Dark Conflict: The Solaris Chronicle

by Six Quills

In the Halls of Shadow

Chapter 5
In the Halls of Shadow

A blanket of smoky shadow was cast upon the floor of a long and darkened hallway. The hall stretched far, reaching two hundred feet long and fifty feet in width. At southern end of the corridor stood a massive door, comprised of dark wood and barred heavily with steel, two flickering torches standing guard, casting faint illumination into the shadows below. As the hall progressed beyond the door, a dark, blood-red carpet extended onwards. Lining the carpet were massive columns of metal, forged into exquisite and twisting designs, ascending high into a dark shadowy void. Standing off these pillars were more torches who were barely burning embers, serving only to cast faint yet ominous shadows upon the walls bordering the corridor; shadows that seemed like demons, invisible but ever-vigilant. High upon the walls were large glass windows, stained dark gray and black in order to extinguish any light from the outside. As the hallway reached the end, the pillars suddenly stopped and opened forming a semi-circle. The floor of this half-circle was bare stone, but as it drew towards the center it began to form arched steps. At the very center stood an elevated platform, which the red carpet lead to. Sitting on this platform was a large throne, made from steel and adorned with the skulls of many alicorns, pounded and beat together into something that could be sat upon. Seated in this throne, silent yet foreboding, was Malicious Shadow, the Emperor of Equestria.

Malicious was the very incarnation of shadow. His body was pitch black like an unlit night sky. He exhibited a long black cloak that frayed into swaying shadows as it touched the ground. Upon his head he wore a dark blue helmet that stretched all the way down his neck and darkened his face, save for his eyes that glowed a fierce white.

The doors at the southern end of the grand hall began to slowly creak open, and from the other side, two ponies began their approach to the throne. They moved swiftly across the shadowed floor and came to halt upon entering the semi-circle, where they bowed before Malicious. The Emperor then lifted and waved his hoof across his body, and in a deep striking voice, uttered a single word.


The two ponies lifted their heads and stood at attention as they awaited Malicious to speak again. These ponies were unicorns, and they were two of Malicious' generals, and his most trusted military leaders. To the left of Malicious was General Darkwind. A ruthless combatant, Darkwind was known throughout Equestria for his merciless methods. He had mastered a very powerful magic in which he could summon and unleash shadow lightning, earning him the title "The Black Thunder". He was covered from neck to hoof in the thick blackened steel armor that all of Malicious' army wore. His coat was an oily black, and his mane a shimmering silver, which extended and curved off his neck and came to a sharp point like a blade. To Malicious’ right was General Sombra. Still quite young, Sombra had proven his usefulness to the Emperor and quickly ascended through the ranks thanks to numerous back-to-back victories in the early years of Malicious' reign. Sombra didn't boast any unique physical attributes, and was a simple gray-coated unicorn with a flowing black mane. However, unlike the rest of the military, Sombra chose not to wear standard armor. Instead he simply wore metal guards around his legs and a large metal plate to cover his neck and chest.

"What news do you bring?" Malicous inquired calmly. Darkwind stepped forward and gave a small bow before answering.

"My lord, your armies have collected almost three thousand alicorns from across Equestria, which we believe to be nearly the entire alicorn population, but none appear to be this 'Solaris', nor do any seem to know who he is. They are being held within the coliseum, awaiting your instruction."

"Execute them immediatley," he answered slowly. "This hunt is growing tiresome. Come with me, I have new tasks for the both of you." Malicious climbed down from his throne and headed for the doors, Darkwind and Sombra close behind.

"If Solaris has not been found by my initial hunt, then we must assume he has escaped my armies and is eluding us. However, it is of no consequence. My power is absolute and cannot be denied. Darkwind, you are to take a small contingent of elite unicorns and began your hunt for Solaris. With your personal skills, a young alicorn such as he will not be able to stay hidden for long. Commence the execution of the alicorns at the coliseum, then gather your troops and set out."

"Yes, my Lord," Darkwind bowed then veered off to go and fulfill his orders. Malicious continued with Sombra past the doors and onto a balcony. Situated at the front of the castle, this balcony overlooked the Equestrian Capital below. The city was large, but in a dark, decrepit state. The many stone buildings showed obvious signs of imminent collapse from lack of maintenance. Hundreds of soldiers patrolled the streets below, abusing and oppressing the citizens. The citizens themselves lived in poverty, having little food and water, let alone any form of currency to help them live. Before Malicious' rule, the city was grand and prosperous, and a powerful center of commerce and trade for all of Equestria. However, with the change of power, the once great city had been turned into a town of nightmares.

"General Sombra," Malicious continued. "My task for you shall be a true test of your abilities. Far to the northeast lies the Crystal Empire. The Empire possesses a powerful magic that has kept my armies at bay for years. Such magic is still nothing compared to my power, but I have my own goals that I must work towards here. Instead I shall send you, but take this."

A whirlwind of shadow erupted from Malicious' horn. It launched into the air, looped around, then brought itself down upon Sombra. The shadow soaked his body before being slowly absorbed through his coat. Sombra's body began to cringe and jerk has he began a truly grotesque transformation. First, his gray horn curved upwards and turned a burning crimson-red color. Next, his mane and tail morphed from normal hair into darkened shadows that waved like fire. Finally, his eyes turned green, his irises became a glowing red, and from the corners of his eyes streamed a magic violet haze.

"You have been given a small fraction of my power. With it, you can shatter the magic that defends the Crystal Empire. Assemble your army and dispatch immediately." With that, Sombra bowed and departed. Malicious, left to his solitude on the balcony, looked out into the city below.

"This prophecy is but another trial towards my goal," he spoke to himself. "The light of Solaris will be drowned in shadow. With each passing day, my ascension draws closer. It will not be long before I can reshape this world as I see fit." Malicious smirked beneath his helmet as he spun and returned to the castle.