One Mask Among Many.

by Golden Paw

Chapter Eight

        Buzz sat quietly in Scrund’s lair and listened to his ragged breathing. The little drone hadn’t awoken when she’d returned to the dank little cave and Buzz was quietly grateful for that. Looking around this little hovel she let the cool darkness wash over her.

        Buzz had no need of sleep so she simply sat and thought. Thought about her role in life and why the world could be so cruel. Life in Equestria had once seemed dull and confining to Buzz, the world outside a great adventure just waiting to be explored.

        Then she’d found this and it wasn’t anything like she’d expected. Buzz was ‘raised’ on stories of Twilight and the other famous ponies going out and accomplishing brave or very clever acts that changed the world. They didn’t say much about the hardships or the downright unfairness of the world.

        When she heard Discord recounting his fights with Celestia and Luna it sounded more like a crazy game. They would all smile and agree that things were much better now, how Twilight and her friends had helped Discord see the light of friendship. They seemed to gloss over the terrible things that had happened during those times and Buzz couldn’t help but wonder why.

        Scrund gave a little bubbly hiss before turning over and Buzz watched the changeling sleep. There was a peaceful manner to him now and Buzz couldn’t help but feel her own lips curl in a smile. The little guy was kind of sweet in a disturbing kind of way and not too different from a real pony on some levels.

        Without knowing quite why Buzz gently stroked the matted grass covering Scrund’s back and he gave a contented hiss, “Don’t worry little guy, I’ll find a way to make things better don’t you doubt it.” Buzz chuckled softly; look at me, playing nurse to a drone. If Twilight could see me now.

        The silence drew out for a time while she gently stroked Scrund’s pitted head and Buzz simply sat and reviewed her feelings. After the horrors of the old hive this place seemed almost homely and Buzz was surprised to find she actually liked it. There was love here, a simple, plain affection of shared adversity.

        Scrund cared for his little insect friends and they responded in kind, forming a mutually beneficial bond of sorts. Did he use his magic to bewitch his ‘friends’? That’s what Buzz had always understood about changelings. They didn’t make real friends, just bewitched their prey into adoring them, or who their victims thought they were at least.

        But if that were completely true then why did the wasps respond to Buzz so well? Maybe changelings just made any creature who fell under their spell adore members of the hive? She hoped it was more than just that. Buzz couldn’t believe that they didn’t have their own feelings, she certainly wasn’t under any spell and Scrund was overjoyed to have met her. Or maybe just anypony who showed him the least bit of kindness? After what he’s been through I don’t doubt it.

        Buzz checked her internal clock, they were long past midnight now and slowly crawling towards dawn. What was she going to tell Scrund when he awoke? Spike hadn’t checked back in with her so either he was delayed or.....

        A sharp sound caused Buzz to freeze. It was a slow tearing noise and as she swung her head up Buzz saw that a sharp point had pierced the membrane covering the doorway. Tensing she half closed her eyes as if asleep and watched as the sharp point drew a jagged line across the door and several pairs of cold blue eyes peered into the lair.

        Delicately Buzz switched to her arcane sight, enabling her to look upon the new intruders and instantly understood they ‘smelt’ wrong, familiar but different almost like the strange other scent in the hive....

        The newcomers slipped into the chamber, clicking and hissing at each other. The first drone through the doorway whispered to the others, “Just another loner’s dump - hardly worth the effort.”

        “The one I saw coming out of the old hive looked strong and healthy so don't tell me it's not worth it. You know the ‘Lady’s’ orders, any drones not of our hive are to be brought back for their essence,” the drone at the back sneered, "See there's two of them, double the find."

        At first glance all the drones looked the same, there were only tiny subtle differences that marked them out from each other. So in the gloom Buzz could only tell them apart by their voices. The first drone gave a low hiss before replying, “Fine let’s get on with it then.”

        Buzz tensed as the drone closed in, its horn glowing a dark green. She could see the build up of a spell charging and knew it was now or never and launched herself at the changeling. Her target only had a brief moment to look shocked before Buzz’s hoof connected with his jaw and snapped the drones head around. The spell he'd been preparing fired off into the ceiling before detonating with a loud crack.

        As their leader toppled backwards the other two drones hissed in challenge and to Buzz’s surprise she returned it with one of her own. Her two opposites glanced at their leader who was crumpled on the ground, a thin trickle of viscous slime leaking from his snout before glaring at Buzz again.

