace paused. “I need you,”

        Dash’s heart skipped a beat. “R-Really?”

        “Listen, you’re impulsive, a little pushy, and arrogant,”

        “Thanks,” replied Dash, sarcastically.

        “But for some reason…there’s just something about you…I don’t know what, but I’d like to think I will know soon,” Jace placed his hoof on Dash’s shoulder. “First, you need to live through this, and I need your help to make that happen,”

        “S-Sure,” Dash swallowed, audibly.

        “Now then, you need to get out of this slump, and then I’ll teach you a few things that you’ll need to know, okay?”

        “Yeah…no problem!” Dash sat straight up, and smiled. “I’ll be back to my pushy, arrogant, impulsive self in no time!”

        “Great,” Jace stood up, and walked up to the balcony on top of the library, where Discord awaited.

        “Nice thinking! A few sappy sentences and you got your frontrunner in prime condition!”

        “It wasn’t planned out, I meant every word,” He looked up to the sky, and pulled his hood back up. “Even if there were two meanings for each,”