Light's Voice

by The Red Chronicler

Light's Voice

Princess Celestia was devastated. Not only had the figure who called himself Lord Darkus gotten away, but she had also been forced to banish her sister to the moon. Crying, Celestia wonders if she could ever make up for this mistake.

Watching from his realm, Lord Haon decided to send a copy of himself in order to calm the crying alicorn and explain to her what his brother had done.

“Princess Celestia, may I talk to you?”

Celestia shot up, wondering who was talking to her. Looking around she spotted a strange figure similar to the two she had encountered. But instead of wearing black cloaks, she noticed that this figure was wearing what appeared to be a white robe. A bright light emanated from the figure, though Celestia could tell that the being had blue eyes opposed to the yellow eyes that the previous figures she encountered had.

“Who… Who are you?” Celestia ask nervously, noting that although this being did not show much power, he emanated calmness from where he stood.

“I am Lord Haon, lord of the Realm of Eternal Light, or as some might call it, heaven.” He responded in a soft voice, further calming the princess.

“Why are you here?” Celestia asked, “And who were those two who had corrupted my sister.

Lord Haon responded, “The two you have encountered are my brother, Lord Darkus, and his champion and leader of the Shadow army, Dark Chonos. As to why I am here, I merely came to give you some comfort.”

Celestia scoffed, “And why did you not stop your brother from corrupting my sister? Why now do you show yourself after I had to banish my sister to the moon?”

“Because I could not, for you see, that was something that was meant to happen. It is just that my brother decided to change it up a bit where he was the one that had a hand on the events that have transpired.”

“What do you mean by that?” Celestia inquired, “And what else has he done that I have not been aware of?”

“I cannot tell you everything that he has done, but I can tell you that he had influenced some of your subjects into creating a cult in his name. As a response to that I have done the same thing, but I have them where they do whatever they can to stop my brother’s cult. Only now has he turned four of your ponies into his Shadows.”

Celestia was horrified, “H… How could he do that! Is it some sort of dark magic that he has used on my sister?”

Lord Haon shook his head, “No it is not the same dark magic that he used on your sister. What he has done to your sister, along with two others, is that he had planted a shadow seed, something that brings out the darkness in ones heart, and is latter used to boost his power from one of his clones. Sometimes he can do it when the victim is cooperative and already has a darkened heart, while other times he just forces it onto his victims. Though, the seed works best when he has given to a voluntary subject. I do not truly know who these other two are, but it would seem that your sister was forcefully given the seed.”

Celestia looked down in thought. That’s when a thought came to her, “So what you’re saying is that this seed is only temporary and that it could be removed?” She asked, hope in her eyes.

“Yes,” Lord Haon replied, “But in order for you to get your sister back, you will need to find at least one individual who would be among the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Until then, your sister will remain in that state until you have found the new bearers or Lord Darkus takes away all the darkness that has accumulated in the seed.”

“How will I know who the element bearers are?” Celestia asked, slowly losing hope.

“You must be on a lookout for a unicorn filly who will possess a great amount of magic. Once you have found this filly, you must teach her as your personal student and make sure that when the time comes, you will send her to the town that will be where your sister will make her return from imprisonment.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Celestia asked, suspicious of how well this being knows about the events that have happened and have yet to occur.

“Because this is how it should happen. Now remember, you will be able to get your sister back, but it will be these six ponies who will have the power to free her from the seed. There is also one more thing that I must add.”

Raising her eyebrow, Celestia ask, “And what would that be.”

“Ignore anyone whom would happen to bear a resemblance to me. However, there will be two wizards whom will appear in your world who will be from the universe that we are originally from in a time of two years after this day. At that point you will meet them and will make a promise with them on whatever they request of you. They will then make their home in the mountains where no one will be able to disturb them.”

“You seem to know many things. Are you sure that you don’t want to share some of that knowledge with me?”

“You must know that knowledge can be very dangerous at times. The knowledge that I possess pertaining to your world is not something that you must know. You must find out for yourself on what is happening and not rely on someone to tell you what is bound to happen so you could try and change it. My brother has already broken the rule of no direct influence on events in other universes, but as always he has done it anyway. Farewell Celestia, and ponder upon the words that I have spoken to you. I am confident that you will ultimately succeed in your endeavors.”

Lord Haon was about to return to his realm until Celestia called out “Wait, why do you and your brother need a copy of yourselves in order to leave your realm and come into our world?”

“Because we have been sealed in our respective realms by our brother, Lord Eternis,” Lord Haon replied, “Though, this seal was only temporary as he did not have the moral strength to seal us forever, much like how you only had the strength to only send your sister to the moon. My brother, Lord Darkus, has been trying to break his seal for many millennia, but has found a new way of releasing himself from his own imprisonment.”

“And what is it that he thinks could help him get out?”

“That is for you to find out in the future, for now I must leave.”

And with that Lord Haon disappeared in a flash of light, leaving Celestia thinking to herself about what had been said and what she is likely going to be doing over the course of time.

I guess I will have to see what happens in the meantime. She thought as she left the throne room.