        Scrund stirred by the detonation fitfully awoke with a cry as further flashes of green magic lit up the room. His panicked cries mingling with the commotions of battle. Buzz ducked under a hurled bolt and slipped into the firer’s legs, buckling them with a heavy kick from her own. She may look like a changeling and even sound like one, but under that disguise Buzz was a machine. With mechanical strength she applied her hooves to a knee of the downed attacker and was rewarded with a satisfying cracking sound.

         The second changeling screeched in pain and flailed about on the floor pathetically, but Buzz was already moving again. She knew the feeling of anger when it burned in her core and Buzz was astonished to feel it so strongly now. These drones just kindled her rage beyond reason. Their smell was wrong, their very aura was infuriating and she.... The final opponent’s head crashed against the dirt wall of the chamber and he mewled pitifully. Buzz realised just what she was doing and felt the horror welling up inside.

        Buzz had him pressed up against the matted roots, her foreleg jammed under his chin and the drone’s frightened eyes stared at Buzz in fear. Every borrowed sense in Buzz screamed at her to apply enough pressure to snap this disgusting creature’s neck, but she reigned it in and fought for control of her mouth.

        “Who-are-you and what are you doing here?” Buzzbot’s voice had an edge to it, sounding more like a true changeling than ever before. To Buzz's dark delight the trapped drone simply hissed and squirmed weakly. The cripple drone on the floor continued to whine and Buzz struggled not to shut him up for good with a well placed hoof.

        “Answer me now!” Buzz screeched at her captive, her tattered wings flaring as her patience ran thin. She allowed the tiniest increase of pressure and the drone’s face was pushed slowly into the dirt wall.

        “Nizit....I’m Nizit,” ‘Nizit’ gasped and Buzz could see the little fractures beginning to appear on his carapace. She was slowly cracking his shell.

        “And what are you doing here?” Buzz hissed, fighting to not give in to her desires for what? Vengeance? Where did that idea come from?

        “Scout of ‘Lady Ichor’ I...I” Nizit hissed as Buzz pressed just a little harder. That name should mean something to me, it had a familial ring to it. Why doesn’t it?!

        Buzz’s programming wrestled for control and she saw a yawning abyss of anger and hurt threatening to swallow her whole. A spark of warning flashed in her mind and Buzz suddenly saw what she was doing and quailed at the realisation.

        She staggered back, a look of horror covering her face. Mercifully Nizit was too busy catching his breath to notice and Buzz was able to master herself before she spoke again, “And why would Lady Ichor want you to scout for us here hmm?”

        Nizit coughed a few times before glaring at Buzz, “You got a strong hoof I’ll give you that. I would never have guessed from one such as you.”

        Buzz hissed in warning; the anger muted for now and Nizit took the hint, “We’re to capture any who are not of the Lady’s hive for consumption, you of all creatures should know the desperate times we find ourselves in. The strong survive by any means.” The words washed over Buzz like smoke, making little sense.

        Nizit wasn’t finished however, “You’d do the same had the fates been reversed.” Nizit’s voice held confusion now and he peered at Buzz intently, “Who are you if we’re going to play this game before you kill me?”

        Buzz froze, she had no desire to kill this drone before her. Then Buzz felt a fresh surge from her borrowed sense, they certainly did. What’s come over me? “Grizz,” Buzzbot replied flatly as Nizit continued to stare at her.

        “Shame you were born into a losing hive, you could have gone far under Lady Ichor,” Nizit grinned, “you still can you know cousin.

        The understanding struck Buzz like a welding mallet, this Lady Ichor was kin to Queen Chrysalis! Nizit had called Buzz cousin, that meant that Lady Ichor was.... Suddenly the scent in the old hive made far more sense, it must have been Lady Ichor, Chrysalis' sister who..... Buzz’s train of thought derailed as she heard an unpleasant sound at her hooves.

        Scrund was cackling, his horn aglow as he drained the essence out of the stunned drone on the floor. His one good eye glinting with delight, Scrund grinned with excitement, “Grizz strong, Grizz bring food for Scrund!”

        A movement in the corner of Buzz’s vision caused her to snap her head back up. She was just in time to see Nizit diving back through the ruined door flap before scuttling up and out of sight. Buzz felt her stomach twist and her legs tremble as Scrund, with every sign of enjoyment, sapped the life out of the unconscious drone on the floor.

