Thunderstorm and the flying black ponies of ponynam part 1 of ten

by admiralthunderstorm

crazy stupid drunks.....

We get off the helicopter and go to a bar.
We order a couple of Lowenbrau beers that turn into a couple more beers that eventually turn into a couple of Jack Daniel bottles.
I cant remember how much we drank but half of us couldn't stand.
That's when we saw the dogs.

Rolo stood up and gestured the waitress over to us,
" How much for those dogs??"
Ponynamese talk funny.
"Oh them? they're not for sell."
Which through my drunkenness I could figure out that meant they're not for sale.
That wouldn't fly with my fly boys.
"So, we'll come in tonight and steal those doggies."
"But sir, we don't have enough"------

So, we got out at about 12:00 midnight and I walked up to the watchman on duty..
"What you are about to be witness to, you are not witness to do you understand?"

He just nodded.

We made our way across the street, stumbling like the drunks we are and made our way around the back.
Rolo tried the lock
"Locked." he stated
I tried the ladder. needless to say, it was slicker than two eels screwing in a bucket of snot.

I finally got up to the top and I looked down.

Fifteen dog burglars were stumbling around, giggling like a bunch of colt scouts going to their first pantie raid.
We got up on the roof and tried to find a way in.

We found one in and stood looking at it.

Note: This is a house built by the pony-Vietnamese, for the pony-Vietnamese who aren't very big. Now it held 16 full grown colts from equestrian who averaged 100 pounds for a grand total of 1600 pounds standing in an area of about 20 square feet.

"What's that sound?" I said
"Sounds like something's breaking." Rolo said
No sooner were the words out of his mouth than all of us found ourselves in with the bar lady's hookers.

Screams rang out into the night as we picked up the ten dogs and ran for light.
We also found out something about wet stairs.
You cant stop very easily on them.

We hit the front door, after falling 2 flights of stairs and the door never stood a chance.

We ran across the street and the watchman stood there with a shocked expression on his face.