        Even as she watched the cracks and broken elements of Scrund’s carapace began to heal, the damage reverting back until it was shiny and whole again. Buzz wanted to tear her eyes away, but found she couldn't. Scrund drew the final vestiges of life out of the drone, the flesh evaporating into dust before leaving an empty shell. With an almost contemptuous kick Scrund sent the empty head pin-wheeling away and straightened. Buzz couldn't help but notice how he held himself a little taller than before.

        The moment was so sudden and terrifying that Buzz could only stare open mouthed as Scrund (with surprising care) removed the colony of grasses and insects that had been his shelter before grinning at her, “Well that’s much better, I haven’t had a good feed in such a long time.”

        Scrund’s voice was different, deeper and more controlled. He held himself with more poise than before. Gone was the shuffling and jabbering wreck that Buzz had come to know, replaced with an almost charismatic demeanour. The change wasn’t total however, Scrund still bore one milky white eye and now that Buzz could see him clearly she saw he had only ragged stumps where his wings would have been.

        Scrund breathed deeply before smiling confidently, “Thank you Grizz, without your help I would still be that miserable little creature.” He tilted his head towards the still whimpering drone on the floor who watched wild eyed, “Go on, you have more than earned your own share.”

        Buzz trembled and felt the bile rising in her throat. So many warring emotions and notions were clawing at her mind, “I...I”

        Scrund smiled indulgently, “Oh come now don’t be modest, that was some impressive fighting but you will need to keep up your own strength if we’re to rescue our Queen.”

        The thoughts wrestling with each other finally came to a head in Buzz’s overtaxed mind. She tried her best to understand the information so at odds with her feelings. Buzz simply couldn't reconcile them with what she’d just seen. Timid, simple Scrund had just sucked another changeling dry. Now this new creature had emerged from.... In the end her mind chose the safest option and Buzz felt her systems begin to shut down.

        With a tiny ‘urghurh’ she slumped to the floor of the cave, a suddenly concerned Scrund diving forward to catch her.

        Static, that was the first thing to greet Buzz as she powered up. Her mind went through a series of checks, sifting through the events that led to her total system crash like a pony checking their shopping list. She struggled to recall what had led to her system crash, but only found unpleasant garbled images best left alone.

        There were several gaps in her memory; nothing vital as far as she could tell, but frustrating by their absence. First level checks complete Buzz reviewed her body: Everything was intact and seemed to be in working order. Her disguise was still intact. Feeling more confident Buzz slowly opened her eyes and gazed into the hollow slits of an empty changeling’s head.

        She reared back and let out a hiss before she felt another’s hooves steadying her. Looking around Buzz saw Scrund smiling weakly at her, his hooves steadying her head and neck, “Ah you’re awake I was starting to....”

        Buzz flailed in panic as confused data came up in flashes. Images of Scrund that didn't fit. She pulled away from him and pressed herself against the dank surface of the cave: They were still in Scrund’s lair Buzz realised, the dank smells and cold light confirming her initial assessment. At least something was as it should be.

        Buzz allowed her panicked gaze to finally focus on Scrund and forced down the wash of conflicting feelings that welled up from her still ‘tender’ core. She didn't feel reassured as Scrund smiled weakly, his hooves held out in confusion, “Grizz it’s alright, we’re safe for now.”

        Buzz felt her heart hammering like a piston before she shook herself mentally, you don’t have a heart: You have a crystal power core and were built not born, focus Buzz focus! The fleeting image of Scrund sucking the very life out of that other drone returned to haunt her and she felt far from safe.

        “Okay, okay just get your bearings Grizz,” Scrund spoke in a reassuring tone his confident smile utterly at odds with the poor lost drone Buzz knew. I thought I knew. Scrund pressed on, “I admit you had me worried there, I thought you’d been somehow hurt in the fight,” Scrund’s easy going manner only vexed Buzz further.

        Buzz took time to glance around the chamber, seeing the hollow remains of Scrund’s last ‘meal’ scattered about the chamber. As she listened Buzz caught the sounds of angered hissing from under a mound of roots. Scrund followed her gaze and grinned wickedly, “Don’t worry he’s not going anywhere. Good idea about not killing him, we may need to question that traitor.”

        Buzz felt her stomach lurch, her pretend stomach lurch as she recalled Scrund’s eager urgings to feast. Steeling herself Buzz replied slowly, “Yeah that was the plan, of course it was.”

        Scrund’s smile fell, “You didn’t hit your head did you? It almost sounds like you spared him out of...” His face grew suspicious and Buzz felt her tiny spark of worry blossom into a hot fire of fear.

“Of course not, we need to find Queen Chrysalis and...” Buzz saw Scrund’s face darken.

        “And where have you been if not with our Queen? My mind may have been a bit hazy before, but it’s clear now Grizz and I recall your assurances that you’d take me back home,” Scrund’s words cut Buzz to the core, she had said that and now it was coming back to bite her.

         For once in her life Buzz felt her talent for lying suddenly dry up. She could only stare at Scrund with bemused eyes, her mouth hanging open and mind blank. Scrund ‘humphed’ and glared at the bound captive on the ground.

        “Well you’re not with them, it seems too far fetched that you’d put together a scheme of such cunning to double bluff me,” Scrund worked his jaw back and forth, “You’re of our hive: I smell it on you, but you evidently don’t know what happened to mother.” He fixed Buzz with a penetrating stare, “Start talking Grizz, I’m grateful for your help but there are just too many unanswered questions for me to trust you again.”

        Buzz blinked and summoned up her cover story, “My own colony was sacked a few weeks back, we’d fled after the hive fell and tried to....”

        Scrund looked angrily at ‘Grizz’, “You mean you fled?! When our Queen needed us most you turned tail and ran? What kind of loyalty is that?”

        Buzz was startled by the venom in his voice, but more so by such a sentiment coming from a changeling. It flew in the face of everything she’d been taught about them and Buzz looked on Scrund with new eyes, “What...”

        Scrund seemed not to hear Buzz, “What else should you have done? You should have stood and fought, you should have stood by mother. I should have known....”

        To Buzzbot’s mounting confusion Scrund’s eyes welled up with tears. The fire seemed to go out of him and Buzz could only watch in horror as Scrund turned and kicked their prisoner with all his might. She winced as a cracking sound mingled with another pained screech from the bound drone.

        Scrund took a few deep breaths and without turning to look at Buzz spoke slowly, “I’m sorry Grizz, what else could you have done? Mother was taken by Lady Ichor, the hive was lost. The enemy were already within the walls, there was nothing to do but flee.” The anguish in Scrund’s voice momentarily pushed aside Buzz’s fear and she held a hoof out to him in comfort.

        He glanced at the proffered limb and simply shook his head, “You’re right Grizz, now is not the time for placing blame. We need a plan, we need to find where they took mother and then we get her back!”

        Buzz winced internally. Scrund may have been healed in body, but he still bore scars of the heart. It made him more, well ‘pony’ and less of a monster in her eyes and there was a tiny flare of something in her core. It was new and Buzz couldn’t place it.

        Scrund let himself sink down and motioned with a hoof for Buzz to continue, “Sorry Grizz, you were telling me how you came to be here.”

         Buzz pushed aside the strange new emotion and focused on the task at hoof, “Well a few months ago an Equestrian force drove those few of us left in our little colony away. I had nowhere else to go. Coming back to see if anyone else had escaped seemed the best idea.”

        Buzz watched as Scrund’s face grew hard at the mention of Equestria and he hissed with scorn, “Yeah those ponies. Not content with starving us they come to drive us from our homes, kick us while we’re down.” A sudden thought seemed to spring to Scrund’s mind, “How long has it been since the hive fell Grizz? I wasn’t able to keep track of time before, well you know what state I was in.”

        “It’s been about two years since the attack from Equestria on the hive so,” Buzz left the answer hanging in the air and thankfully Scrund filled in the gaps.

        “A year! A year of wandering around as a drooling fool!” Scrund thumped the ground, “Curse Equestria, curse Lady Ichor and curse my....” He trembled and Buzz along with him, it sounded so strange to hear the name of her home being spoken of with such hatred.

        Scrund panted as the bout of anger subsided, “This moping isn’t getting us anywhere. The one who got away, he’s bound to let others know. We can’t stay here.”

        It pulled at Buzz’s heartstrings to see Scrund struggle. He was clearly wrestling with some pain, something more than just the loss of his home and she wanted to lay a comforting hoof on his shoulder.

        Without fully understanding why Buzz forgot her fears and hugged Scrund, it was a simple show of support and kindness. Scrund was no longer the ‘drooling fool’ as he put it. His mind had returned to him and it didn’t like what it found.

        She felt him shaking, the trembles of sorrow and pain finding voice in the action and all Buzz could do was hold him. She couldn’t tell him it would all be okay, because Buzz didn’t honestly know herself. Her own role in events made it unclear if she was a friend or foe.

        Here she was hugging a distressed changeling, not out of some duty or need to maintain her cover but because her heart went out to the poor creature. The realisation shocked Buzz to the core but before she could ponder these feelings further Scrund pushed away, his one good eye studying her intently.

        "Why did you hug me? That's a very pony thing to do..."  Scrund shook his head dismissively, “You’re a strange one Grizz, but honestly you’re all I have at the moment.” Buzz could see Scrund covering the pain. She'd done it enough times to know when a pony was 'looking tough'. It seemed even changelings shared that trait.

        Buzz felt a little reassured to think there was some common ground there and smiled with relief, “Thank you , I think.”

        He eyed Buzz again and looked like he was going say something more before shaking his head, “Okay, here’s the plan we’re going to deal with this traitor and then we can do our best to pick up mother’s scent.” Scrund kicked their captive for good measure and Buzz struggled not to wince.

        A disturbing look came into Scrund’s one good eye, all hunger and malice, “You go and keep watch Grizz. I have some questions to ask this one.”

        Buzz paused, unsure what to do. She didn’t want to think about what Scrund was clearly planning to do (or even worse let him do it) but how could she act otherwise and keep her cover? The answer came as the injured drone moaned pitifully and Buzz knew what she had to do.

        It would be quick, Buzz would make it quick and painless as possible, “I’ll talk with him Scrund you keep watch.”

        Scrund didn’t move, “Oh no Grizz you may be family, but I still don’t trust you enough for that.” He smiled, his fangs glinting in the pale light of the fungi, “Plus I don’t want to miss this.”

        Buzz’s heart sank. What do I do? With nothing else for it she slowly edged forwards to the bound drone on the floor who watched her with wide eyed fear. Why couldn’t he look at me with hate? Or anger? That would make this easier?

        She closed the gap and lent down, keenly aware that Scrund was watching her the whole time. Buzz placed her horn on his forehead and felt the unbidden urge from her disguise. It knew what to do even if Buzz didn’t and she clenched her teeth as the desires flowed over her. Fighting its pull, Buzz whispered in the downed drone’s ear, “I’m sorry, I really don’t want to do this.”

        It seemed for a moment that the whole world consisted of those fear filled blue eyes. Buzz could make out every facet of their insect like structure and thought she caught the traces of confusion there in. He doesn’t understand why I’m trying to be kind.

        The moment drew out and Buzz feared she simply couldn’t allow herself to do this before with a snarling hiss the drone snapped at her, all pretence of fear gone. Buzz only just missed having an eye gouged out by flashing fangs and with a final “Sorry” let the ‘hunger’ free reign.

        The magic flowed from Buzz’s horn and she felt her own essence connect with the drone on the ground. She could ‘see’ all his emotions, so like a pony’s yet twisted and distorted. Values like love and kindness bent out of shape to be replaced with an almost bottomless craving to steal such emotions from others.

         He was so alien to her, a mind so at odds with Buzz’s own, the differences far outweighing the few common similarities found there. She felt his ‘soul’ resist the magic she was channeling, as with almost wicked claws the spell began to draw his vital strength from him.

        Buzz was hit by the rewarding bliss so strong it almost staggered her. It was like a hole in her heart she’d never known was given a banquet after a lifetime of starvation. It set her every sense on fire with delight as power and strength flowed into Buzz, no not into her but through her.

        Her assumed identity was revelling in the act, lapping up the stolen vitality. But quick as it sucked life the substance simply poured out again like water through a sieve. Buzz wasn’t made to be a changeling no matter how much her disguise tried to convince her otherwise. The drained essence of the drone passed into her only to drain right out again before dissipating into the air and vanishing.

        In that moment Buzz felt an overwhelming relief, she wasn’t a changeling. Buzz was what her ‘parents’ had made her to be. The assumed identity was simply that, a disguise. A huge weight lifted from Buzzbot’s heart as her true self won out and she was able to complete the spell with detachment, doing what was needed and taking no joy in the act.

        Finally the ordeal was over, the tingling fire running through her dimmed and Buzz studied the now empty husk at her hooves. She’d spared the drone a terrible beating and removed the pain from his injuries. She had to tell herself that over and over again, the moment of understanding drawing out painfully, I just killed him.

        Her 'acting' wasn’t over though. Buzz forced herself to tremble as if with pleasure before grinning at Scrund (who to Buzzbot’s relief) returned it in kind, all trace of suspicion gone. Still aching from what she’d just done Buzz ensured to display the picture of satisfaction. Her lips curled upwards in a wicked grin, “Okay Scrund, let’s go get our queen back.”